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- function Get-ComputerDetails
- {
- <#
- This script is used to get useful information from a computer.
- Function: Get-ComputerDetails
- Author: Joe Bialek, Twitter: @JosephBialek
- Required Dependencies: None
- Optional Dependencies: None
- Version: 1.0
- This script is used to get useful information from a computer. Currently, the script gets the following information:
- -Explicit Credential Logons (Event ID 4648)
- -Logon events (Event ID 4624)
- -AppLocker logs to find what processes are created
- -PowerShell logs to find PowerShell scripts which have been executed
- -RDP Client Saved Servers, which indicates what servers the user typically RDP's in to
- Switch: Outputs the data as text instead of objects, good if you are using this script through a backdoor.
- Get-ComputerDetails
- Gets information about the computer and outputs it as PowerShell objects.
- Get-ComputerDetails -ToString
- Gets information about the computer and outputs it as raw text.
- This script is useful for fingerprinting a server to see who connects to this server (from where), and where users on this server connect to.
- You can also use it to find Powershell scripts and executables which are typically run, and then use this to backdoor those files.
- Blog:
- Github repo:
- #>
- Param(
- [Parameter(Position=0)]
- [Switch]
- $ToString
- )
- Set-StrictMode -Version 2
- #Retrieve the 4648 logon event. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
- #the account that RDP was launched with and the account name of the account being used to connect to the remote computer. This is useful
- #for identifying normal authenticaiton patterns. Other actions that will trigger this include any runas action.
- function Find-ExplicitLogons
- {
- Param(
- $SecurityLog
- )
- $ExplicitLogons = $SecurityLog | Where {$_.InstanceID -eq 4648}
- $ReturnInfo = @{}
- foreach ($ExplicitLogon in $ExplicitLogons)
- {
- $Subject = $false
- $AccountWhosCredsUsed = $false
- $TargetServer = $false
- $SourceAccountName = ""
- $SourceAccountDomain = ""
- $TargetAccountName = ""
- $TargetAccountDomain = ""
- $TargetServer = ""
- foreach ($line in $ExplicitLogon.Message -split "\r\n")
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "^Subject:$")
- {
- $Subject = $true
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^Account\sWhose\sCredentials\sWere\sUsed:$")
- {
- $Subject = $false
- $AccountWhosCredsUsed = $true
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^Target\sServer:")
- {
- $AccountWhosCredsUsed = $false
- $TargetServer = $true
- }
- elseif ($Subject -eq $true)
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $SourceAccountName = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $SourceAccountDomain = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- elseif ($AccountWhosCredsUsed -eq $true)
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $TargetAccountName = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $TargetAccountDomain = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- elseif ($TargetServer -eq $true)
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "\s+Target\sServer\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $TargetServer = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- }
- #Filter out logins that don't matter
- if (-not ($TargetAccountName -cmatch "^DWM-.*" -and $TargetAccountDomain -cmatch "^Window\sManager$"))
- {
- $Key = $SourceAccountName + $SourceAccountDomain + $TargetAccountName + $TargetAccountDomain + $TargetServer
- if (-not $ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
- {
- $Properties = @{
- LogType = 4648
- LogSource = "Security"
- SourceAccountName = $SourceAccountName
- SourceDomainName = $SourceAccountDomain
- TargetAccountName = $TargetAccountName
- TargetDomainName = $TargetAccountDomain
- TargetServer = $TargetServer
- Count = 1
- Times = @($ExplicitLogon.TimeGenerated)
- }
- $ResultObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
- $ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $ResultObj)
- }
- else
- {
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Count++
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Times += ,$ExplicitLogon.TimeGenerated
- }
- }
- }
- return $ReturnInfo
- }
- #Find all Logon events to the server. This will tell you who is logging in and how. You can use this to figure out what accounts do
- # network logons in to the server, what accounts RDP in, what accounts log in locally, etc...
- # This is event 4624.
- function Find-AllLogons
- {
- Param (
- $SecurityLog
- )
- $Logons = $SecurityLog | Where {$_.InstanceID -eq 4624}
- $ReturnInfo = @{}
- foreach ($Logon in $Logons)
- {
- $SubjectSection = $false
- $NewLogonSection = $false
- $NetworkInformationSection = $false
- $AccountName = ""
- $AccountDomain = ""
- $LogonType = ""
- $NewLogonAccountName = ""
- $NewLogonAccountDomain = ""
- $WorkstationName = ""
- $SourceNetworkAddress = ""
- $SourcePort = ""
- foreach ($line in $Logon.Message -Split "\r\n")
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "^Subject:$")
- {
- $SubjectSection = $true
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^Logon\sType:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $LogonType = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^New\sLogon:$")
- {
- $SubjectSection = $false
- $NewLogonSection = $true
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^Network\sInformation:$")
- {
- $NewLogonSection = $false
- $NetworkInformationSection = $true
- }
- elseif ($SubjectSection)
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $AccountName = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $AccountDomain = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- elseif ($NewLogonSection)
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $NewLogonAccountName = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Account\sDomain:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $NewLogonAccountDomain = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- elseif ($NetworkInformationSection)
- {
- if ($line -cmatch "^\s+Workstation\sName:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $WorkstationName = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Source\sNetwork\sAddress:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $SourceNetworkAddress = $Matches[1]
- }
- elseif ($line -cmatch "^\s+Source\sPort:\s+(\S.*)")
- {
- $SourcePort = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- }
- #Filter out logins that don't matter
- if (-not ($NewLogonAccountDomain -cmatch "NT\sAUTHORITY" -or $NewLogonAccountDomain -cmatch "Window\sManager"))
- {
- $Key = $AccountName + $AccountDomain + $NewLogonAccountName + $NewLogonAccountDomain + $LogonType + $WorkstationName + $SourceNetworkAddress + $SourcePort
- if (-not $ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
- {
- $Properties = @{
- LogType = 4624
- LogSource = "Security"
- SourceAccountName = $AccountName
- SourceDomainName = $AccountDomain
- NewLogonAccountName = $NewLogonAccountName
- NewLogonAccountDomain = $NewLogonAccountDomain
- LogonType = $LogonType
- WorkstationName = $WorkstationName
- SourceNetworkAddress = $SourceNetworkAddress
- SourcePort = $SourcePort
- Count = 1
- Times = @($Logon.TimeGenerated)
- }
- $ResultObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
- $ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $ResultObj)
- }
- else
- {
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Count++
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Times += ,$Logon.TimeGenerated
- }
- }
- }
- return $ReturnInfo
- }
- #Look through the AppLocker logs to find processes that get run on the server. You can then backdoor these exe's (or figure out what they normally run).
- function Find-AppLockerLogs
- {
- $ReturnInfo = @{}
- $AppLockerLogs = Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker/EXE and DLL" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where {$_.Id -eq 8002}
- foreach ($Log in $AppLockerLogs)
- {
- $SID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($Log.Properties[7].Value)
- $UserName = $SID.Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])
- $ExeName = $Log.Properties[10].Value
- $Key = $UserName.ToString() + "::::" + $ExeName
- if (!$ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
- {
- $Properties = @{
- Exe = $ExeName
- User = $UserName.Value
- Count = 1
- Times = @($Log.TimeCreated)
- }
- $Item = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
- $ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $Item)
- }
- else
- {
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Count++
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Times += ,$Log.TimeCreated
- }
- }
- return $ReturnInfo
- }
- #Go through the PowerShell operational log to find scripts that run (by looking for ExecutionPipeline logs eventID 4100 in PowerShell app log).
- #You can then backdoor these scripts or do other malicious things.
- Function Find-PSScriptsInPSAppLog
- {
- $ReturnInfo = @{}
- $Logs = Get-WinEvent -LogName "Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where {$_.Id -eq 4100}
- foreach ($Log in $Logs)
- {
- $ContainsScriptName = $false
- $LogDetails = $Log.Message -split "`r`n"
- $FoundScriptName = $false
- foreach($Line in $LogDetails)
- {
- if ($Line -imatch "^\s*Script\sName\s=\s(.+)")
- {
- $ScriptName = $Matches[1]
- $FoundScriptName = $true
- }
- elseif ($Line -imatch "^\s*User\s=\s(.*)")
- {
- $User = $Matches[1]
- }
- }
- if ($FoundScriptName)
- {
- $Key = $ScriptName + "::::" + $User
- if (!$ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
- {
- $Properties = @{
- ScriptName = $ScriptName
- UserName = $User
- Count = 1
- Times = @($Log.TimeCreated)
- }
- $Item = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
- $ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $Item)
- }
- else
- {
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Count++
- $ReturnInfo[$Key].Times += ,$Log.TimeCreated
- }
- }
- }
- return $ReturnInfo
- }
- #Search the registry to find saved RDP client connections. This shows you what connections an RDP client has remembered, indicating what servers the user
- #usually RDP's to.
- Function Find-RDPClientConnections
- {
- $ReturnInfo = @{}
- New-PSDrive -Name HKU -PSProvider Registry -Root Registry::HKEY_USERS | Out-Null
- #Attempt to enumerate the servers for all users
- $Users = Get-ChildItem -Path "HKU:\"
- foreach ($User in $Users.PSChildName)
- {
- $Servers = Get-ChildItem "HKU:\$($User)\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- foreach ($Server in $Servers)
- {
- $Server = $Server.PSChildName
- $UsernameHint = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKU:\$($User)\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Servers\$($Server)").UsernameHint
- $Key = $User + "::::" + $Server + "::::" + $UsernameHint
- if (!$ReturnInfo.ContainsKey($Key))
- {
- $Properties = @{
- CurrentUser = $User
- Server = $Server
- UsernameHint = $UsernameHint
- }
- $Item = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
- $ReturnInfo.Add($Key, $Item)
- }
- }
- }
- return $ReturnInfo
- }
- $SecurityLog = Get-EventLog -LogName Security
- $Filtered4624 = Find-AllLogons $SecurityLog
- $Filtered4648 = Find-ExplicitLogons $SecurityLog
- $AppLockerLogs = Find-AppLockerLogs
- $PSLogs = Find-PSScriptsInPSAppLog
- $RdpClientData = Find-RDPClientConnections
- if ($ToString)
- {
- Write-Output "Event ID 4624 (Logon):"
- Write-Output $Filtered4624.Values | Format-List
- Write-Output "Event ID 4648 (Explicit Credential Logon):"
- Write-Output $Filtered4648.Values | Format-List
- Write-Output "AppLocker Process Starts:"
- Write-Output $AppLockerLogs.Values | Format-List
- Write-Output "PowerShell Script Executions:"
- Write-Output $PSLogs.Values | Format-List
- Write-Output "RDP Client Data:"
- Write-Output $RdpClientData.Values | Format-List
- }
- else
- {
- $Properties = @{
- LogonEvent4624 = $Filtered4624.Values
- LogonEvent4648 = $Filtered4648.Values
- AppLockerProcessStart = $AppLockerLogs.Values
- PowerShellScriptStart = $PSLogs.Values
- RdpClientData = $RdpClientData.Values
- }
- $ReturnObj = New-Object PSObject -Property $Properties
- return $ReturnObj
- }
- }
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