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- #!/usr/bin/awk -f
- #
- # grid - Game grid
- # row - Horizontal slice through the grid
- # col - Vertical slice through the grid
- # sector - solved numbers per sector
- # setorMap - map of sector for each cell
- # solutions - grid of all possible solutions per unsolved cell
- # solutionsCnt - count of possible solutions for each unsolved number per sector
- #
- for (i=1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
- for (j=1; j <= 9; j++ ) {
- grid[i,j]=0
- sectorMap[i,j]=toSector(i,j)
- }
- }
- "tput smso" | getline SMSO
- "tput bold" | getline BOLD
- "tput rmso" | getline RMSO
- "tput clear" | getline CLEAR
- "tput cup 0 0" | getline HOME
- "tput cup 20 0" | getline LINE20
- PROMPT = ">>"
- printf "%s ", PROMPT
- }
- $1 == "help" {
- print "help, load, loadFile, step, dumpsolutions, dumpSector, dumpSectorMap, dump"
- }
- $1 == "list" {
- LIST="ls puzzle.*"
- while ( LIST | getline listing >0 ) {
- print listing
- }
- close(LIST)
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # load puzzle from a file
- #
- ####################################################################
- $1 == "loadFile" {
- fileName = $2
- print "loading " fileName
- clearSector()
- delete grid
- delete row
- delete col
- r=0;
- while ( (getline < fileName) > 0 ) {
- r++
- for (c=1; c<=NF; c++)
- {
- if ( $c != ".")
- load(r, c, $c)
- }
- }
- close(fileName)
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # load puzzle from command line
- #
- ####################################################################
- $1 == "load" {
- fileName=""
- for (i=2; i<=NF; i++)
- {
- split($i,fields,",")
- load(fields[1], fields[2], fields[3])
- }
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # step through automated solution of the puzzle
- #
- ####################################################################
- $1 == "step" {
- if (solveStep()==0)
- print "no solution"
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # automatically solve the entire puzzle
- #
- ####################################################################
- $1 == "solve" {
- printf "%s", CLEAR
- do {
- if ( $2 != "" ) {
- system("sleep " $2)
- }
- printf "%s", HOME
- } while (solveStep() != 0 )
- dump()
- print "Solution Stopped"
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # validate the currently solved puzzle against a solution
- # in a file
- #
- ####################################################################
- $1 == "check" {
- fileName=$2
- print "checking solution against " fileName
- r=0
- while ( (getline < fileName) > 0 ) {
- r++
- for (c=1; c<=NF; c++)
- {
- # print "grid["r","c"]("grid[r,c]")=" $c ## DEBUG
- if (grid[r,c] != $c) {
- dump(r,c)
- print "Error @ cell " r","c
- close(fileName)
- next
- }
- }
- }
- print "Congradulations, your solution is correct!"
- close(fileName)
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # save the current puzzle in a file
- #
- ####################################################################
- $1 == "save" {
- for (r=1; r<=9; r++) {
- for (c=1; c<=9; c++) {
- v = grid[r,c]
- if ( v <=0 )
- v="."
- printf "%s ", v > $2
- }
- print "" > $2
- }
- close($2)
- }
- $1 == "dumpSolution" { dumpSolutions() } # dump the list of solutions to output
- $1 == "dumpSectorMap" { dumpSectorMap() } # dump the sector map to output
- $1 == "dumpSector" { dumpSectors() } # dump all solved numbers per sector to output
- $1 == "dump" { C=$3; dump($2, $3) } # dump the puzzle grid to output
- $1 == "quit" { exit 0 } # exit the game
- { printf "%s ", PROMPT }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # load a value into a (r)ow and (c)olumn of the puzzle grid
- #
- ####################################################################
- function load( r, c, value) {
- grid[r,c]=value
- solutions[r,c]="C"
- row[r,value]=1
- col[c,value]=1
- addToSector(sectorMap[r, c],value)
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # attempt to find the first solvable cell in the grid.
- # print the grid with the solved cell highlighted.
- #
- ####################################################################
- function solveStep() {
- plotSolutions()
- for ( r=1; r<=9; r++ ) {
- for ( c=1; c<=9; c++ ) {
- for ( i=1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
- if(solutions[r,c] != "C" && solutions[r,c] ~ i && solutions[r,c] !~ /,/) {
- load(r,c,i)
- dump(r,c)
- print " "
- return 1
- }
- if ( solutions[r,c]!="C" && solutions[r,c] ~ i && solutionsCnt[sectorMap[r,c],i]==1)
- {
- load(r,c,i)
- dump(r,c)
- print " "
- return 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !gridSolved() ) {
- plotSolutions()
- plotTwins()
- for ( r=1; r<=9; r++ ) {
- for ( c=1; c<=9; c++ ) {
- for ( i=1; i <= 9; i++ ) {
- if(solutions[r,c] != "C" && solutions[r,c] ~ i && solutions[r,c] !~ /,/) {
- load(r,c,i)
- dump(r,c)
- print "Solved using twins..."
- return 1
- }
- if ( solutions[r,c]!="C" && solutions[r,c] ~ i && solutionsCnt[sectorMap[r,c],i]==1)
- {
- load(r,c,i)
- dump(r,c)
- print "Solved using twins..."
- return 1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # plot all possible solutions for all unsolved cells
- #
- ####################################################################
- function plotSolutions() {
- delete solutions
- delete solutionsCnt
- ############################################################
- #
- # Mark solved cells in the solution space
- #
- ############################################################
- for ( r=1; r<=9; r++ ) {
- for (c=1; c<=9; c++) {
- if ( grid[r,c] != 0 ) {
- solutions[r,c]="C"
- }
- }
- }
- ############################################################
- #
- # plot all possible solutions for the current
- # puzzle grid
- #
- ############################################################
- for (i=1; i<=9; i++ ) {
- for ( r=1; r<=9; r++ ) {
- for ( c=1; c<=9; c++ ) {
- if ( solutions[r,c] != "C" ) {
- if ( row[r,i] != 1 && col[c,i] != 1 && sector[sectorMap[r,c]] !~ i) {
- if ( solutions[r,c] == 0 )
- solutions[r,c]=i
- else
- solutions[r,c]=solutions[r,c]","i
- solutionsCnt[sectorMap[r,c],i]= solutionsCnt[sectorMap[r,c],i]+1
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function plotTwins() {
- ############################################################
- #
- # look for "twins" in the solutions space
- #
- ############################################################
- for ( r=1; r<=9; r++) {
- for ( c=1; c<=9; c++ ) {
- if (split(solutions[r,c],a,",") == 2 ) {
- if (matchTwinCol(r,c,a)) {
- extractTwinValuesFromCol(c,a)
- }
- if (matchTwinRow(r,c,a)) {
- extractTwinValuesFromRow(r,a)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function matchTwinCol(R,C,A){
- twinCount=0
- ############################################################
- #
- # look for "twins" across column in the solutions space
- #
- ############################################################
- for ( ; C<=9; C++ ) {
- if (split(solutions[R,C],b,",") == 2 ) {
- if( isTwin(A,b) ) {
- twinCount++
- }
- }
- }
- if ( twinCount == 1 )
- return 1
- else
- return 0 # false
- }
- function matchTwinRow(R,C,A){
- twinCount=0
- ############################################################
- #
- # look for "twins" across Row in the solutions space
- #
- ############################################################
- for ( ; R<=9; R++ ) {
- if (split(solutions[R,C],b,",") == 2 ) {
- if( isTwin(A,b) ) {
- twinCount++
- }
- }
- }
- if ( twinCount == 1 )
- return 1
- else
- return 0 # false
- }
- function extractTwinValuesFromCol(C, A) {
- for ( R=1; R<=9; R++ ) {
- if ( solutions[R,C] != "C" ) {
- split(solutions[R,C],B,",")
- if ( length(B) > 1 && !isTwin(A,B)) {
- solutions[R,C]=""
- for ( i=1; i<= length(B); i++ ) {
- if ( B[i] != A[1] && B[i] != A[2] ) {
- if ( solutions[R,C]=="" ) {
- solutions[R,C]=B[i]
- }else{
- solutions[R,C]=solutions[R,C]","B[i]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function extractTwinValuesFromRow(R, A) {
- for ( C=1; C<=9; C++ ) {
- if ( solutions[R,C] != "C" ) {
- split(solutions[R,C],B,",")
- if ( length(B) > 1 && !isTwin(A,B)) {
- solutions[R,C]=""
- for ( i=1; i<= length(B); i++ ) {
- if ( B[i] != A[1] && B[i] != A[2] ) {
- if ( solutions[R,C]=="" ) {
- solutions[R,C]=B[i]
- }else{
- solutions[R,C]=solutions[R,C]","B[i]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function isTwin(A, B) {
- if ( length(A) == 2 && length(B) == 2 && A[1] == B[1] && A[2] == B[2] ) {
- return 1
- }
- return 0
- }
- function gridSolved() {
- for ( r=1 ; r<=9; r++ ) {
- for ( c=1; c<=9; c++ ) {
- if ( solutions[r,c]!="C" )
- return 0
- }
- }
- return 1
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # dump the list of all currently plotted solutions for
- # unsolved cells
- #
- ####################################################################
- function dumpSolutions() {
- for ( r=1; r<=9; r++ ) {
- for ( c=1; c<=9; c++ ) {
- printf "solutions[%d,%d]=%s\n", r, c, solutions[r,c]
- }
- }
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # dump all solved numbers per sector
- #
- ####################################################################
- function dumpSectors() {
- print "SECTORS {"
- for ( i=1; i <=9; i++ ) {
- printf " Sector[%d]: %s\n", i, sector[i]
- }
- print "}"
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # map a cell to a sector
- #
- ####################################################################
- function toSector(r, c) {
- if ( r <= 3 && c <=3 ) {
- return 1
- } else if ( r <= 3 && c <=6 ) {
- return 2
- } else if ( r <= 3 && c <=9 ) {
- return 3
- } else if ( r <= 6 && c <=3 ) {
- return 4
- } else if ( r <= 6 && c <=6 ) {
- return 5
- } else if ( r <= 6 && c <=9 ) {
- return 6
- } else if ( r <= 9 && c <=3 ) {
- return 7
- } else if ( r <= 9 && c <=6 ) {
- return 8
- } else if ( r <= 9 && c <=9 ) {
- return 9
- }
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # dump the puzzle grid to output, highlight the cell
- # designated by the (r)ow and (c)olumn arguments
- #
- ####################################################################
- function dump(r, c) {
- print fileName
- printf "===================\n"
- for (i=1; i<=9; i++ ) {
- printf "|"
- for ( j=1; j<=9; j++) {
- if( i==r && j==c) {
- }else{
- SM=""
- RM=""
- }
- if (grid[i,j]!=0) {
- printf "%s%d%s",SM,grid[i,j],RM
- }else{
- printf " "
- }
- if ( j%3 == 0 ) {
- printf "|"
- }else{
- printf ":"
- }
- }
- if ( i%3 == 0 ) {
- printf "\n|=====|=====|=====|\n"
- }else{
- printf "\n|-----|-----|-----|\n"
- }
- }
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # dump the pregenerated sector map to output
- #
- ####################################################################
- function dumpSectorMap() {
- printf "SECTOR MAP {\n ===================\n "
- for (i=1; i<=9; i++ ) {
- printf "|"
- for ( j=1; j<=9; j++) {
- printf "%d", sectorMap[i,j]
- if ( j%3 == 0 ) {
- printf "|"
- }else{
- printf ":"
- }
- }
- if ( i%3 == 0 ) {
- printf "\n |=====|=====|=====|\n "
- }else{
- printf "\n |-----|-----|-----|\n "
- }
- }
- printf "\n}\n"
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # clear sector solutions
- #
- ####################################################################
- function clearSector() {
- delete sector
- delete sectorCnt
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # add a solution (v)alue to a (s)ector
- #
- ####################################################################
- function addToSector(s,v) {
- if ( sector[s]==0 ) {
- sector[s]=v
- } else{
- sector[s]=sector[s]","v
- }
- sectorCnt[s,v]=sectorCnt[s,v]+1
- }
- ####################################################################
- #
- # Program Exit
- #
- ####################################################################
- END { print ">> GOODBYE!" }
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