
Nearatic lunari

Oct 26th, 2019
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  1. Name: Near Lunari
  2. Age: 16
  3. Lv.10 Human
  4. _______
  5. EXP 0/1000 $: 0 HP: 270/270 Skill: 212/212 AP: 5 ATK: -24 DEF: 0 SPD: 0
  6. SEN: 35 CHA: 53 REG: 73 SPI: 27 VIT: 46 CON: 61 MND: 42 INS: 46 INT: 56 FOC: 150 WIS: 75 WIT: 126 ACC: 78 DEX: 135 RFX: 58 RES: 13 FLX: 83
  8. Willpower: 30
  9. Coordination: 80
  10. Physique: 40
  11. Concentration: 80
  12. Capability: 40
  13. E.Influence: 30
  15. Items:
  16. Skills: Dash (Cost: 5 VP), Throw (Cost: 4 VP), Jump (Cost: 5 VP), Guard (Cost: 3 VP), Punch (Cost: 1 VP), Human (Passive), Kick (Cost: 2 VP), Lucky Dodge (Cost: Ultimate), Aim (Cost: 3 SP), Lean Build (Passive), Tiny Height (Passive), Mesodorph (Passive), Teen Age (Passive), Charming Appearence (Passive), Androgynous Build 2 (Passive), Dual Item (Passive), Comeback (Passive), Dwarf Height (Passive), Feminine Build 2 (Passive), Skinny Build (Passive), Lucky Dodge (Ultimate), Aim (3 SP)
  17. Specialties: Focused, Male(Water Attunement (Passive))
  18. Traits: Lean Build (Passive), Tiny Height (Passive), Mesodorph (Passive), Teen Age (Passive), Charming Appearence (Passive), Androgynous Build 2 (Passive), Dual Wield, Dual Equip, Tri Equip, Dual Item (Passive), Ultimate Attacks, Comeback (Passive), Dwarf Height (Passive), Feminine Build 2 (Passive), Skinny Build (Passive)
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