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- -- // MoreUNC V2.0.0, Have fun skidding devs!
- -- origin:
- local Operations = { -- Fixes executors that only use lua, not luau
- Addition = {'(%w+)(%s*)%+=(%s*)(%w+)', '%1%2=%3%1%2+%3%4'}, -- v1+=v2 -> v1=v1+v2
- Subtraction = {'(%w+)(%s*)%-=(%s*)(%w+)', '%1%2=%3%1%2-%3%4'}, -- v1-=v2
- Multiplication = {'(%w+)(%s*)%*=(%s*)(%w+)', '%1%2=%3%1%2*%3%4'}, -- v1*=v2
- Division = {'(%w+)(%s*)/=(%s*)(%w+)', '%1%2=%3%1%2/%3%4'}, -- v1/=v2
- Modulus = {'(%w+)(%s*)%%=(%s*)(%w+)','%1%2=%3%1%2%%%3%4'}, -- v1%=v2
- Concatenation = {'(%w+)(%s*)%.%.=(%s*)(%w+)', '%1%2=%3%1%2..%3%4'} -- v1..=v2
- }
- local forceoverride = {}
- function replace(Code)
- for _, t in next, Operations do
- Code = string.gsub(Code, t[1], t[2])
- end
- return Code
- end
- local Options = {
- OverrideFunctions = false, -- If the executor Overrides already existing functions
- enviroment = setmetatable({}, {__protected = 'This metatable is protected'}) -- i don't really care if you unprotect it.
- }
- -- // Localization:
- local rawget = rawget
- local loadstring = loadstring
- local oldLoadstring = loadstring
- local setmetatable = setmetatable
- local type = type
- local pairs = pairs
- local next = next
- local typeof = typeof
- local debug = debug
- local table = table
- local string = string
- local bit32 = bit32
- local require = require
- local Queue = {}
- Queue.__index = Queue
- function
- local self = setmetatable({}, Queue)
- self.elements = {}
- return self
- end
- function Queue:Queue(element)
- table.insert(self.elements, element)
- end
- function Queue:Update()
- if #self.elements == 0 then
- return nil
- end
- return table.remove(self.elements, 1)
- end
- function Queue:IsEmpty()
- return #self.elements == 0
- end
- function Queue:Current()
- return self.elements
- end
- local ClipboardQueue =
- -- // Instances:
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local ScriptType = script.ClassName == 'Script' and 'Server' or script.ClassName == 'LocalScript' and 'Client' or script.ClassName == 'ModuleScript' and 'Module'
- local lp = ScriptType == 'Client' and Players.LocalPlayer or Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
- getgenv = getgenv or function()
- return getfenv(0)
- end
- -- // Variables
- local hui = nil
- local valid = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890'
- local nilinstances, CachedInstances, DrawingCache = {"LocalScript")}, {}, {}
- local keys={[0x08]=Enum.KeyCode.Backspace,[0x09]=Enum.KeyCode.Tab,[0x0C]=Enum.KeyCode.Clear,[0x0D]=Enum.KeyCode.Return,[0x10]=Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift,[0x11]=Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl,[0x12]=Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt,[0x13]=Enum.KeyCode.Pause,[0x14]=Enum.KeyCode.CapsLock,[0x1B]=Enum.KeyCode.Escape,[0x20]=Enum.KeyCode.Space,[0x21]=Enum.KeyCode.PageUp,[0x22]=Enum.KeyCode.PageDown,[0x23]=Enum.KeyCode.End,[0x24]=Enum.KeyCode.Home,[0x2D]=Enum.KeyCode.Insert,[0x2E]=Enum.KeyCode.Delete,[0x30]=Enum.KeyCode.Zero,[0x31]=Enum.KeyCode.One,[0x32]=Enum.KeyCode.Two,[0x33]=Enum.KeyCode.Three,[0x34]=Enum.KeyCode.Four,[0x35]=Enum.KeyCode.Five,[0x36]=Enum.KeyCode.Six,[0x37]=Enum.KeyCode.Seven,[0x38]=Enum.KeyCode.Eight,[0x39]=Enum.KeyCode.Nine,[0x41]=Enum.KeyCode.A,[0x42]=Enum.KeyCode.B,[0x43]=Enum.KeyCode.C,[0x44]=Enum.KeyCode.D,[0x45]=Enum.KeyCode.E,[0x46]=Enum.KeyCode.F,[0x47]=Enum.KeyCode.G,[0x48]=Enum.KeyCode.H,[0x49]=Enum.KeyCode.I,[0x4A]=Enum.KeyCode.J,[0x4B]=Enum.KeyCode.K,[0x4C]=Enum.KeyCode.L,[0x4D]=Enum.KeyCode.M,[0x4E]=Enum.KeyCode.N,[0x4F]=Enum.KeyCode.O,[0x50]=Enum.KeyCode.P,[0x51]=Enum.KeyCode.Q,[0x52]=Enum.KeyCode.R,[0x53]=Enum.KeyCode.S,[0x54]=Enum.KeyCode.T,[0x55]=Enum.KeyCode.U,[0x56]=Enum.KeyCode.V,[0x57]=Enum.KeyCode.W,[0x58]=Enum.KeyCode.X,[0x59]=Enum.KeyCode.Y,[0x5A]=Enum.KeyCode.Z,[0x5D]=Enum.KeyCode.Menu,[0x60]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadZero,[0x61]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadOne,[0x62]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadTwo,[0x63]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadThree,[0x64]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadFour,[0x65]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadFive,[0x66]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadSix,[0x67]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadSeven,[0x68]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadEight,[0x69]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadNine,[0x6A]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadMultiply,[0x6B]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadPlus,[0x6D]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadMinus,[0x6E]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadPeriod,[0x6F]=Enum.KeyCode.KeypadDivide,[0x70]=Enum.KeyCode.F1,[0x71]=Enum.KeyCode.F2,[0x72]=Enum.KeyCode.F3,[0x73]=Enum.KeyCode.F4,[0x74]=Enum.KeyCode.F5,[0x75]=Enum.KeyCode.F6,[0x76]=Enum.KeyCode.F7,[0x77]=Enum.KeyCode.F8,[0x78]=Enum.KeyCode.F9,[0x79]=Enum.KeyCode.F10,[0x7A]=Enum.KeyCode.F11,[0x7B]=Enum.KeyCode.F12,[0x90]=Enum.KeyCode.NumLock,[0x91]=Enum.KeyCode.ScrollLock,[0xBA]=Enum.KeyCode.Semicolon,[0xBB]=Enum.KeyCode.Equals,[0xBC]=Enum.KeyCode.Comma,[0xBD]=Enum.KeyCode.Minus,[0xBE]=Enum.KeyCode.Period,[0xBF]=Enum.KeyCode.Slash,[0xC0]=Enum.KeyCode.Backquote,[0xDB]=Enum.KeyCode.LeftBracket,[0xDD]=Enum.KeyCode.RightBracket,[0xDE]=Enum.KeyCode.Quote}
- local vim;
- -- // Drawing:
- local FakeFonts = setmetatable({
- UI = 0,
- System = 1,
- Plex = 2,
- Monospace = 3,
- }, {
- __call = function(s) return s end
- })
- local Fonts = {
- [0] = Enum.Font.Arial,
- [1] = Enum.Font.BuilderSans,
- [2] = Enum.Font.Gotham,
- [3] = Enum.Font.RobotoMono
- }
- local Base = {
- Visible = false,
- Color =,0,0),
- ClassName = nil,
- Remove = function(self)
- for i, v in next, DrawingCache do
- if v == self then
- local a = i
- i:Destroy()
- DrawingCache[a] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- }
- Base.Destroy = Base.Remove
- local LineProps = {
- From =, 0),
- To =, 0),
- Thickness = 0,
- Transparency = 0,
- Visible = false,
- Color =, 0, 0)
- }
- local TextProps = {
- Text = '',
- Transparency = 0,
- Size = 0,
- Center = false,
- Outline = false,
- OutlineColor =,0,0),
- Position =,0),
- Font = 3,
- }
- -- // Drawing end
- local function try(fn, ...)
- return (pcall(fn, ...))
- end
- local function newcclosure(f)
- local a = coroutine.wrap(function(...)
- local b = {coroutine.yield()}
- while true do
- b = {coroutine.yield(f(table.unpack(b)))}
- end
- end)
- a()
- return a
- end
- local function getthreadidentity()
- local securityChecks = {
- {
- name = "None",
- number = 0,
- canAccess = try(function() return game.Name end)
- },
- {
- name = "PluginSecurity",
- number = 1,
- canAccess = try(function() return game:GetService("CoreGui").Name end)
- },
- {
- name = "LocalUserSecurity",
- number = 3,
- canAccess = try(function() return game.DataCost end)
- },
- {
- name = "WritePlayerSecurity",
- number = 4,
- canAccess = try(, "Player")
- },
- {
- name = "RobloxScriptSecurity",
- number = 5,
- canAccess = try(function() return game:GetService("CorePackages").Name end)
- },
- {
- name = "RobloxSecurity",
- number = 6,
- canAccess = try(function() return"SurfaceAppearance").TexturePack end)
- },
- {
- name = "NotAccessibleSecurity",
- number = 7,
- canAccess = try(function()"MeshPart").MeshId = "" end)
- }
- }
- local lasti = 1
- for i = 1, #securityChecks do
- if securityChecks[i].canAccess then
- lasti = i
- else
- return lasti
- end
- end
- return lasti
- end
- if getthreadidentity() >= 3 then
- vim ="VirtualInputManager")
- end
- local RBXActive = true
- local ClipboardUI ="ScreenGui")
- local ClipboardBox ='TextBox') -- For setclipboard
- ClipboardBox.Position =, 0, 100, 0) -- VERY off screen
- ClipboardBox.Parent = ClipboardUI
- local HttpService, DrawingUI = game:GetService('HttpService'),"ScreenGui")
- -- // Libararies:
- local protected_guis = {}
- -- // Events:
- game.DescendantRemoving:Connect(function(d)
- table.insert(nilinstances, d)
- end)
- game:FindFirstChildOfClass('UserInputService').WindowFocused:Connect(function()
- RBXActive = true
- end)
- game:FindFirstChildOfClass('UserInputService').WindowFocusReleased:Connect(function()
- RBXActive = false
- end)
- function shallowequals(t1, t2)
- if t1 == nil or t2 == nil then
- return false
- end
- if type(t1) ~= 'table' or type(t2) ~= 'table' then
- return false
- end
- for key, value in next, t1 do
- if t2[key] ~= value then
- return false
- end
- end
- for key, value in next, t2 do
- if t1[key] ~= value then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function SetAliases(func, aliases)
- for _, Name in next, aliases do
- Options.enviroment[Name] = getgenv()[func] or Options.enviroment[func]
- end
- end
- function AddElement(name, val, aliases, forcebypass)
- if forcebypass == true then table.insert(forceoverride, name) end
- Options.enviroment[name] = val
- if typeof(aliases) == 'table' then
- SetAliases(name, aliases)
- end
- return val
- end
- function AddEnviroment()
- local env = (getgenv and getgenv()) or getfenv(0)
- for Name, Value in next, Options.enviroment do
- if Options.OverrideFunctions or not env[Name] or table.find(forceoverride, Name) then
- print("✅ Added",Name)
- env[Name] = Value
- elseif env[Name] and not table.find(forceoverride, Name) and not Options.OverrideFunctions then
- print("❌",Name,'already exists.')
- end
- end
- end
- local Base64 = AddElement('base64', {
- encode = function(data)
- local letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
- return ((data:gsub('.', function(x)
- local r,b='',x:byte()
- for i=8,1,-1 do r=r..(b%2^i-b%2^(i-1)>0 and '1' or '0') end
- return r;
- end)..'0000'):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
- if (#x < 6) then return '' end
- local c=0
- for i=1,6 do c=c+(x:sub(i,i)=='1' and 2^(6-i) or 0) end
- return letters:sub(c+1,c+1)
- end)..({ '', '==', '=' })[#data%3+1])
- end,
- decode = function(data)
- local b = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
- data = string.gsub(data, '[^'..b..'=]', '')
- return (data:gsub('.', function(x)
- if x == '=' then return '' end
- local r, f = '', (b:find(x) - 1)
- for i = 6, 1, -1 do
- r = r .. (f % 2^i - f % 2^(i - 1) > 0 and '1' or '0')
- end
- return r;
- end):gsub('%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?', function(x)
- if #x ~= 8 then return '' end
- local c = 0
- for i = 1, 8 do
- c = c + (x:sub(i, i) == '1' and 2^(8 - i) or 0)
- end
- return string.char(c)
- end))
- end
- })
- AddElement('base64encode', Base64.encode, {'base64_encode'})
- AddElement('base64decode', Base64.decode, {'base64_decode'})
- AddElement('debug', {
- getinfo = function(f)
- assert(type(f)=='number' or type(f) == 'function', 'invalid argument #1 to \'getinfo\', number or function expected, got ' .. tostring(typeof(f)))
- local ParamCount, IsVararg =, 'a')
- local n =, 'n') ~= '' and, 'n') or nil
- local source =, 's')
- return{
- numparams = ParamCount,
- is_vararg = IsVararg and 1 or 0,
- name = n,
- currentline =, 'l'),
- source = source,
- short_src = source:sub(1, 60),
- what = source == '[C]' and 'C' or 'Lua',
- func = f,
- nups = 0
- }
- end
- })
- -- // Sandboxing Game:
- -- // HTTP Requests Support
- function rqst(Options)
- assert(type(Options) == 'table', 'Argument #1 to \'request\' must be a table, got ' .. typeof(Options))
- if typeof(script) == 'Instance' and script.ClassName == 'Script' then
- return HttpService:RequestAsync(Options)
- end
- local Timeout, Done, Time = 5, false, 0
- local Return = {
- Success = false,
- StatusCode = 408,
- StatusMessage = 'Request Timeout',
- Headers = {},
- Body = ''
- }
- local function Callback(Success, Response)
- Done = true
- Return.Success = Success
- Return.StatusCode = Response.StatusCode
- Return.StatusMessage = Response.StatusMessage
- Return.Headers = Response.Headers
- Return.Body = Response.Body
- end
- HttpService:RequestInternal(Options):Start(Callback)
- while not Done and Time < Timeout do -- probably a bad approach?
- Time = Time + .1
- task.wait(.1)
- end
- return Return
- end
- AddElement('http', {
- request = rqst
- })
- local s, e = pcall(function()
- return game.HttpGet
- end)
- local _game = game
- AddElement('request', rqst, {'http_request', 'syn_backup.request', 'syn.request'})
- if not s then
- AddElement('game', setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(self, key)
- if key == 'HttpGet' then
- return function(_, Url)
- return rqst({Url = Url, Method = "GET"}).Body
- end
- elseif key == 'HttpPost' then
- return function(Url, Data, contentType)
- local Args = {Url = Url, Method = "POST", Body = Data}
- if contentType then
- Args.Headers = {['Content-Type'] = contentType}
- end
- return rqst(Args).Body
- end
- else
- local k = _game[key]
- if type(k) == 'function' then
- return function(_, ...)
- local args = {...}
- if (key == 'GetService' or key == 'FindFirstChildOfClass') and args[1] == 'Players' then
- return setmetatable({},
- {
- __index = function(_, t)
- if t == 'LocalPlayer' then return lp end
- local p = Players[t]
- if type(p) == 'function' then
- return function(_, ...)
- return Players[t](Players, ...)
- end
- else
- return p
- end
- end,
- })
- end
- return k(_game, ...)
- end
- else
- return k
- end
- end
- end,
- __tostring = function() return tostring(game) end
- }))
- end
- if ScriptType == 'Server' then
- game.Players = game:GetService("Players") -- adds localplayer n shi
- end
- local LoadSuccess, HashCode = pcall((not s and or game.HttpGet), (not s and _game or game), "", true)
- local LoadSuccessV2, rconsolecode = pcall((not s and or game.HttpGet), (not s and _game or game), "", true)
- local rconsole
- if not LoadSuccess then
- Hash = {}
- else
- Hash = loadstring(HashCode)()
- end
- if LoadSuccessV2 then
- rconsole = loadstring(rconsolecode)()
- else
- warn("Hey! rconsole did not successfully load, This could be due to an HTTP error, Message:",rconsolecode)
- end
- local HashLib = setmetatable({}, {
- __metatable = 'HashLib // Protected',
- __index = function(self, key) -- Make it work for both _ and -
- local k1 = key:gsub('_', '-')
- local k2 = key:gsub('%-', '_')
- local m1, m2 = Hash[k1], Hash[k2]
- if m1 then return m1 end
- if m2 then return m2 end
- return rawget(self, key)
- end
- })
- -- // crypt library
- AddElement('crypt', {
- hex = {
- encode = function(data)
- assert(type(data)=='string', 'argument #1 to \'hex.encode\' must be of type string, Received ' .. typeof(data))
- local hex = ''
- for i = 1, #data do
- hex = hex .. string.format("%02x", string.byte(data, i))
- end
- return hex
- end,
- decode = function(data)
- assert(type(data)=='string', 'argument #1 to \'hex.decode\' must be of type string, Received ' .. typeof(data))
- local text = ""
- for i = 1, #data, 2 do
- local byte_str = string.sub(data, i, i+1)
- local byte = tonumber(byte_str, 16)
- text = text .. string.char(byte)
- end
- return text
- end
- },
- custom = {
- hash = function(data, alg)
- local v1 = HashLib[alg]
- local v2 = HashLib[data]
- if not v1 and not v2 then
- error(string.format("No algorithm found with name '%s' or '%s'", alg, data))
- end
- if v1 then
- return v1(data)
- elseif v2 then
- return v2(alg)
- end
- end
- },
- hash = function(data, alg)
- local v1 = HashLib[alg]
- local v2 = HashLib[data]
- if not v1 and not v2 then
- error(string.format("No algorithm found with name '%s' or '%s'", alg, data))
- end
- if v1 then
- return v1(data)
- elseif v2 then
- return v2(alg)
- end
- end,
- url = {
- encode = function(data)
- return game:GetService("HttpService"):UrlEncode(data)
- end,
- decode = function(data)
- -- replace + with space
- data = string.gsub(data, '%+', ' ')
- -- replace hexadecimals with the character for them
- data = string.gsub(data, "%%(%x%x)", function(hex)
- return string.char(tonumber(hex, 16))
- end)
- data = string.gsub(data, "\r\n", "\n") -- obvious
- return data
- end
- },
- base64 = Base64,
- base64_encode = Base64.encode,
- base64_decode = Base64.decode,
- base64encode = Base64.encode,
- base64decode = Base64.decode,
- random = function(len)
- assert(type(len) == 'number', 'Argument #1 to \'random\' must be a number, got ' .. typeof(len))
- assert(len > 0 and len < 1025, 'Argument #1 to \'random\' must be over 0 and must not exceed 1024.')
- local a = {}
- for _=1,len do local r=math.random(1, #valid)table.insert(a,valid:sub(r,r))end;return table.concat(a)
- end,
- generatekey = function(len)
- len = len or 32
- local key = ''
- local Valid = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
- for _ = 1, len do local n = math.random(1, #Valid) key = key .. string.sub(Valid, n, n) end
- return Base64.encode(key)
- end,
- generatebytes = function(len)
- assert(type(len) == 'number', 'Argument #1 to \'generatebytes\' must be a number, got ' .. typeof(len))
- local key = ''
- local Valid = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
- for _ = 1, len do local n = math.random(1, #Valid) key = key .. string.sub(Valid, n, n) end
- return Base64.encode(key)
- end
- }, {'crypto', 'syn.crypto', 'syn_backup.crypto'})
- -- // syn Library
- AddElement('syn', {
- is_beta = function() return true end, -- ???? i do not know why this is needed
- protect_gui = function(gui) -- Unofficial protect
- protected_guis[gui] = { Parent = gui.Parent, Name = gui.Name }
- gui.Parent = gethui()
- gui.Name = randomstring(math.random(8, 16))
- end,
- unprotect_gui = function(gui)
- local Gui = rawget(protected_guis, gui)
- if not Gui then return error(`GUI {gui.Name} does not exist in the protected guis list.`, 1) end
- gui.Name = Gui.Name
- gui.Parent = Gui.Parent
- protected_guis[gui] = nil
- end,
- request = rqst,
- get_thread_identity = getthreadidentity,
- crypto = Options.enviroment.crypt
- }, {'syn_backup'})
- -- // cache Library
- AddElement('cache', {
- iscached = function(d)
- return CachedInstances[d] ~= 'invalid'
- end,
- invalidate = function(d)
- CachedInstances[d] = 'invalid'
- d.Parent = nil
- end,
- replace = function(a, b)
- CachedInstances[a] = b
- b.Name = a.Name
- b.Parent = a.Parent
- a.Parent = nil
- end
- })
- -- // Drawing Library
- AddElement('Drawing', {
- Fonts = FakeFonts,
- new = function(Type)
- local function SetBase(tbl)
- local baseProps = {
- Visible = false,
- Color =,0,0),
- ClassName = nil,
- ZIndex = 1,
- Remove = function(self)
- for i, v in next, DrawingCache do
- if v == self then
- local a = i
- i:Destroy()
- DrawingCache[a] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- }
- baseProps.Destroy = baseProps.Remove
- for i, v in next, baseProps do
- rawset(tbl.__index, i, v)
- end
- end
- if Type == 'Line' then
- local a ="Frame", DrawingUI)
- a.Visible = false
- a.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
- a.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- a.BorderSizePixel = 0
- local meta = {}
- meta.ClassName = Type
- meta.__index = {
- Thickness = 1,
- From =, 0),
- To =, 0),
- Transparency = 0,
- updateLine = function(self)
- if not a then return end
- local from = self.From
- local to = self.To
- local distance = (to - from).Magnitude
- local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(to.Y - from.Y, to.X - from.X))
- a.Size =, distance, 0, self.Thickness)
- a.Position =, from.X, 0, from.Y)
- a.Rotation = angle
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 1 - self.Transparency
- a.BackgroundColor3 = self.Color
- a.Visible = self.Visible
- a.ZIndex = self.ZIndex
- end
- }
- SetBase(meta)
- meta.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
- if not self then return end
- if typeof(meta.__index[key]) == typeof(value) then
- rawset(self, key, value)
- self:updateLine()
- end
- end
- meta.__metatable = 'This metatable is protected.'
- local meta1 = setmetatable({}, meta)
- DrawingCache[a] = meta1
- return meta1
- elseif Type == 'Square' then
- local a ="Frame", DrawingUI)
- a.Visible = false
- a.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
- a.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- a.BorderSizePixel = 0
- local b ="UIStroke", a)
- b.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- b.Enabled = true
- local meta = {}
- meta.ClassName = Type
- meta.__index = {
- Size =,0),
- Position =, 0),
- Filled = false,
- updateSquare = function(self)
- if not a then return end
- a.Size =, self.Size.X, 0, self.Size.Y)
- a.Position =, self.Position.X, 0, self.Position.Y)
- b.Enabled = self.Filled
- b.Color = self.Color
- a.BackgroundColor3 = self.Color
- a.ZIndex = self.ZIndex
- end
- }
- SetBase(meta)
- meta.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
- if not self then return end
- if typeof(self[key]) == typeof(value) then
- rawset(self, key, value)
- self:updateSquare()
- end
- end
- local meta1 = setmetatable({}, meta)
- DrawingCache[a] = meta1
- return meta1
- elseif Type == 'Circle' then
- local a ="Frame", DrawingUI)
- a.Visible = false
- a.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
- a.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- a.BorderSizePixel = 0
- local b ="UIStroke", a)
- b.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- b.Enabled = false
- b.Thickness = 1
- local c ="UICorner", a)
- c.CornerRadius =, 0)
- local meta = {}
- meta.ClassName = Type
- meta.__index = {
- Thickness = 1,
- Filled = false,
- NumSides = 0,
- Radius = 1,
- Position =, 0),
- Transparency = 0,
- updateCircle = function(self)
- if not b or not a then return end
- a.Visible = self.Visible
- a.BackgroundTransparency = self.Transparency - 1
- a.Size =, self.Radius, 0, self.Radius)
- a.Position =, self.Position.X, 0, self.Position.Y)
- b.Enabled = not self
- b.Color = self.Color
- a.ZIndex = self.ZIndex
- end
- }
- SetBase(meta)
- meta.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
- if not self then return end
- if typeof(self[key]) == typeof(value) then
- rawset(self, key, value)
- self:updateCircle()
- end
- end
- local meta1 = setmetatable({}, meta)
- DrawingCache[a] = meta1
- return meta1
- elseif Type == 'Text' then
- local a ="TextLabel", DrawingUI)
- a.Visible = false
- a.Size =, 0, 0, 0)
- a.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 1
- a.BorderSizePixel = 0
- a.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0)
- a.TextStrokeTransparency = 1
- local meta = {}
- meta.ClassName = Type
- meta.__index = {
- Text = '',
- Transparency = 0,
- Size = 0,
- Center = false,
- Outline = false,
- OutlineColor =,0,0),
- Position =,0),
- Font = 3,
- updateText = function(self)
- if not a then return end
- a.TextScaled = true
- a.Size =, self.Size * 3, 0, self.Size / 2)
- a.Position =, self.Position.X, 0, self.Position.Y)
- a.Text = self.Text
- a.Font = Fonts[self.Font]
- a.Visible = self.Visible
- a.TextColor3 = self.Color
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 1 - self.Transparency
- a.BorderSizePixel = self.Outline and 1 or 0
- if self.Center then
- a.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center
- a.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center
- else
- a.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
- a.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top
- end
- a.TextStrokeTransparency = self.Outline and 0 or 1
- a.TextStrokeColor3 = self.OutlineColor
- a.ZIndex = self.ZIndex
- end
- }
- SetBase(meta)
- meta.__newindex = function(self, key, value)
- if not self then return end
- if typeof(self[key]) == typeof(value) then
- rawset(self, key, value)
- self:updateText()
- end
- end
- local meta1 = setmetatable({}, meta)
- DrawingCache[a] = meta1
- return meta1
- end
- end})
- local old =
- = function(Type)
- if Type ~= 'Image' then
- return old(Type)
- else
- return old('Circle')
- end
- end
- AddElement('loadstring', function(code)
- local test = oldLoadstring('local result=3;result+=1;return result')()
- local test2 = oldLoadstring('local result="h";result..="i";return result')()
- if test ~= 4 or test2 ~= 'hi' then
- return oldLoadstring(replace(code))
- elseif test == 4 and test2 == 'hi' then
- return oldLoadstring(code)
- end
- end, {}, true)
- AddElement('getrenderproperty', function(drawing, prop)
- return drawing[prop]
- end)
- AddElement('setrenderproperty', function(a, b, c)
- if Options.enviroment.isrenderobj(a) then
- a[b] = c
- end
- end)
- AddElement('isrenderobj', function(a)
- for c, b in next, DrawingCache do
- if b == a then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end)
- AddElement('gethui', function()
- if not hui then
- local s, _ = pcall(function()
- local Path1 = _game:FindFirstChildOfClass('CoreGui')
- hui ="Folder", Path1)
- hui.Name = 'hidden_ui\0'
- end)
- if not s then
- if lp then
- hui ="Folder", lp:FindFirstChildOfClass("PlayerGui"))
- hui.Name = 'hidden_ui\0'
- else
- if #Players:GetChildren() == 0 then
- repeat task.wait() until #Players:GetChildren() > 0
- end
- local random_player = Players:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #Players:GetChildren())]
- hui ="Folder", random_player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")) -- Add it into a random player's PlayerGui if there isn't a local player
- hui.Name = 'hidden_ui\0'
- end
- end
- end
- return hui
- end, {'get_hidden_ui', 'gethiddenui'})
- AddElement('randomstring', function(length)
- length = length or 32
- local str = {}
- for i = 1, length do
- local r = math.random(1, #valid)
- str[i] = valid:sub(r, r)
- end
- return table.concat(str)
- end)
- AddElement('iscclosure', function(a)
- return, 's') == '[C]'
- end, {'is_c_closure'})
- AddElement('islclosure', function(a)
- return, 's') ~= '[C]'
- end, {'is_l_closure'})
- AddElement('isourclosure', function(a) -- Credits to empereans for this
- return, 's') ==, 's')
- end, {'isexecclosure', 'isexeclosure', 'is_executor_closure', 'isexecutorclosure', 'checkclosure'})
- AddElement('getinstances', function() return game:GetDescendants() end)
- AddElement('getnilinstances', function() return nilinstances end)
- AddElement('isreadonly', function(t)
- return table.isfrozen(t)
- end)
- AddElement('isscriptable', function(instance, prop)
- assert(typeof(instance) == 'Instance', 'Argument #1 to \'setscriptable\' must be an Instance, got ' .. typeof(instance))
- return select(1, pcall(function()
- return instance[prop]
- end))
- end, {'is_scriptable'})
- AddElement('getscripts', function()
- local a = {}for _, v in next, game:GetDescendants() do if v.ClassName == 'ModuleScript' or v.ClassName == 'LocalScript' then table.insert(a, v) end end;return a
- end)
- AddElement('getloadedmodules', function()
- local a = {}for _, v in next, game:GetDescendants() do if v.ClassName == 'ModuleScript' then table.insert(a, v) end end;return a
- end)
- AddElement('getcallingscript', function()
- local Source =, 's')
- for i, v in next, game:GetDescendants() do if v:GetFullName() == Source then return v end end
- end, {'get_calling_script'})
- AddElement('isrbxactive', function()
- return RBXActive
- end, {'isgameactive'})
- AddElement('newcclosure', newcclosure) -- Credits to empereans and myworld for this
- AddElement('getthreadidentity', getthreadidentity, {'getthreadcontext', 'getidentity'})
- AddElement('getrunningscripts', function() -- Purposely made ugly code to make it a 1 liner.
- local a={}for _,v in next,game:GetDescendants()do if v.ClassName=='LocalScript'or v.ClassName=='ModuleScript'then table.insert(a,v)end;end;return a
- end)
- AddElement('getexecutorname', function()
- return 'MoreUNC', '2.0.0'
- end, {'identifyexecutor'})
- AddElement('cleardrawcache', function()
- for _, m in next, DrawingCache do m:Remove() end
- end)
- -- // File System:
- local Files = {}
- local function startswith(a, b)
- return a:sub(1, #b) == b
- end
- local function endswith(hello, lo)
- return hello:sub(#hello - #lo + 1, #hello) == lo
- end
- AddElement('writefile', function(path, content)
- local Path = path:split('/')
- local CurrentPath = {}
- for i = 1, #Path do
- local a = Path[i]
- CurrentPath[i] = a
- if not Files[a] and i ~= #Path then
- Files[table.concat(CurrentPath, '/')] = {}
- Files[table.concat(CurrentPath, '/') .. '/'] = Files[table.concat(CurrentPath, '/')]
- elseif i == #Path then
- Files[table.concat(CurrentPath, '/')] = tostring(content)
- end
- end
- end)
- AddElement('makefolder', function(path)
- Files[path] = {}
- Files[path .. '/'] = Files[path]
- end)
- AddElement('isfolder', function(path)
- return type(Files[path]) == 'table'
- end)
- AddElement('isfile', function(path)
- return type(Files[path]) == 'string'
- end)
- AddElement('readfile', function(path)
- return Files[path]
- end)
- AddElement('appendfile', function(path, text2)
- writefile(path, readfile(path) .. text2)
- end)
- AddElement('loadfile', function(path)
- local content = readfile(path)
- if not content then error('File \'' .. tostring(path) .. '\' does not exist.') return '' end
- local s, func = pcall(function()
- return loadstring(content)
- end)
- return func, not s and func or nil
- end)
- AddElement('delfolder', function(path)
- local f = Files[path]
- if type(f) == 'table' then Files[path] = nil end
- end)
- AddElement('delfile', function(path)
- local f = Files[path]
- if type(f) == 'string' then Files[path] = nil end
- end)
- AddElement('listfiles', function(path)
- if not path or path == '' then
- local Files = {}
- for i, v in pairs(Files) do
- if #i:split('/') == 1 then table.insert(Files, i) end
- end
- return Files
- end
- if type(Files[path]) ~= 'table' then return error(path .. ' is not a folder.') end
- local Files_2 = {}
- for i, v in pairs(Files) do
- if startswith(i, path .. '/') and not endswith(i, '/') and i ~= path and #i:split('/') == (#path:split('/') + 1) then table.insert(Files_2, i) end
- end
- return Files_2
- end)
- AddElement('checkcaller', function()
- local info =, 'slnaf')
- return, 'slnaf')==info
- end)
- AddElement('clonefunction', function(f)
- return function(...) -- Probably a bad way to do this...
- return f(...)
- end
- end, {'newlclosure'})
- AddElement('getscriptclosure', function(module)
- assert(typeof(module) ~= 'Instance', 'Argument #1 to \'getscriptclosure\' must be an Instance.')
- return require(module)
- end, {'getscriptfunction'})
- AddElement('getgenv', function()
- return getfenv(0)
- end)
- if vim then
- AddElement('mouse1click', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 0, true, game, false)
- task.wait()
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 0, false, game, false)
- end)
- AddElement('mouse2click', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 1, true, game, false)
- task.wait()
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 1, false, game, false)
- end)
- AddElement('mouse1press', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 0, true, game, false)
- end)
- AddElement('mouse1release', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 0, false, game, false)
- end)
- AddElement('mouse2press', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 1, true, game, false)
- end)
- AddElement('mouse2release', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseButtonEvent(x, y, 1, false, game, false)
- end)
- AddElement('mousescroll', function(x, y, a)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- a = a and true or false
- vim:SendMouseWheelEvent(x, y, a, game)
- end)
- AddElement('keyclick', function(key)
- if typeof(key) == 'number' then
- if not keys[key] then return error("Key "..tostring(key) .. ' not found!') end
- vim:SendKeyEvent(true, keys[key], false, game)
- task.wait()
- vim:SendKeyEvent(false, keys[key], false, game)
- elseif typeof(key) == 'EnumItem' then
- vim:SendKeyEvent(true, key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- vim:SendKeyEvent(false, key, false, game)
- end
- end)
- AddElement('keypress', function(key)
- if typeof(key) == 'number' then
- if not keys[key] then return error("Key "..tostring(key) .. ' not found!') end
- vim:SendKeyEvent(true, keys[key], false, game)
- elseif typeof(key) == 'EnumItem' then
- vim:SendKeyEvent(true, key, false, game)
- end
- end)
- AddElement('keyrelease', function(key)
- if typeof(key) == 'number' then
- if not keys[key] then return error("Key "..tostring(key) .. ' not found!') end
- vim:SendKeyEvent(false, keys[key], false, game)
- elseif typeof(key) == 'EnumItem' then
- vim:SendKeyEvent(false, key, false, game)
- end
- end)
- AddElement('mousemoverel', function(relx, rely)
- local Pos = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
- relx = relx or 0
- rely = rely or 0
- local x = Pos.X * relx
- local y = Pos.Y * rely
- vim:SendMouseMoveEvent(x, y, game)
- end)
- AddElement('mousemoveabs', function(x, y)
- x = x or 0
- y = y or 0
- vim:SendMouseMoveEvent(x, y, game)
- end)
- AddElement('setclipboard', function(data)
- repeat task.wait() until ClipboardQueue:Current()[1] == data or ClipboardQueue:IsEmpty()
- ClipboardQueue:Queue(data)
- local old = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetFocusedTextBox()
- local copy = ClipboardQueue:Current()[1]
- ClipboardBox:CaptureFocus()
- ClipboardBox.Text = copy
- local KeyCode = Enum.KeyCode
- local Keys = {KeyCode.RightControl, KeyCode.A}
- local Keys2 = {KeyCode.RightControl, KeyCode.C, KeyCode.V}
- for _, v in ipairs(Keys) do
- vim:SendKeyEvent(true, v, false, game)
- task.wait()
- end
- for _, v in ipairs(Keys) do
- vim:SendKeyEvent(false, v, false, game)
- task.wait()
- end
- for _, v in ipairs(Keys2) do
- vim:SendKeyEvent(true, v, false, game)
- task.wait()
- end
- for _, v in ipairs(Keys2) do
- vim:SendKeyEvent(false, v, false, game)
- task.wait()
- end
- ClipboardBox.Text = ''
- if old then old:CaptureFocus() end
- task.wait(.18)
- ClipboardQueue:Update()
- end, {'toclipboard', 'writeclipboard', 'setrbxclipboard', 'syn.write_clipboard'})
- else
- warn("Your executor is not high level enough to support input functions (Including setclipboard)")
- end
- local Consoles = {}
- AddElement('rconsolecreate', function()
- local cnsl = rconsole:init()
- table.insert(Consoles, cnsl)
- cnsl.Parent = gethui()
- end, {'consolecreate'})
- AddElement('rconsoledestroy', function()
- for i, v in next, Consoles do v:Destroy() end
- end, {'consoledestroy'})
- AddElement('rconsoleprint', function(msg)
- assert(type(msg) == 'string', 'Argument #1 to \'rconsoleprint\' must be a string, not ' .. type(msg))
- rconsole:addmessage(msg)
- end, {'consoleprint'})
- AddElement('rconsoleinput', function(text)
- assert(type(text) == 'string', 'Argument #1 to \'rconsoleinput\' must be a string, not ' .. type(text))
- return rconsole:addinput(text)
- end, {'rconsoleinputasync', 'consoleinput'})
- AddElement('rconsoleclear', function()
- local v = Consoles[#Consoles]
- if not v then return end
- if v:FindFirstChild('MainFrame') and v.MainFrame:FindFirstChild('Messages') then
- for _, q in next, v.MainFrame:FindFirstChild('Messages'):GetChildren() do
- if q.ClassName ~= 'UIListLayout' then
- q:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end, {'consoleclear'})
- AddElement("rconsolesettitle", function(title)
- assert(type(title) == 'string', 'Argument #1 to \'rconsoleinput\' must be a string, not ' .. type(title))
- local v = Consoles[#Consoles]
- if not v then return end
- v:FindFirstChild("MainFrame"):FindFirstChild("TopBar"):FindFirstChild("Title").Text = title
- end, {"rconsolename", "consolesettitle"})
- AddElement('getscripthash', function(scr)
- assert(typeof(scr) == 'Instance', 'Argument #1 to \'getscripthash\' must be an Instance, not ' .. typeof(scr))
- assert(scr.ClassName ~= 'LocalScript' or scr.ClassName ~= 'Script', 'Argument #1 to \'getscripthash\' must be a LocalScript or Script')
- return scr:GetHash()
- end)
- AddElement('saveinstance', function() -- Not mine, But still wanted to add it
- local Params = {
- RepoURL = "",
- SSI = "saveinstance",
- }
- local synsaveinstance = loadstring(game:HttpGet(Params.RepoURL .. Params.SSI .. ".luau", true), Params.SSI)()
- local SaveOptions = {
- ReadMe = true,
- IsolatePlayers = true,
- FilePath = string.format("%d", tick())
- }
- synsaveinstance(SaveOptions)
- end)
- -- Finalize:
- if not getgenv().MoreUNCV2 then
- AddEnviroment()
- getgenv().MoreUNCV2 = true
- syn.protect_gui(DrawingUI)
- syn.protect_gui(ClipboardUI)
- end
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