
Edge Quote 1

Apr 21st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘This is important information that I
  2. have just heard. That is an amazingly large construction and
  3. skilfully made. How was the earth arranged?’
  5. Then High replied: ‘It is circular round the edge, and around it
  6. lies the deep sea, and along the shore of this sea they gave lands to
  7. live in to the races of giants. But on the earth on the inner side they
  8. made a fortification round the world against the hostility of
  9. giants, and for this fortification they used the giant Ymir’s
  10. eyelashes, and they called the fortification Midgard. They also
  11. took his brains and threw them into the sky and made out of them
  12. the clouds, as it says here:
  14. From Ymir’s flesh was earth created, and from blood, sea;
  15. rocks of bones, trees of hair, and from his skull, the sky.
  16. And from his eyelashes the joyous gods made Midgard for
  17. men’s sons, and from his brains were those cruel clouds all
  18. created.’
  20. Then spoke Gangleri: ‘A great deal it seems to me they had
  21. achieved when earth and heaven were made and sun and stars
  22. were put in position and days were separated — and where did the
  23. people come from who inhabit the world?’
  26. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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