
Installed Games List Linux

May 9th, 2018
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  1. Installed list:
  3. 0 A.D
  4. Abe
  5. Advanced Strategy
  6. Alien Blaster
  7. Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
  8. Amoebax
  9. Armacycles Advanced
  10. Astromenace
  11. Auriferous
  12. Ball Buster
  13. Battle for Wesnoth
  14. Battle Tanks
  15. Blob Wars
  16. Bombardier
  17. Bos Wars
  18. BygFoot
  19. BZFlag
  20. C-Dogs SDL
  21. ClanBomber
  22. Colossus
  23. Crack Attack
  24. Critical Mass
  25. Crossfire
  26. Dark Places Quake
  27. Dodgin Diamonds
  28. Dolphin Emulator
  29. Enigma
  30. Escape
  31. Extreme Tux Racer
  32. Fish Fillets
  33. FooBilliard
  34. FreeCiv / Mod / Server
  35. FreeCol
  36. FreeDoom
  37. Freedroid RPG
  38. Frozen Bubble
  39. GemDrop X
  40. GL-117
  41. Glaxium
  42. Globulation 2
  43. GNU Backgammon
  44. Gweled
  45. Haxima
  46. Hedgewars
  47. KCheckers
  48. Knights
  49. Kobo Deluxe
  50. LBrickBuster 2
  51. Lincity NG
  52. LMarbles
  53. LondonLaw / Server
  54. LordaAWar / Server
  55. Maelstrom
  56. Magico
  57. ManaPlus
  58. MegaGlest
  59. MirrorMagic
  60. Nethack
  61. Netpanzer
  62. NJam
  63. NoGravity
  64. OpenLierox
  65. Pachi El Marci
  66. Pingus
  67. Pioneers / server
  68. Pipe Night Dream
  69. Pipepanic
  70. Planets
  71. Powermanga
  72. Pychess
  73. PySol Fan Club
  74. Quarry
  75. Red Eclipse
  76. Rocks n' Diamonds
  77. Rogue
  78. Scorched 3D
  79. Seahorse Advanced
  80. Shippy 1984
  81. Solar Wolf
  82. Sopwith
  83. Steam
  84. Stormbaan (sp?)
  85. Super Methan Brothers
  86. Taxi Pilot
  87. Technoballz
  88. The Mana World
  89. Trackballs
  90. Tuxtyping
  91. Ularn
  92. Ultimate Stunts
  93. Vavoom
  94. Warmux
  95. Warzone 2100
  96. Word Wars
  97. XBlast
  98. XGalaxy
  99. XGalaxy Hyper
  100. XMoto
  101. Xonotic
  102. Albion Online
  103. Endless Sky
  104. Flare: Empyrean Campaign
  105. FlightGear
  106. mGBA emulator
  107. Open Arena
  108. Open Clonk
  109. OpenMW (Morrowind)
  110. OpenRA (Red Alert)
  111. M.A.R.S shooter
  112. OpenTTD (Transport Tycoon Deluxe)
  113. PPSSPP (Playstation Portable emulator)
  114. PCSX2 (Playstation 2 emulator)
  115. Vegastrike
  116. Runescape
  117. Snex9x (Super Nintendo Emulator)
  118. WolfenDoom: Blade of Agony
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