
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic2 12/18/2018

Dec 18th, 2018
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DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Kalos: ==============
Kalos: keith: you're in another, nearly identical hallway
Kalos: only the numbers are different.
Keith: Keith takes the elevator down to the garage, still wearing the 'repairman' disguise.
Keith: While he does that, however, he tries to see if he can dig some data on this guy.
Particularly, his car's plate number.
Kalos: Back down to the garage then!
Kalos: where you digging?
Kalos: or are you asking someone else to dig?
Keith: I am digging myself
Keith: Research 13
Kalos: after some searching, with his name down, you find some weapons that will do background searches that include car plates
Kalos: for the low low fee of 60 spacebucks
Kalos: its mainly targeted at employers, it seems
Keith: "..." Keith stops and thinks, before deciding against it
He, instead, dials 'mom' and sends a message <Hey, can I get the carplate of the car belonging to that Avali Puri that Struko wants us to... Y'know?>
Kalos: <Mom is not available. but I am.> Varen's 'voice' is the one that responds.
Kalos: after merely a second. <His plate data is : > and you get what is essentially a QR code.
Kalos: that your implant of course, easily can interpret.
Kalos: and identify matches
Keith: <Thanks Second Mom.> Keith quickly responds <I'll leave you to your work now.>
Kalos: Varen: <You are welcome. I'm available for the next 3 hours, then Clairox takes over.>
Keith: <Understood> Keith then cuts the call, and then takes the rest of the elevator ride down to the garage.
Kalos: 2 minutes later, you are down there once again
Kalos: and presumably, walk down the floors until you find a match?
Keith: Keith begins strolling down the way, as if he knows what he is doing, looking at plate after plate, trying to find a match.
Kalos: eventually, somewhere seemingly random, up against the ceiling (as the grav plates in some of these places is reversed...) https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/4e/c3/634ec3794e31a3474b81e9609db41e02.jpg
Kalos: is his car.
Kalos: Fancy model.
Kalos: not quite lambo level, but its just a nice luxury brand
Keith: Keith nods to himself as he sees it, before looking around to see if there's internal cameras covering the area.
Keith: Assumedly, they only need to catch the entrances to catch thieves...
Kalos: There are cameras on the area... but only one at a time in the interior. and with so many 'stacked' vehicles, its all too easy to avoid them..
Kalos: with a good stealth roll
Kalos: and hide behind the car or something
Keith: stealth of 9...
Keith: How good is a "good roll"?
Kalos: success by 2. but thou art smol.
Kalos: you may need to get creative in some other way, if you don't trust your ability
Keith: I take note of the car location, and then see my options... Is there any way to reach the camera without being seen? Is that any easier?
Kalos: as in, hiding behind another car, and trying to approach unseen?
Kalos: well... you could get pretty close, crawling under cars...
Keith: Keith looks online the building's layout, so he can figure out where the camera data is processed, stored and etc.
Kalos: you fail to find any such info online
Keith: Keith thinks for a bit, before memorizing the location of the car, and starting to walk to the car garage access, of this specific garage.
Kalos: The entrance/exit?
Keith: Yep
Kalos: you can reach it. What do you do there? it exits out into street level. There's some bioengineered trees and turf, along with an appealing pseudo-crete sidewalk that's actually a bit 'soft' to the touch.
Keith: "Huh... I guess we could have gotten in via the garage after all..."
Keith: Keith goes back inside, still completely confused as to where the security nexus is at.
Kalos: to clarify,
Kalos: there is a sliding gate
Kalos: its open, however.
Kalos: much like the door 'upstairs'
Keith: Keith thinks a little bit about it, before continuing inside
Kalos: you're back in
Kalos: Where to?
Keith: Keith goes back to the elevator, and tries to read the floor levels.
Kalos: range from F -A, 1-95. and Alpha-Tau
Kalos: there's a line after 46
Kalos: drawn in red
Keith: "That must be where the gravity shifts..."
Keith: "There's three options as to the security nexus... The very bottom, the very top, or where there is no gravity."
Keith: Keith tries to make the elevator go the lowest it can.
Kalos: it goes down to the very bottom of the garage, underground.
Kalos: less cars here, and there's also a few locked doors...
Keith: "Locked doors... bingo bongo..."
Keith: Keith looks to see how the cameras are covering said doors
Kalos: There's one with a line of sight including all of them- a bubble-style one... right on the wall next to one of the doors
Keith: Keith goes over to the door with a camera near it, and knocks on it.
Kalos: you knock on the door.
Kalos: A moment later. Its opened by a human woman in a security outfit. "Can I help you?"
Kalos: looking past her, its clearly the security room
Kalos: cameras, computer equipment, and more.
Keith: "Well... To be fair, it is most of a 'the other way around' kind of deal. Is the equipment working as it should? Any complaint?"
Kalos: "Far as I can tell."
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (5+1+1) = 7
Kalos: 🤔
Keith: God, I don't know if I reroll her stuff or mine
Keith: you know what
Keith: <@Kalos> , I use my luck on her roll
Amoni Steeltower: (Has Calendar)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (3+3+6) = 12
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (3+2+6) = 11
Amoni Steeltower: (ey, 12)
Keith: taking the worse one for her...
Keith: .ra 13 (disguise, dice gods, pls)
Pseudobot: <@!Keith> Rolled against 13 (disguise, dice gods, pls). Result: [1,1,2] = 4. Margin of Success: 9. Critical Success
Kalos: and your roll.
Kalos: Nicela
Amoni Steeltower: (YEA!)
Kalos: she gives a 👌 and a smile
Kalos: "Only got a couple cameras not quite working, now that I think about it.."
Kalos: "on a couple doors, but I think an order to fix them is already underway."
Kalos: "that you?"
Keith: "Well..." Keith says, looking to the side "Kinda. I was supposed to be here with a partner, but they didn't show up yet. So, instead of doing it all by myself, I am checking to see if that's all..."
Keith then looks back at her "Speaking of that, could I give a look over on your console? There may be some worn out components about to break... And if I swap them out before it goes to... You know... Then they'll not have to call us for quite some time."
Kalos: roll fast talk
Keith: .ra 14 (fast talk)
Pseudobot: <@!Keith> Rolled against 14 (fast talk). Result: [5,1,5] = 11. Margin of Success: 3. Success
Keith: (th-this is good, right?)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (2+3+6) = 11
Kalos: are you feeling lucky punk?
Kalos: (you don't know her skill)
Keith: Ask <@!Amoni Steeltower>
Amoni Steeltower: (I can give it up for Keith)
Amoni Steeltower: (If they want to use the luck)
Keith: My expert disguise should be helping me sound convincing... Right? Right?
Kalos: you may regret using it. you may also regret not using it
Keith: <@Kalos> , I'll not use calendar luck on this one. If I fail this now, then I was bound to fail this down the line anyways.
Amoni Steeltower: (big oof)
Kalos: "Oh yea, sure, come in."
Kalos: she steps aside
Kalos: and ushers you into her computer room
Amoni Steeltower: (aaah?)
Keith: Keith walks in "So, to begin with, can you show me the cameras that should be working, but are not?"
Kalos: "here-" she flicks a few screens over. "wana plug in by the way?"
Kalos: "rooms 1101 and 8509 both have their camearas giving no input."
Kalos: "I didn't wanna tear the doors apart to see if the camera was broken or if a wire slipped."
Keith: "... Are we sure this isn't the doing of the people in these rooms? Do we have a recording of the last few minutes?"
Amoni Steeltower: (Neither of these are the rooms the dude resides in?...)
Keith: (408 is our room)
Keith: (Er, his)
Keith: "Well... I guess I can also plug in and see for myself..." Keith says, as he starts fiddling with the cable jack.
Kalos: "Yea we have a recording-"
Kalos: you plug in
Kalos: what now?
Keith: Does this completely cut me off from talking to her?
Kalos: Nope
Keith: "I am listening. We got any clue from them?" Keith says, as he boots up the recordings of the last minute of both cameras, and then speed it up at 2x speed, watching it play back.
Kalos: its just a regular hallway... shot
Kalos: and then suddenly, no data.
Kalos: "Nope."
Amoni Steeltower: <Keith, we're on the floor with the car now.>
Amoni Steeltower: <Just gonna, scout around.>
Keith: <@Kalos> , what floor was the floor with his car?
Keith: You didn't specify that before
Amoni Steeltower: (Oh, thought he did)
Keith: <Uhum... What was that? Floor C? Yeah, just take a left and then a right after the elevator and you'll see the car right away. I am inside security by the way, so, I'll end seeying the two of you.>
Keith: "Well... Damn. I'll poke around a bit to see if there's something else odd, I hope you don't mind." Keith says, before starting to look for the camera that overlooked close to Puri's car.
Amoni Steeltower: <Oh, okay... if you want we can hang back? Try and unlock the car?>
Kalos: you can fine the camera easily enough!
Kalos: and thus, see Amoni and Miri walking around
Amoni Steeltower: (walking and walking...)
Keith: Keith tries to recover a recording of said camera where it nothing is going on, then splice and do computer magic with is, so that the feed of this camera becomes said recording for the next four hours.
Amoni Steeltower: (nice)
Amoni Steeltower: (What rolls tho)
Keith: ( Computer operations, I assume)
Keith: ( Something like my 15 at computer operations)
Kalos: do you have EO: security?
Keith: Yep
Keith: I was a cop after all
Keith: at 12, but still
Kalos: roll it
Keith: .ra 12 (EO: security)
Pseudobot: <@!Keith> Rolled against 12 (EO: security). Result: [4,2,1] = 7. Margin of Success: 5. Success
Keith: das a good roll
Keith: Keith then checks the camera for the garage entrance.
Kalos: It works!
Kalos: you've managed to make a loop
Kalos: and now neither Amoni and Miri can be seen...
Kalos: how long do you want to make it loop/still?
Keith: 6 hours
Keith: Keith then checks the camera for the garage entrance.
Keith: "Oh, hey, I remember something weird now... Let me see the garage entrance..."
Kalos: "camera 6."
Kalos: wide open entrance.
Kalos: "what about it?"
Keith: "Huh, the camera is showing exactly what I saw."
Keith: "Wide open."
Keith: "Why is that?"
Kalos: "Cause someone left it open."
Kalos: "We don't actually have door controls here."
Kalos: "only the tenants do."
Keith: "This is dumb." Keith says, starting to unplug "Tenants are dumb. Security should have control over effing security."
Kalos: "Well, we don't."
Kalos: "Not my job to think about these things."
Kalos: "its my job to catch thieves and call the real cops."
Keith: "Good point. It is not my job either, nor security." Keith says, finishing unplugging.
Keith: "Well. I'll see what I do. I'll look around for a bit, then, I'll probably end doing the service by my own damn self. It'd be good to know if you guys got the tools for the deed somewhere, 'cause my partner had them." Keith then gets up and starts walking out "Also, nice workspace." Keith looks back, and gives her a nod.
Kalos: "oh, there's a supply closet here-" she pulls out some keys
Kalos: and walks you to another door
Keith: "Oh, neat."
Kalos: unlocking it: full of tools!
Keith: Keith starts looking over them, trying to see the ones that would be useful in fixing either an unplugged camera, a fucked-up cable, or a fucked-up camera!
Keith: Keith also considers getting tools that might help with car shenanigans...
Kalos: anything in particular?
Kalos: there some tool boxes, electricians tools like voltemeters and all that
Keith: Keith takes a tool box with what seems electrician tools, and another one with mechanic tools
Kalos: "anyway, good luck."
Keith: "I heard that the ventilation near the spire has been acting up, I'll probably check that too."
Keith: "And, yeah, I'll need that."
Keith: Keith chuckles
Kalos: she heads back and closes the door.
Keith: Keith starts heading out to meet the gang

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