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it unlocks many cool features!
- Here’s the development snapshot of week 7, 2012! List of changes:
- Added new world file format called “Anvil” (256 max height and 4096 block IDs*)
- Multi-player light calculations do no longer cause affected blocks to be transmitted to the clients, instead the clients will recalculate the light on their own
- Villagers will repopulate villages based on how many houses there are available
- Some nights in villages will be worse than others…
- Added a redstone-controlled light source
- Decreased chance for the rare mob drops
- All animals use the new AI system now
- * The game can’t use the full range of IDs yet because there are still some assumptions that IDs above 256 are items.
- Update! New version number is 12w07b, fixing the following problems:
- Crash bug corrupting levels when spawning mobs above the 255th block
- Sheep animation is correct in SMP
- Get the snapshot here:
- Client:
- Server:
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