
*radiant list (2017-07-27)

Sep 18th, 2016 (edited)
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  6. > but maybe it would be a good idea for us to start packaging the latest Radiant with the relevant game files.
  8. Please no!
  10. Let's welcome:
  12. - AARadiant (from Alien Arena project, NetRadiant fork)
  13. - CoDRadiant (from Call of Duty project)
  14. - DarkRadiant (from The Dark Mod project, for Doom 3 engine based games, GtkRadiant 1.5.0 fork)
  15. - ETXRadiant (from ET:XreaL project, DarkRadiant fork)
  16. - GtkRadiant (multiplatform port of QERadiant using GTK gui toolkit instead of MFC one)
  17. - HMF2Radiant (from Heavy Metal: FAKK2 project, part of FAKKTools, the binary is named Q3Radiant, and advertises itself as QERadiant in some places)
  18. - MacRadiant (GTKRadiant port to Mac OS X)
  19. - MoHRadiant (MOHAATools, from Medal of Honnor: Allied Assault project, QERadiant fork)
  20. - NetRadiant (community fork of GTKRadiant 1.5, advertised as “A Stabilized Q3 Map Editor” in former icculus' repository with a former website hosted by Alien Trap, now hosted and somewhat maintained by the Xonotic team)
  21. - ODRadiant (from OverDose project, there is some GTKRadiant traces in it)
  22. - OWRadiant (from OWEngine project, an unfriendly renamed Qio Engine copypaste namesquatting the former OpenWolf project)
  23. - QERadiant (original public radiant based on QE4, QE stands for Quake Ed the in-house editor for Quake¹, QE4 was the in-house Quake 2 level editor)
  24. - Q3Radiant (former name for QERadiant, in-house Quake 3 level editor)
  25. - QioRadiant (from Qio Engine project)
  26. - QtRadiant (the one by Ensiform)
  27. - QtRadiant (the one by Radegast)
  28. - Radiant (from Doom 3 source tree)
  29. - SDRadiant (from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory project, SD stands for Splash Dammage)
  30. - SoFRadiant (from Soldier of Fortune project)
  31. - ÜberRadiant (from Star Trek: Elite Force 2 project, Über stands for ÜberGames)
  32. - UFORadiant (from UFO:AI project)
  33. - VolatileRadiant (from Volatile3D II project)
  34. - VRadiant (from Vexcis project)
  35. - WolfRadiant (from ET:Legacy project)
  36. - XreaLRadiant (from XreaL project)
  37. - ZeroRadiant (code name for GTKRadiant 1.6 which is a successor to GTKRadiant 1.4)
  39. And soon:
  41. - DæmonRadiant
  42. - YetAnotherRadiant
  44. I'm pretty sure I forget something.
  46. There is no NetBlender, no GTKBlender, no DarkBlender, no XreaLBlender.
  48. If you need to package it, it means there is something wrong elsewhere.
  50. ________
  51. ¹ Fun stuff, QuakeEd (from which the QE in QERadiant comes from) was running on NextStep, so everytime you write down the "qer_editorimage" keyword in a shader, it's because of that 20 years old in-house Quake level editor running on NextStep.
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