
Amazing New World - 37

Nov 5th, 2019
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(DISCLAIMER: App Translations so not everything is accurate)

Amazing New World ~ Thanks to 'Yiyun' &

Notable Characters:

Name / Nickname Situation Relationship
Lee Ho Seung (MC) Chief Single
Kim Mijung (FMC) Team Leader Single Parent
[N/A] (VP) Vice President [N/A]
Sook Young (Sook) Receptionist Fiancee
Nasori (BH) Employee Sugar's Girlfriend
Jun Sook (Glasses) Fmc's Secretary Fiancee
Juwan (Sugar) Assistant Manager BH's Boyfriend
[N/A] (Bun) Employee Married
Kim Hyomin (Daughter) Student FMC's Daughter
[N/A] (Teacher) Teacher Single

Chapter - 37

FMC's Office FMC

She looks at the video record of MC raping BH and says how it's too early to use this trump card because he still has the video of her car accident. She thinks how she should find a way to erase this video, if not she will not be able to use her 'own' blackmail video. She thinks about her daughter's teacher and his computer science skills..

FMC's Apartment Teacher x Daughter

Teacher is surprised to receive a call from FMC, he picks it up.. He tells her how he understand and agrees to something.. He hangs up before entering Daughter's room..
Daughter asks him who was it to make him so nervous, she leans her huge chest against the desk and asks him all teasingly if perhaps it was an older woman. (Touche)
Teacher is taken aback by her accurate guess and tells to stop talking nonsense and to start studying.. He received a text from FMC while helping Daughter with a mathematics problem.. He checks his cellphone wondering what she said.

Hyomin's Mother Seoul City, Seodaemun District, Street 74, Harlton Hotel.

He's deeply surprised after reading her text and his sudden change of expression is noticed by Hyomin..


In front of the company Sugar x Sook x VP

Sugar is leaving the company extra pissed.. He's sighing because once again he left pretty late and thinks how he'll have a boring dinner tonight..
His eyes light up once he notices Sook walking in the street, he wonders if it's really the girl from the reception and how she's looking really different in plain clothes.

(TLN: Guys take note of his skills to pick up girls.. lmao)

He runs towards her and coughs two times to make her notice his presence. He greets her saying 'good morning' (not 'hi' or 'good evening'), she's surprised to see him here and tells him 'Good Morning?'.
He apologizes to her saying how it's embarrassing but wants to asks her a question, he doesn't wait for her answer and asks her if she recognizes him and how they already met in the past.
She thinks for a moment then tells him how he's the guy who works in the same company as her and how she saw him few times in the past.. He rubs his neck with his hand and acts as proud as peacock saying how she was interested in him and was spying on him.. (dude)

He tells her how he's just an honorable and simple worker and she shouldn't notice him that much because it's worth nothing. Sook doesn't understand the fuck he's talking about and says how he was here when she spilled her coffee on BH.

His face is red, full of shame and doesn't know what to do.. He laughs saying how it's embarrassing. He tells her how anyway he should introduce himself properly and gives her his business card. She accepts it and apologizes because she isn't a full-time employee so she can't exchange her business card with him too (She doesn't have one..)
She looks at it and notices how he's working in the HR department, she asks him if he's working with MC (She's using his given name). He doesn't know MC's first name and wonders who she's talking about.. He suddenly burst in a laughter saying how he's friend with MC and he's a good guy even if he's looking weird with his presbyopia (duuuude lol).

She isn't really fond of the way he's talking about MC and doesn't think he's weird, Sugar tries to correct the awkward situation saying how MC is a real man and one with a lot of abilities..
She agrees with him and asks if the presentation MC did was good, she asks him if he saw it and how it was really important for MC. He's a bit lost after hearing about the presentation and tells her how it was a huge success. He begins to recall MC conversation with FMC and how he told her that the presentation was a huge success and went as planned..

Sugar starts to wonder about what happened and what MC tried to say by went as planned, he thinks about BH and says how she's acting weird since the presentation.. Sook tells her goodbye and how she was pleased to meet him but she has to go..
He grabs her arm asking her to wait a minute and how he has some question to ask her about MC, he corrects himself once again and says how it's about MC's presentation. She's surprised and says how she shouldn't asked him she knew about it, she proposes him to ask MC himself since they're working together. He doesn't want because he's worried about MC lying to him to conserve his self esteem..

She starts to be a bit annoyed by Sugar forceful manner and tells him to let her go because she's something important to attend.. He tells her how he can give her a ride and to join him in his car (LMAO) because he wants to talk to her. She tells him to fuck off and how he's scarring her..

Suddenly, a luxurious cars park in front them.. A window is slowly opening.. It's VP, she's looks at Sugar telling how it's been awhile since they met. She corrects herself asking him if she should call him 'Mister Juwan' here..

Harlton Hotel FMC x Teacher

Teacher is waiting in the entry hall, he doesn't know how to act inside a luxurious hotel like this one and feels a bit anxious..
FMC shows up wearing a gorgeous outfit.. He notices her copious cleavage and blushes.. They greet each other and Teach asks her with she asked him to meet her in this sort of place. FMC tells him how she still haven't paid him back for the service he gave her last time. He doesn't find the strength to stare straight at her and quickly looks away, facing the restaurant, he tells her how it was nothing and she doesn't have to thank him by buying him a meal in such expensive restaurant.

She looks at him, finding him a bit funny.. She puts a finger on his mouth while asking if he remembers what's the deal. She tells him how she'll reward him personally if he kept his mouth shut and how he wouldn't have to steal and jerk off on her underwear anymore. She leans over his body and acts all seductively.. She whispers in his ear if he wants to have his reward or prefers to just eat a meal here.. He blushes and his dick his rock hard.. He stammers how he wants the reward..
She tells him how she gets it and asks if the should go upstairs.. together.

She heads towards the room she booked with Teacher.. Meanwhile her daughter and one of her friend are watching them..

To be continued..
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