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- MCRC=C8A44421
- MVersion=1.0.9
- BezelGUI(){
- Global
- if (bezelEnabled = "true"){
- Log("BezelGUI - Started")
- ; creating GUi elements and pointers
- ; Bezel_GUI1 - Background
- ; Bezel_GUI2 - Overlay
- ; Bezel_GUI3 - Bezel Image
- ; Bezel_GUI4 - Instruction Card
- ; Bezel_GUI5 - Instruction Card Left Menu Background
- ; Bezel_GUI6 - Instruction Card Left Menu List
- ; Bezel_GUI7 - Instruction Card Right Menu Background
- ; Bezel_GUI8 - Instruction Card Right Menu List
- ;initializing gdi plus
- If !pToken
- pToken := Gdip_Startup()
- Loop, 8 {
- If (a_index = 1) {
- Gui, Bezel_GUI%A_Index%: +Disabled -Caption +E0x80000 +OwnDialogs +LastFound +ToolWindow
- } Else {
- OwnerGUI := A_Index - 1
- Gui, Bezel_GUI%A_Index%: +OwnerBezel_GUI%OwnerGUI% +Disabled -Caption +E0x80000 +OwnDialogs +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
- }
- Gui, Bezel_GUI%A_Index%: Margin,0,0
- Gui, Bezel_GUI%A_Index%: Show,, BezelLayer%A_Index%
- Bezel_hwnd%A_Index% := WinExist()
- Bezel_hbm%A_Index% := CreateDIBSection(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- Bezel_hdc%A_Index% := CreateCompatibleDC()
- Bezel_obm%A_Index% := SelectObject(Bezel_hdc%A_Index%, Bezel_hbm%A_Index%)
- Bezel_G%A_Index% := Gdip_GraphicsFromhdc(Bezel_hdc%A_Index%)
- Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(Bezel_G%A_Index%, 4)
- }
- Log("BezelGUI - Ended")
- }
- }
- BezelStart(Mode="",parent="",angle="",rom=""){
- Global
- if (bezelEnabled = "true"){
- Log("BezelStart - Started")
- ;Defining Bezel Mode
- if !Mode
- bezelMode = Normal
- else if (Mode = "fixResMode")
- bezelMode = fixResMode
- else if (Mode = "layout")
- bezelLayoutFile = %rom%
- else if RegExMatch(Mode, "^\d+$")
- bezelMode = MultiScreens
- else
- Log("Invalid Bezel mode defined on the module.",3)
- ;Choosing to use layout files or normal bezel
- if bezelLayoutFile
- {
- If !FileExist( emuPath . "\artwork\" . bezelLayoutFile . ".zip") and !FileExist( emuPath . "\artwork\" . parent . ".zip")
- {
- Log("Bezel - Layout mode selected but no MAME or MESS layout file found. Using HyperLaunch Bezel normal mode instead.",1)
- bezelMode = Normal
- bezelLayoutFile =
- } else {
- Log("Bezel - MAME or MESS layout file (" . emuPath . "\artwork\" . bezelLayoutFile . ".zip" . " or " . emuPath . "\artwork\" . parent . ".zip" . ") already exists. Bezel addon will exit without doing any change to the emulator launch.",1)
- useBezels := " -use_bezels"
- Return
- }
- }
- Log("Bezel - Bezel mode " . bezelMode . " selected.",4)
- ;Check for old modules error
- IfWinNotExist, BezelLayer1
- ScriptError("You have an old incompatible module version.`n`r`n`rUpdate your modules before running HyperLaunch again!!!")
- ; -------------- Read ini options and define default values
- Bezel_GlobalFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings\Global Bezel.ini"
- Bezel_SystemFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings\" . systemName . "\Bezel.ini"
- Bezel_RomFile := A_ScriptDir . "\Settings\" . systemName . "\" . dbname . "\Bezel.ini"
- if (RIni_Read("bezelGlobalRini",Bezel_GlobalFile) = -11)
- RIni_Create("bezelGlobalRini")
- if (RIni_Read("bezelSystemRini",Bezel_SystemFile) = -11)
- RIni_Create("bezelSystemRini")
- if (RIni_Read("BezelRomRini",Bezel_RomFile) = -11)
- RIni_Create("BezelRomRini")
- ;[Settings]
- bezelFileExtensions := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Settings", "Bezel_Supported_Image_Files","png|gif|tif|bmp|jpg")
- ;[Bezel Change]
- bezelChangeDur := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Bezel Change", "Bezel_Transition_Duration","500")
- bezelSaveSelected := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini","Bezel Change","Bezel_Save_Selected","false")
- extraFullScreenBezel := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini","Bezel Change","Extra_FullScreen_Bezel","false")
- ;[Background]
- bezelBackgroundChangeDur := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Background", "Background_Change_Timer","0") ; 0 if disabled, number if you want the bezel background to change automatically at each x miliseconds
- bezelBackgroundTransition := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Background", "Background_Transition_Animation","fade") ; none or fade
- bezelBackgroundTransitionDur := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Background", "Background_Transition_Duration","500") ; determines the duration of fade bezel background transition
- bezelUseBackgrounds := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Background", "Use_Backgrounds","false") ; determines the duration of fade bezel background transition
- ;[Bezel Change Keys]
- nextBezelKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Bezel Change Keys", "Next_Bezel_Key", "")
- previousBezelKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Bezel Change Keys", "Previous_Bezel_Key","")
- If (bezelICEnabled = "true") {
- ;[Instruction Cards General Settings]
- positionIC := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards General Settings", "IC_Positions","topLeft|topRight|bottomLeft|bottomRight|topCenter|leftCenter|rightCenter|bottomCenter") ; (1-8 positions) can be topLeft|topRight|bottomLeft|bottomRight|topCenter|leftCenter|rightCenter|bottomCenter
- animationIC := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards General Settings", "IC_Transition_Animation","fade") ; can be none, fade, slideIn, slideOutandIn
- ICChangeDur := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards General Settings", "IC_Transition_Duration","500")
- enableICChangeSound := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards General Settings", "IC_Enable_Transition_Sound","true") ; It searches for sound files named ICslideIn.mp3, ICslideOut.mp3, ICFadeOut.mp3, ICFadeIn.mp3 or ICChange.mp3 on the default global, default system and rom bezel folders to be played while changing the ICs
- ICScaleFactor := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards General Settings", "IC_Scale_Factor","ScreenHeight") ;you can choose between a number (1 to keep the original image size), or the words: ScreenHeight, ScreenWidth, HalfScreenHeight, HalfScreenWidth, OneThirdScreenHeight and OneThirdScreenWidth in order to resize the image in relation to the screen size. The default value is ScreenHeight that will work better in any resolution with a two ICs option (also the default one).
- ICSaveSelected := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini","Instruction Cards General Settings","IC_Save_Selected","false")
- ;[Instruction Cards Menu]
- leftMenuPositionsIC := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Menu", "IC_Left_Menu_Positions","topLeft|leftCenter|bottomLeft|bottomCenter") ; (1-8 positions) can be topLeft|topRight|bottomLeft|bottomRight|topCenter|leftCenter|rightCenter|bottomCenter
- ICleftMenuListItems := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Menu", "IC_Left_Menu_Number_of_List_Items","7")
- rightMenuPositionsIC := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Menu", "IC_Right_Menu_Positions","topRight|rightCenter|bottomRight|topCenter") ; (1-8 positions) can be topLeft|topRight|bottomLeft|bottomRight|topCenter|leftCenter|rightCenter|bottomCenter
- ICrightMenuListItems := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Menu", "IC_Right_Menu_Number_of_List_Items","7")
- ;[Instruction Cards Visibility]
- displayICOnStartup := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Visibility", "IC_Display_Card_on_Startup","false")
- ICRandomSlideShowTimer := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Visibility", "IC_Random_Slide_Show_Timer","0")
- toogleICVisibilityKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Visibility", "IC_Toggle_Visibility_Key","")
- ;[Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 1]
- leftICMenuKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 1", "IC_Left_Menu_Key","")
- rightICMenuKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 1", "IC_Right_Menu_Key","")
- ;[Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 2]
- changeActiveICKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 2", "IC_Change_Active_Instruction_Card_Key","")
- previousICKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 2", "IC_Previous_Instruction_Card_Key","")
- nextICKey := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 2", "IC_Next_Instruction_Card_Key","")
- ;[Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3]
- previousIC1Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_1_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC2Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_2_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC3Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_3_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC4Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_4_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC5Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_5_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC6Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_6_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC7Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_7_Previous_Key","")
- previousIC8Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_8_Previous_Key","")
- nextIC1Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_1_Next_Key","")
- nextIC2Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_2_Next_Key","")
- nextIC3Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_3_Next_Key","")
- nextIC4Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_4_Next_Key","")
- nextIC5Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_5_Next_Key","")
- nextIC6Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_6_Next_Key","")
- nextIC7Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_7_Next_Key","")
- nextIC8Key := RIniBezelLoadVar("bezelGlobalRini","bezelSystemRini", "BezelRomRini", "Instruction Cards Keys Change Mode 3", "IC_8_Next_Key","")
- }
- ; Saving values to ini file
- RIni_Write("bezelGlobalRini",Bezel_GlobalFile,"`r`n",1,1,1)
- IfNotExist, % A_ScriptDir . "\Settings\" . systemName
- FileCreateDir, % A_ScriptDir . "\Settings\" . systemName
- RIni_Write("bezelSystemRini",Bezel_SystemFile,"`r`n",1,1,1)
- ;logging all Bezel Options
- Log("Bezel variable values: " . BezelVarLog,5)
- ; -------------- End of Read ini options and define default values
- ;Loading Bezel parameters and images
- ;Checking if game is vertical oriented
- if (angle != 180 && ((angle=90) or (angle=270) or (angle))) {
- vertical := "true"
- Log("Bezel - Assuming that game has vertical orientation. Bezel will search on the extra folder Vertical in order to find assets.",4)
- } else
- Log("Bezel - Assuming that game has horizontal orientation.",4)
- ;Read Bezel Image
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens"){
- bezelNumberOfScreens := mode
- bezelPath := BezelFilesPath("Bezel [" . bezelNumberOfScreens . "S]",bezelFileExtensions)
- } else {
- bezelPath := BezelFilesPath("Bezel",bezelFileExtensions,true)
- }
- ;-----Loading Image Files into ARRAYs for bezel/background/overlay/instruction card
- If bezelPath
- {
- bezelCheckPosTimeout = 5000
- ;Setting bezel aleatory choosed file
- bezelImagesList := []
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens")
- {
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % bezelPath . "\Bezel [" . bezelNumberOfScreens . "S]*." . A_LoopField
- bezelImagesList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- } else {
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % bezelPath . "\Bezel*." . A_LoopField
- if !RegExMatch(A_LoopFileName, "i)\[[0-9]+S\]")
- bezelImagesList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- }
- if (bezelSaveSelected="true"){
- Random, initialRndmBezel, 1, % bezelImagesList.MaxIndex()
- bezelSelectedIndex := RIni_GetKeyValue("BezelRomRini","Bezel Change","Initial_Bezel_Index")
- RndmBezel := if (bezelSelectedIndex = -2) or (bezelSelectedIndex = -3) ? initialRndmBezel : bezelSelectedIndex
- } else
- Random, RndmBezel, 1, % bezelImagesList.MaxIndex()
- bezelImageFile := bezelImagesList[RndmBezel]
- Log("Bezel - Loading Bezel image: " . bezelImageFile,1)
- ;Setting background aleatory choosed file
- bezelBackgroundsList := []
- SplitPath, bezelImageFile, bezelImageFileName
- If FileExist(bezelPath . "\Background" . SubStr(bezelImageFileName,6)) {
- bezelBackgroundsList.Insert(bezelPath . "\Background" . SubStr(bezelImageFileName,6))
- bezelBackgroundfile := % bezelPath . "\Background" . SubStr(bezelImageFileName,6)
- Log("Bezel - Loading Background image with the same name of the bezel image: " . bezelBackgroundFile,1)
- } Else {
- bezelBackgroundPath := BezelFilesPath("Background",bezelFileExtensions,false,if (bezelUseBackgrounds="true") ? true : false)
- if (bezelBackgroundPath)
- { bezelBackgroundfileList := []
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % bezelBackgroundPath . "\" . "Background*." . A_LoopField
- bezelBackgroundfileList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- Random, RndBezelBackground, 1, % bezelBackgroundfileList.MaxIndex()
- bezelBackgroundfile := bezelBackgroundfileList[RndBezelBackground]
- Log("Bezel - Loading Background image: " . bezelBackgroundFile,1)
- }
- }
- ;Setting overlay aleatory choosed file (only searches overlays at the bezel.png folder)
- bezelOverlaysList := []
- If FileExist(bezelPath . "\Overlay" . SubStr(bezelImageFileName,6)) {
- bezelOverlaysList.Insert(bezelPath . "\Overlay" . SubStr(bezelImageFileName,6))
- bezelOverlayFile := % bezelPath . "\Overlay" . SubStr(bezelImageFileName,6)
- Log("Bezel - Loading Overlay image with the same name of the bezel image: " . bezelOverlayFile,1)
- } Else {
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens")
- {
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % bezelPath . "\Overlay [" . bezelNumberOfScreens . "S]*." . A_LoopField
- bezelOverlaysList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- } else {
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % bezelPath . "\Overlay*." . A_LoopField
- if !RegExMatch(A_LoopFileName, "i)\[[0-9]+S\]")
- bezelOverlaysList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- }
- Random, RndmBezelOverlay, 1, % bezelOverlaysList.MaxIndex()
- bezelOverlayFile := bezelOverlaysList[RndmBezelOverlay]
- If FileExist(bezelOverlayFile)
- Log("Bezel - Loading Overlay image: " . bezelOverlayFile,1)
- }
- }
- if (extraFullScreenBezel = "true"){
- Log("Adding extra fullscreen fake bezel image",1)
- if !bezelPath
- {
- bezelImagesList := []
- bezelPath := "fakeFullScreenBezel"
- RndmBezel := 1
- bezelImageFile := "fakeFullScreenBezel"
- }
- bezelImagesList.Insert("fakeFullScreenBezel")
- }
- If (bezelICEnabled = "true") {
- ;Loading bezel instruction card files
- bezelICPath := BezelFilesPath("Instruction Card",bezelFileExtensions)
- if bezelICPath
- {
- ;Acquiring screen info for dealing with rotated menu drawings
- Gdip_Alt_GetRotatedDimensions(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, screenRotationAngle, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- Gdip_GetRotatedTranslation(baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight, screenRotationAngle, xTranslation, yTranslation)
- xTranslation:=round(xTranslation), yTranslation:=round(yTranslation)
- Loop, 5 {
- CurrentGUI := a_index + 3
- Gdip_TranslateWorldTransform(Bezel_G%CurrentGUI%, xTranslation, yTranslation)
- Gdip_RotateWorldTransform(Bezel_G%CurrentGUI%, screenRotationAngle)
- }
- ;List of available IC images
- bezelICImageList := []
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, %bezelICPath%\Instruction Card*.%A_LoopField%
- bezelICImageList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- Loop, % bezelICImageList.MaxIndex()
- ICLogFilesList := ICLogFilesList . "`r`n`t`t`t`t`t" . bezelICImageList[a_index]
- Log("Bezel - Instruction Card images found: " . ICLogFilesList,4)
- ;IC Position Array
- listofPosibleICPositions = topLeft,topRight,bottomLeft,bottomRight,topCenter,leftCenter,rightCenter,bottomCenter
- listofPossibleICScale = HalfScreenHeight|HalfScreenWidth|OneThirdScreenHeight|OneThirdScreenWidth|ScreenHeight|ScreenWidth
- StringSplit, positionICArray, positionIC, |,
- ;IC Array
- defaultICScaleFactor := ICScaleFactor
- bezelICArray := [] ;bezelICArray[screenICPositionIndex, ICimageIndex, Attribute]
- activeIC := 1
- selectedICimage := []
- prevselectedICimage := []
- selectedRightMenuItem := []
- selectedLeftMenuItem := []
- maxICimage := []
- currentImage := 0
- loop, 8
- {
- currentImage := 0
- currentICPositionIndex := a_index
- Loop, % bezelICImageList.MaxIndex()
- {
- currentBezelICFileName := bezelICImageList[a_index]
- SplitPath, currentBezelICFileName, , , , currentPureFileName
- postionNotDefined := false
- if currentPureFileName not contains %listofPosibleICPositions%
- postionNotDefined := true
- if ( ( (positionICArray%currentICPositionIndex%) and (InStr(currentPureFileName,positionICArray%currentICPositionIndex%)) ) or (postionNotDefined = true) )
- {
- currentImage++
- bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,1] := currentBezelICFileName ; path to instruction card image
- bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2] := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(currentBezelICFileName) ;bitmap pointer
- ;image size
- ICScaleFactor := defaultICScaleFactor
- Loop, parse, listofPossibleICScale,|,
- {
- if InStr(currentPureFileName,A_LoopField)
- {
- ICScaleFactor := A_LoopField
- Log("ICScaleFactor set by instruction card file name: " . ICScaleFactor,5)
- break
- }
- }
- if (ICScaleFactor="ScreenHeight")
- ICScaleFactor := baseScreenHeight/Gdip_GetImageHeight(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])
- else if (ICScaleFactor="ScreenWidth")
- ICScaleFactor := baseScreenWidth/Gdip_GetImageWidth(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])
- else if (ICScaleFactor="HalfScreenHeight")
- ICScaleFactor := baseScreenHeight/2/Gdip_GetImageHeight(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])
- else if (ICScaleFactor="HalfScreenWidth")
- ICScaleFactor := baseScreenWidth/2/Gdip_GetImageWidth(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])
- else if (ICScaleFactor="OneThirdScreenHeight")
- ICScaleFactor := baseScreenHeight/3/Gdip_GetImageHeight(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])
- else if (ICScaleFactor="OneThirdScreenWidth")
- ICScaleFactor := baseScreenWidth/3/Gdip_GetImageWidth(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])
- else
- ICScaleFactor := ICScaleFactor
- bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,3] := round(Gdip_GetImageWidth(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])*ICScaleFactor) ; width of instruction card image
- bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,4] := round(Gdip_GetImageHeight(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,2])*ICScaleFactor) ; height of instruction card image
- ;clean name
- StringTrimLeft, currentLabel, currentPureFileName,16
- replace := {"topLeft":"","topRight":"","bottomLeft":"","bottomRight":"","topCenter":"","leftCenter":"","rightCenter":"","bottomCenter":""} ; Removing place strings from name
- For what, with in replace
- if InStr(currentLabel,what)
- StringReplace, currentLabel, currentLabel, %what%, %with%, All
- replace := {"HalfScreenHeight":"","HalfScreenWidth":"","OneThirdScreenHeight":"","OneThirdScreenWidth":"","ScreenHeight":"","ScreenWidth":""} ; Removing scale factor from name
- For what, with in replace
- if InStr(currentLabel,what)
- StringReplace, currentLabel, currentLabel, %what%, %with%, All
- currentLabel:=RegExReplace(currentLabel,"\(.*\)","") ; remove anything inside parentesis
- currentLabel:=RegExReplace(currentLabel,"^\s*","") ; remove leading
- currentLabel:=RegExReplace(currentLabel,"\s*$","") ; remove trailing
- bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,currentImage,5] := currentLabel ;clean Name
- }
- }
- bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,0,5] := "None"
- selectedICimage[currentICPositionIndex] := 0
- prevselectedICimage[currentICPositionIndex] := 0
- selectedRightMenuItem[currentICPositionIndex] := 0
- selectedLeftMenuItem[currentICPositionIndex] := 0
- maxICimage[currentICPositionIndex] := currentImage
- currentImage := 0
- ICVisibilityOn := true
- }
- if enableICChangeSound
- {
- currentPath := BezelFilesPath("ICslideIn","mp3")
- if currentPath
- slideInICSound := currentPath . "\ICslideIn.mp3"
- currentPath := BezelFilesPath("ICslideOut","mp3")
- if currentPath
- slideOutICSound := currentPath . "\ICslideOut.mp3"
- currentPath := BezelFilesPath("ICFadeOut","mp3")
- if currentPath
- fadeOutICSound := currentPath . "\ICFadeOut.mp3"
- currentPath := BezelFilesPath("ICFadeIn","mp3")
- if currentPath
- fadeOutICSound := currentPath . "\ICFadeIn.mp3"
- currentPath := BezelFilesPath("ICChange","mp3")
- if currentPath
- changeICSound := currentPath . "\ICChange.mp3"
- }
- ;initializing IC menus
- StringReplace, leftMenuPositionsIC, leftMenuPositionsIC,|,`,, all
- StringReplace, rightMenuPositionsIC, rightMenuPositionsIC,|,`,, all
- loop, 8
- {
- if positionICArray%a_index% in %leftMenuPositionsIC%
- {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,1,1]
- {
- leftMenuActiveIC := a_index
- break
- }
- }
- }
- loop, 8
- {
- if positionICArray%a_index% in %rightMenuPositionsIC%
- {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,1,1]
- {
- rightMenuActiveIC := a_index
- break
- }
- }
- }
- ;loading menu parameters
- menuSelectedItem := []
- loop, 2
- {
- if (a_index=1)
- currentICMenu := "Left"
- else
- currentICMenu := "Right"
- bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuList := []
- bezelICMenuPath := BezelFilesPath("IC Menu " . currentICMenu, bezelFileExtensions)
- If !bezelICMenuPath {
- Log("Bezel - No bezelICMenuPath found for " . currentICMenu,2)
- Continue
- }
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % bezelICMenuPath . "\IC Menu " . currentICMenu . "*." . A_LoopField
- bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- Random, RndmbezelICMenu, 1, % bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuList.MaxIndex()
- ;File and bitmap pointers
- bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuFile := bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuList[RndmbezelICMenu]
- bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuFile)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmap, bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmapW, bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmapH)
- ;Ini appearance options
- currentICMenuFile := bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuList[RndmbezelICMenu]
- SplitPath, currentICMenuFile,,,,ICMenuFileNameNoExt
- BezelICMenuIniFile := bezelICMenuPath . "\" . ICMenuFileNameNoExt . ".ini"
- Log("currentICMenu: " . currentICMenu . " || bezelFileExtensions: " . bezelFileExtensions . " || bezelICMenuPath: " . bezelICMenuPath . " || ICMenuFileNameNoExt: " . ICMenuFileNameNoExt . " || BezelICMenuIniFile: " . BezelICMenuIniFile,3)
- if (RIni_Read("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,BezelICMenuIniFile) = -11)
- RIni_Create("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu)
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextFont := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Font","Bebas Neue")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Font",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextFont) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextAlignment := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Alignment","Center")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Alignment",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextAlignment) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextSize := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Text_Size","50")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Text_Size",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextSize) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListDisabledTextSize := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Disabled_Text_Size","30")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Disabled_Text_Size",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListDisabledTextSize) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextColor := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Selected_Text_Color","FF000000")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Selected_Text_Color",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextColor) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListDisabledTextColor := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Disabled_Text_Color","FFCCCCCC")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Disabled_Text_Color",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListDisabledTextColor) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListCurrentTextColor := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Current_Text_Color","FFFF00FF")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Current_Text_Color",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListCurrentTextColor) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListX := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Top_X_position","20")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Top_X_position",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListX) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListY := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Top_Y_position","20")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Top_Y_position",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListY) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListWidth := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Width","260")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Width",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListWidth) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuListHeight := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Height","360")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card List Settings","Height",IC%currentICMenu%MenuListHeight) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextFont := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Font","Bebas Neue")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Font",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextFont) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextAlignment := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Alignment","Right")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Alignment",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextAlignment) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextSize := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Text_Size","20")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Text_Size",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextSize) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextColor := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Text_Color","FFFFFFFF")
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Text_Color",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextColor) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextX := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Top_X_position",0)
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Top_X_position",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextX) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextY := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Top_Y_position",bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmapH-IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextSize)
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Top_Y_position",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextY) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextWidth := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Width",bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmapW)
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Width",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextWidth) ; set value if ini not found
- IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextHeight := RIni_GetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Height",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextSize)
- RIni_SetKeyValue("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,"Instruction Card Screen Position Text Settings","Height",IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextHeight) ; set value if ini not found
- ; Saving values to ini file
- RIni_Write("bezelICRini" . currentICMenu,BezelICMenuIniFile,"`r`n",1,1,1)
- ;Resizing Menu items
- XBaseRes := 1920, YBaseRes := 1080
- if (((A_screenWidth < A_screenHeight) and ((screenRotationAngle=0) or (screenRotationAngle=180))) or ((A_screenWidth > A_screenHeight) and ((screenRotationAngle=90) or (screenRotationAngle=270))))
- XBaseRes := 1080, YBaseRes := 1920
- ICMenuScreenScallingFactor := baseScreenHeight/YBaseRes
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuListX, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuListY, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuListWidth, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuListHeight, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuListTextSize, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuListDisabledTextSize, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextX, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextY, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextWidth, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(IC%currentICMenu%MenuPositionTextHeight, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmapW, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- OptionScale(bezelIC%currentICMenu%MenuBitmapH, ICMenuScreenScallingFactor)
- }
- pGraphUpd(Bezel_G4,baseScreenWidth,baseScreenHeight)
- pGraphUpd(Bezel_G5,bezelICLeftMenuBitmapW,bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)
- pGraphUpd(Bezel_G6,ICLeftMenuListWidth,ICLeftMenuListTextSize)
- pGraphUpd(Bezel_G7,bezelICRightMenuBitmapW,bezelICRightMenuBitmapH)
- pGraphUpd(Bezel_G8,ICRightMenuListWidth,ICRightMenuListTextSize)
- }
- }
- If bezelPath
- {
- ;Setting ini file with bezel coordinates and reading its values
- if (bezelImageFile = "fakeFullScreenBezel"){
- bezelScreenX := 0
- bezelScreenY := 0
- bezelScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth
- bezelScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight
- origbezelImageW := A_ScreenWidth
- origbezelImageH := A_ScreenHeight
- bezelOrigIniScreenX1 := 0
- bezelOrigIniScreenY1 := 0
- bezelOrigIniScreenX2 := A_ScreenWidth
- bezelOrigIniScreenY2 := A_ScreenHeight
- } else {
- ReadBezelIniFile()
- bezelScreenX1 := bezelOrigIniScreenX1
- bezelScreenY1 := bezelOrigIniScreenY1
- bezelScreenX2 := bezelOrigIniScreenX2
- bezelScreenY2 := bezelOrigIniScreenY2
- ; creating bitmap pointers
- bezelBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(bezelImageFile)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(bezelBitmap, origbezelImageW, origbezelImageH)
- bezelImageW := origbezelImageW
- bezelImageH := origbezelImageH
- ; calculating BezelCoordinates
- if (bezelMode = "Normal")
- BezelCoordinates("Normal")
- else if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens")
- BezelCoordinates("MultiScreens")
- }
- if bezelBackgroundFile
- bezelBackgroundBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(bezelBackgroundFile)
- if bezelOverlayFile
- bezelOverlayBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(bezelOverlayFile)
- ; Updating GUI 1 - Background - with image
- If bezelBackgroundFile
- {
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G1, bezelBackgroundBitmap, 0, 0,A_ScreenWidth+1,A_ScreenHeight+1)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd1, Bezel_hdc1,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- Gui, Bezel_GUI1: Show, na
- Log("Bezel - Background Screen Position: BezelImage left=" . 0 . " top=" . 0 . " right=" . A_ScreenWidth . " bottom=" . A_ScreenHeight ,5)
- }
- }
- If (bezelPath) or (bezelICPath)
- {
- ;force windowed mode
- if !disableForceFullscreen
- Fullscreen := false
- }
- Log("BezelStart - Ended")
- }
- Return
- }
- BezelDraw(){
- Global
- if (bezelEnabled = "true"){
- Log("BezelDraw - Started")
- ;------------ bezelMode bezelLayoutFile
- if bezelLayoutFile
- return
- If bezelPath
- {
- ;------------ bezelMode MultiScreens
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens") {
- ; Disable windows components
- ; Going to the label on the module to enable or disable emulator window manipulation codes to hide windows components, ...
- var := "BezelLabel"
- If IsLabel(var)
- gosub, %var%
- loop, %bezelNumberOfScreens%
- {
- currentScreen := a_index
- If !disableHideTitleBarScreen%currentScreen%
- WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, % "ahk_id " . Screen%currentScreen%ID
- If !disableHideToggleMenuScreen%currentScreen%
- ToggleMenu(Screen%a_index%ID)
- If !disableHideBorderScreen%currentScreen%
- WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, % "ahk_id " . Screen%currentScreen%ID
- ;Moving emulator Window to predefined bezel position
- screenPositionLogList := screenPositionLogList . "`r`n`t`t`t`t`tScreen " . currentScreen . ": left=" . bezelScreen%currentScreen%X1 . " top=" . bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y1 . " right=" . (bezelScreen%currentScreen%X1+bezelScreen%currentScreen%W) . " bottom=" . (bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y1+bezelScreen%currentScreen%H)
- If !disableWinMove
- WinMove, % "ahk_id " . Screen%currentScreen%ID, , % bezelScreen%currentScreen%X1, % bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y1, % bezelScreen%currentScreen%W, % bezelScreen%currentScreen%H
- }
- If !disableWinMove
- {
- ;check if windows moved
- sleep, 200
- loop, %bezelNumberOfScreens%
- {
- currentScreen := a_index
- X:="" , Y:="" , W:="" , H:=""
- timeout := A_TickCount
- loop
- {
- sleep, 50
- WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, % "ahk_id " . Screen%currentScreen%ID
- if (X=bezelScreen%currentScreen%X1) and (Y=bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y1) and (W=bezelScreen%currentScreen%W) and (H=bezelScreen%currentScreen%H)
- break
- if(timeout < A_TickCount - bezelCheckPosTimeout) {
- Log("Screen " . currentScreen . " did not moved to correct bezel position. Timeout enabled.",5)
- break
- }
- sleep, 50
- WinMove, % "ahk_id " . Screen%currentScreen%ID, , % bezelScreen%currentScreen%X1, % bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y1, % bezelScreen%currentScreen%W, % bezelScreen%currentScreen%H
- }
- }
- }
- ;------------ bezelMode Normal
- } else if (bezelMode = "Normal") {
- WinGet emulatorID, ID, A
- ;BezelCoordinates("Normal")
- Log("Bezel - Bezel Screen Offset: left=" . bezelLeftOffset . " top=" . bezelTopOffset . " right=" . bezelRightOffset . " bottom=" . bezelBottomOffset ,1)
- ; Going to the label on the module to enable or disable emulator window manipulation codes to hide windows components, ...
- var := "BezelLabel"
- If IsLabel(var)
- gosub, %var%
- ; list of windows manipulation options that can be enabled/disabled on the BezelLabel (they are enable as default)
- If !disableHideTitleBar
- WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
- If !disableHideToggleMenu
- ToggleMenu(emulatorID)
- If !disableHideBorder
- WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A
- ;Moving emulator Window to predefined bezel window
- If !disableWinMove
- {
- bezelScreenX := round(bezelScreenX) , bezelScreenY := round(bezelScreenY), bezelScreenWidth := round(bezelScreenWidth) , bezelScreenHeight := round(bezelScreenHeight)
- WinMove, ahk_id %emulatorID%, , %bezelScreenX%, %bezelScreenY%, %bezelScreenWidth%, %bezelScreenHeight%
- ; check if window moved
- X:="" , Y:="" , W:="" , H:=""
- timeout := A_TickCount
- sleep, 200
- loop
- {
- sleep, 50
- WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %emulatorID%
- if (X=bezelScreenX) and (Y=bezelScreenY) and (W=bezelScreenWidth) and (H=bezelScreenHeight)
- break
- if(timeout < A_TickCount - bezelCheckPosTimeout)
- break
- sleep, 50
- WinMove, ahk_id %emulatorID%, , %bezelScreenX%, %bezelScreenY%, %bezelScreenWidth%, %bezelScreenHeight%
- }
- }
- ;------------ bezelMode fixResMode
- } else if (bezelMode = "fixResMode") { ; Define coordinates for emulators that does not support custom made resolutions.
- WinGet emulatorID, ID, A
- Log("Bezel - Emulator does not support custom made resolution. Game screen will be centered at the emulator resolution and the bezel png will be drawn around it. The bezel image will be croped if its resolution is bigger them the screen resolution.",1)
- X:="" , Y:="" , W:="" , H:=""
- timeout := A_TickCount
- loop
- {
- sleep, 50
- WinGetPos, bezelScreenX, bezelScreenY, bezelScreenWidth, bezelScreenHeight, A
- if bezelScreenX and bezelScreenY and bezelScreenWidth and bezelScreenHeight
- break
- if(timeout < A_TickCount - bezelCheckPosTimeout)
- break
- }
- Log("Bezel - Emulator Screen Position: left=" . bezelScreenX . " top=" . bezelScreenY . " width=" . bezelScreenWidth . " height=" . bezelScreenHeight ,5)
- BezelCoordinates("fixResMode")
- Log("Bezel - Screen Offset: left=" . bezelLeftOffset . " top=" . bezelTopOffset . " right=" . bezelRightOffset . " bottom=" . bezelBottomOffset ,1)
- ; Going to the label on the module to enable or disable emulator window manipulation codes to hide windows components, ...
- var := "BezelLabel"
- If IsLabel(var)
- gosub, %var%
- ; list of windows manipulation options that can be enabled/disabled on the BezelLabel (they are enable as default)
- If !disableHideTitleBar
- WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
- If !disableHideToggleMenu
- ToggleMenu(emulatorID)
- If !disableHideBorder
- WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, A
- ;Moving emulator Window to predefined bezel window
- If !disableWinMove
- {
- bezelScreenX := round(bezelScreenX) , bezelScreenY := round(bezelScreenY)
- WinMove, ahk_id %emulatorID%, , %bezelScreenX%, %bezelScreenY%
- ; check if window moved
- X:="" , Y:=""
- timeout := A_TickCount
- sleep, 200
- loop
- {
- sleep, 50
- WinGetPos, X, Y, , , ahk_id %emulatorID%
- if (X=bezelScreenX) and (Y=bezelScreenY)
- break
- if(timeout < A_TickCount - bezelCheckPosTimeout)
- break
- sleep, 50
- WinMove, ahk_id %emulatorID%, , %bezelScreenX%, %bezelScreenY%
- }
- }
- }
- ;Drawing Bezel GUI
- if !(bezelImageFile = "fakeFullScreenBezel"){
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G3, bezelBitmap, bezelImageX, bezelImageY,bezelImageW,bezelImageH)
- if !bezelLoaded
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd3, Bezel_hdc3,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- Log("Bezel - Bezel Image Screen Position: BezelImage left=" . bezelImageX . " top=" . bezelImageY . " right=" . (bezelImageX+bezelImageW) . " bottom=" . (bezelImageY+bezelImageH) ,5)
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens")
- Log("Bezel - Game Screen Position:" . screenPositionLogList, 4)
- else
- Log("Bezel - Game Screen Position: BezelImage left=" . bezelScreenX . " top=" . bezelScreenY . " right=" . (bezelScreenX+bezelScreenWidth) . " bottom=" . (bezelScreenY+bezelScreenHeight) ,5)
- }
- ;Drawing Overlay Image above screen
- If bezelOverlayFile
- {
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens") {
- loop, %bezelNumberOfScreens%
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, bezelScreen%A_Index%X1, bezelScreen%A_Index%Y1,bezelScreen%A_Index%W,bezelScreen%A_Index%H)
- if !bezelLoaded
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd2, Bezel_hdc2,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- } else {
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, 0, 0,bezelScreenWidth,bezelScreenHeight)
- if !bezelLoaded
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd2, Bezel_hdc2,bezelScreenX,bezelScreenY, bezelScreenWidth, bezelScreenHeight)
- Log("Bezel - Overlay Screen Position: BezelImage left=" . bezelScreenX . " top=" . bezelScreenY . " right=" . (bezelScreenX+bezelScreenWidth) . " bottom=" . (bezelScreenY+bezelScreenHeight) ,5)
- }
- }
- if !bezelLoaded
- {
- ;Initializing Instruction Cards Keys
- gosub, EnableBezelKeys
- ;Initializing bezel change
- if (bezelImagesList.MaxIndex() > 1) {
- if nextBezelKey
- {
- nextBezelKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(nextBezelKey,"nextBezelKey","~","Add")
- XHotKeywrapper(nextBezelKey,"nextBezel")
- }
- if previousBezelKey
- {
- previousBezelKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(previousBezelKey,"previousBezelKey","~","Add")
- XHotKeywrapper(previousBezelKey,"previousBezel")
- }
- }
- ;Creating bezel background timer
- if (bezelBackgroundsList.MaxIndex() > 1)
- if bezelBackgroundChangeDur
- settimer, BezelBackgroundTimer, %bezelBackgroundChangeDur%
- }
- }
- if bezelICPath
- {
- if ((ICSaveSelected="true") and (FileExist(Bezel_RomFile))) {
- loop, 8
- if maxICimage[a_index]
- {
- selectedIndex := RIni_GetKeyValue("BezelRomRini","Instruction Cards","Initial_Card_" . a_index . "_Index")
- selectedICimage[a_index] := if (selectedIndex = -2) or (selectedIndex = -3) ? 1 : selectedIndex
- }
- }
- if (displayICOnStartup = "true") {
- loop, 8
- {
- if !(selectedICimage[a_index])
- selectedICimage[a_index] := 1
- if maxICimage[a_index]
- {
- DrawIC()
- }
- }
- } else if (displayICOnStartup = "Random") {
- gosub, randomICChange
- }
- if %ICRandomSlideShowTimer%
- SetTimer, randomICChange, %ICRandomSlideShowTimer%
- }
- bezelLoaded := true
- Log("BezelDraw - Ended")
- }
- Return
- }
- BezelExit(){
- Global
- if (bezelEnabled = "true"){
- Log("BezelExit - Started")
- ;Deleting pointers and destroying GUis
- loop, 8 {
- SelectObject(Bezel_hdc%A_Index%, Bezel_obm%A_Index%)
- DeleteObject(Bezel_hbm%A_Index%)
- DeleteDC(Bezel_hdc%A_Index%)
- Gdip_DeleteGraphics(Bezel_G%A_Index%)
- Gui, Bezel_GUI%A_Index%: Destroy
- }
- If bezelPath
- {
- log("Bezel - Removing bezel image components to exit HyperLaunch.",1)
- if bezelBitmap
- Gdip_DisposeImage(bezelBitmap)
- if bezelBackgroundFile
- Gdip_DisposeImage(bezelBackgroundBitmap)
- if bezelOverlayFile
- Gdip_DisposeImage(bezelOverlayBitmap)
- if BezelBackgroundChangeLoaded
- Gdip_DisposeImage(preRndmBezelBackground)
- if bezelICPath
- {
- loop, 8
- {
- currentICPositionIndex := a_index
- loop, %numberofICImages%
- {
- if bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,a_index,2]
- Gdip_DisposeImage(bezelICArray[currentICPositionIndex,a_index,2])
- }
- }
- }
- if (bezelSaveSelected="true") {
- RIni_SetKeyValue("BezelRomRini","Bezel Change","Initial_Bezel_Index",RndmBezel)
- updateBezel_RomFile := true
- }
- }
- if bezelICPath
- {
- if (ICSaveSelected="true"){
- Loop, 8
- RIni_SetKeyValue("BezelRomRini","Instruction Cards","Initial_Card_" . a_index . "_Index",selectedICimage[a_index])
- updateBezel_RomFile := true
- }
- }
- if updateBezel_RomFile
- {
- SplitPath, Bezel_RomFile, , Bezel_RomFilePath
- FileCreateDir, % Bezel_RomFilePath
- RIni_Write("BezelRomRini",Bezel_RomFile,"`r`n",1,1,1)
- }
- Log("BezelExit - Ended")
- }
- Return
- }
- ReadBezelIniFile(){
- Global
- StringTrimRight, bezelIniFile, bezelImageFile, 4
- bezelIniFile := bezelIniFile . ".ini"
- If !FileExist(bezelIniFile)
- Log("Bezel - Bezel Ini file not found. Creating the file " . bezelIniFile . " with full screen coordinates. You should edit the ini file to enter the coordinates in pixels of the screen emulator location on the bezel image.",2)
- bezelOrigIniScreenX1 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen Top Left X Coordinate", 0)
- bezelOrigIniScreenY1 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen Top Left Y Coordinate", 0)
- bezelOrigIniScreenX2 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen Bottom Right X Coordinate", A_ScreenWidth)
- bezelOrigIniScreenY2 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen Bottom Right Y Coordinate", A_ScreenHeight)
- Log("Bezel - Bezel ini file found. Defined screen positions: X1=" . bezelOrigIniScreenX1 . " Y1=" . bezelOrigIniScreenY1 . " X2=" . bezelOrigIniScreenX2 . " Y2=" . bezelOrigIniScreenY2 ,5)
- ;reading additional screens info
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens") {
- loop, % bezelNumberOfScreens-1
- {
- currentScreen := a_index+1
- bezelScreen%currentScreen%X1 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen " . currentScreen . " Top Left X Coordinate", 0)
- bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y1 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen " . currentScreen . " Top Left Y Coordinate", 0)
- bezelScreen%currentScreen%X2 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen " . currentScreen . " Bottom Right X Coordinate", 0)
- bezelScreen%currentScreen%Y2 := IniReadCheck(bezelIniFile, "General", "Bezel Screen " . currentScreen . " Bottom Right Y Coordinate", 0)
- }
- }
- return
- }
- BezelCoordinates(CoordinatesMode){
- Global
- if (CoordinatesMode = "Normal"){
- ; Resizing bezel transparent area to the screen resolution (image is stretched to Center screen, keeping aspect)
- widthMaxPerc := ( A_ScreenWidth / bezelImageW ) ; get the percentage needed to maximise the image so the higher dimension reaches the screen's edge
- heightMaxPerc := ( A_ScreenHeight / bezelImageH )
- scaleFactor := If (widthMaxPerc < heightMaxPerc) ? widthMaxPerc : heightMaxPerc
- bezelImageW := Round(bezelImageW * scaleFactor)
- bezelImageH := Round(bezelImageH * scaleFactor)
- bezelImageX := Round( ( A_ScreenWidth - bezelImageW ) // 2 )
- bezelImageY := Round( ( A_ScreenHeight - bezelImageH ) // 2 )
- ; Defining emulator position
- bezelScreenX := Round ( bezelImageX + (bezelScreenX1 * scaleFactor) )
- bezelScreenY := Round ( bezelImageY + (bezelScreenY1 * scaleFactor) )
- bezelScreenWidth := Round( (bezelScreenX2-bezelScreenX1)* scaleFactor )
- bezelScreenHeight := Round( (bezelScreenY2-bezelScreenY1)* scaleFactor )
- ; Applying offsets to correctly place the emulator if the emulator has extra window components
- bezelScreenX := if bezelLeftOffset ? bezelScreenX - bezelLeftOffset : bezelScreenX
- bezelScreenY := if bezelTopOffset ? bezelScreenY - bezelTopOffset : bezelScreenY
- bezelScreenWidth := if bezelRightOffset ? ( if bezelLeftOffset ? bezelScreenWidth + bezelRightOffset + bezelLeftOffset : bezelScreenWidth + bezelRightOffset ) : ( if bezelLeftOffset ? bezelScreenWidth + bezelLeftOffset : bezelScreenWidth )
- bezelScreenHeight := if bezelTopOffset ? ( if bezelBottomOffset ? bezelScreenHeight + bezelTopOffset + bezelBottomOffset : bezelScreenHeight + bezelTopOffset ) : ( if bezelBottomOffset ? bezelScreenHeight + bezelBottomOffset : bezelScreenHeight )
- bezelScreenX := round(bezelScreenX) , bezelScreenY := round(bezelScreenY), bezelScreenWidth := round(bezelScreenWidth) , bezelScreenHeight := round(bezelScreenHeight)
- } else if (CoordinatesMode = "MultiScreens") {
- ; Resizing bezel transparent area to the screen resolution (image is stretched to Center screen, keeping aspect)
- widthMaxPerc := ( A_ScreenWidth / bezelImageW ) ; get the percentage needed to maximise the image so the higher dimension reaches the screen's edge
- heightMaxPerc := ( A_ScreenHeight / bezelImageH )
- scaleFactor := If (widthMaxPerc < heightMaxPerc) ? widthMaxPerc : heightMaxPerc
- bezelImageW := Round(bezelImageW * scaleFactor)
- bezelImageH := Round(bezelImageH * scaleFactor)
- bezelImageX := Round( ( A_ScreenWidth - bezelImageW ) // 2 )
- bezelImageY := Round( ( A_ScreenHeight - bezelImageH ) // 2 )
- ; Defining emulator position
- bezelScreen1X1 := bezelScreenX1
- bezelScreen1Y1 := bezelScreenY1
- bezelScreen1X2 := bezelScreenX2
- bezelScreen1Y2 := bezelScreenY2
- loop, %bezelNumberOfScreens%
- {
- bezelScreen%a_index%W := Round((bezelScreen%a_index%X2-bezelScreen%a_index%X1)*scaleFactor)
- bezelScreen%a_index%H := Round((bezelScreen%a_index%Y2-bezelScreen%a_index%Y1)*scaleFactor)
- bezelScreen%a_index%X1 := Round(bezelImageX+bezelScreen%a_index%X1*scaleFactor)
- bezelScreen%a_index%Y1 := Round(bezelImageY+bezelScreen%a_index%Y1*scaleFactor)
- ; Applying offsets to correctly place the emulator if the emulator has extra window components
- bezelScreen%a_index%X1 := if bezelLeftOffsetScreen%a_index% ? bezelScreen%a_index%X1 - bezelLeftOffsetScreen%a_index% : bezelScreen%a_index%X1
- bezelScreen%a_index%Y1 := if bezelTopOffsetScreen%a_index% ? bezelScreen%a_index%Y1 - bezelTopOffsetScreen%a_index% : bezelScreen%a_index%Y1
- bezelScreen%a_index%W := if bezelRightOffsetScreen%a_index% ? ( if bezelLeftOffsetScreen%a_index% ? bezelScreen%a_index%W + bezelRightOffsetScreen%a_index% + bezelLeftOffsetScreen%a_index% : bezelScreen%a_index%W + bezelRightOffsetScreen%a_index% ) : ( if bezelLeftOffsetScreen%a_index% ? bezelScreen%a_index%W + bezelLeftOffsetScreen%a_index% : bezelScreen%a_index%W )
- bezelScreen%a_index%H := if bezelTopOffsetScreen%a_index% ? ( if bezelBottomOffsetScreen%a_index% ? bezelScreen%a_index%H + bezelTopOffsetScreen%a_index% + bezelBottomOffsetScreen%a_index% : bezelScreen%a_index%H + bezelTopOffsetScreen%a_index% ) : ( if bezelBottomOffsetScreen%a_index% ? bezelScreen%a_index%H + bezelBottomOffsetScreen%a_index% : bezelScreen%a_index%H )
- bezelScreen%a_index%X1 := round(bezelScreen%a_index%X1) , bezelScreen%a_index%Y1 := round(bezelScreen%a_index%Y1), bezelScreen%a_index%W := round(bezelScreen%a_index%W) , bezelScreen%a_index%H := round(bezelScreen%a_index%H)
- log("Emulator Screen " . a_index . " position on bezel: X=" . bezelScreen%a_index%X1 . " Y=" . bezelScreen%a_index%Y1 . " W=" . bezelScreen%a_index%W . " H=" . bezelScreen%a_index%H ,5)
- }
- } else if (CoordinatesMode = "fixResMode") {
- bezelScreenWidth := if bezelRightOffset ? ( if bezelLeftOffset ? bezelScreenWidth - bezelRightOffset - bezelLeftOffset : bezelScreenWidth - bezelRightOffset ) : ( if bezelLeftOffset ? bezelScreenWidth - bezelLeftOffset : bezelScreenWidth )
- bezelScreenHeight := if bezelTopOffset ? ( if bezelBottomOffset ? bezelScreenHeight - bezelTopOffset - bezelBottomOffset : bezelScreenHeight - bezelTopOffset ) : ( if bezelBottomOffset ? bezelScreenHeight - bezelBottomOffset : bezelScreenHeight )
- bezelScreenX:= Round((A_ScreenWidth-bezelScreenWidth)/2)
- bezelScreenY:= Round((A_ScreenHeight-bezelScreenHeight)/2)
- bezelScreenX := if bezelLeftOffset ? bezelScreenX - bezelLeftOffset : bezelScreenX
- bezelScreenY := if bezelTopOffset ? bezelScreenY - bezelTopOffset : bezelScreenY
- xScaleFactor := (bezelScreenWidth)/(bezelScreenX2-bezelScreenX1)
- yScaleFactor := (bezelScreenHeight)/(bezelScreenY2-bezelScreenY1)
- bezelImageW := Round(bezelImageW * xScaleFactor)
- bezelImageH := Round(bezelImageH * yScaleFactor)
- bezelImageX := Round( (A_ScreenWidth-(bezelScreenX2-bezelScreenX1)*xScaleFactor)//2-bezelScreenX1*xScaleFactor )
- bezelImageY := Round( (A_ScreenHeight-(bezelScreenY2-bezelScreenY1)*yScaleFactor)//2-bezelScreenY1*yScaleFactor )
- }
- Return
- }
- BezelFilesPath(filename,fileextension,excludeScreens=false,useBkgdPath=false)
- {
- Global HLMediaPath, systemName, dbName, vertical
- Global dbCloneOf
- bezelpath1 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\" . systemName . "\" . dbName
- If dbCloneOf
- bezelpath2 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\" . systemName . "\" . dbCloneOf
- If (useBkgdPath){
- bezelpath3 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\" . systemName . "\" . dbName
- If dbCloneOf
- bezelpath4 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\" . systemName . "\" . dbCloneOf
- }
- If (vertical = "true")
- bezelpath5 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\" . systemName . "\_Default\Vertical"
- Else
- bezelpath6 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\" . systemName . "\_Default\Horizontal"
- bezelpath7 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\" . systemName . "\_Default"
- If (useBkgdPath){
- If (vertical = "true")
- bezelpath8 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\" . systemName . "\_Default\Vertical"
- else
- bezelpath9 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\" . systemName . "\_Default\Horizontal"
- bezelpath10 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\" . systemName . "\_Default"
- }
- If (vertical = "true")
- bezelpath11 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\_Default\Vertical"
- Else
- bezelpath12 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\_Default\Horizontal"
- bezelpath13 := HLMediaPath . "\Bezels\_Default"
- If (useBkgdPath){
- If (vertical = "true")
- bezelpath14 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\_Default\Vertical"
- else
- bezelpath15 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\_Default\Horizontal"
- bezelpath16 := HLMediaPath . "\Backgrounds\_Default"
- }
- Loop, 16 {
- If bezelpath%a_index%
- {
- Log("Bezel - Looking for " . filename . " in: " . bezelpath%A_Index%,4)
- currentbezelpathNumber := a_index
- Loop, Parse, fileextension,|
- {
- Loop % bezelpath%currentbezelpathNumber% . "\" . filename . "*." . A_LoopField
- {
- If excludeScreens
- {
- If !RegExMatch(A_LoopFileName, "i)\[[0-9]+S\]")
- {
- Log("Bezel - Found " . filename . " art in folder: " . bezelpath%currentbezelpathNumber%,4)
- bezelPathFound := bezelpath%currentbezelpathNumber%
- break
- }
- } Else {
- Log("Bezel - Found " . filename . " art in folder: " . bezelpath%currentbezelpathNumber%,4)
- bezelPathFound := bezelpath%currentbezelpathNumber%
- break
- }
- }
- }
- If bezelPathFound
- break
- }
- }
- If !bezelPathFound
- log("Bezel - Bezels are enabled, however none of the " . filename . " files, with extensions " . fileextension . " exist on the bezel folders.",2)
- Return bezelPathFound
- }
- ;Function to load ini values
- RIniBezelLoadVar(gRIniVar,sRIniVar,rRIniVar,gsec,gkey,gdefaultvalue="",ssec=0,skey=0,sdefaultvalue="use_global",rdefaultvalue="use_global") {
- Global
- if not ssec
- ssec := gsec
- if not skey
- skey := gkey
- X1 := RIni_GetKeyValue(gRIniVar,gsec,gkey)
- X1 := If (X1 = -2) or (X1 = -3) ? gdefaultvalue : X1
- X2 := RIni_GetKeyValue(sRIniVar,ssec,skey)
- X2 := If (X2 = -2) or (X2 = -3) ? sdefaultvalue : X2
- X3 := RIni_GetKeyValue(rRIniVar,ssec,skey)
- X3 := If (X3 = -2) or (X3 = -3) ? rdefaultvalue : X3
- X4 := (If (X3 = "use_global") ? (If (X2 = "use_global") ? (X1) : (X2)) : (X3))
- RIni_SetKeyValue(gRIniVar,gsec,gkey,X1)
- RIni_SetKeyValue(sRIniVar,ssec,skey,X2)
- RIni_SetKeyValue(rRIniVar,ssec,skey,X3)
- BezelVarLog .= "`r`n`t`t`t`t`t" . "[" . gsec . "] " . gkey . " = " . X4
- Return X4
- }
- ; Bezel Change Code
- BezelBackgroundTimer:
- BezelBackgroundChangeLoaded := true
- preRndmBezelBackground := RndmBezelBackground
- RndmBezelBackground := RndmBezelBackground + 1
- if (RndmBezelBackground > bezelBackgroundsList.MaxIndex())
- RndmBezelBackground := 1
- prebezelBackgroundfile := bezelBackgroundsList[preRndmBezelBackground]
- bezelBackgroundfile := bezelBackgroundsList[RndmBezelBackground]
- prebezelBackgroundBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(prebezelBackgroundfile)
- bezelBackgroundBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(bezelBackgroundFile)
- if (bezelBackgroundTransition="fade"){
- ;fade in
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G1)
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < bezelBackgroundTransitionDur) ? ((timeElapsed/bezelBackgroundTransitionDur)) : 1
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G1, prebezelBackgroundBitmap, 0, 0,A_ScreenWidth,A_ScreenHeight)
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G1, bezelBackgroundBitmap, 0, 0,A_ScreenWidth,A_ScreenHeight,"","","","",t)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd1, Bezel_hdc1,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- If (t >= 1)
- Break
- }
- } else {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G1)
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G1, bezelBackgroundBitmap, 0, 0,A_ScreenWidth,A_ScreenHeight)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd1, Bezel_hdc1,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- }
- return
- NextBezel:
- PreviousBezel:
- if bezelPath
- {
- if bezelLayoutFile
- return
- if (A_ThisLabel="NextBezel") {
- RndmBezel := RndmBezel + 1
- if (RndmBezel > bezelImagesList.MaxIndex()){
- RndmBezel := 1
- }
- } else if (A_ThisLabel="PreviousBezel") {
- RndmBezel := RndmBezel - 1
- if (RndmBezel < 1){
- RndmBezel := bezelImagesList.MaxIndex()
- }
- }
- ;fade out
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < bezelChangeDur) ? (255*(1-(timeElapsed/bezelChangeDur))) : 0
- If bezelOverlayFile
- {
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens") {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G2)
- loop, %bezelNumberOfScreens%
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, bezelScreen%A_Index%X1, bezelScreen%A_Index%Y1,bezelScreen%A_Index%W,bezelScreen%A_Index%H)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd2, Bezel_hdc2,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight,t)
- } else {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G2)
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, 0, 0,bezelScreenWidth,bezelScreenHeight)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd2, Bezel_hdc2,bezelScreenX,bezelScreenY, bezelScreenWidth, bezelScreenHeight,t)
- }
- }
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G3)
- if (bezelImageFile = "fakeFullScreenBezel"){
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G3, bezelBitmap, bezelImageX, bezelImageY,bezelImageW,bezelImageH)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd3, Bezel_hdc3,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight,t)
- }
- WinSet, Transparent, %t%, ahk_id %emulatorID%
- If (t <= 0)
- Break
- }
- prevbezelImageW := origbezelImageW
- prevbezelImageH := origbezelImageH
- prevbezelOrigIniScreenX1 := bezelOrigIniScreenX1
- prevbezelOrigIniScreenY1 := bezelOrigIniScreenY1
- prevbezelOrigIniScreenX2 := bezelOrigIniScreenX2
- prevbezelOrigIniScreenY2 := bezelOrigIniScreenY2
- bezelImageFile := bezelImagesList[RndmBezel]
- bezelBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(bezelImageFile)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(bezelBitmap, origbezelImageW, origbezelImageH)
- ReadBezelIniFile()
- WinActivate, ahk_id %emulatorID%
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G2)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G3)
- if ((prevbezelImageW=origbezelImageW) and (prevbezelImageH = origbezelImageH) and (prevbezelOrigIniScreenX1 = bezelOrigIniScreenX1) and (prevbezelOrigIniScreenY1 = bezelOrigIniScreenY1) and (prevbezelOrigIniScreenX2 = bezelOrigIniScreenX2) and (prevbezelOrigIniScreenY2 = bezelOrigIniScreenY2) ) { ;just replace bezel image
- if !(bezelImageFile = "fakeFullScreenBezel")
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G3, bezelBitmap, bezelImageX, bezelImageY,bezelImageW,bezelImageH)
- ;Drawing Overlay Image above screen
- If bezelOverlayFile
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens")
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, bezelScreen%A_Index%X1, bezelScreen%A_Index%Y1,bezelScreen%A_Index%W,bezelScreen%A_Index%H)
- else
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, 0, 0,bezelScreenWidth,bezelScreenHeight)
- } else { ; recalculate everything bezel related
- bezelImageW := origbezelImageW
- bezelImageH := origbezelImageH
- bezelScreenX1 := bezelOrigIniScreenX1
- bezelScreenY1 := bezelOrigIniScreenY1
- bezelScreenX2 := bezelOrigIniScreenX2
- bezelScreenY2 := bezelOrigIniScreenY2
- ToggleMenu(emulatorID)
- if (bezelMode = "Normal")
- BezelCoordinates("Normal")
- BezelDraw()
- }
- ;fade in
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < bezelChangeDur) ? (255*(timeElapsed/bezelChangeDur)) : 255
- If bezelOverlayFile
- {
- if (bezelMode = "MultiScreens") {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G2)
- loop, %bezelNumberOfScreens%
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, bezelScreen%A_Index%X1, bezelScreen%A_Index%Y1,bezelScreen%A_Index%W,bezelScreen%A_Index%H)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd2, Bezel_hdc2,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight,t)
- } else {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G2)
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G2, bezelOverlayBitmap, 0, 0,bezelScreenWidth,bezelScreenHeight)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd2, Bezel_hdc2,bezelScreenX,bezelScreenY, bezelScreenWidth, bezelScreenHeight,t)
- }
- }
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G3)
- if !(bezelImageFile = "fakeFullScreenBezel")
- Gdip_DrawImage(Bezel_G3, bezelBitmap, bezelImageX, bezelImageY,bezelImageW,bezelImageH)
- UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd3, Bezel_hdc3,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight,t)
- WinSet, Transparent, %t%, ahk_id %emulatorID%
- If (t >= 255)
- Break
- }
- }
- return
- ;Instruction Cards Code
- toogleICVisibility:
- if ICVisibilityOn
- {
- gosub, DisableBezelKeys
- if ICRightMenuDraw
- gosub, DisableICRightMenuKeys
- if ICLeftMenuDraw
- gosub, DisableICLeftMenuKeys
- XHotKeywrapper(toogleICVisibilityKey,"toogleICVisibility", "ON")
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((1-(timeElapsed/ICChangeDur))) : 0
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight, round(255*t))
- If (t <= 0){
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight, 0)
- Break
- }
- }
- ICVisibilityOn := false
- } else {
- gosub, EnableBezelKeys
- if ICRightMenuDraw
- gosub, EnableICRightMenuKeys
- if ICLeftMenuDraw
- gosub, EnableICLeftMenuKeys
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((timeElapsed/ICChangeDur)) : 1
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight, round(255*t))
- If (t >= 1){
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- Break
- }
- }
- ICVisibilityOn := true
- }
- return
- nextIC1:
- nextIC2:
- nextIC3:
- nextIC4:
- nextIC5:
- nextIC6:
- nextIC7:
- nextIC8:
- previousIC1:
- previousIC2:
- previousIC3:
- previousIC4:
- previousIC5:
- previousIC6:
- previousIC7:
- previousIC8:
- if %ICRandomSlideShowTimer%
- {
- SetTimer, randomICChange, off
- ICRandomSlideShowTimer := 0
- Return
- }
- StringTrimRight, currentICChange, A_ThisLabel, 1
- StringRight, currentICChangeKeyPressed, A_ThisLabel, 1
- activeIC := 0
- ICindex := 0
- loop, 8
- {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,1,1]
- ICindex++
- if (ICindex = currentICChangeKeyPressed)
- {
- activeIC := a_index
- break
- }
- }
- if (currentICChange="nextIC"){
- gosub, nextIC
- } else {
- gosub, previousIC
- }
- return
- nextIC:
- previousIC:
- if %ICRandomSlideShowTimer%
- {
- SetTimer, randomICChange, off
- ICRandomSlideShowTimer := 0
- Return
- }
- prevSelectedICimage[activeIC] := selectedICimage[activeIC]
- if (A_ThisLabel="nextIC") {
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := selectedICimage[activeIC] + 1
- if (selectedICimage[activeIC] > maxICimage[activeIC]){
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := 0
- }
- } else {
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := selectedICimage[activeIC] - 1
- if (selectedICimage[activeIC] < 0){
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := maxICimage[activeIC]
- }
- }
- DrawIC()
- return
- changeActiveIC:
- if %ICRandomSlideShowTimer%
- {
- SetTimer, randomICChange, off
- ICRandomSlideShowTimer := 0
- Return
- }
- loop, 8
- {
- activeIC++
- if (activeIC > 8)
- activeIC := 1
- if bezelICArray[activeIC,1,1]
- break
- }
- if selectedICimage[activeIC]
- {
- ;grow effect
- GrowSize := 1
- While GrowSize <= 10 {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- loop, 8
- {
- if (a_index = activeIC) {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1]-GrowSize, ICPositionArray[2]-GrowSize, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3]+2*GrowSize, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4]+2*GrowSize)
- } else {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- GrowSize++
- }
- ;reset
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- loop, 8
- {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- }
- return
- DrawIC(){
- Global
- if (animationIC="none"){
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- if changeICSound
- SoundPlay, %changeICSound%
- loop, 8
- {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- } else if (animationIC="fade"){
- ;fade out
- if prevSelectedICimage[activeIC]
- {
- if fadeOutICSound
- SoundPlay, %fadeOutICSound%
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((1-(timeElapsed/ICChangeDur))) : 0
- loop, 8
- {
- if (activeIC = a_index) {
- ICposition(a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],4],"","","","",t)
- } else {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- If (t <= 0)
- Break
- }
- }
- ;fade in
- if fadeInICSound
- SoundPlay, %fadeInICSound%
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((timeElapsed/ICChangeDur)) : 1
- loop, 8
- {
- if (activeIC = a_index) {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4],"","","","",t)
- } else {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- If (t >= 1)
- Break
- }
- } else if (animationIC="slideOutandIn"){
- ; slide out
- if prevSelectedICimage[activeIC]
- {
- if slideOutICSound
- SoundPlay, %slideOutICSound%
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((timeElapsed/ICChangeDur)) : 1
- loop, 8
- {
- if (activeIC = a_index) {
- ICposition(a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],t)
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,prevselectedICimage[a_index],4])
- } else {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- If (t >= 1)
- Break
- }
- }
- ; slide in
- if slideInICSound
- SoundPlay, %slideInICSound%
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((1-(timeElapsed/ICChangeDur))) : 0
- loop, 8
- {
- if (a_index = activeIC) {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],t)
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- } else {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- If (t <= 0)
- Break
- }
- } else if (animationIC="slideIn"){
- ; slide in
- if slideInICSound
- SoundPlay, %slideInICSound%
- startTime := A_TickCount
- Loop {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G4)
- t := if ((TimeElapsed := A_TickCount-startTime) < ICChangeDur) ? ((1-(timeElapsed/ICChangeDur))) : 0
- loop, 8
- {
- if (a_index = activeIC) {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],t)
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- } else {
- if bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],1]
- {
- ICposition(a_index,selectedICimage[a_index])
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G4, bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],2], ICPositionArray[1], ICPositionArray[2], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],3], bezelICArray[a_index,selectedICimage[a_index],4])
- }
- }
- }
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd4, Bezel_hdc4,0,0, baseScreenWidth, baseScreenHeight)
- If (t <= 0)
- Break
- }
- }
- return
- }
- ICposition(ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex, step = "0"){
- Global
- if not ICPositionArray
- ICPositionArray := []
- if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "topLeft") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( 0 - step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] )
- ICPositionArray[2] := 0
- } else if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "topRight") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( baseScreenWidth - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] + step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] )
- ICPositionArray[2] := 0
- } else if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "bottomLeft") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( 0 - step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] )
- ICPositionArray[2] := round( baseScreenHeight - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] )
- } else if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "bottomRight") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( baseScreenWidth - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] + step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] )
- ICPositionArray[2] := round( baseScreenHeight - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] )
- } else if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "topCenter") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( baseScreenWidth//2 - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3]//2 )
- ICPositionArray[2] := round( 0 - step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] )
- } else if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "leftCenter") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( 0 - step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] )
- ICPositionArray[2] := round( ( baseScreenHeight - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] ) // 2 )
- } else if (positionICArray%ICSelectedIndex% = "rightCenter") {
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( ( baseScreenWidth - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] ) + step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] )
- ICPositionArray[2] := round( ( baseScreenHeight - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] ) // 2 )
- } else { ; bottomCenter
- ICPositionArray[1] := round( ( baseScreenWidth - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,3] ) // 2 )
- ICPositionArray[2] := round( baseScreenHeight - bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] + step*bezelICArray[ICSelectedIndex,ICImageSelectedIndex,4] )
- }
- return ICPositionArray
- }
- ;IC Menu code
- rightICMenu:
- leftICMenu:
- if %ICRandomSlideShowTimer%
- {
- SetTimer, randomICChange, off
- ICRandomSlideShowTimer := 0
- }
- if (A_ThisLabel="rightICMenu") {
- if ICRightMenuDraw
- {
- gosub, DisableICRightMenuKeys
- SetTimer, UpdatecurrentRightICScrollingText, off
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G7)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G8)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd7, Bezel_hdc7, baseScreenWidth-bezelICRightMenuBitmapW, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICRightMenuBitmapH)//2, bezelICRightMenuBitmapW, bezelICRightMenuBitmapH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd8, Bezel_hdc8, baseScreenWidth-ICMenuListX-ICMenuListWidth, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2+ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-ICMenuListTextSize//2, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- ICRightMenuDraw := false
- } else {
- DrawICMenu("right")
- gosub, EnableICRightMenuKeys
- ICRightMenuDraw := true
- }
- } else {
- if ICLeftMenuDraw
- {
- gosub, DisableICLeftMenuKeys
- SetTimer, UpdatecurrentLeftICScrollingText, off
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G5)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G6)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd5, Bezel_hdc5, 0, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2, bezelICLeftMenuBitmapW, bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd6, Bezel_hdc6, ICMenuListX, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2+ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-ICMenuListTextSize//2, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- ICLeftMenuDraw := false
- } else {
- DrawICMenu("left")
- gosub, EnableICLeftMenuKeys
- ICLeftMenuDraw := true
- }
- }
- return
- rightICMenuUp:
- rightICMenuDown:
- rightICMenuLeft:
- rightICMenuRight:
- leftICMenuUp:
- leftICMenuDown:
- leftICMenuLeft:
- leftICMenuRight:
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"MenuUp"){
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"rightIC"){
- selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] := selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] + 1
- if (selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] > maxICimage[rightMenuActiveIC])
- selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] := 0
- } else { ;left
- selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] := selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] + 1
- if (selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] > maxICimage[leftMenuActiveIC])
- selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] := 0
- }
- } else if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"MenuDown"){
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"rightIC"){
- selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] := selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] - 1
- if (selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] < 0)
- selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC] := maxICimage[rightMenuActiveIC]
- } else { ;left
- selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] := selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] - 1
- if (selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] < 0)
- selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC] := maxICimage[leftMenuActiveIC]
- }
- } else if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"MenuLeft"){ ;left key
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"rightIC"){ ;right menu
- loop, 8
- {
- rightMenuActiveIC--
- if (rightMenuActiveIC < 1)
- rightMenuActiveIC := 8
- if bezelICArray[rightMenuActiveIC,1,1]
- if positionICArray%rightMenuActiveIC% in %rightMenuPositionsIC%
- break
- }
- } else { ;left menu key
- loop, 8
- {
- leftMenuActiveIC--
- if (leftMenuActiveIC < 1)
- leftMenuActiveIC := 8
- if bezelICArray[leftMenuActiveIC,1,1]
- if positionICArray%leftMenuActiveIC% in %leftMenuPositionsIC%
- break
- }
- }
- } else { ;Right key
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"rightIC"){ ;right menu
- loop, 8
- {
- rightMenuActiveIC++
- if (rightMenuActiveIC > 8)
- rightMenuActiveIC := 1
- if bezelICArray[rightMenuActiveIC,1,1]
- if positionICArray%rightMenuActiveIC% in %rightMenuPositionsIC%
- break
- }
- } else { ;left menu key
- loop, 8
- {
- leftMenuActiveIC++
- if (leftMenuActiveIC > 8)
- leftMenuActiveIC := 1
- if bezelICArray[leftMenuActiveIC,1,1]
- if positionICArray%leftMenuActiveIC% in %leftMenuPositionsIC%
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"rightIC")
- DrawICMenu("right")
- else ; left
- DrawICMenu("left")
- Return
- rightICMenuSelect:
- leftICMenuSelect:
- if InStr(A_ThisLabel,"rightIC"){
- activeIC := rightMenuActiveIC
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := selectedRightMenuItem[rightMenuActiveIC]
- DrawIC()
- DrawICMenu("right")
- } else { ; left
- activeIC := leftMenuActiveIC
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := selectedLeftMenuItem[leftMenuActiveIC]
- DrawIC()
- DrawICMenu("left")
- }
- Return
- DrawICMenu(side){
- Global
- ;Initializing parameters
- ICMenuListTextFont := IC%side%MenuListTextFont
- ICMenuListTextAlignment := IC%side%MenuListTextAlignment
- ICMenuListTextSize := IC%side%MenuListTextSize
- ICMenuListTextColor := IC%side%MenuListTextColor
- ICMenuListDisabledTextColor := IC%side%MenuListDisabledTextColor
- ICMenuListCurrentTextColor := IC%side%MenuListCurrentTextColor
- ICMenuListDisabledTextSize := IC%side%MenuListDisabledTextSize
- ICMenuListItems := IC%side%MenuListItems
- ICMenuListX := IC%side%MenuListX
- ICMenuListY := IC%side%MenuListY
- ICMenuListWidth := IC%side%MenuListWidth
- ICMenuListHeight := IC%side%MenuListHeight
- ICMenuPositionTextFont := IC%side%MenuPositionTextFont
- ICMenuPositionTextSize := IC%side%MenuPositionTextSize
- ICMenuPositionTextColor := IC%side%MenuPositionTextColor
- ICMenuPositionTextX := IC%side%MenuPositionTextX
- ICMenuPositionTextY := IC%side%MenuPositionTextY
- ICMenuPositionTextWidth := IC%side%MenuPositionTextWidth
- ICMenuPositionTextHeight := IC%side%MenuPositionTextHeight
- ICMenuPositionTextAlignment := IC%side%MenuPositionTextAlignment
- VDistBtwICNames := ICMenuListHeight//(ICMenuListItems+1)
- menuActiveIC := %side%MenuActiveIC
- menuSelectedItem[menuActiveIC] := if selected%side%MenuItem[menuActiveIC] ? selected%side%MenuItem[menuActiveIC] : 0
- ;Drawing Menu Image
- if (side="left"){
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G5)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G6)
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G5, bezelICLeftMenuBitmap, 0, 0, bezelICLeftMenuBitmapW, bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G5, positionICArray%leftMenuActiveIC%, "x" . ICMenuPositionTextX . " y" . ICMenuPositionTextY . " " . ICMenuPositionTextAlignment . " c" . ICMenuPositionTextColor . " r4 s" . ICMenuPositionTextSize . " normal", ICMenuPositionTextFont, ICMenuPositionTextWidth, ICMenuPositionTextHeight)
- } else {
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G7)
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G8)
- Gdip_Alt_DrawImage(Bezel_G7, bezelICRightMenuBitmap, 0, 0, bezelICRightMenuBitmapW, bezelICRightMenuBitmapH)
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G7, positionICArray%rightMenuActiveIC%, "x" . ICMenuPositionTextX . " y" . ICMenuPositionTextY . " " . ICMenuPositionTextAlignment . " c" . ICMenuPositionTextColor . " r4 s" . ICMenuPositionTextSize . " normal", ICMenuPositionTextFont, ICMenuPositionTextWidth, ICMenuPositionTextHeight)
- }
- ;Drawing IC List
- bottomtext := menuSelectedItem[menuActiveIC]
- topText := menuSelectedItem[menuActiveIC]
- Loop, % ICMenuListItems//2+1
- {
- If (a_index=1)
- {
- currentSelectedColor%side% := if (menuSelectedItem[menuActiveIC] = selectedICimage[menuActiveIC]) ? ICMenuListCurrentTextColor : ICMenuListTextColor
- currentSelectedLabel%side% := bezelICArray[menuActiveIC,menuSelectedItem[menuActiveIC],5]
- MeasureCurrentSelectedIC := MeasureText(currentSelectedLabel%side%, "Left r4 s" . ICMenuListTextSize . " bold",ICMenuListTextFont)
- if (MeasureCurrentSelectedIC <= ICMenuListWidth) {
- TextOptions := "x0 y0 " . ICMenuListTextAlignment . " c" . currentSelectedColor%side% . " r4 s" . ICMenuListTextSize . " bold"
- if (side="left") {
- SetTimer, UpdatecurrentLeftICScrollingText, off
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G6)
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G6, currentSelectedLabel%side%, TextOptions, ICMenuListTextFont, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- } else {
- SetTimer, UpdatecurrentRightICScrollingText, off
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G8)
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G8, currentSelectedLabel%side%, TextOptions, ICMenuListTextFont, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- }
- } else {
- if (side="left"){
- initLeftPixels := 0
- xLeft := 0
- SetTimer, UpdatecurrentLeftICScrollingText, 20
- } else {
- initRightPixels := 0
- xRight := 0
- SetTimer, UpdatecurrentRightICScrollingText, 20
- }
- }
- } Else {
- bottomtext++
- bottomtext := If (bottomtext > maxICimage[menuActiveIC]) ? 0 : bottomtext
- currentColor := if (bottomtext = selectedICimage[menuActiveIC]) ? ICMenuListCurrentTextColor : ICMenuListDisabledTextColor
- currentLabel := bezelICArray[menuActiveIC,bottomtext,5]
- TextOptions := "x" . ICMenuListX . " y" . ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-(a_index-1)*(VDistBtwICNames)-ICMenuListDisabledTextSize//2 . " " . ICMenuListTextAlignment . " c" . currentColor . " r4 s" . ICMenuListDisabledTextSize . " normal"
- if (side="left"){
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G5, currentLabel, TextOptions, ICMenuListTextFont, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListDisabledTextSize)
- } else {
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G7, currentLabel, TextOptions, ICMenuListTextFont, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListDisabledTextSize)
- }
- topText--
- topText := If (topText < 0) ? maxICimage[menuActiveIC] : topText
- currentColor := if (topText = selectedICimage[menuActiveIC]) ? ICMenuListCurrentTextColor : ICMenuListDisabledTextColor
- currentLabel := bezelICArray[menuActiveIC,topText,5]
- TextOptions := "x" . ICMenuListX . " y" . ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2+(a_index-1)*(VDistBtwICNames)-ICMenuListDisabledTextSize//2 . " " . ICMenuListTextAlignment . " c" . currentColor . " r4 s" . ICMenuListDisabledTextSize . " normal"
- if (side="left"){
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G5, currentLabel, TextOptions, ICMenuListTextFont, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListDisabledTextSize)
- } else {
- Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G7, currentLabel, TextOptions, ICMenuListTextFont, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListDisabledTextSize)
- }
- }
- }
- if (side="left"){
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd5, Bezel_hdc5, 0, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2, bezelICLeftMenuBitmapW, bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd6, Bezel_hdc6, ICMenuListX, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2+ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-(ICMenuListTextSize)//2, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- } else {
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd7, Bezel_hdc7, baseScreenWidth-bezelICRightMenuBitmapW, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICRightMenuBitmapH)//2, bezelICRightMenuBitmapW, bezelICRightMenuBitmapH)
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd8, Bezel_hdc8, baseScreenWidth-bezelICRightMenuBitmapW+ICMenuListX, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2+ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-(ICMenuListTextSize)//2, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- }
- Return
- }
- UpdatecurrentLeftICScrollingText: ;Updating scrolling IC name
- Options = y0 c%currentSelectedColorLeft% r4 s%ICMenuListTextSize% bold
- scrollingVelocity := 2
- xLeft := (-xLeft >= E3) ? initLeftPixels : xLeft-scrollingVelocity
- initLeftPixels := ICLeftMenuListWidth
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G6)
- E := Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G6, currentSelectedLabelLeft, "x" xLeft " " Options, ICMenuListTextFont, (xLeft < 0) ? ICLeftMenuListWidth-xLeft : ICLeftMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- StringSplit, E, E, |
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd6, Bezel_hdc6, ICMenuListX, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2+ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-(ICMenuListTextSize)//2, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- return
- UpdatecurrentRightICScrollingText: ;Updating scrolling IC name
- Options = y0 c%currentSelectedColorRight% r4 s%ICMenuListTextSize% bold
- scrollingVelocity := 2
- xRight := (-xRight >= E3) ? initRightPixels : xRight-scrollingVelocity
- initRightPixels := ICRightMenuListWidth
- Gdip_GraphicsClear(Bezel_G8)
- E := Gdip_Alt_TextToGraphics(Bezel_G8, currentSelectedLabelRight, "x" xRight " " Options, ICMenuListTextFont, (xRight < 0) ? ICRightMenuListWidth-xRight : ICRightMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- StringSplit, E, E, |
- Alt_UpdateLayeredWindow(Bezel_hwnd8, Bezel_hdc8, baseScreenWidth-bezelICRightMenuBitmapW+ICMenuListX, (baseScreenHeight-bezelICLeftMenuBitmapH)//2+ICMenuListY+ICMenuListHeight//2-(ICMenuListTextSize)//2, ICMenuListWidth, ICMenuListTextSize)
- Return
- randomICChange:
- loop, 8
- {
- if maxICimage[a_index]
- {
- activeIC := a_index
- Random, ICImage, 1, % maxICimage[activeIC]
- selectedICimage[activeIC] := ICImage
- DrawIC()
- }
- }
- Return
- EnableBezelKeys:
- if bezelICPath
- {
- if toogleICVisibilityKey
- XHotKeywrapper(toogleICVisibilityKey,"toogleICVisibility", "ON")
- if nextICKey
- XHotKeywrapper(nextICKey,"nextIC", "ON")
- if previousICKey
- XHotKeywrapper(previousICKey,"previousIC", "ON")
- if changeActiveICKey
- XHotKeywrapper(changeActiveICKey,"changeActiveIC", "ON")
- loop, 8
- {
- if nextIC%a_index%Key
- XHotKeywrapper(nextIC%a_index%Key,"nextIC" . A_Index, "ON")
- if previousIC%a_index%Key
- XHotKeywrapper(previousIC%a_index%Key,"previousIC" . A_Index, "ON")
- }
- if leftICMenuKey
- XHotKeywrapper(leftICMenuKey,"leftICMenu", "ON")
- if rightICMenuKey
- XHotKeywrapper(rightICMenuKey,"rightICMenu", "ON")
- }
- if (bezelImagesList.MaxIndex() > 1) {
- if nextBezelKey
- XHotKeywrapper(nextBezelKey,"nextBezel", "ON")
- if previousBezelKey
- XHotKeywrapper(previousBezelKey,"previousBezel", "ON")
- }
- Log("Bezel Keys Enabled",5)
- Return
- DisableBezelKeys:
- if bezelICPath
- {
- if toogleICVisibilityKey
- XHotKeywrapper(toogleICVisibilityKey,"toogleICVisibility", "OFF")
- if nextICKey
- XHotKeywrapper(nextICKey,"nextIC", "OFF")
- if previousICKey
- XHotKeywrapper(previousICKey,"previousIC", "OFF")
- if changeActiveICKey
- XHotKeywrapper(changeActiveICKey,"changeActiveIC", "OFF")
- loop, 8
- {
- if nextIC%a_index%Key
- XHotKeywrapper(nextIC%a_index%Key,"nextIC" . A_Index, "OFF")
- if previousIC%a_index%Key
- XHotKeywrapper(previousIC%a_index%Key,"previousIC" . A_Index, "OFF")
- }
- if leftICMenuKey
- XHotKeywrapper(leftICMenuKey,"leftICMenu", "OFF")
- if rightICMenuKey
- XHotKeywrapper(rightICMenuKey,"rightICMenu", "OFF")
- }
- if (bezelImagesList.MaxIndex() > 1) {
- if nextBezelKey
- XHotKeywrapper(nextBezelKey,"nextBezel", "OFF")
- if previousBezelKey
- XHotKeywrapper(previousBezelKey,"previousBezel", "OFF")
- }
- Log("Bezel Keys Disabled",5)
- Return
- EnableICRightMenuKeys:
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2SelectKey,"rightICMenuSelect","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2LeftKey,"rightICMenuLeft","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2RightKey,"rightICMenuRight","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2UpKey,"rightICMenuUp","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2DownKey,"rightICMenuDown","ON")
- return
- DisableICRightMenuKeys:
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2SelectKey,"rightICMenuSelect","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2LeftKey,"rightICMenuLeft","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2RightKey,"rightICMenuRight","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2UpKey,"rightICMenuUp","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navP2DownKey,"rightICMenuDown","OFF")
- return
- EnableICLeftMenuKeys:
- XHotKeywrapper(navSelectKey,"leftICMenuSelect","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navLeftKey,"leftICMenuLeft","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navRightKey,"leftICMenuRight","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navUpKey,"leftICMenuUp","ON")
- XHotKeywrapper(navDownKey,"leftICMenuDown","ON")
- return
- DisableICLeftMenuKeys:
- XHotKeywrapper(navSelectKey,"leftICMenuSelect","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navLeftKey,"leftICMenuLeft","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navRightKey,"leftICMenuRight","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navUpKey,"leftICMenuUp","OFF")
- XHotKeywrapper(navDownKey,"leftICMenuDown","OFF")
- return
- ExtraFixedResBezelGUI(){
- Global bezelEnabled, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hbm, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd, extraFixedRes_Bezel_G
- if (bezelEnabled = "true"){
- ;Gui, extraFixedRes_Bezel_GUI: +OwnerBezel_GUI8 +Disabled -Caption +E0x80000 +OwnDialogs +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
- Gui, extraFixedRes_Bezel_GUI: +Disabled -Caption +E0x80000 +OwnDialogs +LastFound +ToolWindow +AlwaysOnTop
- Gui, extraFixedRes_Bezel_GUI: Margin,0,0
- Gui, extraFixedRes_Bezel_GUI: Show,, BezelLayer9
- extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd := WinExist()
- extraFixedRes_Bezel_hbm := CreateDIBSection(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
- extraFixedRes_Bezel_obm := SelectObject(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hbm)
- extraFixedRes_Bezel_G := Gdip_GraphicsFromhdc(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc)
- Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(extraFixedRes_Bezel_G, 4)
- }
- }
- ExtraFixedResBezelDraw(extraFixedResScreenID, filePreffix="VMU", extraFixedResPosition="TopRight",extraFixedResBezelScreenWidth=80,extraFixedResBezelScreenHeight=60,extraFixedResBezelRightOffset=0,extraFixedResBezelLeftOffset=0,extraFixedResBezelTopOffset=0,extraFixedResBezelBottomOffset=0){
- Global bezelEnabled, bezelPath, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hbm, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd, extraFixedRes_Bezel_G, bezelFileExtensions
- if ((bezelEnabled = "true") and (bezelPath)){
- ;Check for extraFixedRes bezel file:
- extraFixedResBezelPath := BezelFilesPath(filePreffix . " Bezel",bezelFileExtensions)
- If extraFixedResBezelPath
- { ;Setting bezel aleatory choosed file
- extraFixedResbezelImagesList := []
- Loop, Parse, bezelFileExtensions,|
- Loop, % extraFixedResBezelPath . "\" . filePreffix . " Bezel*." . A_LoopField
- if !RegExMatch(A_LoopFileName, "i)\[[0-9]+S\]")
- extraFixedResBezelImagesList.Insert(A_LoopFileFullPath)
- Random, RndmextraFixedResBezel, 1, % extraFixedResBezelImagesList.MaxIndex()
- extraFixedResBezelImageFile := extraFixedResBezelImagesList[RndmextraFixedResBezel]
- SplitPath, extraFixedResBezelImageFile, extraFixedResBezelImageFileName, extraFixedResBezelImageDir,,extraFixedResBezelImageFileNameNoExt
- Log("Bezel - Loading extraFixedRes Bezel image: " . extraFixedResBezelImageFile,1)
- ;Setting overlay aleatory choosed file (only searches overlays at the bezel.png folder)
- If FileExist(extraFixedResBezelPath . "\" . filePreffix . " Overlay" . SubStr(extraFixedResBezelImageFileName,StrLen(filePreffix)+7)) {
- extraFixedResBezelOverlaysList := []
- extraFixedResBezelOverlaysList.Insert(extraFixedResBezelPath . "\" . filePreffix . " Overlay" . SubStr(extraFixedResBezelImageFileName,StrLen(filePreffix)+7))
- extraFixedResBezelOverlayFile := % extraFixedResBezelPath . "\" . filePreffix . " Overlay" . SubStr(extraFixedResBezelImageFileName,StrLen(filePreffix)+7)
- extraFixedResBezelOverlayBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(extraFixedResBezelOverlayFile)
- Log("Bezel - Loading extraFixedRes Overlay image with the same name of the extraFixedRes bezel image: " . extraFixedResBezelOverlayFile,1)
- }
- ;Read extraFixedRes Bezel ini coordinates
- extraFixedResBezelScreenX1 := IniReadCheck(extraFixedResBezelImageDir . "\" . extraFixedResBezelImageFileNameNoExt . ".ini", "General", "Bezel Screen Top Left X Coordinate", 0)
- extraFixedResBezelScreenY1 := IniReadCheck(extraFixedResBezelImageDir . "\" . extraFixedResBezelImageFileNameNoExt . ".ini", "General", "Bezel Screen Top Left Y Coordinate", 0)
- extraFixedResBezelScreenX2 := IniReadCheck(extraFixedResBezelImageDir . "\" . extraFixedResBezelImageFileNameNoExt . ".ini", "General", "Bezel Screen Bottom Right X Coordinate", 150)
- extraFixedResBezelScreenY2 := IniReadCheck(extraFixedResBezelImageDir . "\" . extraFixedResBezelImageFileNameNoExt . ".ini", "General", "Bezel Screen Bottom Right Y Coordinate", 100)
- ; creating bitmap pointers
- extraFixedResBezelBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(extraFixedResBezelImageFile)
- Gdip_GetImageDimensions(extraFixedResBezelBitmap, extraFixedResBezelImageW, extraFixedResBezelImageH)
- xScaleFactor := (extraFixedResBezelScreenWidth)/(extraFixedResBezelScreenX2-extraFixedResBezelScreenX1)
- yScaleFactor := (extraFixedResBezelScreenHeight)/(extraFixedResBezelScreenY2-extraFixedResBezelScreenY1)
- extraFixedResBezelImageW := Round(extraFixedResBezelImageW * xScaleFactor)
- extraFixedResBezelImageH := Round(extraFixedResBezelImageH * yScaleFactor)
- if (extraFixedResPosition="TopRight")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := A_ScreenWidth - extraFixedResBezelImageW , extraFixedResBezelImageY := 0
- else if (extraFixedResPosition="TopCenter")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := (A_ScreenWidth - extraFixedResBezelImageW)//2 , extraFixedResBezelImageY := 0
- else if (extraFixedResPosition="TopLeft")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := 0 , extraFixedResBezelImageY := 0
- else if (extraFixedResPosition="LeftCenter")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := 0 , extraFixedResBezelImageY := (A_ScreenHeight - extraFixedResBezelImageH)//2
- else if (extraFixedResPosition="BottomRight")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := A_ScreenWidth - extraFixedResBezelImageW , extraFixedResBezelImageY := A_ScreenHeight - extraFixedResBezelImageH
- else if (extraFixedResPosition="BottomCenter")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := (A_ScreenWidth - extraFixedResBezelImageW)//2 , extraFixedResBezelImageY := A_ScreenHeight - extraFixedResBezelImageH
- else if (extraFixedResPosition="BottomLeft")
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := 0 , extraFixedResBezelImageY := A_ScreenHeight - extraFixedResBezelImageH
- else ; Right Center
- extraFixedResBezelImageX := A_ScreenWidth - extraFixedResBezelImageW , extraFixedResBezelImageY := (A_ScreenHeight - extraFixedResBezelImageH)//2
- extraFixedResBezelScreenX := extraFixedResBezelImageX + Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenX1*xScaleFactor)
- extraFixedResBezelScreenY := extraFixedResBezelImageY + Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenY1*yScaleFactor)
- ; Applying offsets to correctly place the emulator if the emulator has extra window components
- extraFixedResBezelScreenX := if extraFixedResBezelLeftOffset ? extraFixedResBezelScreenX - extraFixedResBezelLeftOffset : extraFixedResBezelScreenX
- extraFixedResBezelScreenY := if extraFixedResBezelTopOffset ? extraFixedResBezelScreenY - extraFixedResBezelTopOffset : extraFixedResBezelScreenY
- ; check if window moved (maximun 5 seconds)
- X:="" , Y:="" , timeout := A_TickCount
- sleep, 200
- loop
- {
- sleep, 50
- WinGetPos, X, Y, , , ahk_id %extraFixedResScreenID%
- if (X=extraFixedResBezelScreenX) and (Y=extraFixedResBezelScreenY)
- break
- if(timeout < A_TickCount - 5000)
- break
- sleep, 50
- WinMove, ahk_id %extraFixedResScreenID%, , %extraFixedResBezelScreenX%, %extraFixedResBezelScreenY%
- }
- ;Drawing extraFixedRes Bezel GUI
- Gdip_DrawImage(extraFixedRes_Bezel_G, extraFixedResBezelBitmap, extraFixedResBezelImageX, extraFixedResBezelImageY,extraFixedResBezelImageW,extraFixedResBezelImageH)
- Log("Bezel - extraFixedRes Bezel Image Screen Position: left=" . extraFixedResBezelImageX . " top=" . extraFixedResBezelImageY . " right=" . (extraFixedResBezelImageX+extraFixedResBezelImageW) . " bottom=" . (extraFixedResBezelImageY+extraFixedResBezelImageH) ,5)
- ;Drawing Overlay Image above screen
- If (extraFixedResBezelOverlayFile)
- { Gdip_DrawImage(extraFixedRes_Bezel_G, extraFixedResBezelOverlayBitmap, extraFixedResBezelImageX+Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenX1*xScaleFactor), extraFixedResBezelImageY+Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenY1*yScaleFactor) ,extraFixedResBezelScreenWidth,extraFixedResBezelScreenHeight)
- Log("Bezel - extraFixedRes Overlay Screen Position: left=" . extraFixedResBezelImageX+Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenX1*xScaleFactor) . " top=" . extraFixedResBezelImageY+Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenY1*yScaleFactor) . " right=" . extraFixedResBezelImageX+(Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenX1*xScaleFactor)+extraFixedResBezelScreenWidth) . " bottom=" . extraFixedResBezelImageY+Round(extraFixedResBezelScreenY1*yScaleFactor)+extraFixedResBezelScreenHeight ,5)
- }
- UpdateLayeredWindow(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
- }
- Log("BezelDraw - Ended")
- }
- Return
- }
- ExtraFixedResBezelExit(){
- Global bezelEnabled, extraFixedResBezelPath, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hbm, extraFixedRes_Bezel_obm, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd, extraFixedRes_Bezel_G, extraFixedResBezelImageFile, extraFixedResBezelBitmap, extraFixedResBezelOverlayFile, extraFixedResBezelOverlayBitmap
- if (bezelEnabled = "true"){
- SelectObject(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc, extraFixedRes_Bezel_obm)
- DeleteObject(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hbm)
- DeleteDC(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc)
- Gdip_DeleteGraphics(extraFixedRes_Bezel_G)
- Gui, extraFixedRes_Bezel_GUI: Destroy
- If extraFixedResBezelPath
- { if extraFixedResBezelImageFile
- Gdip_DisposeImage(extraFixedResBezelBitmap)
- if extraFixedResBezelOverlayFile
- Gdip_DisposeImage(extraFixedResBezelOverlayBitmap)
- }
- }
- Return
- }
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