
The Exploding Rink #fate_ic 11/7/2020

Nov 7th, 2020
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Ryusui: EXCHANGE 4/6
Ryusui: "And we're back, folks!"
Ryusui: The Overhog squeals with what is presumably excitement.
DetectiveCaillou: (XD)
Ryusui: It's a sound that rattles teeth and cracks glass.
DetectiveCaillou: Vera immediately gets to work tapping into... not evil, but different energies, to sink her knife into the loin-cut in ways that acknowledge its multidimensional geometry! All this is to attempt Non-Euclidean Tenderloin Steaks - SAVORY:8 as her main course.
Ryusui: (roll it!)
DetectiveCaillou: !f 2 (SAVORY)
DiscoDude: <@193827431315013632> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][ ][+][-]]
DetectiveCaillou: (Using all free invokes on the pork and my ritual circle to succeed.)
Ryusui: (boom, there ya go)
Ryusui: Dovelia wheels out a grill - a genuine grill, generously loaded with high-quality charcoal briquettes. (It still has fancy Xegolite-brand temporal adjustment systems, of course; cooking things the time-consuming way simply won't do in a setting such as this.) Anyone who looks will find one at their station, tucked in a slightly obscure place, but Dovelia retrieves hers swiftly. almost as if she was briefed on its location in advance.
DetectiveCaillou: Her steaks don't really look medallion-shaped. Then again, it'd take mountains of scientific equipment to identify just what its complicated shape even is. The same "divine" inspiration allows Vera to know when she's finally succeeded at searing all 19.89 sides!
Ryusui: "Literally cooking with black magic! I'd say that's a first-"
"-except for Battle Eldritch Blood all the way back in Season 7, where the Exegumites of Baltar-666 took a clean - metaphorically speaking, it was really quite gory - win with their mastery of the dark arts!" Dr. Durian cuts in.
"...yes. Yes, that was a thing that happened."
Ryusui: Dovelia scowls as Vera finishes her master-caliber main course. She takes out a small container of carefully formulated lighter fluid and preps the grill to exacting degree.
Ryusui: (attempting to create prep aspect)
Ryusui: !f 2 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@137462772643528704> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [ ][+][-][-]]
Ryusui: (remind me, that should be a win or a tie, right?)
DetectiveCaillou: (Tie, if it's a normal prep aspect.)
Ryusui: (sure, i only need the boost)
Ryusui: She now has a -Properly Prepared Grill- to work with. She nods to herself in satisfaction, and perhaps a bit of trepidation.
DetectiveCaillou: (<@!287703565831503882> and <@!253373026073182208>, take your turns~)
ThorN: (Trying to remember what I wanted to do with the oh right)
ThorN: (baconsauce)
Reality Glitch: ((Ooph! I think having a stream, then a session back-to-back was Poor (-1) idea; I can feel my mind locking-up.))
ThorN: (oh right I already got scallions)
DetectiveCaillou: (Clearly; you either forgot parentheses or posted in the wrong channel. Get a turn out, at least?)
ThorN: (ok wait do i need 1 round to plate?)
DetectiveCaillou: (Yes.)
ThorN: (thx)
Ryusui: (yeah, you will need to spend a round plating)
ThorN: Margen rubs his tendrils together and puts on an old, damaged saucepot his trusty combat helmet
Reality Glitch: Lue-Anne carries Tako-San, who's still a little groggy, to their station and the later begins simmering the meat.
((Create an Advantage to place the Savory:8 aspect Squared Simmered Pork-Belly))
Reality Glitch: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@287703565831503882> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][+][-]]
Reality Glitch: ((Both free invokes on the Meat™️ and he succeeds.))
Reality Glitch: The dream-fueled slap-dash pans out as Tako-San sets aside the glorious slab. Lue-Anne even catches herself drooling slightly before adjusting herself.
DetectiveCaillou: (Did you mean "Cubed," not Squared?)
Reality Glitch: ((I just went with the translation the Wikipedia article you linked used.))
DetectiveCaillou: (Oh? You can totally use the Japanese name, you know.)
ThorN: it's rendering time
Margen shields his face and the work surface with oil-repellant guard screens and gets to work turning the Whole Dang Side of Space Bacon into a fluid suspenion.
DetectiveCaillou: (So what's this bacon sauce called? (Also, what's the target score?))
ThorN: (double-checking what I want to have the score be
As far as I can tell it's just called Onion Bacon Sauce but I can think up a name)
Ryusui: (t'be clear Vera's main dish is at a +8, which is the maximum)
DetectiveCaillou: (Yeah, but I'm fresh out of free invokes, keep in mind. ^_^;)
ThorN: (ok I did get 2 pan-dimensional overhog side cuts)
ThorN: !f 8 (savory)
DiscoDude: <@253373026073182208> rolled 4dF+8 for 8 [4dF = [+][-][+][-]]
ThorN: (uhh whups)
DetectiveCaillou: (So that's 4, total.)
DetectiveCaillou: (Wait.)
ThorN: (that should read 3 not 8 :})
DetectiveCaillou: (Right, 3.)
DetectiveCaillou: (RG's not the only one brain-farting tonight, it seems. XP)
ThorN: (looks like I might need a fate point because I don't think I have enough bacon)
ThorN: (XD)
DetectiveCaillou: (So you spend both free invokes plus a fate point on the side-cut for the win?)
ThorN: (yeah)
DetectiveCaillou: (Don't forget to give me an aspect name to put down when you describe your success.)
ThorN: (I'm tempted to say Olio e Olio)
DetectiveCaillou: (Pfft. "Oil of Pig" would be my guess?)
DetectiveCaillou: (*Google Seems to be a play on aglio e olio?)
Margen, ever-prepared, is extremely glad he put out those splash guards. A pocket of water in one of the sides of bacon suddenly cavitates, throwing hot oil in every general direction. Luckily, the screens caught everything (everything that didn't spray up and melt the overhead cameras, that is)...
(yep :})
DetectiveCaillou: (*Looks up just "Olio"
So you replaced "Aglio" ("Pasta") with "Olio" ("Spanish Spiced Meat Stew")? XD)
Ryusui: The Overhog gives a quizzical oink?, as if curious what exactly you just did to the meat it just generously provided. "Rendered into a sauce-like consistency" is a new one for it.
DetectiveCaillou: (Wait, "Aglio" is the "Garlic" in that dish name equation...)
DetectiveCaillou: (Never mind, ignore me. XP)
ThorN: (pasta aglio e olio
Lit. Pasta with garlic 'n' stuff)
Reality Glitch: ((Liquid meat; liquid meat.))
DetectiveCaillou: (So it's "meat slurry and stuff." XD)
Reality Glitch: ((So "Olio e Olio" is "Stuff 'n' Stuff"?))
ThorN: Oleo e Olio
ThorN: (Oil n Stuff)
DetectiveCaillou: (XD)
DetectiveCaillou: (A'ight. That's your turn?)
ThorN: (yep)
DetectiveCaillou: ((Future editor DC is prolly gonna look back and hate me for leaving this for him to organize. XD))
Ryusui: "Looks like Vera isn't the only one tapping into otherworldly forces for their dish!" Holly laughs. Dr. Durian is about to pipe up about the storied history of liquid preparations, but Holly quickly cuts him off: "Don't go away! We'll be right back after a word from our sponsors!"
Ryusui: !end

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