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- import os
- import sys
- import json
- import vs
- import sfmUtils
- from filesystem import *
- import filesystem.valve
- import sfmphys.rigutils
- sfmphys.rigutils = reload(sfmphys.rigutils)
- from sfmphys.rigutils import *
- from sfmphys.dagutils import *
- def unicodeToStr(data):
- if isinstance(data, dict):
- return dict((unicodeToStr(key), unicodeToStr(value)) for (key, value) in data.iteritems())
- elif isinstance(data, list):
- return [unicodeToStr(element) for element in data]
- elif isinstance(data, unicode):
- return data.encode('utf-8')
- else:
- return data
- #end
- def vectorToList(vec):
- return [vec.x, vec.y, vec.z]
- #end
- def listToVector(tup):
- return vs.Vector(tup[0], tup[1], tup[2])
- #end
- def quatToList(quat):
- return [quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w]
- #end
- def listToQuat(tup):
- return vs.Quaternion(tup[0], tup[1], tup[2], tup[3])
- #end
- shot = sfm.GetCurrentShot()
- animSet = sfm.GetCurrentAnimationSet()
- model = animSet.gameModel
- mdl_path = RelativePathToFullPath(model.GetModelName(), game())
- if mdl_path is None:
- phys_path = "<FILE NOT FOUND>"
- else:
- phys_path = os.path.splitext(mdl_path)[0] + ".physics.txt"
- data = dict()
- sys.stderr.write(" looking for config file at: "+str(phys_path)+"\n")
- if os.path.isfile(phys_path):
- #load data from the file
- sys.stderr.write(" loading config\n")
- infile = open(phys_path, "r")
- data = unicodeToStr(json.load(infile))
- infile.close()
- else:
- #try to guess with rigidbodies
- sys.stderr.write(" no config found, assuming rigidbody\n")
- hdr = vs.CStudioHdr(model.GetStudioHdr())
- parents = {}
- data["rigidbodies"] = list()
- data["constraints"] = list()
- nhitset = hdr.numhitboxsets()
- for ihitset in range(nhitset):
- nhitbox = hdr.iHitboxCount(ihitset)
- for ihitbox in range(nhitbox):
- box = hdr.pHitbox(ihitbox, ihitset)
- bone = hdr.pBone(box.bone)
- bonename = bone.pszName()
- boxsize = (box.bbmax - box.bbmin) / 2
- boxcenter = (box.bbmax + box.bbmin) / 2
- body = {"target": bonename,
- "boxcenter": vectorToList(boxcenter),
- "boxsize": vectorToList(boxsize)}
- data["rigidbodies"].append(body)
- tempBone = bone
- parents[bonename] = []
- while tempBone.parent != -1:
- parent = hdr.pBone(tempBone.parent)
- parents[bonename].append(parent.pszName())
- tempBone = parent
- #end
- #end
- #end
- #create constraints
- for i in parents:
- par = parents[i]
- for j in par:
- if j in parents: #if j is an ancestor of i *and* has an associated rigidbody
- cons = {"constype": "cone",
- "bodya": j,
- "bodyb": i,
- "rotx": 90,
- "roty": 90,
- "twist": 35}
- data["constraints"].append(cons)
- break #we can only have 1 parent per bone
- #end
- #end
- #end
- #don't do this yet.
- #if the rig doesn't work, it'll save the faulty rig and that's a Bad Thing
- #outfile = open(phys_path, "w")
- #json.dump(data, outfile, indent=2)
- #outfile.close()
- #sys.stderr.write(" saved rigidbody config to "+str(phys_path)+"\n")
- #end
- #create the rig
- rig = sfm.BeginRig("rig_physics_" + animSet.GetName(), True)
- rootGroup = animSet.GetRootControlGroup()
- rigidbodyGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup("Rigidbodies")
- constraintGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup("PhysConstraints")
- softbodyGroup = rootGroup.CreateControlGroup("Softbodies")
- if "rigidbodies" in data:
- for body in data["rigidbodies"]:
- body["boxcenter"] = listToVector(body["boxcenter"])
- body["boxsize"] = listToVector(body["boxsize"])
- group = rigidbodyGroup.CreateControlGroup("Body ("+body["target"]+")")
- bodyrig = RigidbodyRig(data=body)
- bodyrig.writeToGroup(group)
- #end
- #end
- if "constraints" in data:
- for cons in data["constraints"]:
- group = constraintGroup.CreateControlGroup(cons["constype"] + "_constraint ("+cons["bodya"]+" -> "+cons["bodyb"]+")")
- consrig = ConstraintRig(data=cons)
- consrig.writeToGroup(group)
- #end
- #end
- if "cloths" in data:
- for cloth in data["cloths"]:
- body = dict(cloth)
- body["nodelist"] = list()
- body["linklist"] = list()
- body["facelist"] = list()
- boneformat = cloth["boneformat"]
- ranges = cloth["formatranges"]
- body["boneprefix"] = boneformat.format(*["" for r in ranges])
- counters = [r[0] for r in ranges]
- while 1:
- name = boneformat.format(*counters)
- body["nodelist"].append( (name, 1) )
- endLoop = True
- for n in range(len(counters)):
- counters[n]+=1
- if counters[n] <= ranges[n][1]:
- endLoop = False
- break
- #end
- counters[n] = ranges[n][0]
- #end
- #if we go through the for-loop without breaking then the range is completed
- if endLoop:
- break
- #end
- width = cloth["width"]
- height = cloth["height"]
- for row in range(height):
- for column in range(width):
- index = row*width+column
- #only create links along face edges
- #no shear/bend links, since those are handled more or less by bullet
- if row != 0:
- body["linklist"].append( (index, index-width) )
- if column != 0:
- body["linklist"].append( (index, index-1) )
- if (row != 0) and (column != 0):
- body["facelist"].append( (index, index-1, index-width-1, index-width) )
- #end
- #end
- if not "softbodies" in data:
- data["softbodies"] = list()
- data["softbodies"].append(body)
- #end
- #end
- if "softbodies" in data:
- for body in data["softbodies"]:
- group = softbodyGroup.CreateControlGroup("Softbody ("+body["boneprefix"]+")")
- softrig = SoftbodyRig(data=body)
- softrig.writeToGroup(group)
- #end
- #end
- sfmUtils.SetControlGroupColor(rigidbodyGroup, vs.Color(128,255,128,255))
- sfmUtils.SetControlGroupColor(constraintGroup, vs.Color(128,200,200,255))
- sfmUtils.SetControlGroupColor(softbodyGroup, vs.Color(128,128,255,255))
- sfm.EndRig()
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