
Story Idea

Nov 2nd, 2024
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  1. So I can attack people in the halls of government
  2. in the commonwealth as a wraith and a ghoul admits
  3. Youngkin, we need this otherwise , they're trivially
  4. able resist my power of un-dead, simply disbelieve and
  5. we need to attack the liberal democrats that still exist
  6. no real faith is required not that matters. Atheism is
  7. the only thing that is rational now that major disease
  8. is cured through out the world; now they won't be able
  9. to, when they see me they'll know i'm there. And if I
  10. create a few ghouls among the democrats, that's all
  11. the lord trump with need in the after-world where
  12. god(s) forgive the sinners and wealthy still rule.
  13. Moral:
  14. Since the World is the thing we discover, and the Earth is what God made; [he]
  15. failing to admit the power , that could overcome him, he trivially damns himself
  16. in this world.
  17. ( this is a Gothic ghoul myth origin, and is imo more true (for fantasy)
  18. than the christian derivative btw occurs to me; that someone could become
  19. a prince with all the sinners out of the way.
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