
OpenComputer Robot dome and sphere builder

May 14th, 2014
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  1. -- OpenComputer Robot dome and sphere builder.
  2. -- Copyright Β© 2014 by 1ng0
  3. -- Insert the Hover-Upgrade in the Robot to place items in the Air!
  4. -- usage: sdbuild <type> <radius> [-c]
  5. -- type should be either dome or sphere
  6. -- radius is distance from centre - total width is actually 2 * radius + 1
  7. -- the structure will be built with its lowest point on the level the robot is at
  8. -- the block the robot starts on will be the horizontal centre
  9. -- if -c is passed, will only calculate number of blocks required and not build
  11. local arg = { ... }
  12. local robot = require("robot")
  14. type = arg[1]
  15. radius = tonumber(arg[2])
  17. cost_only = false
  18. blocks = 0
  19. if arg[3] == "-c" then
  20.   cost_only = true
  21. end
  23. -- Navigation features
  24. -- allow the robot to move while tracking its position
  25. -- this allows us to just give a destination point and have it go there
  27. positionx = radius
  28. positiony = radius
  29. facing = 0
  31. function turnRightTrack()
  32.   robot.turnRight()
  33.   facing = facing + 1
  34.   if facing >= 4 then
  35.     facing = 0
  36.   end
  37. end
  39. function turnLeftTrack()
  40.   robot.turnLeft()
  41.   facing = facing - 1
  42.   if facing < 0 then
  43.     facing = 3
  44.   end
  45. end
  47. function safeForward()
  48.   success = false
  49.   while not success do
  50.     success = robot.forward()
  51.     if not success then
  52.       print("Blocked attempting to move forward.")
  53.       print("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
  55.     end
  56.   end
  57. end
  59. function safeBack()
  60.   success = false
  61.   while not success do
  62.     success = robot.back()
  63.     if not success then
  64.       print("Blocked attempting to move back.")
  65.       print("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
  67.     end
  68.   end
  69. end
  71. function safeUp()
  72.   success = false
  73.   while not success do
  74.     success = robot.up()
  75.     if not success then
  76.       print("Blocked attempting to move up.")
  77.       print("Please clear and press enter to continue.")
  79.     end
  80.   end
  81. end
  83. function moveY(targety)
  84.   if targety == positiony then
  85.     return
  86.   end
  88.   if (facing ~= 0 and facing ~= 2) then -- check axis
  89.     turnRightTrack()
  90.   end
  92.   while targety > positiony do
  93.     if facing == 0 then
  94.       safeForward()
  95.     else
  96.       safeBack()
  97.     end
  98.     positiony = positiony + 1
  99.   end
  101.   while targety < positiony do
  102.     if facing == 2 then
  103.       safeForward()
  104.     else
  105.       safeBack()
  106.     end
  107.     positiony = positiony - 1
  108.   end
  109. end
  111. function moveX(targetx)
  112.   if targetx == positionx then
  113.     return
  114.   end
  116.   if (facing ~= 1 and facing ~= 3) then -- check axis
  117.     turnRightTrack()
  118.   end
  120.   while targetx > positionx do
  121.     if facing == 1 then
  122.       safeForward()
  123.     else
  124.       safeBack()
  125.     end
  126.     positionx = positionx + 1
  127.   end
  129.   while targetx < positionx do
  130.     if facing == 3 then
  131.       safeForward()
  132.     else
  133.       safeBack()
  134.     end
  135.     positionx = positionx - 1
  136.   end
  137. end
  139. function navigateTo(targetx, targety)
  140.   -- Cost calculation mode - don't move
  141.   if cost_only then
  142.     return
  143.   end
  145.   if facing == 0 or facing == 2 then -- Y axis
  146.     moveY(targety)
  147.     moveX(targetx)
  148.   else
  149.     moveX(targetx)
  150.     moveY(targety)
  151.   end
  152. end
  154. cslot = 1
  155. function placeBlock()
  156.   -- Cost calculation mode - don't move
  157.   blocks = blocks + 1
  158.   if cost_only then
  159.     return
  160.   end
  162.   if robot.count(cslot) == 0 then
  163.     foundSlot = false
  164.     while not foundSlot do
  165.       for i = 1,16 do
  166.         if robot.count(i) > 0 then
  167.           foundSlot = i
  168.           break
  169.         end
  170.       end
  171.       if not foundSlot then
  172.         -- No resources
  173.         print("Out of building materials. Please refill and press enter to continue.")
  175.       end
  176.     end
  177.     cslot = foundSlot
  179.   end
  181.   robot.placeDown()
  182. end
  184. -- Main dome and sphere building routine
  186. width = radius * 2 + 1
  187. sqrt3 = 3 ^ 0.5
  188. boundary_radius = radius + 1.0
  189. boundary2 = boundary_radius ^ 2
  191. if type == "dome" then
  192.   zstart = radius
  193. elseif type == "sphere" then
  194.   zstart = 0
  195. else
  196.   print("Usage: sdbuild <shape> <radius> [-c]")
  197.   os.exit(1)
  198. end
  199. zend = width - 1
  201. -- This loop is for each vertical layer through the sphere or dome.
  202. for z = zstart,zend do
  203.   if not cost_only then
  204.     safeUp()
  205.   end
  206.   print("Layer " .. z)
  207.   cz2 = (radius - z) ^ 2
  209.   limit_offset_y = (boundary2 - cz2) ^ 0.5
  210.   max_offset_y = math.ceil(limit_offset_y)
  212.   -- We do first the +x side, then the -x side to make movement efficient
  213.   for side = 0,1 do
  214.     -- On the right we go from small y to large y, on the left reversed
  215.     -- This makes us travel clockwise around each layer
  216.     if (side == 0) then
  217.       ystart = radius - max_offset_y
  218.       yend = radius + max_offset_y
  219.       ystep = 1
  220.     else
  221.       ystart = radius + max_offset_y
  222.       yend = radius - max_offset_y
  223.       ystep = -1
  224.     end
  226.     for y = ystart,yend,ystep do
  227.       cy2 = (radius - y) ^ 2
  229.       remainder2 = (boundary2 - cz2 - cy2)
  231.       if remainder2 >= 0 then
  232.         -- This is the maximum difference in x from the centre we can be without definitely being outside the radius
  233.         max_offset_x = math.ceil((boundary2 - cz2 - cy2) ^ 0.5)
  235.         -- Only do either the +x or -x side
  236.         if (side == 0) then
  237.           -- +x side
  238.           xstart = radius
  239.           xend = radius + max_offset_x
  240.         else
  241.           -- -x side
  242.           xstart = radius - max_offset_x
  243.           xend = radius - 1
  244.         end
  246.         -- Reverse direction we traverse xs when in -y side
  247.         if y > radius then
  248.           temp = xstart
  249.           xstart = xend
  250.           xend = temp
  251.           xstep = -1
  252.         else
  253.           xstep = 1
  254.         end
  256.         for x = xstart,xend,xstep do
  257.           cx2 = (radius - x) ^ 2
  258.           distance_to_centre = (cx2 + cy2 + cz2) ^ 0.5
  259.           -- Only blocks within the radius but still within 1 3d-diagonal block of the edge are eligible
  260.           if distance_to_centre < boundary_radius and distance_to_centre + sqrt3 >= boundary_radius then
  261.             offsets = {{0, 1, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, -1}}
  262.             for i=1,6 do
  263.               offset = offsets[i]
  264.               dx = offset[1]
  265.               dy = offset[2]
  266.               dz = offset[3]
  267.               if ((radius - (x + dx)) ^ 2 + (radius - (y + dy)) ^ 2 + (radius - (z + dz)) ^ 2) ^ 0.5 >= boundary_radius then
  268.                 -- This is a point to use
  269.                 navigateTo(x, y)
  270.                 placeBlock()
  271.                 break
  272.               end
  273.             end
  274.           end
  275.         end
  276.       end
  277.     end
  278.   end
  279. end
  281. -- Return to where we started in x,y place and turn to face original direction
  282. -- Don't change vertical place though - should be solid under us!
  283. navigateTo(radius, radius)
  284. while (facing > 0) do
  285.   turnLeftTrack()
  286. end
  288. print("Blocks used: " .. blocks)
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