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- #include<iostream>
- #include <cstring>
- using namespace std;
- // class Avtomobil
- class Avtomobil{
- private:
- char color[20];
- char brand[20];
- char model[20];
- public:
- Avtomobil(){}
- Avtomobil(const char * boja, const char * brend, const char * model);
- Avtomobil& operator=(const Avtomobil &orig);
- void print();
- };
- Avtomobil::Avtomobil(const char * boja, const char * brend, const char * model){
- strcpy(this->color,boja);
- strcpy(this->brand,brend);
- strcpy(this->model,model);
- }
- Avtomobil &Avtomobil::operator=(const Avtomobil &orig){
- if(this!=&orig){
- strcpy(this->color,orig.color);
- strcpy(this->brand,orig.brand);
- strcpy(this->model,orig.model);
- }
- return *this;
- }
- void Avtomobil::print(){
- cout << this->color << " " << this->brand << " " << this->model << endl;
- }
- //class ParkingPlac
- class ParkingPlac {
- private:
- char address[20];
- char id[50];
- int costperhour;
- int profit;
- Avtomobil * a;
- int noParked;
- public:
- ParkingPlac(){}
- ParkingPlac(const char * adresa, const char * id, const int cenanacas);
- ~ParkingPlac();
- void parkirajVozilo(const Avtomobil * n, int br);
- void pecati();
- const char * getId();
- void platiCasovi(int brojcasovi);
- bool daliIstaAdresa(ParkingPlac p);
- void pecatiParkiraniVozila();
- };
- ParkingPlac::ParkingPlac(const char * adresa, const char * id, const int cenanacas){
- strcpy(this->address,adresa);
- strcpy(this->id,id);
- this->costperhour=cenanacas;
- this->profit=0;
- }
- ParkingPlac::~ParkingPlac(){
- delete [] this->a;
- }
- void ParkingPlac::pecati(){
- if(this->profit){
- cout << this->id << " " << this->address << " - " << this->profit << " denari" << endl;
- } else {
- cout << this->id << " " << this->address << endl;
- }
- }
- const char * ParkingPlac::getId(){
- return this->id;
- }
- void ParkingPlac::platiCasovi(int brojcasovi){
- this->profit = profit + (brojcasovi * this->costperhour);
- }
- bool ParkingPlac::daliIstaAdresa(const ParkingPlac p){
- if(!strcmp(this->address,p.address))
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- void ParkingPlac::parkirajVozilo(const Avtomobil * n, int br){
- this->noParked=br;
- this->a = new Avtomobil[noParked];
- for(int i=0; i<br; i++){
- *(a+i) = *(n+i);
- }
- }
- void ParkingPlac::pecatiParkiraniVozila(){
- cout << "Vo parkingot se parkirani slednite vozila: " << endl;
- for(int i=0; i<this->noParked; i++){
- cout << i+1 << ".";
- a[i].print();
- }
- }
- int main(){
- ParkingPlac p[100];
- int n,m;
- char adresa[50],id[50];
- int brojcasovi,cenacas;
- cin>>n;
- if(n > 0){
- for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
- cin.get();
- cin.getline(adresa,50);
- cin>>id>>cenacas;
- ParkingPlac edna(adresa,id,cenacas);
- p[i]=edna;
- }
- //plakjanje
- cin>>m;
- for (int i=0;i<m;i++){
- cin>>id>>brojcasovi;
- int findId=false;
- for (int j=0;j<m;j++){
- if (strcmp(p[j].getId(),id)==0){
- p[j].platiCasovi(brojcasovi);
- findId=true;
- }
- }
- if (!findId)
- cout<<"Ne e platen parking. Greshen ID."<<endl;
- }
- cout<<"========="<<endl;
- ParkingPlac pCentar("Cvetan Dimov","C10",80);
- for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
- if (p[i].daliIstaAdresa(pCentar))
- p[i].pecati();
- }
- } else {
- ParkingPlac najdobarPlac("Mars", "1337", 1);
- int brVozila;
- cin >> brVozila;
- Avtomobil *n = new Avtomobil[brVozila];
- for(int i = 0; i < brVozila; ++i){
- char boja[20];
- char brend[20];
- char model[20];
- cin >> boja >> brend >> model;
- *(n+i) = Avtomobil(boja, brend, model);
- }
- najdobarPlac.parkirajVozilo(n,brVozila);
- delete [] n;
- if(brVozila != 0)
- najdobarPlac.pecatiParkiraniVozila();
- }
- }
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