
The Terminator P79

Nov 2nd, 2024
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  1. The ruins were a frantic blur of half-seen images as
  2. Reese drove like a demon, gunning the APC over, up, and
  3. through the blasted-dead terrain. The kid jumped into the
  4. gun harness and glued his eyes to the laser sight of the big
  5. plasma-pulse gun. He was rapidly searching the sky for the
  6. Aerial.
  7. It found them. It came swinging down in a forty-degree
  8. banking roll, searchlights glaring, turbos roaring at their top
  9. end, and fired a thunderous salvo of plasma.
  10. The charge tore into the side of the Camaro. crum-
  11. pling it like a beer can. The wheel was torn from Reese’s
  12. hands. Another bolt punched into the APC and kicked it end
  13. over end.
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