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- -- OpenComputer Robot dome and sphere builder.
- -- Copyright © 2014 by 1ng0
- -- Insert the Hover-Upgrade in the Robot to place items in the Air!
- -- usage: sdbuild <type> <radius> [-c]
- -- type should be either dome or sphere
- -- radius is distance from centre - total width is actually 2 * radius + 1
- -- the structure will be built with its lowest point on the level the robot is at
- -- the block the robot starts on will be the horizontal centre
- -- if -c is passed, will only calculate number of blocks required and not build
- local arg = { ... }
- local robot = require("robot")
- type = arg[1]
- radius = tonumber(arg[2])
- cost_only = false
- blocks = 0
- if arg[3] == "-c" then
- cost_only = true
- end
- -- Navigation features
- -- allow the robot to move while tracking its position
- -- this allows us to just give a destination point and have it go there
- positionx = radius
- positiony = radius
- facing = 0
- function turnRightTrack()
- robot.turnRight()
- facing = facing + 1
- if facing >= 4 then
- facing = 0
- end
- end
- function turnLeftTrack()
- robot.turnLeft()
- facing = facing - 1
- if facing < 0 then
- facing = 3
- end
- end
- function safeForward()
- success = false
- while not success do
- success = robot.forward()
- if not success then
- print("Blocked attempting to move forward.")
- print("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- function safeBack()
- success = false
- while not success do
- success = robot.back()
- if not success then
- print("Blocked attempting to move back.")
- print("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- function safeUp()
- success = false
- while not success do
- success = robot.up()
- if not success then
- print("Blocked attempting to move up.")
- print("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- end
- function moveY(targety)
- if targety == positiony then
- return
- end
- if (facing ~= 0 and facing ~= 2) then -- check axis
- turnRightTrack()
- end
- while targety > positiony do
- if facing == 0 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- positiony = positiony + 1
- end
- while targety < positiony do
- if facing == 2 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- positiony = positiony - 1
- end
- end
- function moveX(targetx)
- if targetx == positionx then
- return
- end
- if (facing ~= 1 and facing ~= 3) then -- check axis
- turnRightTrack()
- end
- while targetx > positionx do
- if facing == 1 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- positionx = positionx + 1
- end
- while targetx < positionx do
- if facing == 3 then
- safeForward()
- else
- safeBack()
- end
- positionx = positionx - 1
- end
- end
- function navigateTo(targetx, targety)
- -- Cost calculation mode - don't move
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- if facing == 0 or facing == 2 then -- Y axis
- moveY(targety)
- moveX(targetx)
- else
- moveX(targetx)
- moveY(targety)
- end
- end
- cslot = 1
- function placeBlock()
- -- Cost calculation mode - don't move
- blocks = blocks + 1
- if cost_only then
- return
- end
- if robot.count(cslot) == 0 then
- foundSlot = false
- while not foundSlot do
- for i = 1,16 do
- if robot.count(i) > 0 then
- foundSlot = i
- break
- end
- end
- if not foundSlot then
- -- No resources
- print("Out of building materials. Please refill and press enter to continue.")
- end
- end
- cslot = foundSlot
- end
- robot.placeDown()
- end
- -- Main dome and sphere building routine
- width = radius * 2 + 1
- sqrt3 = 3 ^ 0.5
- boundary_radius = radius + 1.0
- boundary2 = boundary_radius ^ 2
- if type == "dome" then
- zstart = radius
- elseif type == "sphere" then
- zstart = 0
- else
- print("Usage: sdbuild <shape> <radius> [-c]")
- os.exit(1)
- end
- zend = width - 1
- -- This loop is for each vertical layer through the sphere or dome.
- for z = zstart,zend do
- if not cost_only then
- safeUp()
- end
- print("Layer " .. z)
- cz2 = (radius - z) ^ 2
- limit_offset_y = (boundary2 - cz2) ^ 0.5
- max_offset_y = math.ceil(limit_offset_y)
- -- We do first the +x side, then the -x side to make movement efficient
- for side = 0,1 do
- -- On the right we go from small y to large y, on the left reversed
- -- This makes us travel clockwise around each layer
- if (side == 0) then
- ystart = radius - max_offset_y
- yend = radius + max_offset_y
- ystep = 1
- else
- ystart = radius + max_offset_y
- yend = radius - max_offset_y
- ystep = -1
- end
- for y = ystart,yend,ystep do
- cy2 = (radius - y) ^ 2
- remainder2 = (boundary2 - cz2 - cy2)
- if remainder2 >= 0 then
- -- This is the maximum difference in x from the centre we can be without definitely being outside the radius
- max_offset_x = math.ceil((boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) ^ 0.5)
- -- Only do either the +x or -x side
- if (side == 0) then
- -- +x side
- xstart = radius
- xend = radius + max_offset_x
- else
- -- -x side
- xstart = radius - max_offset_x
- xend = radius - 1
- end
- -- Reverse direction we traverse xs when in -y side
- if y > radius then
- temp = xstart
- xstart = xend
- xend = temp
- xstep = -1
- else
- xstep = 1
- end
- for x = xstart,xend,xstep do
- cx2 = (radius - x) ^ 2
- distance_to_centre = (cx2 + cy2 + cz2) ^ 0.5
- -- Only blocks within the radius but still within 1 3d-diagonal block of the edge are eligible
- if distance_to_centre < boundary_radius and distance_to_centre + sqrt3 >= boundary_radius then
- offsets = {{0, 1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, -1}}
- for i=1,6 do
- offset = offsets[i]
- dx = offset[1]
- dy = offset[2]
- dz = offset[3]
- if ((radius - (x + dx)) ^ 2 + (radius - (y + dy)) ^ 2 + (radius - (z + dz)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 >= boundary_radius then
- -- This is a point to use
- navigateTo(x, y)
- placeBlock()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Return to where we started in x,y place and turn to face original direction
- -- Don't change vertical place though - should be solid under us!
- navigateTo(radius, radius)
- while (facing > 0) do
- turnLeftTrack()
- end
- print("Blocks used: " .. blocks)
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