
All You Need To Create A Website 2018

Feb 28th, 2018
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  134. <time class="published" datetime="2018-02-26T05:41:00-08:00" title="2018-02-26T05:41:00-08:00">
  135. February 26, 2018
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  144. <p lang="en-GB"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif"><font style="font-size: 16pt" size="4"><b><font face="Times New Roman, serif"></font></b><i><span style="font-weight: normal">Everybody
  145.             has acknowledged the aspects and benefits of having their own
  146.             website. Let it be for personal, family, office, hotels, and for
  147.             any school. Everybody want their friends, family, customers or
  148.             audiences connected to them. Websites are changing the way see our
  149.             world. </span></i></font></font>
  150.             </p>
  151.             <p style="font-weight: normal" lang="en-GB"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif"><font style="font-size: 16pt" size="4"><i>Web
  152.             development is a fast growing business. The more it benefits, the
  153.             more easier it is. Even an 80 years old can make a simple website.
  154.             This blog will guide you through step by step process to become a
  155.             renowned web developer. <br><br>Web development can be divided
  156.             into three sections. They are:<br><font color="#ffff00">1. <u>Front End Developing</u></font><br><font color="#ffff00">2.
  157.             <u>Back End Developing</u></font><br><font color="#ffff00">3. <u>Domain And Hosting</u></font><br><br><font color="#00ffff">Front
  158.             End Developing:</font><br>Front End deals with client side. This manages
  159.             the appearance and decoration of website, tools and techniques to
  160.             make interactions between client and website. The main objective
  161.             of front end development is design a site that is user-friendly,
  162.             eye catching and availability of related information.</i></font></font></p>
  163.             <p style="font-weight: normal" lang="en-GB"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif"><font style="font-size: 16pt" size="4"><i>There
  164.             are several tools and methods in front end developing. Hosing the
  165.             right tool for right job is essential. Some of the main tools are:</i></font></font></p>
  166.             <p style="font-weight: normal" lang="en-GB"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif"><font style="font-size: 16pt" size="4"><i>
  167.             <font color="#00ffff">a)
  168.             <u>Hyper Text Mark-up Language</u> (HTML)</font> <br>Hypertext Markup Language
  169.             is the backbone of any website development process. It gives the
  170.             main structure of how the site will look. Without HTML, no website
  171.             exists. Hyper Text means the site will contain texts that will
  172.             take the client to the another page/site. Markup indicates that
  173.             the text can be turned into images, tables or other
  174.             representations. </i></font></font>
  175.             </p>
  176.             <p style="font-weight: normal" lang="en-GB"><font face="Tahoma, sans-serif"><font style="font-size: 16pt" size="4"><i>HTML
  177.             was developed by Tim Berners-Lee. The latest version of HTML is
  178.             called HTML5 which contains new and efficient ways of handling
  179.             elements such as videos and audio files. <br><br><font color="#00ffff">b) <u>Cascading
  180.             Style Sheets</u> (CSS)</font> <br>CSS controls the decoration of your site
  181.             and allows your site to have your own unique. It works by
  182.             maintaining style sheet which sits on top of another style sheet.
  183.             It can be used to change look of the site based the screen size of
  184.             the device&nbsp; and resolutions. Any element of HTML can be
  185.             assigned ID/CLASS which are later used by CSS to give unique look.
  186.             <br><br><font color="#00ffff">c) <u>JavaScript</u> (JS)</font><br>JavaScript is an event based
  187.             imperative programming language that is used to transform a static
  188.             HTML page into a dynamic interface. It transforms the look or
  189.             structure of HMTL page based on the clients actions. For example,
  190.             when client hovers his/her mouse over a image, the description of
  191.             image pops up and many more. Without JavaScript, the HTML alone
  192.             feels boring. So efficient use of JavaScript can attract client,
  193.             keep client busy in your page and change element of your page as
  194.             per users requests or inputs. <br><br>Front End covers from
  195.             structure of HTML page carried by its looks and decoration and
  196.             extend up to its dynamic behavior. You must be wondering where do
  197.             I write my codes and check the result? All you need is text editor
  198.             app and a browser. Make sure you save your code with .htm or .html
  199.             extension. You can write your CSS and JavaScript inside your HTML
  200.             code... or you can write in separate file and make a link inside
  201.             HTML code. At last you can run your .html file to check your
  202.             progress at any time. </i></font></font>
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