

Dec 15th, 2019
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GDB 1.65 KB | None | 0 0
  1. gdb-peda$ pattern_search
  2. Registers contain pattern buffer:
  3. EBX+0 found at offset: 1032
  4. EBP+0 found at offset: 1036
  5. EIP+0 found at offset: 1040
  6. Registers point to pattern buffer:
  7. [ESP] --> offset 1044 - size ~179
  8. [ESI] --> offset 1172 - size ~51
  9. Pattern buffer found at:
  10. 0x56558160 : offset 1006 - size   18 ([heap])
  11. 0x56558175 : offset    3 - size 1003 ([heap])
  12. 0xffffc91c : offset    0 - size 1024 ($sp + -0x414 [-261 dwords])
  13. 0xffffd06e : offset 33907 - size    4 ($sp + 0x33e [207 dwords])
  14. 0xffffd9fe : offset 33907 - size    4 ($sp + 0xcce [819 dwords])
  15. 0xffffdfe6 : offset 33907 - size    4 ($sp + 0x12b6 [1197 dwords])
  16. References to pattern buffer found at:
  17. 0xf7faad84 : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  18. 0xf7faad88 : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  19. 0xf7faad8c : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  20. 0xf7faad90 : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  21. 0xf7faad94 : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  22. 0xf7faad98 : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  23. 0xf7faad9c : 0x56558160 (/lib/i386-linux-gnu/
  24. 0xffffc284 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xaac [-683 dwords])
  25. 0xffffc2b8 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xa78 [-670 dwords])
  26. 0xffffc2d8 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xa58 [-662 dwords])
  27. 0xffffc2e4 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xa4c [-659 dwords])
  28. 0xffffc304 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xa2c [-651 dwords])
  29. 0xffffc308 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xa28 [-650 dwords])
  30. 0xffffc314 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0xa1c [-647 dwords])
  31. 0xffffc364 : 0x56558160 ($sp + -0x9cc [-627 dwords])
  32. 0xffffc43c : 0xffffc91c ($sp + -0x8f4 [-573 dwords])
  33. 0xffffc904 : 0xffffc91c ($sp + -0x42c [-267 dwords])
  34. gdb-peda$ print $esp
  35. $1 = (void *) 0xffffcd30
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