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it unlocks many cool features!
- #SingleInstance Force
- #Persistent
- #NoEnv
- SetBatchLines, -1
- CustomColor = EEAA99 ; Can be any RGB color (it will be made transparent below).
- Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow ; +ToolWindow avoids a taskbar button and an alt-tab menu item.
- Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
- Gui, Font, s8 ; Set a large font size (32-point).
- ; Make all pixels of this color transparent and make the text itself translucent (150):
- WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 150
- SetTimer, UpdateOSD, 200
- Gosub, UpdateOSD ; Make the first update immediate rather than waiting for the timer.
- Gui, Add, Text, cBlue x60 y0 w70 h20 +Center, NAJEEB MENU
- Gui, Add, Text, vMyText cRed x60 y30 w70 h20 +Center, XXXXX YYYYY ; XX & YY serve to auto-size the window.
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y60 w55 h20 +Center, Google
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y90 w55 h20 +Center, Notepad
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y120 w55 h20 +Center, Youtube
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y150 w55 h20 +Center, Mspaint
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y180 w55 h20 +Center, Drive
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y210 w55 h20 +Center, Paste
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y240 w55 h20 +Center, NCMD
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y270 w55 h20 +Center, Startup
- Gui, Add, Button, x60 y300 w55 h20 +Center, Videos
- Gui +AlwaysOnTop
- bw := 25 ; button width
- bh := 25 ; button height
- my := 3 ; y margin
- mx := 2 ; x margin
- Hotkey, IfWinActive, HH Tools
- Hotkey, LButton, minimizeClicked
- Gui, Show, Hide Autosize x890 y250 w75 h600, HH Tools
- Menu, Tray, NoStandard
- Menu, Tray, Tip, HH Tools
- menu, tray, add, NAJEEB MENU, RestoreWindow
- menu, tray, add, Google-Images, ButtonGoogle
- menu, tray, add, Notepad, ButtonNotepad
- menu, tray, add, Youtube, ButtonYoutube
- menu, tray, add, Mspaint, ButtonMspaint
- menu, tray, add, My-Drive, ButtonDrive
- menu, tray, add, Najeebsk, ButtonNajeebPastebin
- menu, tray, add, N-CMD, ButtonNCMD
- menu, tray, add, Startup, ButtonStartup
- menu, tray, add, My Videos, ButtonVideos
- menu, tray, add
- menu, tray, add, View Toolbar, RestoreWindow
- menu, tray, add
- menu, tray, add, Close Program, CloseProgram
- Return
- ;==============================
- ; Labels
- ;==============================
- RestoreWindow:
- WinShow, HH Tools
- return
- CloseProgram:
- Exitapp
- return
- minimizeClicked:
- Hotkey, LButton, Off
- MouseGetPos, x, y, win
- WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_id %win%
- If (y > my and y < my + bh
- and x > w - 3 * (mx + bw)
- and x < w - 3 * (mx + bw) + bw)
- {
- ;MsgBox, You clicked the minimize button
- WinHide, HH Tools
- Hotkey, LButton, ON
- return
- }
- else
- {
- if (y > my and y < my + bh
- and x > w - 3 * (mx + bw)
- and x > w - (3 * (mx + bw) - bw - bw))
- {
- ;MsgBox, You clicked the close button
- MouseClick, left, x, y
- Hotkey, LButton, ON
- return
- }
- else
- {
- MouseClick, left, x, y,,,D
- Hotkey, LButton, ON
- Return
- }
- }
- ButtonGoogle:
- Run,
- Return
- ButtonYoutube:
- Run,
- Return
- ButtonNotepad:
- IfWinExist Untitled - Notepad
- {
- WinActivate
- }
- else
- {
- Run Notepad
- WinWait Untitled - Notepad
- WinActivate
- }
- Return
- ButtonMspaint:
- IfWinExist Untitled - Mspaint
- {
- WinActivate
- }
- else
- {
- Run mspaint
- WinWait Untitled - Mspaint
- WinActivate
- }
- Return
- UpdateOSD:
- MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
- GuiControl,, MyText, X%MouseX%, Y%MouseY%
- return
- ButtonDrive:
- Run,
- Return
- ButtonNajeebPastebin:
- Run,
- Return
- ButtonNCMD:
- Run, %A_WinDir%\CMD4.exe
- Return
- ButtonStartup:
- Run, shell:startup
- Return
- ButtonVideos:
- Run, D:\VIDEOS
- Return
- ;Send to Development Alt+F1
- !F1::
- SendInput Case Not Closed Pending Development Resolution{Enter}
- SendInput Title of the Issue and Defect Number:{Enter}
- SendInput Customer Email Address:{Enter}
- SendInput User ID:{Enter}
- SendInput Password:{Enter}
- SendInput Did you communicate the workaround to the customer, if one is documented (Y/N)?{Enter}
- SendInput Did the documented workaround resolve the issue (Y/N)?{Enter}
- SendInput Would the customer like to be contacted after the issue has been resolved (Y/N)?{Enter}
- SendInput If yes, what method of communication is preferred (e-mail/phone)?{Enter}
- return
- ; ALT+F2
- !F2::
- SendInput Requestor first and last name:{Enter}
- SendInput Requestor role (must be User, CHEERS contact, AE, CTC) :{Enter}
- SendInput AE Name (REQUIRED if CTC) :{Enter}
- SendInput AE Employee # (REQUIRED if CTC) :{Enter}
- SendInput Requestor phone number:{Enter}
- SendInput Requestor e-mail address:{Enter}
- SendInput account number:{Enter}
- SendInput User ID to be deleted:{Enter}
- SendInput User First and Last Name (name that appears in FCL Profile):{Enter}
- SendInput Answer to secret question (only if requestor is the user):{Enter}
- SendInput Reason for deletion:{Enter}
- SendInput Would the customer like to be contacted after the ID has been deleted (Y/N)?{Enter}
- SendInput - If yes, what method of communication is preferred (e-mail/phone)?{Enter}
- return
- GuiClose:
- ESC::ExitApp
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