Log Dump CISCO7942 /FS/cache/log

Mar 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. |== Syslogd TNP== Wed Dec 16 03:43:03 2009
  2. ====================================================
  3. 531: NOT 03:43:03.308495 tftpClient: Non secure file approved -- cisco_dialplan.xml
  4. 532: NOT 03:43:03.333301 TFTP: [28]:Requesting cisco_dialplan.xml from with size limit of 550001
  5. 533: NOT 03:43:03.336858 TFTP: [28]:Finished --> rcvd 134 bytes
  6. 534: ERR 03:43:03.344735 JVM: tftpClient softkeys.xml /usr/cache/SK89032013 550001 1
  7. 535: NOT 03:43:03.422320 tftpClient: request server 1 --->
  8. 536: NOT 03:43:03.422966 tftpClient: tftp request rcv'd from /usr/tmp/tftp, srcFile = softkeys.xml, dstFile = /usr/cache/SK89032013 max size = 550001
  9. 537: NOT 03:43:03.424112 ESP: server 1 =
  10. 538: NOT 03:43:03.451142 tftpClient: auth server - tftpList[0] = ::ffff:
  11. 539: NOT 03:43:03.451721 tftpClient: look up server - 0
  12. 540: WRN 03:43:03.453394 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
  13. 541: NOT 03:43:03.455432 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa
  14. 542: NOT 03:43:03.456047 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server
  15. 543: NOT 03:43:03.456560 tftpClient: look up server - 1
  16. 544: WRN 03:43:03.458218 SECD: WARN:lookupCTL: ** no CTL, assume TFTP NONSECURE
  17. 545: NOT 03:43:03.460808 tftpClient: secVal = 0xa
  18. 546: NOT 03:43:03.461475 tftpClient: ::ffff: is a NONsecure server
  19. 547: NOT 03:43:03.461938 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking
  20. 548: NOT 03:43:03.462394 tftpClient: temp retval = SRVR_NONSECURE, keep looking
  21. 549: NOT 03:43:03.462821 tftpClient: retval = 10
  22. 550: NOT 03:43:03.463259 tftpClient: Secure file requested
  23. 551: NOT 03:43:03.463705 tftpClient: Non secure file approved -- softkeys.xml
  24. 552: NOT 03:43:03.493683 TFTP: [27]:Requesting softkeys.xml from with size limit of 550001
  25. 553: NOT 03:43:03.496485 TFTP: [27]:Error --> File not found
  26. 554: NOT 03:43:03.502363 SYSMSG: pid 27 (/sbin/tftpd) Normal Exit, status = 2
  27. 555: INF 03:43:03.502402 runtime = 0.030 secs
  29. 556: INF 03:43:03.502421 user cpu = 0.001207270 secs
  31. 557: INF 03:43:03.502438 system cpu = 0.010137600 secs
  33. 558: INF 03:43:03.502452 child user cpu = 0.000000000 secs
  35. 559: INF 03:43:03.502465 child sys cpu = 0.000000000 secs
  37. 560: INF 03:43:03.502485 sys interrupts = 0.002465400 secs for 33 interrupts
  39. 561: INF 03:43:03.502517 total cpu = 0.011344870 secs ( 33% utilization )
  41. 562: ERR 03:43:03.986609 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.m: - Error in downloading softkey file errorCode=2
  42. 563: NOT 03:43:03.987993 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
  43. 564: NOT 03:43:03.989347 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.sipcc.d: - initializeLinePlane(): Mgmt Interface is in Service now..
  44. 565: NOT 03:43:04.004193 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
  45. 566: NOT 03:43:06.182542 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
  46. 567: NOT 03:43:06.185664 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.midp.midletsuite.InstallerModule:? - propertyChanged - device.callagent.messages.0 value=0
  47. 568: NOT 03:43:06.188084 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
  48. 569: NOT 03:43:06.189232 ESP: server 2 = ::
  49. 570: NOT 03:43:06.194587 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
  50. 571: NOT 03:43:06.196955 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
  51. 572: NOT 03:43:06.197919 ESP: server 3 = ::
  52. 573: NOT 03:43:06.200811 ESP: send ADMIN, logging = 1, shell = 0, ipconfig = 1
  53. 574: NOT 03:43:06.206879 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
  54. 575: NOT 03:43:06.220964 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.settings.network.ipstacksstate
  55. 576: NOT 03:43:06.222349 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - ConfigManager IP_STACKS_STATE changed
  56. 577: NOT 03:43:06.223703 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - IPv4 state=DHCP BOUND
  57. 578: NOT 03:43:06.225027 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - IPv6 state=STACK TURNED OFF
  58. 579: WRN 03:43:06.229748 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL
  59. 580: WRN 03:43:06.233876 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL
  60. 581: NOT 03:43:06.250453 tftpClient: request server 0 --->
  61. 582: NOT 03:43:06.272150 tftpClient: request server 1 --->
  62. 583: NOT 03:43:06.279900 tftpClient: request server 0 --->
  63. 584: NOT 03:43:06.282436 ESP: server 0 =
  64. 585: NOT 03:43:06.294366 tftpClient: request server 1 --->
  65. 586: NOT 03:43:06.297009 ESP: server 1 =
  66. 587: NOT 03:43:06.304996 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
  67. 588: NOT 03:43:06.307215 ESP: server 2 = ::
  68. 589: NOT 03:43:06.332256 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
  69. 590: NOT 03:43:06.333264 ESP: server 3 = ::
  70. 591: NOT 03:43:06.356170 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
  71. 592: NOT 03:43:06.362391 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
  72. 593: ERR 02:43:37.373690 JVM: %REG auth failed: ack timer
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