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- #include "top.h"
- /* sdk */
- #include "client-entity-list.h"
- #include "engine-client.h"
- #include "base-client.h"
- #include "clientmode.h"
- #include "usercmd.h"
- #include "panel.h"
- #include "surface.h"
- #include "hook.h"
- CTools * Tools;
- IPanel * Panel;
- ISurface * Surface;
- IClientMode ** ClientMode;
- IVEngineClient * EngineClient;
- IBaseClientDll * BaseClientDll;
- IClientEntityList * ClientEntityList;
- /* cheat */
- #include "esp.h"
- CHook * PanelHook;
- CHook * CreateMoveHook;
- CRender * Render;
- PaintTraverse _PaintTraverse;
- CreateMove _CreateMove;
- /* ptrav hook function */
- void SetupConsole()
- {
- AllocConsole();
- freopen("CONOUT$", "wb", stdout);
- freopen("CONOUT$", "wb", stderr);
- freopen("CONIN$", "rb", stdin);
- SetConsoleTitle("Debug");
- }
- void __stdcall HookedPaintTraverse( int VGUIPanel, bool ForceRepaint, bool AllowForce )
- {
- SetupConsole();
- _PaintTraverse( Panel, VGUIPanel, ForceRepaint, AllowForce );
- /* right panel */
- if ( !strcmp( "FocusOverlayPanel", Panel->GetName( VGUIPanel ) ) )
- {
- std::cout << Panel->GetName(VGUIPanel);
- //if ( EngineClient->IsInGame( ) && EngineClient->IsConnected( ) )
- //{
- Render->DrawF( 10, 10, CColor( 26, 188, 156, 255 ), 5, 0, "[ pantsu-mephistopheles by ]" );
- std::cout << "Eto ne DrawF crash";
- //ESP->Think( );
- //}
- }
- }
- /* cmove hook function */
- bool __stdcall HookedCreateMove( float SampleTime, CUserCmd* UserCmd )
- {
- SetupConsole();
- if ( !UserCmd->CommandNumber )
- return true;
- /* code goes here */
- if ( EngineClient->IsInGame( ) && EngineClient->IsConnected( ) )
- {
- CBaseEntity * Local = ( CBaseEntity* ) ClientEntityList->GetClientEntity( EngineClient->GetLocalPlayer( ) );
- if ( !Local )
- return true;
- /* example bhop */
- /*if ( UserCmd->Buttons & IN_JUMP )
- {
- if ( !( Local->GetFlags( ) & FL_ONGROUND ) )
- {
- UserCmd->Buttons &= ~IN_JUMP;
- }
- } */
- // not accurate and does not look legit, todo; save angles
- // idk why -= operator doesnt work, someone fix plz
- UserCmd->ViewAngles.x -= Local->GetPunch( ).x * 2.f;
- UserCmd->ViewAngles.y -= Local->GetPunch( ).y * 2.f;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* main */
- void __stdcall Start( )
- {
- SetupConsole();
- /* maketools */
- Tools = new CTools;
- /* createinterface the objects we need */
- Panel = ( IPanel* )Tools->GetInterface( "vgui2.dll", "VGUI_Panel009" );
- Surface = ( ISurface* )Tools->GetInterface( "vguimatsurface.dll", "VGUI_Surface031" );
- EngineClient = ( IVEngineClient* )Tools->GetInterface( "engine.dll", "VEngineClient014" );
- ClientEntityList = ( IClientEntityList* )Tools->GetInterface( "client.dll", "VClientEntityList003" );
- BaseClientDll = ( IBaseClientDll* ) Tools->GetInterface( "client.dll", "VClient016" );
- /* get g_pClientMode */
- void** BaseClientDllVMT = *( void*** ) BaseClientDll;
- ClientMode = *( IClientMode*** ) ( ( DWORD ) BaseClientDllVMT[ 10 ] + 5 );
- /* init cheat */
- ESP = new CESP;
- /* setup ptrav hook */
- PanelHook = new CHook( ( DWORD** ) Panel );
- _PaintTraverse = ( PaintTraverse ) PanelHook->dwHookMethod( ( DWORD ) HookedPaintTraverse, 41 );
- /* setup cmove hook */
- //CreateMoveHook = new CHook( *( DWORD*** ) ClientMode );
- //_CreateMove = ( CreateMove ) CreateMoveHook->dwHookMethod( ( DWORD ) HookedCreateMove, 24 );
- return;
- }
- int __stdcall DllMain( HMODULE Instacen, DWORD Reason, LPVOID _Reserved )
- {
- SetupConsole();
- if ( Reason == 1 )
- {
- CreateThread( 0, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) Start, 0, 0, 0 );
- }
- return 1;
- }
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