Not a member of Pastebin yet?
Sign Up,
it unlocks many cool features!
- NO-PERMISSIONS: '&CYou dont have permission.'
- NO-CONSOLE: '&cNo Console.'
- '1':
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&9&lFaction Help &7(Page 1/3)'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7General Commands:'
- - ' &7/f create <factionName> &f- Create a new faction'
- - ' &7/f accept <factionName> &f- Accept a pending invitation'
- - ' &7/f leave &f- Leave your current faction'
- - ' &7/f home &f- Teleport to your faction home'
- - ' &7/f stuck &f- Teleport out of enemy territory'
- - ' &7/f depositlives <amount&7/&7all> &f- Deposit lives into your faction lives'
- - ' &7/f deposit <amount&7/&7all> &f- Deposit money into your faction balance'
- - ' &7/f top &f- Factions Points'
- - ' &7To view other pages, use &f/f help <#>'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- '2':
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&9&lFaction Help &7(Page 2/3)'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7Information Commands:'
- - ' &7/f who <player&7/&7factionName] &f- Display faction information'
- - ' &7/f uninvite <player> &f- Revoke an invitation'
- - ' &7/f invites &f- List all open invitations'
- - ' &7/f kick <player> &f- Kick a player from your faction'
- - ' &7/f claim &f- Start a claim for your faction'
- - ' &7/f subclaim &f- Show the subclaim help page'
- - ' &7/f sethome &f- Set your faction''s home at your current location'
- - ' &7/f withdraw <amoun> &f- Withdraw money from your faction''s balance'
- - ' &7/f revive <playerName> &f- Revive players with faction lives'
- - ' &7/f announcement [message here] &f- Set your faction''s announcement'
- - ' &7To view other pages, use &f/f help <#>'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- '3':
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&9&lFaction Help &7(Page 3/3)'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7Leader Commands:'
- - ' &7/f coleader <player> &f- Add co-leader'
- - ' &7/f promote <player> &f- Add or remove a captain'
- - ' &7/f unclaim &f- Unclaim land'
- - ' &7/f rename <newName> &f- Rename your faction'
- - ' &7/f disband &f- Disband your faction'
- - ' &7/f friendlyfire &f- Toggle faction damage'
- - ' &7/f rally &f- Starts faction rally'
- - ' &7 To view other pages, use &f/f help <#>'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- '4':
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&9&lFaction Staff Help'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7Staff Commands:'
- - ' &7/f forcedemote <player> &f- Force demote player'
- - ' &7/f givebal [player&7/&7factionName] [balance] &f- Gives balance to a player''s
- faction'
- - ' &7/f setlives [player&7/&7factionName] [lives] &f- Gives lives to a player''s
- faction'
- - ' &7/f forcejoin [player&7/&7factionName] &f- Force joins player factions'
- - ' &7/f forcekick <player> &f- Force kick player from faction'
- - ' &7/f forcepromote <player> &f- Force promote player from faction'
- - ' &7/f setdtr [player&7/&7factionName] &f- Set dtr to player faction'
- - ' &7/f setdtrregen [player&7/&7factionName] &f- Set dtrregen to player faction'
- - ' &7 To view other pages, use &f/f help <#>'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- CREATE: '&eFaction &9%faction% &ehas been &acreated &eby &f%player%'
- DISBAND: '&eFaction &9%faction% &ehas been &cdisbanded &eby &f%player%'
- JOINED: '%player% &fhas joined the faction.'
- FF-DISABLED: '&c%player% disabled the friendly fire.'
- FF-ENABLED: '&a%player% enabled the friendly fire.'
- ALLY: '&eYour faction is now &d%allied% &ewith &d%faction%&e!'
- ALLY-TARGET: '&eYour faction is now &d%allied% &ewith &d%faction%&e!'
- ALLIED: '%faction% &ewere informed that you wish to be &d%allied%'
- ALLIED-TARGET: '%faction% &ehas sent a request to be %allied%. Use &e/faction
- ally %faction-name% &eto accept!'
- UNALLY: '&eYour faction has dropped its %allied% &ewith %faction%.'
- UNALLY-TARGET: '%faction% &ehas dropped their %allied% &ewith your faction.'
- NO-ALLIED: '&eYour faction is not %allied% &ewith %faction%&e.'
- CANT-UNALLY: '&cCould not drop &l%allied% &cwith &l%faction%'
- FOCUS: '&9Now focusing &f%faction%'
- FOCUS-DISABLE: '&c%player% disabled faction focus.'
- ALLY-REQUESTED: '&eYour faction has already requested to %allied% &ewith %faction%&e!'
- - '&7The faction &c%faction% &7is now recruiting!'
- - ''
- - '&aA rally has been created in your faction, you can view it on the scoreboard.'
- - ''
- MAIN-COLOR: '&9'
- KILLS: '&a%player% &9[&b%kills%&9]'
- HOME: ' &9HQ: '
- ALLIES: '&9Allies: &c'
- LEADER: '&9Leader: &c'
- COLEADERS: '&9Co-Leaders: &c'
- CAPTAINS: '&9Captains: &c'
- MEMBERS: '&9Members: &c'
- ANNOUNCEMENT: '&9Announcement: &a'
- ANNOUNCEMENT-NONE: '&9Announcement: &7None'
- MONEY: '&9Money: &a$'
- STATUS: '&9Status:'
- POINTS: '&9Points: &c'
- KOTH-CAPTURES: '&9KOTH Captures: &c'
- CONQUEST-CAPTURES: '&9Conquest Captures: &c'
- DTR: '&9Deaths until Raidable: '
- DTR-TEXT: '&7Click to edit faction DTR'
- DTRREGEN: '&9Time Until Regen: &5'
- DTRREGEN-TEXT: '&7Click to edit faction DTR Regen'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- - '%faction% &7[%faction-online%/%faction-online-max%] &a- &9Home: &f%home%'
- - '&9Leader: %leader%'
- - '&9Allies: &f%allies%'
- - '&9Co-Leaders: &f%co-leaders%'
- - '&9Captains: &f%captains%'
- - '&9Members: &f%members%'
- - '&9Balance: &f$%balance%'
- - '&9Points: &f%faction-points%'
- - '&9Announcement: &c%announcement%'
- - '&9DTR: %dtr%%dtr-symbol%'
- - '&9Time Until Regen:&f %regen%'
- - '&9Koth Captures: &f%koth-captures%'
- - '&9Conquest Captures: &f%conquest-captures%'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------------------------'
- KILL: '&9%victim% &7was slain by &9%attacker%'
- SHOT: '&9%victim% &7was shot by &9%attacker%'
- USING: ' &7Using &9%item%.'
- USING-1: ' &7Using &9%item%.'
- DIED: '&9%victim% &7died'
- FALL: '&9%victim% &7fell from a high place'
- FIRE: '&9%victim% &7died to fire'
- LIGHTNING: '&9%victim% &7died to a lightning'
- WITHER: '&9%victim% &7withered away'
- DROWN: '&9%victim% &7has drowned'
- CRUSH: '&9%victim% &7died to a falling block'
- MAGIC: '&9%victim% &7died to magic'
- VOID: '&9%victim% &7fell into the void'
- EXPLOSION: '&9%victim% &7has exploded'
- LAVA: '&9%victim% &7tried to swim in lava'
- STARVATION: '&9%victim% &7has starved'
- KILLS-VARIABLE: '%player% &a(%kills%)'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- PVP-TIMER: '&cYou can''t use &c&lBelch Bomb &cwith PvP Timer!'
- SOTW: '&cYou can''t use &c&lBelch Bomb &cduring the SOTW!'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- USED: '&cSniff! You used the Cocaine!'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- USED: "&c\u2764 &eYou have poisoned with &e&lFreeze Gun&e!"
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- USED: '&eYou used the Magic Pill &7(Regeneration 5)'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- USED: '&eYou used the Mixer &ewith &6&l%victim%'
- VICTIM: '&6&l%damager% &ehas been usage Mixer'
- VICTIM-SWITCH: '&cYour hotbar has been switch!'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- TELEPORTING: '&6%damager% &ewill be teleporting to you using the &6Ninja Shear
- &ein &63 seconds...'
- TELEPORTED: '&eUsed &6Ninja Shear &eto teleport to attacker!'
- FAILED: '&6Failed to use &fNinja Shear &6there''s no last hit within 10 seconds!'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- STRENGTH: '&eYou''ve received a random bard effect &7(Strength II)'
- RESISTANCE: '&eYou''ve received a random bard effect &7(Resistance III)'
- REGENERATION: '&eYou''ve received a random bard effect &7(Regeneration III)'
- SPEED: '&eYou''ve received a random bard effect &7(Speed III)'
- JUMP: '&eYou''ve received a random bard effect &7(Jump V)'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- SOTW: '&cYou can''t use &c&lRotten Egg &cduring the SOTW!'
- POISONED-VICTIM: '&3%damager% &fhas poisoned you'
- POISONED: '&fYou have poisoned &3%victim%.'
- POISONED-VICTIM-INVISIBILITY: '&3??? &fhas poisoned you'
- POISONED-INVISIBILITY: '&fYou have poisoned &3???'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- PVP-TIMER: '&cYou can''t use &c&lBelch Bomb &cwith PvP Timer!'
- SOTW: '&cYou can''t use &c&lRotten Egg &cduring the SOTW!'
- VICTIM: '&cYou have been smited by %damager%''s Storm Breaker.'
- DAMAGER: '&aYou have smited %victim% with your Storm Breaker.'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- VICTIM: " &f\xc2\xa7 &6&l%damager% &ehas used the SuperAxe"
- VICTIM-1: " &f\xc2\xa7 &eYour helmet is now in your inventory"
- DAMAGER: " &f\xc2\xa7 &eYou used the SuperAxe &eagainst &6&l%victim%"
- INVENTORY-FULL: '&cYour inventory is full! Your helmet was dropped on the ground!'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- SOTW: '&cYou can''t use &c&lSwitcher &cduring the SOTW!'
- FAILED: Failed to switched %victim% out of range
- SWITCHED: '&aYou''ve switched places with %victim%'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- VICTIM: '&aYou have been turned around 180 degrees thanks to %damager%'
- DAMAGER: '&aYou have used your &9&lSwitch Stick &aon %victim%'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- FAILED: Failed to apply trap evading to %victim%, because is out of range.
- DAMAGER: "&c\u2764 &b%victim% &9cannot place blocks for the next 15 seconds."
- VICTIM: "&c\u2764 &9You cannot place blocks for the next 15 seconds!"
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- USED: "&c\u2764 &eYou have withered with &e&lWither Gun&e!"
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- ON-TELEPORT: '&cYou have been teleported because you used the PrePearl'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- SAFEZONE: '&cYou can''t use that here'
- USED: '&eYou used the Invis Raid!'
- DAMAGE-VICTIM: '&4%target% &chas removed your Invis Raid.'
- DAMAGE-VICTIM2: '&cYour Invis Raid has been removed'
- DAMAGE-PLAYER: '&aYour removed the Invis Raid of &2%player%'
- COOLDOWN: '&cYou can''t use this for another %cooldown% seconds.'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------'
- - '&c&l%player% &7is now recording'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------'
- - '&5&l%player% &7is now streaming'
- - '&7&m-----------------------------------'
- - '&7&m--------------------------------'
- - "&9&lVapor &8\xc2\xa7 &fCoordinates"
- - '&7&m--------------------------------'
- - '&9&lKoTHs Locations'
- - ''
- - "&9Jungle &7\xc2\xa7&7 300 x 300 &c(Overworld)"
- - "&9Explosion &7\xc2\xa7&7 -300 x -300 &c(Overworld)"
- - "&9Cathedral &7\xc2\xa7&7 -300 x 300 &c(Overworld)"
- - "&9Mushroom &7\xc2\xa7&7 300 x -300 &c(Overworld)"
- - "&9End &7\xc2\xa7&7 124 x 64 &3(End World)"
- - ''
- - '&9&lMisc Loocations'
- - ''
- - "&bEnd Exit &6\xc2\xa7&7 200 &c(Overworld)"
- - "&eGlowstone &6\xc2\xa7&7 - &c(Overworld)"
- - '&7&m--------------------------------'
- - '&7&m------------------------------------------'
- - '&6&lHardcore Factions Help &7 - &eInformation on HCF'
- - '&7&m------------------------------------------'
- - '&5Map Information:'
- - '&eCurrent Map:&7 Map 1'
- - '&eMap Border:&7 3000'
- - '&eWarzone Until:&7 800'
- - '&eEnd Portals:&7 1000, 1000 in each quadrant'
- - '&eEnchant Limits:&7 Protection 1, Sharpness 1, Power 3'
- - ' '
- - '&5Helpful Commands:'
- - '&e/report <player> <reason> &7- Report cheaters with this command!'
- - '&e/request <reason> &7- Request staff assistance.'
- - ' '
- - '&5Chat Commands:'
- - '&eGlobal Chat &7- Prefix your message with ''&7!&7'' or type ''&7''/f c p&7''
- to set.'
- - '&eTeam Chat &7- Prefix your message with ''&7@&7'' or type ''&7''/f c f&7'' to
- set.'
- - ' '
- - '&5Other Information:'
- - '&eOfficial Teamspeak &7- &'
- - '&eTwitter &7- &'
- - '&eStore &7- &'
- - '&7&m------------------------------------------'
- CHAT: '&7[&9SC&7] &9%player%: &f%message%'
- CHAT-ENABLED: '&7Staff-Chat: &aEnabled'
- CHAT-DISABLED: '&7Staff-Chat: &cDisabled'
- HIDE: '&eVanished staffs has hidden.'
- UNHIDE: '&7Vanished staffs has un-hidden.'
- STAFF-ENABLED: '&7Staff-Mode: &aEnabled.'
- STAFF-DISABLED: '&7Staff-Mode: &cDisabled.'
- JOIN: '&a(!) Staff Connected: &f%player%.'
- LEAVE: '&c(!) Staff Disconnected: &f%player%.'
- VANISH: '&7Vanished: &aTrue'
- UNVANISH: '&7Vanished: &cFalse'
- - '&7&m------------------------------------'
- - ' &7You have been frozen by a &9staff member'
- - ' &7If you disconnect you will be &9&lBANNED'
- - ' &7Please connect to our teamspeak'
- - ' &'
- - ' &7You have 3 minutes to join'
- - '------------------------------------'
- FACTION-REQUIRED: '&cYou must be in faction to contest Conquest.'
- STARTED: '&8[&6&lConquest&8] &6%conquest% &ecan now be contested.'
- ATTEMPING-CONTROL: '&8[&6&lConquest&8] &eAttempting to control %conquest% &7(%remaining%)'
- PLAYER-KNOCKED: '&8[&6&lConquest&8] &a%player% &ewas knocked off %conquest%'
- GAINED-POINTS: '&8[&6&lConquest&8] &a%faction% &ehas gained 1 point for capturing
- %conquest% &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)'
- LOST-POINTS: '&8[&6&lConquest&8] &a%faction% &ehas lost %deathpoints% because
- %player% died &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)'
- START: '&8[&6&lKoTH&8] &6%koth% &ecan now be contested. &c(%time%)'
- FACTION-REQUIRED: '&cYou must be in faction to contest Koth.'
- CONTROLLING: '&cYou are now controlling %koth%'
- CONTROLLING-LOST: '&cYou are no longer controlling %koth%'
- CONTROL-LOST: '&8[&6&lKoTH&8] &f%player% &ehas lost control of &f%koth% &a(%remaining%)'
- SOMEONE-CONTROLLING: '&8[&6&lKoTH&8] &eSomeone is controlling &f%koth% &a(%remaining%)'
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7There are &c%netherplayers% &7in the &cNether'
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7There are &9%endplayers% &7in the &9End'
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------------------'
- JOIN-COUNTER: '&9[A] &7Welcome &9%player% &7to the server &7[#%player-count%]'
- KIT:
- - ''
- - '&9&lKit Help'
- - '&7/kit name'
- - ''
- ENABLED: true
- SAVING: '&7[&9S&7] &7Saving...'
- SUCCESSFULLY: '&7[&9S&7] &7Successfully Saved.'
- - '&7&m--------------------------------------------------'
- - '&7Welcome to &9&lVapor &7[&fIII&7]'
- - ''
- - '&7Faction Size - &f10 Man & No Allies'
- - '&7Mapkit - &fProt 1 & Sharp 1'
- - '&7Teamspeak - &'
- - '&7Discord - &'
- - '&7Store - &'
- - '&7&m--------------------------------------------------'
- ENTERING: '&7Now entering &9%right-arrow% %tofaction%&7 (%deathbantofaction%&7)'
- LEAVING: '&7Now leaving &9%right-arrow% %fromfaction%&7 (%deathbanfromfaction%&7)'
- KILLSTREAK-MESSAGE: '&7[&9&lKillStreaks&7] &b&l%player% &7received &b&l%itemmessage%&7
- from their killstreak of &b&l%killstreaks%&7.'
- GAPPLE: '&cYour &6&lGolden Apple &ctimer is active for another &l%time%&c.'
- GAPPLE-INACTIVE: '&cYour &6&lGolden Apple&c timer is currently not active.'
- ADVENTURE: '&7Set gamemode to &eAdventure.'
- CREATIVE: '&7Set gamemode to &aCreative.'
- SURVIVAL: '&7Set gamemode to &cSurvival.'
- ADVENTURE-OTHER: '&7Set gamemode of &e%name% &7to &eAdventure.'
- CREATIVE-OTHER: '&7Set gamemode of &e%name% &7to &aCreative.'
- SURVIVAL-OTHER: '&7Set gamemode of &e%name% &7to &cSurvival.'
- TO: '&7(&fTo %player%) &7%message%'
- FROM: '&7(&fFrom %player%) &7%message%'
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
- - '&9&lYour Stats'
- - ''
- - '&9&lStatistics'
- - '&7Current Faction: &2%faction%'
- - '&7Kills: &a%kills%'
- - '&7Deaths: &c%deaths%'
- - '&7Balance: &2$%balance%'
- - ''
- - '&9&lOre Statistics'
- - '&aEmeralds: &7%emeralds%'
- - '&bDiamonds: &7%diamonds%'
- - '&eGold: &7%gold%'
- - '&cRedstone: &7%redstone%'
- - '&7Iron: &7%iron%'
- - '&8Coal: &7%coal%'
- - '&9Lapis: &7%lapis%'
- - ''
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
- - '&9&l%name%''s Stats'
- - ''
- - '&9&lStatistics'
- - '&7Current Faction: &2%faction%'
- - '&7Kills: &a%kills%'
- - '&7Deaths: &c%deaths%'
- - '&7Balance: &2$%balance%'
- - ''
- - '&9&lOre Statistics'
- - '&aEmeralds: &7%emeralds%'
- - '&bDiamonds: &7%diamonds%'
- - '&eGold: &7%gold%'
- - '&cRedstone: &7%redstone%'
- - '&7Iron: &7%iron%'
- - '&8Coal: &7%coal%'
- - '&9Lapis: &7%lapis%'
- - ''
- - '&7&m-------------------------------------'
- - '&7&m--------------------------------'
- - '&a&lSOTW &chas ended!'
- - '&cGood Lock everyone!'
- - '&7&m--------------------------------'
- - '&cStarted &a&lSOTW Protection&c for &l%time%&c.'
- SOTW-ENABLE: '&cYour SOTW is now Enabled.'
- SOTW-ENABLED: '&cYou have already enabled your SOTW.'
- SOTW-CANCELED: '&cCancelled SOTW protection.'
- SOTW-HIDE: '&a&lAll players has been hidden!'
- SOTW-UNHIDE: '&a&lAll players has been un-hidden!'
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