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- import osmnx as ox
- import random
- import networkx as nx
- import heapq
- import time
- from tabulate import tabulate
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- list1 = []
- list2 = []
- list3 = []
- risk_values = []
- risk_iterator = 0
- node_pairs = []
- risk_values = []
- def hstd(node1, node2):
- global risk_iterator
- hstd_value = ox.distance.euclidean_dist_vec(graph.nodes[node1]['y'], graph.nodes[node1]['x'],
- graph.nodes[node2]['y'], graph.nodes[node2]['x'])
- try:
- # Get the index of node1 and node2 from the node_pairs list
- index = node_pairs.index((node1, node2))
- risk_value = risk_values[index]
- except ValueError: # Handle the case when the index is not found
- risk_value = 100000
- # index = node_pairs.index((node1, node2))
- # Find the risk value corresponding to the index
- # risk_value = risk_values[index]
- #print(node1)
- #risk_value = random.uniform(0, 500)
- retValue = hstd_value + risk_value
- #print(retValue)
- # # Append the risk value to a file
- # with open("risk.txt", "a") as f:
- # f.write(str(risk_value) + "\n")
- # risk_value = risk_values[risk_iterator]
- # # Increment the risk iterator and loop back to the beginning if necessary
- # risk_iterator = (risk_iterator + 1) % len(risk_values)
- return retValue
- def dijkstra(graph, start_node):
- dist = {node: float('inf') for node in graph.nodes}
- dist[start_node] = 0
- predecessors = {}
- pq = [(0, start_node)]
- while pq:
- current_dist, current_node = heapq.heappop(pq)
- if current_dist > dist[current_node]:
- continue
- for neighbor, edge in graph[current_node].items():
- weight = edge.get('weight', 1)
- new_dist = dist[current_node] + weight
- if new_dist < dist[neighbor]:
- dist[neighbor] = new_dist
- predecessors[neighbor] = current_node
- heapq.heappush(pq, (new_dist, neighbor))
- return dist, predecessors
- def evaluation_function(node, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic, weight):
- return actual_cost[node] + weight * heuristic(node, target_node)
- def greedy_best_first_search(graph, start_node, target_node, heuristic):
- visited = set()
- pq = [(heuristic(start_node, target_node), start_node)]
- while pq:
- _, current_node = heapq.heappop(pq)
- list1.append(current_node)
- if current_node == target_node:
- return visited
- visited.add(current_node)
- for neighbor in graph[current_node]:
- if neighbor not in visited:
- heapq.heappush(pq, (heuristic(neighbor, target_node), neighbor))
- list1.append(neighbor)
- return visited
- def a_star(graph, start_node, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic):
- visited = set()
- pq = [(evaluation_function(start_node, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic, 1), start_node)]
- while pq:
- _, current_node = heapq.heappop(pq)
- list2.append(current_node)
- if current_node == target_node:
- return visited
- visited.add(current_node)
- for neighbor in graph[current_node]:
- if neighbor not in visited:
- heapq.heappush(pq, (evaluation_function(neighbor, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic, 1), neighbor))
- return visited
- def weighted_a_star(graph, start_node, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic, weight):
- visited = set()
- pq = [(evaluation_function(start_node, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic, weight), start_node)]
- while pq:
- _, current_node = heapq.heappop(pq)
- list3.append(current_node)
- if current_node == target_node:
- return visited
- visited.add(current_node)
- for neighbor in graph[current_node]:
- if neighbor not in visited:
- heapq.heappush(pq, (evaluation_function(neighbor, target_node, actual_cost, heuristic, weight), neighbor))
- return visited
- city_name = "Lake Placid, New York"
- graph = ox.graph_from_place(city_name, network_type='all')
- # Open the file in read mode
- with open("risk.txt", "r") as f:
- # Iterate over each line in the file
- for line in f:
- # Convert the line to a float and append it to the list
- risk_values.append(float(line.strip()))
- # Print the list of risk values
- if graph is not None:
- nodes = graph.nodes
- edges = graph.edges
- all_nodes = list(graph.nodes)
- # with open("nodes.txt", "w") as f:
- # # Iterate over the nodes and write their IDs to the file
- # for node in nodes:
- # f.write(str(node) + "\n")
- desired_edge_index = 0
- # Iterate over the edges and find the edge with the desired index
- # for u, v, data in edges(data=True):
- # if u == desired_edge_index or v == desired_edge_index:
- # print("Edge data:", data)
- # break
- print(len(edges))
- # with open("u_values.txt", "w") as f:
- # for u, v, data in edges(data=True):
- # risk_value = random.uniform(0, 500)
- # f.write(f"{u} {v} {risk_value}\n")
- # # print(f"Edge: {u} -> {v}, Nodes: {u}, {v}")
- # Open the file in read mode
- with open("u_values.txt", "r") as f:
- # Iterate over each line in the file
- for line in f:
- # Split the line into three values: node1, node2, and risk value
- node1, node2, risk = line.split()
- node_pairs.append((int(node1), int(node2)))
- # Convert the risk value to float and append it to the list
- risk_values.append(float(risk))
- # Print the list of risk values
- # print("Risk values length:", len(risk_values))
- # print(risk_values)
- # # Print the length of the node pairs list
- # print("Node pairs length:", len(node_pairs))
- # //print(node_pairs)
- # start_node = 8922966682
- # target_node = 8922966471
- start_node = random.choice(all_nodes)
- target_node = random.choice(all_nodes)
- start_time = time.time()
- actual_cost, _ = dijkstra(graph, start_node)
- dijkstra_time = time.time() - start_time
- start_time = time.time()
- gbfs_visited = greedy_best_first_search(graph, start_node, target_node, hstd)
- gbfs_time = time.time() - start_time
- start_time = time.time()
- a_star_visited = a_star(graph, start_node, target_node, actual_cost, hstd)
- a_star_time = time.time() - start_time
- start_time = time.time()
- weight = 4
- weighted_a_star_visited = weighted_a_star(graph, start_node, target_node, actual_cost, hstd, weight)
- weighted_a_star_time = time.time() - start_time
- # print("Start Node:", start_node)
- # print("Target Node:", target_node)
- gbfs_time_ms = gbfs_time * 1000
- a_star_time_ms = a_star_time * 1000
- weighted_a_star_time_ms = weighted_a_star_time * 1000
- results = [
- ("Greedy Best First Search", len(gbfs_visited)*8, gbfs_time_ms, len(gbfs_visited)),
- ("A*", len(a_star_visited)*8, a_star_time_ms, len(a_star_visited)),
- ("Weighted A*", len(weighted_a_star_visited)*100, weighted_a_star_time_ms, len(weighted_a_star_visited))
- ]
- # print("Size of List 1:", len(list1))
- # print("Size of List 2:", len(list2))
- # print("Size of List 3:", len(list3))
- print(tabulate(results, headers=["Algorithm", "Memory (Bytes)", "Time (ms)", "Search Space"], tablefmt="grid"))
- ox.plot_graph(ox.project_graph(graph), bgcolor='white', node_size=5, node_color='black', edge_color='#B2BEB5')
- ox.plot_graph(graph.subgraph(list1), node_size=10, node_color='green', edge_linewidth=0.5, edge_color='green')
- ox.plot_graph(graph.subgraph(list2), node_size=10, node_color='blue', edge_linewidth=0.5, edge_color='blue')
- ox.plot_graph(graph.subgraph(list3), node_size=10, node_color='red', edge_linewidth=0.5, edge_color='red')
- else:
- print("Error: Failed to retrieve the graph data.")
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