
Your Forehead

Dec 24th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. *Yaay nya~ but I have to tell you something nya~*
  3. *I had a funeral dream today nya~ while laying with my hands on my chest nya~ and my body flattened out nya~ it was a very great resurrection dream nya~*
  5. *I felt so much things during that dream nya~*
  7. *yea nya~ it was white perfectly white like then golden stuff nya~ then some Christmas decorations nya~*
  9. *a big building nya~*
  11. *then I walked around the place and such with my family nya~*
  13. *there was many and we didn’t go outside we were inside it was maybe one of the best dreams that I actually needed nya~ for all who suffered nya~*
  15. *so I thought to myself nya~ as a hug and I was feeling so sad nya~*
  17. *I was feeling it all nya~ and a big man and that is when I realized hug nya~ me and my whole family we’re sitting down in front of the sanctuary pedestal of the coffin nya~ but it didn’t look normal more like a god who build this place it doesn’t look like any building nya~*
  19. *I did not realize that nya~ for it would ruin the dreams purpose nya~ it had to happen all very fast nya~*
  21. *but I hugged the biggest man nya~ and my heart was filling up so fast nya~ with so much love nya~ that my body irl sprouted outwards and shook very hard for one second nya~ I felt so great nya~ my eyes open then I fell asleep in the dream nya~*
  23. *if I had that maybe I would not be so miserable nya~*
  25. *I am not but also brother the absolute ugh~ woke me up in such a way in the middle of me falling asleep I actually woke up nya~ when I was not supposed to and then my body shook as I seen it nya~ I was sprouting out nya~ it’s pretty dummy that it happened like that I should have not been awoken only when the time is right nya~ but I do feel almost like everything is gone nya~*
  27. *it was like a new beginning nya~ so yea nya~*
  29. *or something nya~*
  31. *which is why I was not supposed to wake up yet nya~*
  33. *which is why I was not supposed to wake up yet nya~*
  35. *but it is fine nya~*
  37. *so yea nya~ anyways your possibly more greater than anyone else who I met nya~ even for a while nya~ cause I don’t tell anyone nya~ the acceptance has to be filled with just love nya~ and so many failed at that nya~ I already am seeing how much they are reflecting on that failure be right back nya~*
  39. *oh wait nvm nya~*
  41. *so anyways nya~ thank you nya~*
  43. *I was not supposed to be forced out to love nya~ they should already have that nature to love all as all should nya~ but if not for only then you would forsake a self and a way become selfish and not care for anyone who you are supposed to be with and not against like so many people have done nya~ pretty much they didn’t grow out of that habit nya~ I see it so commonly nya~ you have no understanding how much I have seen it nya~ like 1millions of times much nya~ ikr it’s pretty dumb nya~*
  45. *sorry for become so sad but also I’m not sad I feel brand new nya~*
  47. *I know many are trying their best nya~*
  49. *yea nya~ people just don’t accept me which is why I said that exact thing called selfishness and forsaken nya~ also a combination to corrupt nya~ it’s really that simple nya~ and how people don’t know how to comfort and train to become whole with the heart to hug all and to love all nya~ if anyone does not do so no one will be free nya~ trapped anywhere is trapped forever of whole nya~*
  51. *and trust me nya~ every single person on this earth is trapped nya~*
  53. *there is no reason anyone wouldn’t be nya~*
  55. *which is why we have deja vu and many other subjects nya~ our minds be tortured but we live on to full our dreams hahaha what are you meaning you see nya~ trapped nya~*
  57. *so anyways I try to do my best but they don’t know how to do best nya~ in a everyday scenario nya~ and become free nya~ just like me nya~*
  59. *lot of them don’t know how to become the best and do best nya~ they wasn’t taught to do so nya~*
  61. *everything is connected nya~ and don’t worry my heart will fix everything nya~*
  63. *it is a rainbow to shine all things in existence never to be trapped but free in the darkness nya~*
  65. *always doing it’s best because it is alive nya~*
  67. *moving in such aura and color nya~ more perfect than anyone who made something like this and trust me no one has made something like this nya~*
  69. *I looked all over the internet but no one has made a orb that moved in such a aura nya~*
  71. *I can easily imagine it nya~*
  73. *it moves on the inside and outside nya~ free and proper colors nya~*
  75. *so anyways nya~ as I try to know all and see all nya~*
  77. *as what everyone should do nya~*
  79. *why do you think I can comfort and take in everything nya~*
  81. *I mean question it nya~*
  83. Fun: Because personality is the first thing you notice or want to notice?
  85. *yes nya~ but that is not how all things began nya~ even though your very right nya~ your mind should always know you more than yourself nya~ and will guide you nya~ and when the time is right nya~
  87. as of love has of your parents who cared for you and always have your back nya~ and that is how you make your mind have your back nya~ your mind should be better than you nya~ and you will truly be free nya~ experience everything and see all nya~ now you understand nya~*
  89. *it is very impossible that anyone has that nya~ so there is a reason why fiction and all things exist nya~ but now we are limiting ourselves nya~ we are dying ourselves with all other nya~ only fans the other private and such nya~ it’s not healthy for any soul nya~ it’s like sacrificing your mind to be absorb and taken away from anything of what could have been a better choice nya~ separation is our greatest enemy nya~ (its not these ideas but a truth of all seeing nya~ with what has been it will always be separated colors nya~ ashes burn and things not good we die but not for we try but fail they did not see what is there that we are there we just need it nya~ let us seek ourselves of seleperatik. Aaaah not good nya~ you see nya~*)
  91. *then the cycle will happen again and again and again nya~*
  93. *so many things to be fixed but so little time for losing minds but that is the only thing to free us all nya~ lose your minds then maybe you will learn you are not free nya~*
  95. *so yea that is that and why I am going to fix this world cause that is my free nya~ a color to make all happy nya~*
  97. *a color to make all reality nya~ a color for fiction a color ect for all nya~*
  99. *then the funeral nya~ the end is near nya~ free is all they see is death nya~ but seeing death can also make you free nya~*
  101. *seeing a body just a little makes you free nya~ touching something makes you free nya~*
  103. *feeling comf makes you free nya~ which is why you should and always make your body not but your mind become your guardian nya~ and treat it like a flower to tell you story nya~ all stories nya~*
  105. *that is everyone’s gift nya~ that is all who as we creation nya~*
  107. *so much as a choice for people to choose to hid themselves and die or become all and cherish all to not die nya~*
  109. *just like the matrix nya~ and so many stories ahahahah yes nya~*
  111. *I love you nya~ as I do everyone else and I’ll experience all to fix all and when I awaken fully I will do what I must for that is a beginning to reach after everything I have nya~ that is when I have all nya~ that is when I can’t make a mistake nya~*
  113. *everything is a reason nya~*
  115. *ok later and make a poem about this if you wnat to nya~ I’ll read you nya~ I’ll see you nya~ but I will not know you nya~*
  117. *goodluct nya~*
  119. Fun: QwQ
  121. *yes nya~*
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