

Mar 1st, 2020
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  1. <!DOCTYPE frameset SYSTEM "frameset.dtd">
  2. <frameset>
  4.     <predicate lemma="whiff">
  6.         <roleset framnet="-" id="whiff.01" name="smell by inhaling through the nose" vncls="35.3">
  7.             <roles>
  8.                 <role descr="entity doing the sniffing" f="" n="0">
  9.                     <vnrole vncls="stalk-35.3" vntheta="agent"/>
  10.                 </role>
  12.                 <role descr="the scent" f="" n="1">
  13.                     <vnrole vncls="stalk-35.3" vntheta="theme"/>
  14.                 </role>
  15.                 <role descr="the air carrying the scent" f="" n="2">
  16.                     <vnrole vncls="stalk-35.3" vntheta="location"/>
  17.                 </role>
  18.                 <note/>
  19.             </roles>
  21.             <example name="All args" src="internet" type="-">
  22.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="other" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  23.                 <text>Discreetly, I whiffed the air for tequila or petroleum.</text>
  25.                 <arg f="mnr" n="m">Discreetly,</arg>
  26.                 <arg f="" n="0">I</arg>
  27.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  28.                 <arg f="" n="2">the air</arg>
  29.                 <arg f="" n="1">for tequila or petroleum.</arg>
  30.                 <note/>
  31.             </example>
  32.             <example name="Scent as core arg" src="internet" type="-">
  33.                 <inflection aspect="perfect" form="participle" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  34.                 <text>Her expression seemed to say she had whiffed a very bad odor.</text>
  36.                 <arg f="" n="0">She</arg>
  37.                 <rel f="">had whiffed</rel>
  38.                 <arg f="" n="1">a very bad odor.</arg>
  39.                 <note/>
  40.             </example>
  41.             <example name="location as subject" src="internet" type="-">
  42.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="ns"/>
  43.                 <text>The air whiffed of pine and peat.</text>
  45.                 <arg f="" n="2">The air</arg>
  46.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  47.                 <arg f="" n="1">of pine and peat.</arg>
  48.                 <note/>
  49.             </example>
  50.             <note>Roleset based on internet search.  Member of Vncls 35.3. Comparison to ‘smell’. Roleset by Julia.</note>
  51.         </roleset>
  52.         <roleset framnet="-" id="whiff.02" name="carry on/as a puff of air" vncls="-">
  53.             <roles>
  54.                 <role descr="the wind" f="" n="0"/>
  56.                 <role descr="thing being carried on the wind" f="" n="1"/>
  57.                 <role descr="direction" f="" n="2"/>
  58.                 <note/>
  59.             </roles>
  61.             <example name="All args" src="internet" type="-">
  62.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  63.                 <text>The gust of air whiffed away the clouds.</text>
  65.                 <arg f="" n="0">The gust of air</arg>
  66.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  67.                 <arg f="" n="2">away</arg>
  68.                 <arg f="" n="1">the clouds.</arg>
  69.                 <note/>
  70.             </example>
  71.             <example name="Theme as subject with source" src="internet" type="-">
  72.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="ns"/>
  73.                 <text>A spurt of smoke whiffed out from her quarter.</text>
  75.                 <arg f="" n="1">A spurt of smoke</arg>
  76.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  77.                 <arg f="" n="2">out</arg>
  78.                 <arg f="dir" n="m">from her quarter.</arg>
  79.                 <note/>
  80.             </example>
  81.             <note>Roleset based on internet search. No Vncls. Comparison to ‘blow’. Roleset by Julia.</note>
  82.         </roleset>
  83.         <roleset framnet="-" id="whiff.03" name="swing at and miss the third pitch, striking out" vncls="-">
  84.             <roles>
  85.                 <role descr="causal agent, pitcher" f="" n="0"/>
  87.                 <role descr="entity swinging and missing" f="" n="1"/>
  88.                 <role descr="thing attempted" f="" n="2"/>
  89.                 <note>May be used metaphorically. Instances with actual agent rare.</note>
  90.             </roles>
  92.             <example name="With agent" src="internet" type="-">
  93.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  94.                 <text>Chamberlain whiffed the first two Phillies hitters.</text>
  96.                 <arg f="" n="0">Chamberlain</arg>
  97.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  98.                 <arg f="" n="1">the first two Pillies hitters.</arg>
  99.                 <note/>
  100.             </example>
  101.             <example name="Baseball frame, Args-1&amp;2" src="internet" type="-">
  102.                 <inflection aspect="progressive" form="gerund" person="third" tense="ns" voice="active"/>
  103.                 <text>Crane-1 made two fouls, and then sent Chipper into real convulsions by *trace*-1 whiffing at a high one.</text>
  105.                 <arg f="" n="1">*trace*-1: Crane</arg>
  106.                 <rel f="">whiffing</rel>
  107.                 <arg f="" n="2">at a high one.</arg>
  108.                 <note/>
  109.             </example>
  110.             <example name="Metaphorical extension, Args-1&amp;2" src="internet" type="-">
  111.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  112.                 <text>John McCain whiffed his own chance to ask Obama about Ayers on live TV.</text>
  114.                 <arg f="" n="1">John McCain</arg>
  115.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  116.                 <arg f="" n="2">his own chance to ask Obama about Ayers on live TV.</arg>
  117.                 <note/>
  118.             </example>
  119.             <example name="Arg-2 with PP 'on __'" src="internet" type="-">
  120.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  121.                 <text>The commission whiffed on its duty to protect investors.</text>
  123.                 <arg f="" n="1">The commission</arg>
  124.                 <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  125.                 <arg f="" n="2">on its duty to protect investors.</arg>
  126.                 <note/>
  127.             </example>
  128.             <example name="Baseball frame intransitive" src="internet" type="-">
  129.                 <inflection aspect="ns" form="ns" person="ns" tense="ns" voice="ns"/>
  130.                 <text>[Cincy defenders]-1 had Lewis behind the line of scrimmage on third down, and once again *trace*-1 whiffed.</text>
  132.                 <arg f="tmp" n="m">once again</arg>
  133.                 <arg f="" n="1">*trace*: [Cincy defenders]</arg>
  134.                 <rel f="">whiffed.</rel>
  135.                 <note/>
  136.             </example>
  137.             <example name="Metaphorical use intransitive" src="internet" type="-">
  138.                 <inflection aspect="progressive" form="gerund" person="third" tense="ns" voice="active"/>
  139.                 <text>[A White House spokesman]-1 started playing hardball with Bill O'Reilly and wound up *trace*-1 whiffing big time.</text>
  141.                <arg f="" n="1">*trace*-1: [A White House spokesman]</arg>
  142.                <rel f="">whiffing</rel>
  143.                <arg f="ext" n="m">big time.</arg>
  144.                <note/>
  145.            </example>
  146.            <note>Roleset based on internet search.  No Vncls. Comparison to ‘fail.01’. Roleset by Julia.</note>
  147.        </roleset>
  148.        <roleset framnet="-" id="whiff.04" name="smoke recreationally, as a pipe" vncls="-">
  149.            <roles>
  150.                <role descr="smoker" f="" n="0"/>
  152.                <role descr="cigar, cigarettes, pipe, etc." f="" n="1"/>
  153.                <note/>
  154.            </roles>
  156.            <example name="Arg1 as core arg" src="internet" type="-">
  157.                <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  158.                <text>The old man whiffed a pipe.</text>
  160.                <arg f="" n="0">The old man</arg>
  161.                <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  162.                <arg f="" n="1">a pipe.</arg>
  163.                <note/>
  164.            </example>
  165.            <example name="Antipassive: Arg-1 as oblique arg" src="internet" type="-">
  166.                <inflection aspect="progressive" form="gerund" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  167.                <text>As usual, he was whiffing at a cigarette.</text>
  169.                <arg f="mnr" n="m">As usual,</arg>
  170.                <arg f="" n="0">he</arg>
  171.                <rel f="">was whiffing</rel>
  172.                <arg f="" n="1">at a cigarette.</arg>
  173.                <note/>
  174.            </example>
  175.            <note>Roleset based on internet search. No Vncls. Comparison to ‘smoke’. Roleset by Julia.</note>
  176.        </roleset>
  177.        <roleset framnet="-" id="whiff.05" name="exhale a puff of air, possibly as an utterance" vncls="40.1.3">
  178.            <roles>
  179.                <role descr="agent (animate)" f="" n="0">
  180.                    <vnrole vncls="exhale-40.1.3-1" vntheta="agent"/>
  181.                </role>
  183.                <role descr="exhaled puff of air, utterance" f="" n="1">
  184.                    <vnrole vncls="exhale-40.1.3-1" vntheta="theme"/>
  185.                </role>
  186.                <note/>
  187.            </roles>
  189.            <example name="Both args" src="internet" type="-">
  190.                <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  191.                <text>They whiffed out a protective prayer or two.</text>
  193.                <arg f="" n="0">They</arg>
  194.                <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  195.                <arg f="dir" n="m">out</arg>
  196.                <arg f="" n="1">a protective prayer or two.</arg>
  197.                <note/>
  198.            </example>
  199.            <example name="Both args" src="internet" type="-">
  200.                <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  201.                <text>The stranger whiffed out a long, leisurely sort of indifferent and charitable puff.</text>
  203.                <arg f="" n="0">The stranger</arg>
  204.                <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  205.                <arg f="dir" n="m">out</arg>
  206.                <arg f="" n="1">a long, leisurely sort of indifferent and charitable puff.</arg>
  207.                <note/>
  208.            </example>
  209.            <note>Roleset based on internet search. Member of Vncls 40.1.3-1. Roleset by Julia.</note>
  210.        </roleset>
  211.        <roleset framnet="-" id="whiff.06" name="extinguish" vncls="-">
  212.            <roles>
  213.                <role descr="entity snuffing out the flame" f="" n="0"/>
  215.                <role descr="the flame" f="" n="1"/>
  216.                <note>Occurs with secondary predication 'out (PP)'.</note>
  217.            </roles>
  219.            <example name="Both args" src="internet" type="-">
  220.                <inflection aspect="ns" form="full" person="third" tense="past" voice="active"/>
  221.                <text>A beam of destruction whiffed out of existence the pilot, gunnery and the men before them.</text>
  223.                <arg f="" n="0">A beam of destruction</arg>
  224.                <rel f="">whiffed</rel>
  225.                <arg f="prd" n="m">out of existence</arg>
  226.                <arg f="" n="1">the pilot, gunnery and the men before them.</arg>
  227.                <note/>
  228.            </example>
  229.            <example name="patient as subject" src="internet" type="-">
  230.                <inflection aspect="perfect" form="participle" person="third" tense="past" voice="ns"/>
  231.                <text>He had simply whiffed out of existence like a soap bubble.</text>
  233.                <arg f="" n="1">He</arg>
  234.                <rel f="">[had] [whiffed]</rel>
  235.                <arg f="adv" n="m">simply</arg>
  236.                <arg f="prd" n="m">out of existence</arg>
  237.                <arg f="mnr" n="m">like a soap bubble.</arg>
  238.                <note/>
  239.            </example>
  240.            <example name="Passive" src="internet" type="-">
  241.                <inflection aspect="ns" form="participle" person="third" tense="past" voice="passive"/>
  242.                <text>The people were whiffed out by one breath of armistice!</text>
  244.                <arg f="" n="1">The people</arg>
  245.                <rel f="">were whiffed</rel>
  246.                <arg f="prd" n="m">out</arg>
  247.                <arg f="" n="0">by one breath of armistice!</arg>
  248.                <note/>
  249.            </example>
  250.            <note>Roleset based on internet search.  No Vncls. Comparison to ‘extinguish’. Roleset by Julia.</note>
  251.        </roleset>
  252.        <note/>
  253.    </predicate>
  254.    <note/>
  255. </frameset>
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