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- /*
- /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$
- /$$__ $$ /$$__ $$ | $$__ $$| $$__ $$
- | $$ \ $$| $$ \__/ | $$ \ $$| $$ \ $$
- | $$ | $$| $$ /$$$$ /$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$/
- | $$ | $$| $$|_ $$ |______/ | $$__ $$| $$____/
- | $$ | $$| $$ \ $$ | $$ \ $$| $$
- | $$$$$$/| $$$$$$/ | $$ | $$| $$
- \______/ \______/ |__/ |__/|__/
- //--------------------------------[TIMERS.PWN]--------------------------------
- * Copyright (c) 2016, Opis Gaming Gaming, LLC
- *
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
- * are not permitted in any case.
- *
- *
- */
- // Timer Name: SkinDelay(playerid)
- timer SkinDelay[1000](playerid)
- {
- SetPlayerSkin(playerid, PlayerInfo[playerid][pModel]);
- // Attach Storage Objects
- if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBackpack] > 0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pBEquipped])
- {
- switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][pBackpack])
- {
- case 1: // Small
- {
- if(PlayerHoldingObject[playerid][9] != 0 || IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 9))
- RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9), PlayerHoldingObject[playerid][9] = 0;
- SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9, 371, 1, -0.002, -0.140999, -0.01, 8.69999, 88.8, -8.79993, 1.11, 0.963);
- //PlayerInfo[playerid][pBEquipped] = 1;
- }
- case 2: // Med
- {
- if(PlayerHoldingObject[playerid][9] != 0 || IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 9))
- RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9), PlayerHoldingObject[playerid][9] = 0;
- SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9, 371, 1, -0.002, -0.140999, -0.01, 8.69999, 88.8, -8.79993, 1.11, 0.963);
- //PlayerInfo[playerid][pBEquipped] = 1;
- }
- case 3: // Large
- {
- if(PlayerHoldingObject[playerid][9] != 0 || IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed(playerid, 9))
- RemovePlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9), PlayerHoldingObject[playerid][9] = 0;
- SetPlayerAttachedObject(playerid, 9, 3026, 1, -0.254999, -0.109, -0.022999, 10.6, -1.20002, 3.4, 1.265, 1.242, 1.062);
- //PlayerInfo[playerid][pBEquipped] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // Timer Name: NOPCheck(playerid)
- timer NOPCheck[5000](playerid)
- {
- if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != 2) NOPTrigger[playerid] = 0;
- new newcar = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
- if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] > 1 || GetPlayerState(playerid) != 2) return 1;
- else if(IsAPlane(newcar) && (PlayerInfo[playerid][pFlyLic] != 1)) ExecuteNOPAction(playerid);
- else if(IsAPizzaCar(newcar) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 21 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob2] != 21 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob3] != 21) ExecuteNOPAction(playerid);
- else if(IsVIPcar(newcar) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] == 0) ExecuteNOPAction(playerid);
- else if(IsATruckerCar(newcar) && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 20 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob2] != 20 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob3] != 20) ExecuteNOPAction(playerid);
- else if(GetCarBusiness(newcar) != INVALID_BUSINESS_ID && PlayerInfo[playerid][pBusiness] != GetCarBusiness(newcar)) ExecuteNOPAction(playerid);
- else if(DynVeh[newcar] != -1)
- {
- if(DynVehicleInfo[DynVeh[newcar]][gv_igID] != 0 && (PlayerInfo[playerid][pMember] != DynVehicleInfo[DynVeh[newcar]][gv_igID] || PlayerInfo[playerid][pLeader] != DynVehicleInfo[DynVeh[newcar]][gv_igID])|| DynVehicleInfo[DynVeh[newcar]][gv_irID] != 0 && PlayerInfo[playerid][pRank] < DynVehicleInfo[DynVeh[newcar]][gv_irID])
- {
- ExecuteNOPAction(playerid);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- timer FinishMedKit[5000](playerid)
- {
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "BackpackMedKit") == 1)
- {
- SetHealth(playerid, 100);
- SetArmour(playerid, 150);
- PlayerInfo[playerid][pBItems][5]--;
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have used the Med Kit from the backpack.", 255, 255, 255, 1, 1);
- new ip[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
- GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[MEDKIT] %s(%d) (IP:%s) used a medkit (%d Kits Total) [BACKPACK %d]", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), GetPlayerSQLId(playerid), ip, PlayerInfo[playerid][pBItems][5], PlayerInfo[playerid][pBackpack]);
- Log("logs/backpack.log", szMiscArray);
- DeletePVar(playerid, "BackpackOpen"), DeletePVar(playerid, "BackpackProt");
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You have taken damage or tried entering a car during the 5 seconds, therefore you couldn't use the Med Kit.");
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "BackpackDisabled", 60);
- }
- DeletePVar(playerid, "BackpackMedKit");
- return 1;
- }
- timer FinishMeal[5000](playerid)
- {
- if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "BackpackMeal") == 1)
- {
- PlayerInfo[playerid][pBItems][0]--;
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray),"* You have used a Full Meal from your backpack(%d remaining meals).",PlayerInfo[playerid][pBItems][0]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, szMiscArray);
- SetHealth(playerid, 100.0);
- new ip[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
- GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[MEDKIT] %s(%d) (IP:%s) used a meal (%d Meals Total) [BACKPACK %d]", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), GetPlayerSQLId(playerid), ip, PlayerInfo[playerid][pBItems][0], PlayerInfo[playerid][pBackpack]);
- Log("logs/backpack.log", szMiscArray);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You have taken damage or tried entering a car during the 5 seconds, therefore you couldn't use the Full Meal.");
- SetPVarInt(playerid, "BackpackDisabled", 120);
- }
- ShowBackpackMenu(playerid, DIALOG_OBACKPACK, "");
- DeletePVar(playerid, "BackpackMeal");
- return 1;
- }
- timer CheckVehiclesLeftSpawned[5000](playerid)
- {
- foreach(new j: Player)
- {
- if(!GetPVarType(j, "LockPickVehicleSQLId")) return 1;
- if(GetPVarInt(j, "LockPickPlayerSQLId") == GetPlayerSQLId(playerid)) {
- new v = FindPlayerVehicleWithSQLId(playerid, GetPVarInt(j, "LockPickVehicleSQLId"));
- if(v != -1) {
- new szMessage[185];
- if(GetPVarType(j, "AttemptingLockPick")) PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvBeingPickLocked] = 1;
- else if(GetPVarType(j, "DeliveringVehicleTime")) PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvBeingPickLocked] = 2;
- SetPVarInt(j, "LockPickPlayer", playerid);
- PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvBeingPickLockedBy] = j;
- ++PlayerCars;
- VehicleSpawned[playerid]++;
- PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvId] = GetPVarInt(j, "LockPickVehicle");
- PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvSpawned] = 1;
- PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvFuel] = VehicleFuel[GetPVarInt(j, "LockPickVehicle")];
- g_mysql_SaveVehicle(playerid, v);
- SendClientMessageEx(j, COLOR_GREY, "(( The player that owns this vehicle has logged back in! ))");
- GetPlayerIp(playerid, ip, sizeof(ip));
- GetPlayerIp(j, ip2, sizeof(ip2));
- format(szMessage, sizeof(szMessage), "[LOCK PICK] %s (IP:%s SQLId: %d) has logged back in while his %s(VID:%d Slot %d) was lock picked by %s(IP:%s SQLId:%d)", GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), ip, GetPlayerSQLId(playerid), GetVehicleName(PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvId]), PlayerVehicleInfo[playerid][v][pvId], v, GetPlayerNameEx(j), ip2, GetPlayerSQLId(j));
- Log("logs/playervehicle.log", szMessage);
- DeletePVar(j, "LockPickVehicleSQLId");
- DeletePVar(j, "LockPickPlayerSQLId");
- DeletePVar(j, "LockPickPlayerName");
- }
- else SendClientMessageEx(j, COLOR_GREY, "Error on function FindPlayerVehicleWithSQLId");
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Tasks - Optimized (Jingles) */
- // Timer Name: ServerHeartbeat()
- // TickRate: 1 secs.
- task ServerHeartbeat[1000]() {
- arrGroupData[0][g_iDeptRadioAccess] = 0; // Temporary fix for LSPD's dept radio access.
- if(++AdminWarning == 15) {
- for(new z = 0; z < MAX_REPORTS; z++)
- {
- if(Reports[z][BeingUsed] == 1)
- {
- if(Reports[z][ReportPriority] == 1 || Reports[z][ReportPriority] == 2)
- {
- ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED,"A priority report is pending.", 2);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- AdminWarning = 0;
- }
- UpdateCarRadars();
- //CharmTimer();
- }
- // Timer Name: TurfWarsUpdate()
- // TickRate: 1 secs.
- task TurfWarsUpdate[1000]()
- {
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_TURFS; i++)
- {
- if(TurfWars[i][twActive] == 1)
- {
- if(TurfWars[i][twTimeLeft] > 0)
- {
- TurfWars[i][twTimeLeft]--;
- }
- else
- {
- if(TurfWars[i][twAttemptId] != -1)
- {
- CaptureTurfWarsZone(TurfWars[i][twAttemptId],i);
- }
- TurfWars[i][twVulnerable] = 12;
- ResetTurfWarsZone(1, i);
- }
- }
- // SaveTurfWar(i);
- }
- }
- // Task Name: SyncTime()
- // TickRate: 60 Secs
- task SyncTime[60000]()
- {
- PlantTimer();
- new reports, priority;
- for(new i=0;i<MAX_REPORTS;i++) { if(Reports[i][BeingUsed] == 1) reports++; if(Reports[i][ReportPriority] <= 2 && Reports[i][BeingUsed] == 1) priority++; }
- if(reports >= 5)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, 80, "There are currently %d reports pending. (%d priority)", reports, priority);
- ABroadCast(COLOR_LIGHTRED, szMiscArray, 2);
- }
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ITEMS; i++) // Moved from 1000 to 60000 check - Jingles
- {
- if(Price[i] != ShopItems[i][sItemPrice])
- {
- format(szMiscArray, 128, "Item: %d - Price: %d - Reset: %d", i, ShopItems[i][sItemPrice], Price[i]);
- Log("error.log", szMiscArray);
- ShopItems[i][sItemPrice] = Price[i];
- }
- }
- if(zombieevent) {
- foreach(new i: Player) {
- SaveZombieStats(i);
- }
- }
- new tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond;
- gettime(tmphour, tmpminute, tmpsecond);
- FixHour(tmphour);
- tmphour = shifthour;
- if ((tmphour > ghour) || (tmphour == 0 && ghour == 23))
- {
- if(tmphour == 0 && ghour == 23)
- {
- //CallLocalFunction("InactiveResourceCheck", "");
- /*
- new month, day, year;
- getdate(year,month,day);
- if(month == 4 && (day == 25 || day == 26)) // NGG B-Day 2015
- {
- foreach(Player, i)
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pReceivedPrize] = 0;
- }
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, "UPDATE `accounts` SET `ReceivedPrize` = 0", false, "OnQueryFinish", "i", SENDDATA_THREAD);
- }*/
- }
- if(tmphour == 3 || tmphour == 6 || tmphour == 9 || tmphour == 12 || tmphour == 15 || tmphour == 18 || tmphour == 21 || tmphour == 0) PrepareLotto();
- else
- {
- if(SpecLotto) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Special Lottery: Remember to buy a lotto ticket at a 24/7. Next drawing is at %s. The total Jackpot is $%s", ConvertToTwelveHour(tmphour), number_format(Jackpot));
- SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Special Prize: %s", LottoPrize);
- SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- }
- else {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Lottery: Remember to buy a lotto ticket at a 24/7. Next drawing is at %s. The total Jackpot is $%s", ConvertToTwelveHour(tmphour), number_format(Jackpot));
- SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- for(new iGroupID; iGroupID < MAX_GROUPS; iGroupID++)
- {
- MemberCount(iGroupID);
- if(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_GOV && arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iAllegiance] == 1)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "The tax vault is at $%s", number_format(Tax));
- GroupPayLog(iGroupID, szMiscArray);
- }
- else if(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_GOV && arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iAllegiance] == 2)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "The tax vault is at $%s", number_format(TRTax));
- GroupPayLog(iGroupID, szMiscArray);
- }
- else
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "The faction vault is at $%s.", number_format(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudget]));
- GroupPayLog(iGroupID, szMiscArray);
- }
- if(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_LEA || arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_MEDIC || arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_JUDICIAL || arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_TAXI || arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_TOWING)
- {
- if(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment] > 0)
- {
- if(Tax > arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment] && arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iAllegiance] == 1)
- {
- Tax -= arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment];
- arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudget] += arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment];
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "SA Gov Paid $%s to %s budget fund.", number_format(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment]), arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_szGroupName]);
- GroupPayLog(iGroupID, szMiscArray);
- Misc_Save();
- SaveGroup(iGroupID);
- for(new z; z < MAX_GROUPS; z++)
- {
- if(arrGroupData[z][g_iAllegiance] == 1)
- {
- if(arrGroupData[z][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_GOV)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "SA Gov Paid $%s to %s budget fund.", number_format(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment]), arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_szGroupName]);
- GroupPayLog(z, szMiscArray);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(TRTax > arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment] && arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iAllegiance] == 2)
- {
- TRTax -= arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment];
- arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudget] += arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment];
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "NE Gov Paid $%s to %s budget fund.", number_format(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment]), arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_szGroupName]);
- GroupPayLog(iGroupID, szMiscArray);
- Misc_Save();
- SaveGroup(iGroupID);
- for(new z; z < MAX_GROUPS; z++)
- {
- if(arrGroupData[z][g_iAllegiance] == 2)
- {
- if(arrGroupData[z][g_iGroupType] == GROUP_TYPE_GOV)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "NE Gov Paid $%s to %s budget fund.", number_format(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudgetPayment]), arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_szGroupName]);
- GroupPayLog(z, szMiscArray);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Warning: The Government Vault has insufficient funds to fund %s.", arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_szGroupName]);
- SendGroupMessage(GROUP_TYPE_GOV, COLOR_RED, szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- for(new iDvSlotID = 0; iDvSlotID < MAX_DYNAMIC_VEHICLES; iDvSlotID++)
- {
- if(DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_igID] != INVALID_GROUP_ID && DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_igID] == iGroupID)
- {
- if(DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iModel] != 0 && (400 < DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iModel] < 612))
- {
- if(arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudget] >= DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iUpkeep])
- {
- arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_iBudget] -= DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iUpkeep];
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Vehicle ID %d (Slot ID %d) Maintainence fee cost $%s to %s's budget fund.",DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iSpawnedID], iDvSlotID, number_format(DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iUpkeep]), arrGroupData[iGroupID][g_szGroupName]);
- GroupPayLog(iGroupID, szMiscArray);
- }
- else
- {
- DynVehicleInfo[iDvSlotID][gv_iDisabled] = 1;
- DynVeh_Save(iDvSlotID);
- DynVeh_Spawn(iDvSlotID);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- SaveGroup(iGroupID);
- for(new cratebox = 0; cratebox < MAX_CRATES; cratebox++) {
- if(CrateBox[cratebox][cbActive]) {
- SaveCrate(cratebox);
- }
- }
- for(new facility = 0; facility < MAX_CRATE_FACILITY; facility++) {
- if(CrateFacility[facility][cfActive]) {
- SyncFacility(facility);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- WeatherCalling += random(5) + 1;
- #if defined zombiemode
- if(WeatherCalling > 20)
- {
- WeatherCalling = 1;
- gWeather = random(19) + 1;
- if(gWeather == 1 || gWeather == 8 || gWeather == 9) gWeather=1;
- }
- #else
- if(WeatherCalling > 20)
- {
- WeatherCalling = 1;
- gWeather = random(19) + 1;
- gWeather = 1;
- if(gWeather == 1 || gWeather == 8 || gWeather == 9) gWeather=1;
- }
- #endif
- ghour = tmphour;
- TotalUptime += 1;
- GiftAllowed = 1;
- new bmonth, bday, byear;
- new year, month, day;
- getdate(year, month, day);
- new ttTime = CalculateWorldGameTime(hour, minuite);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "The time is now %s. ((ST: %s))", ConvertToTwelveHour(ttTime), ConvertToTwelveHour(tmphour));
- SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- new query[300];
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, query, sizeof(query), "SELECT b.shift, b.needs_%e, COUNT(DISTINCT as ShiftCount FROM cp_shift_blocks b LEFT JOIN cp_shifts s ON b.shift_id = s.shift_id AND = '%d-%02d-%02d' AND s.status >= 2 AND s.type = 1 WHERE b.time_start = '%02d:00:00' AND b.type = 1 GROUP BY b.shift, b.needs_%e", GetWeekday(), year, month, day, tmphour, GetWeekday());
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, query, "GetShiftInfo", "is", INVALID_PLAYER_ID, szMiscArray);
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] >= 2)
- {
- if(tmphour == 0) ReportCount[i] = 0;
- ReportHourCount[i] = 0;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pWatchdog])
- {
- if(tmphour == 0) WDReportCount[i] = 0;
- WDReportHourCount[i] = 0;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] <= 5) SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Need to travel somewhere and don't have wheels? Use '/service taxi' to call a cab!");
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] >= 3)
- {
- sscanf(PlayerInfo[i][pBirthDate], "p<->iii", byear, bmonth, bday);
- if(month == bmonth && day == bday)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pLastBirthday] >= gettime()-86400 || gettime() >= PlayerInfo[i][pLastBirthday]+28512000)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "pBirthday", 1);
- PlayerInfo[i][pLastBirthday] = gettime();
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `LastBirthday`=%d WHERE `Username` = '%e'", PlayerInfo[i][pLastBirthday], GetPlayerNameExt(i));
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, query, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", SENDDATA_THREAD, i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DeletePVar(i, "pBirthday");
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "pBirthday") == 1)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pReceivedBGift] != 1)
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pReceivedBGift] = 1;
- GiftPlayer(MAX_PLAYERS, i);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Happy Birthday %s! You have received a free gift!", GetPlayerNameEx(i));
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s(%d) has received a free gift for his birthday (%s) (Payday).", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerSQLId(i), PlayerInfo[i][pBirthDate]);
- Log("logs/birthday.log", szMiscArray);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Gold VIP: You will get x2 paycheck as a birthday gift today.");
- OnPlayerStatsUpdate(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- new iTempHour = CalculateWorldGameTime(hour, minuite);
- SetWorldTime(iTempHour);
- if(tmphour == 0) CountCitizens();
- for(new x = 0; x < MAX_POINTS; x++)
- {
- if(strcmp(DynPoints[x][poName], "NULL", true) != 0) {
- if(DynPoints[x][poTimer] > 0) DynPoints[x][poTimer]--, SavePoint(x);
- if(!DynPoints[x][poTimer] && !DynPoints[x][poCapturable] && !DynPoints[x][poLocked]) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s has become available for capture.", DynPoints[x][poName]);
- SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray);
- DynPoints[x][poCapturable] = 1;
- SavePoint(x);
- }
- if((0 <= DynPoints[x][poCaptureGroup] < MAX_GROUPS) && DynPoints[x][poAmountHour] > 0) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Your family has recieved %s %s for owning %s.", number_format(DynPoints[x][poAmountHour]), PointTypeToName(DynPoints[x][poType]), DynPoints[x][poName]);
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pMember] == DynPoints[x][poCaptureGroup]) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- if(DynPoints[x][poType] == 0) arrGroupData[DynPoints[x][poCaptureGroup]][g_iMaterials] += DynPoints[x][poAmountHour];
- if((1 <= DynPoints[x][poType] < 5)) arrGroupData[DynPoints[x][poCaptureGroup]][g_iDrugs][DynPoints[x][poType]-1] += DynPoints[x][poAmountHour];
- }
- }
- }
- Misc_Save();
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_TURFS; i++)
- {
- if(TurfWars[i][twVulnerable] > 0)
- {
- TurfWars[i][twVulnerable]--;
- if(TurfWars[i][twVulnerable] == 0)
- {
- if(TurfWars[i][twOwnerId] != -1)
- {
- format(szMiscArray,sizeof(szMiscArray),"%s that you currently own is vulnerable for capture!",TurfWars[i][twName]);
- foreach(new x: Player) if(PlayerInfo[x][pMember] == TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]) SendClientMessageEx(x, COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- }
- if(TurfWars[i][twOwnerId] != INVALID_GROUP_ID && TurfWars[i][twSpecial] == 2)
- {
- arrGroupData[TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]][g_iDrugs][0] += 20;
- arrGroupData[TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]][g_iDrugs][1] += 20;
- arrGroupData[TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]][g_iDrugs][2] += 10;
- arrGroupData[TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]][g_iDrugs][3] += 10;
- arrGroupData[TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]][g_iDrugs][4] += 5;
- foreach(new x: Player) if(PlayerInfo[x][pMember] == TurfWars[i][twOwnerId]) SendClientMessageEx(x, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Your family has recieved drugs for owning a drug turf.");
- }
- }
- //CallRemoteFunction("ActivateRandomQuestion", "");//Olympics
- if(tmphour == 0 && day == 1) {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pDedicatedHours] > 0) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Player Dedicated has entered a new month your hours and rank have been reset.");
- PlayerInfo[i][pDedicatedHours] = 0;
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pDedicatedPlayer] != 4) PlayerInfo[i][pDedicatedPlayer] = 0;
- }
- }
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `accounts` SET `pDedicatedPlayer` = 0, `DedicatedHours` = 0 WHERE `DedicatedHours` > 0 AND `pDedicatedPlayer` != 4");
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, query, "OnQueryFinish", "i", SENDDATA_THREAD);
- }
- }
- }
- // Timer Name: ProductionUpdate()
- // TickRate: 5 Minutes.
- task ProductionUpdate[300000]()
- {
- // Dump Accounts to /accdump/ for Crash Recovery.
- // g_mysql_DumpAccounts();
- SaveTurfWars();
- AdvisorMessage++;
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "ManualSave")) DeletePVar(i, "ManualSave");
- if(AdvisorMessage == 3 && Advisors > 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pLevel] < 4)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Need help? The Advisors are here to help you. (/requesthelp to get help)");
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pConnectHours] < 2) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Due to an increase in new playing accounts being created for Death Matching.");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Weapons for new players are restricted for the first two hours of game play.");
- }
- /*if(PlayerInfo[i][pFishes] >= 5) {
- if(FishCount[i] >= 3) PlayerInfo[i][pFishes] = 0;
- else ++FishCount[i];
- }*/
- if(PlayerDrunk[i] > 0) { PlayerDrunk[i] = 0; PlayerDrunkTime[i] = 0; GameTextForPlayer(i, "~p~Drunk effect~n~~w~Gone", 3500, 1); }
- }
- if(AdvisorMessage == 3) {
- AdvisorMessage = 0;
- }
- if(VIPGifts == 1) {
- if(VIPGiftsTimeLeft > 0)
- {
- VIPGiftsTimeLeft -= 5;
- if(VIPGiftsTimeLeft > 0)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s would like for you to come to Club VIP for free gifts and great times [%d minutes remains]", VIPGiftsName, VIPGiftsTimeLeft);
- SendVIPMessage(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- VIPGiftsTimeLeft = 0;
- VIPGifts = 0;
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Club VIP is no longer giving away free gifts. Thanks for coming!", VIPGiftsName, VIPGiftsTimeLeft);
- SendVIPMessage(COLOR_LIGHTGREEN, szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- ResetElevatorQueue();
- for(new h; h < MAX_HOUSES; h++)
- {
- if(HouseInfo[h][hSignExpire] && gettime() >= HouseInfo[h][hSignExpire])
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[EXPIRE] House Sale Sign Expired - Housed ID: %d", h);
- ABroadCast(COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray, 4);
- Log("logs/house.log", szMiscArray);
- DeleteHouseSaleSign(h);
- }
- }
- }
- // Timer Name: MoneyUpdate()
- // TickRate: 1 secs.
- task MoneyUpdate[1000]()
- {
- new minuitet=minuite;
- gettime(hour,minuite,second);
- FixHour(hour);
- hour = shifthour;
- if(minuitet != minuite)
- {
- if(minuite < 10)format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d:0%d", hour, minuite);
- else format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d:%d", hour, minuite);
- TextDrawSetString(WristWatch, szMiscArray);
- }
- if(EventKernel[EventStatus] >= 2 && EventKernel[EventTime] > 0)
- {
- if(--EventKernel[EventTime] <= 0) {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if( GetPVarInt( i, "EventToken" ) == 1 )
- {
- if(EventKernel[EventType] == 3) {
- if(IsValidDynamic3DTextLabel(RFLTeamN3D[i])) {
- DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel(RFLTeamN3D[i]);
- RFLTeamN3D[i] = Text3D:-1;
- }
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i);
- }
- ResetPlayerWeapons( i );
- SetPlayerWeapons(i);
- SetPlayerToTeamColor(i);
- SetPlayerSkin(i, PlayerInfo[i][pModel]);
- SetPlayerPos(i,EventFloats[i][1],EventFloats[i][2],EventFloats[i][3]);
- Player_StreamPrep(i, EventFloats[i][1],EventFloats[i][2],EventFloats[i][3], FREEZE_TIME);
- SetPlayerVirtualWorld(i, EventLastVW[i]);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, EventFloats[i][0]);
- SetPlayerInterior(i,EventLastInt[i]);
- SetHealth(i, EventFloats[i][4]);
- if(EventFloats[i][5] > 0) {
- SetArmour(i, EventFloats[i][5]);
- }
- for(new d = 0; d < 6; d++)
- {
- EventFloats[i][d] = 0.0;
- }
- EventLastVW[i] = 0;
- EventLastInt[i] = 0;
- DeletePVar(i, "EventToken");
- SendClientMessageEx( i, COLOR_YELLOW, "You have been removed from the event as it has been terminated by the timer." );
- }
- }
- EventKernel[ EventPositionX ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventPositionY ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventPositionZ ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventTeamPosX1 ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventTeamPosY1 ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventTeamPosZ1 ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventTeamPosX2 ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventTeamPosY2 ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventTeamPosZ2 ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventStatus ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventType ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventHealth ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventLimit ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventPlayers ] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventWeapons ][0] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventWeapons ][1] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventWeapons ][2] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventWeapons ][3] = 0;
- EventKernel[ EventWeapons ][4] = 0;
- for(new i = 0; i < 20; i++)
- {
- EventRCPU[i] = 0;
- EventRCPX[i] = 0.0;
- EventRCPY[i] = 0.0;
- EventRCPZ[i] = 0.0;
- EventRCPS[i] = 0.0;
- EventRCPT[i] = 0;
- }
- EventKernel[EventCreator] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- EventKernel[VipOnly] = 0;
- EventKernel[EventJoinStaff] = 0;
- SendClientMessageToAllEx( COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* The event has been finished because the time limit has been reached." );
- }
- }
- }
- // Timer Name: SpecUpdate()
- // TickRate: 3 secs.
- /*task SpecUpdate[3000]()
- {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] >= 2 || PlayerInfo[i][pHelper] >= 3 || PlayerInfo[i][pWatchdog] == 1)
- {
- if(Spectating[i] >= 1)
- {
- if(Spectate[i] < 553)
- {
- new targetid = Spectate[ i ];
- if( !IsPlayerConnected( targetid ) )
- {
- SendClientMessageEx( i, COLOR_WHITE, "The player you were spectating has left the server." );
- GettingSpectated[Spectate[i]] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- Spectating[i] = 0;
- Spectate[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- SetPVarInt(i, "SpecOff", 1 );
- TogglePlayerSpectating( i, false );
- SetCameraBehindPlayer(i);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "pWatchdogWatching")) DeletePVar(i, "pWatchdogWatching");
- }
- }
- if(Spectate[i] == 553)
- {
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
- TogglePlayerSpectating(i, 0);
- DeletePVar(i, "MedicBill");
- SpawnPlayer( i );
- Spectate[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- Spectating[i] = 0;
- }
- if(Spectate[i] == 556)
- {
- SetPlayerToTeamColor(i);
- Spectate[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }*/
- // Timer Name: PaintballArenaUpdate()
- // TickRate: 1 secs.
- task PaintballArenaUpdate[1000]()
- {
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ARENAS; i++)
- {
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbActive] == 1)
- {
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbGameType] == 3)
- {
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActive] == 1)
- {
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActiveTime] <= 0)
- {
- ResetFlagPaintballArena(i,1);
- PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActiveTime] = 0;
- }
- PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActiveTime]--;
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActive] == 1)
- {
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActiveTime] <= 0)
- {
- ResetFlagPaintballArena(i,2);
- PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActiveTime] = 0;
- }
- PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActiveTime]--;
- }
- }
- // Inactive Players Check
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbPlayers] > 1)
- {
- PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft]--;
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 300-1)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Five minutes left in this round!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- ////SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 5, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 180)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Three minutes left in this round!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- ////SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 4, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 120)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Two minutes left in this round!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 3, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 60)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "One minute left in this round!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 2, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 30)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "30 seconds left in this round!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 6, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 12)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_RED, "Sudden death, 5 seconds left!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 37, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 7)
- {
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Round Over!");
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 20, 100);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] >= 1 && PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] <= 7)
- {
- foreach(new p: Player)
- {
- new arenaid = GetPVarInt(p, "IsInArena");
- if(arenaid == i)
- {
- TogglePlayerControllable(p, 0);
- PaintballScoreboard(p, arenaid);
- }
- }
- //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
- }
- if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] <= 0)
- {
- new
- winnerid = SortWinnerPaintballScores(i);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s has won $%d from the Paintball Match, thanks for playing!", GetPlayerNameEx(winnerid),PaintBallArena[i][pbMoneyPool]);
- GivePlayerCash(winnerid,PaintBallArena[i][pbMoneyPool]);
- SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray);
- foreach(new p: Player)
- {
- new arenaid = GetPVarInt(p, "IsInArena");
- if(arenaid == i)
- {
- PaintballScoreboard(p, arenaid);
- TogglePlayerControllable(p, 1);
- }
- }
- foreach(new p: Player)
- {
- new arenaid = GetPVarInt(p, "IsInArena");
- if(arenaid == i)
- {
- LeavePaintballArena(p, arenaid);
- }
- }
- ResetPaintballArena(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Timer Name: VehicleUpdate()
- // TickRate: 60 secs.
- task VehicleUpdate[60000]() {
- static engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective;
- foreach(new v : Vehicles) {
- new i = GetVehicleModel(v);
- switch(i) {
- case 481, 509, 510: {}
- default: {
- GetVehicleParamsEx(v, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
- if(engine == VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON) {
- if(arr_Engine{v} == 0) SetVehicleParamsEx(v, VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
- else if(!IsVIPcar(v) && !IsFamedVeh(v)) {
- if(VehicleFuel[v] > 0.0) {
- VehicleFuel[v] -= 1.0;
- if(VehicleFuel[v] <= 0.0) SetVehicleParamsEx(v, VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Task Name: hungerGames()
- task hungerGames[1000]()
- {
- if(hgActive)
- {
- if(hgCountdown > 0)
- {
- hgCountdown--;
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Time left until start: %d", hgCountdown);
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgInEvent] == 1)
- {
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgTimeLeftText], szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- if(hgCountdown == 300)
- {
- SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "The Hunger Games Event will start in 5 minutes, type /joinhunger to participate.");
- }
- else if(hgCountdown == 60)
- {
- SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "The Hunger Games Event will start in 1 minute, type /joinhunger to participate.");
- }
- else if(hgCountdown == 30)
- {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgInEvent] == 1)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* The event will be starting in 30 seconds...");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Godmode will be disabled and backpacks will be spawned in 30 seconds.");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(hgCountdown == 0 && hgActive == 1)
- {
- LoadHGBackpacks();
- hgActive = 2;
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Time left until start: %d", hgCountdown);
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgInEvent] == 1)
- {
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgTimeLeftText], szMiscArray);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "HungerVoucher") == 1)
- {
- GivePlayerValidWeapon(i, 29);
- SetHealth(i, 100.0);
- DeletePVar(i, "HungerVoucher");
- }
- else
- {
- SetHealth(i, 50.0);
- }
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Let the Hunger Games Begin!");
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "The Game is on!", 2000, 6);
- PlayerTextDrawHide(i, HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgTimeLeftText]);
- PlayerTextDrawHide(i, HungerPlayerInfo[i][hgLoadingText]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /* Player Tasks - (Optimized from tasks + foreach loop) - Jingles */
- task PlayerHeartBeat[1000]() {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- // alerttimer - Merged by Jingles
- if(AlertTime[i] != 0) AlertTime[i]--;
- new Float:playerArmour = GetArmour(i, playerArmour);
- // playertabbedloop - Merged by Jingles
- new
- iTick = gettime() - 1;
- if(floatround(playerArmour, floatround_round) < 0)
- {
- SetPlayerArmour(i, 0);
- }
- if(1 <= GetPlayerState(i) <= 3) {
- if(playerTabbed[i] >= 1) {
- if(++playerTabbed[i] >= 1200 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 2) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been automatically kicked for alt-tabbing.");
- return Disconnect(i);
- }
- }
- else if(++playerSeconds[i] < iTick && playerTabbed[i] == 0) {
- playerTabbed[i] = 1;
- }
- else if((IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 2.0, PlayerPos[i][0], PlayerPos[i][1], PlayerPos[i][2]) || InsidePlane[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) && ++playerLastTyped[i] >= 10) {
- if(++playerAFK[i] >= 1200 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 2) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been automatically kicked for idling.");
- return Disconnect(i);
- }
- }
- else playerAFK[i] = 0;
- GetPlayerPos(i, PlayerPos[i][0], PlayerPos[i][1], PlayerPos[i][2]);
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "IsInArena") && GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) == 0)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "SERVER: You have been kicked for PaintBall Exploiting.");
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), " %s(%d) (ID: %d) (IP: %s) has been kicked for attempting to Paint Ball Exploit.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerSQLId(i), i, GetPlayerIpEx(i));
- Log("logs/pbexploit.log", szMiscArray);
- SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", i);
- }
- // MoneyHeartBeat - Merged by Jingles
- if(gPlayerLogged{i})
- {
- if(IsSpawned[i] == 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 1337)
- {
- SpawnKick[i]++;
- if(SpawnKick[i] >= 120)
- {
- IsSpawned[i] = 1;
- SpawnKick[i] = 0;
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "SERVER: You have been kicked for being AFK.");
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), " %s(%d) (ID: %d) (IP: %s) has been kicked for not being spawned over 2 minutes.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerSQLId(i), i, GetPlayerIpEx(i));
- Log("logs/spawnafk.log", szMiscArray);
- SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", i);
- }
- }
- if(IsSpawned[i] > 0 && SpawnKick[i] > 0)
- {
- SpawnKick[i] = 0;
- }
- if(GetPlayerPing(i) > MAX_PING)
- {
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0)
- {
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "BeingKicked") != 1)
- {
- new ping;
- ping = GetPlayerPing(i);
- if(ping != 65535) // Invalid Ping
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "{AA3333}AdmWarning{FFFF00}: %s has just been kicked for %d ping (maximum: %d).", GetPlayerNameEx(i), ping, MAX_PING);
- ABroadCast(COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray, 2);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been kicked because your ping is higher than the maximum.");
- SetPVarInt(i, "BeingKicked", 1);
- SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(rBigEarT[i] > 0) {
- rBigEarT[i]--;
- if(rBigEarT[i] == 0) {
- DeletePVar(i, "BigEar");
- DeletePVar(i, "BigEarPlayer");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Big Ears has been turned off.");
- }
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pTriageTime] != 0) PlayerInfo[i][pTriageTime]--;
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pTicketTime] != 0) PlayerInfo[i][pTicketTime]--;
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "InRangeBackup") > 0) SetPVarInt(i, "InRangeBackup", GetPVarInt(i, "InRangeBackup")-1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "HitCooldown") > 0) {
- SetPVarInt(i, "HitCooldown", GetPVarInt(i, "HitCooldown")-1);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~r~%d seconds until approval", GetPVarInt(i, "HitCooldown"));
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 1100, 3);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "HitCooldown") == 0)
- {
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~g~Contract Approved.", 5000, 3);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "IsTackled")) {
- new copcount;
- foreach(new j: Player)
- {
- if(ProxDetectorS(4.0, i, j) && IsACop(j) && j != i)
- {
- copcount++;
- }
- }
- if(copcount == 0 || !ProxDetectorS(5.0, i, GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")))
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You're able to escape due to the cops leaving you unrestrained.");
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown") > 0)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")) && GetPVarInt(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "Tackling") == i)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~r~%d", GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown"));
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 1100, 3);
- SetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown", GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown")-1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "TackledResisting") == 2 && copcount <= 2 && GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown") < 12) // resisting
- {
- new escapechance = random(100);
- switch(escapechance)
- {
- case 35,40,22,72,11..16, 62..64:
- {
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~g~ESCAPE!", 10000, 3);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You're able to push the officer off you and escape.");
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "** %s pushes %s aside and is able to escape.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerNameEx(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")));
- TogglePlayerControllable(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), 0);
- ApplyAnimation(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "SWEET", "Sweet_injuredloop", 4.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
- SetTimerEx("CopGetUp", 2500, 0, "i", GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"));
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(GetPVarInt(i, "TackledResisting") == 2 && copcount <= 3 && GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown") < 12) // resisting
- {
- new escapechance = random(100);
- switch(escapechance)
- {
- case 35,40,22,62:
- {
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~g~ESCAPE!", 10000, 3);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You're able to push the officer off you and escape.");
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "** %s pushes %s aside and is able to escape.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerNameEx(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")));
- TogglePlayerControllable(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), 0);
- ApplyAnimation(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "SWEET", "Sweet_injuredloop", 4.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
- SetTimerEx("CopGetUp", 2500, 0, "i", GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"));
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(ProxDetectorS(5.0, i, GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")))
- {
- CopGetUp(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"));
- }
- SetPVarInt(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "CopTackleCooldown", 30);
- ShowPlayerDialogEx(i, -1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Close", "Close", "Close", "Close");
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "CopTackleCooldown") > 0)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "CopTackleCooldown", GetPVarInt(i, "CopTackleCooldown")-1);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "CantBeTackledCount") > 0)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "CantBeTackledCount", GetPVarInt(i, "CantBeTackledCount")-1);
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pCash] != GetPlayerMoney(i))
- {
- ResetPlayerMoney(i);
- GivePlayerMoney(i, PlayerInfo[i][pCash]);
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pGPS] > 0 && GetPVarType(i, "gpsonoff"))
- {
- new zone[28];
- GetPlayer3DZone(i, zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME);
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, GPS[i], zone);
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "Injured")) SetPlayerArmedWeapon(i, 0);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "IsFrozen")) TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
- if(PlayerCuffed[i] > 1) {
- SetHealth(i, 1000);
- SetArmour(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "cuffarmor"));
- }
- }
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0) {
- switch(PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]) {
- case 0 .. 2: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 1;
- case 3 .. 4: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 2;
- case 5 .. 6: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 3;
- case 7 .. 8: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 4;
- case 9 .. 10: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 5;
- case 11 .. 12: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 6;
- case 13 .. 14: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 7;
- case 15 .. 16: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 8;
- case 17 .. 18: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 9;
- case 19 .. 20: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 10;
- default: PlayerInfo[i][pPayCheck] += 11;
- }
- if(++PlayerInfo[i][pConnectSeconds] >= 3600) {
- PayDay(i);
- }
- }
- if (GetPVarInt(i, "MailTime") > 0) SetPVarInt(i, "MailTime", GetPVarInt(i, "MailTime") - 1);
- else DeletePVar(i, "MailTime");
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailType] != 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailTime] > 0 && !PlayerInfo[i][pBeingSentenced]) PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailTime]--;
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailTime] <= 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailType] != 0) PlayerInfo[i][pJudgeJailType] = 0;
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] > 0 && --PlayerInfo[i][pJailTime] <= 0)
- {
- if(strfind(PlayerInfo[i][pPrisonReason], "[IC]", true) != -1)
- {
- ShowPlayerDialogEx(i, DIALOG_STAYPRISON, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Notice", "Your initial prison time has ran out. However, you can choose to stay.\nWould you like to be released?", "Yes", "No");
- }
- else
- {
- ReleasePlayerFromPrison(i);
- }
- }
- if(gettime() >= PlayerInfo[i][pPrisonWineTime] && GetPVarInt(i, "pPrisonMWine") == 1 && strfind(PlayerInfo[i][pPrisonReason], "[IC]", true) != -1)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "pPrisonMWine", 2);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Your pruno is finished. Go to your cell and type /finishpruno to collect it.");
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "AttemptingLockPick") && GetPVarType(i, "LockPickCountdown")) {
- new Float: vehSize[3],
- Float: Pos[3],
- vehicleid = GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"),
- ownerid = GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer");
- GetVehicleModelInfo(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_SIZE, vehSize[0], vehSize[1], vehSize[2]);
- GetVehicleModelInfo(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), VEHICLE_MODEL_INFO_FRONTSEAT, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
- GetVehicleRelativePos(vehicleid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], Pos[0]+((vehSize[0] / 2)-(vehSize[0])), Pos[1], 0.0);
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 1.0, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]) && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) {
- SetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown", GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown")-1);
- UpdateVLPTextDraws(i, vehicleid);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId")) {
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown") <= 0) {
- LockStatus{vehicleid} = 0;
- vehicle_unlock_doors(vehicleid);
- SetPVarInt(i, "VLPLocksLeft", GetPVarInt(i, "VLPLocksLeft")-1);
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "UPDATE `vehicles` SET `pvLocksLeft` = '%d', `pvLastLockPickedBy` = '%e' WHERE `id` = '%d' AND `sqlID` = '%d'", GetPVarInt(i, "VLPLocksLeft"), GetPlayerNameExt(i), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId"), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayerSQLId"));
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", SENDDATA_THREAD, i);
- new ip[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ownername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
- GetPlayerIp(i, ip, sizeof(ip)), GetPVarString(i, "LockPickPlayerName", ownername, sizeof(ownername));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[LOCK PICK] %s (IP:%s, SQLId: %d) successfully lock picked a %s(VID:%d SQLId %d) owned by %s(Offline, SQLId: %d)", GetPlayerNameEx(i), ip, GetPlayerSQLId(i), GetVehicleName(vehicleid), vehicleid, GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId"), ownername, GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayerSQLId"));
- Log("logs/playervehicle.log", szMiscArray);
- /* DeletePVar(i, "LockPickVehicle");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayer"); */
- }
- }
- else {
- new slot = GetPlayerVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer"), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"));
- if(!PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvAlarmTriggered] && (GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown") <= floatround((GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickTotalTime") * 0.4), floatround_ceil))) {
- TriggerVehicleAlarm(i, ownerid, vehicleid);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown") <= 0) {
- PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvLocked] = 0;
- UnLockPlayerVehicle(ownerid, PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvId], PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvLock]);
- PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvBeingPickLocked] = 2;
- if(--PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvLocksLeft] <= 0 && PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvLock]) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "(( The lock has been damaged as result of the lock pick! ))");
- }
- strcpy(PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvLastLockPickedBy], GetPlayerNameEx(i));
- GetPlayerIp(i, ip, sizeof(ip));
- GetPlayerIp(ownerid, ip2, sizeof(ip2));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[LOCK PICK] %s (IP:%s SQLId: %d) successfully lock picked a %s(VID:%d Slot %d) owned by %s(IP:%s SQLId: %d)", GetPlayerNameEx(i), ip, GetPlayerSQLId(i), GetVehicleName(vehicleid), vehicleid, slot, GetPlayerNameEx(ownerid), ip2, GetPlayerSQLId(ownerid));
- Log("logs/playervehicle.log", szMiscArray);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown") <= 0) {
- if(--PlayerInfo[i][pToolBox] <= 0) SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "(( The tools from the Tool Box look spoiled, you may need to get a new Tool Box ))");
- if(++PlayerInfo[i][pLockPickVehCount] > 11) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pLockPickTime] = gettime() + 21600;
- PlayerInfo[i][pLockPickVehCount] = 0;
- }
- ClearCheckpoint(i);
- new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective;
- GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective);
- SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF,doors,bonnet,boot,objective);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You have successfully picked this vehicle lock, you may now deliver this to the checkpoint mark to get money.");
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pCrowBar] > 0) SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_CYAN, "Optionally, you may try to open the trunk to see what's inside (/cracktrunk).");
- PlayerPlaySound(i, 1145, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- SetPlayerSkin(i, GetPlayerSkin(i));
- SetPlayerSpecialAction(i, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE);
- new rand = random(sizeof(lpRandomLocations));
- while(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 1000.0, lpRandomLocations[rand][0], lpRandomLocations[rand][1], lpRandomLocations[rand][2]))
- rand = random(sizeof(lpRandomLocations));
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, lpRandomLocations[rand][0], lpRandomLocations[rand][1], lpRandomLocations[rand][2], 8.0);
- SetPVarInt(i, "DeliveringVehicleTime", gettime()+900);
- new Float: pX, Float: pY, Float: pZ;
- GetPlayerPos(i, pX, pY, pZ);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "tpDeliverVehX", pX);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "tpDeliverVehY", pY);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "tpDeliverVehZ", pZ);
- SetPVarInt(i, "tpDeliverVehTimer", 80);
- SetTimerEx("OtherTimerEx", 1000, false, "ii", i, TYPE_DELIVERVEHICLE);
- DestroyVLPTextDraws(i);
- DeletePVar(i, "AttemptingLockPick");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickCountdown");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickTotalTime");
- ClearAnimationsEx(i, 1);
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pDoubleEXP] > 0) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You have gained 2 Vehicle Lock Picking skill points instead of 1. You have %d hours left on the Double EXP token.", PlayerInfo[i][pDoubleEXP]);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray);
- PlayerInfo[i][pCarLockPickSkill] += 2;
- }
- else ++PlayerInfo[i][pCarLockPickSkill];
- switch(PlayerInfo[i][pCarLockPickSkill]) {
- case 50: SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Your Car Lock Picking Skill is now Level 2, you will get more rewards & time will be reduced.");
- case 125: SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Your Car Lock Picking Skill is now Level 3, you will get more rewards & time will be reduced.");
- case 225: SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Your Car Lock Picking Skill is now Level 4, you will get more rewards & time will be reduced.");
- case 350: SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "* Your Car Lock Picking Skill is now Level 5, you will get more rewards & time will be reduced.");
- }
- /* DeletePVar(i, "LockPickVehicle");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayer"); */
- }
- else if((GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickCountdown") <= floatround((GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickTotalTime") * 0.9), floatround_ceil)) && GetPlayerAnimationIndex(i) != 368) {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Warning{FFFFFF}: You have moved from your current position therefore you have failed this lock pick.");
- DeletePVar(i, "AttemptingLockPick");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickCountdown");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickTotalTime");
- if(GetPVarType(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId")) {
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayerSQLId");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayerName");
- DestroyVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"));
- }
- else {
- new slot = GetPlayerVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer"), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"));
- PlayerVehicleInfo[GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer")][slot][pvBeingPickLocked] = 0;
- PlayerVehicleInfo[GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer")][slot][pvBeingPickLockedBy] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickVehicle");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayer");
- DestroyVLPTextDraws(i);
- ClearAnimationsEx(i, 1);
- }
- }
- else {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Warning{FFFFFF}: You have moved from your current position therefore you have failed this lock pick.");
- DeletePVar(i, "AttemptingLockPick");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickCountdown");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickTotalTime");
- if(GetPVarType(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId")) {
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayerSQLId");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayerName");
- DestroyVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"));
- }
- else {
- new slot = GetPlayerVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer"), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"));
- PlayerVehicleInfo[GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer")][slot][pvBeingPickLocked] = 0;
- PlayerVehicleInfo[GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer")][slot][pvBeingPickLockedBy] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickVehicle");
- DeletePVar(i, "LockPickPlayer");
- DestroyVLPTextDraws(i);
- ClearAnimationsEx(i, 1);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "AttemptingCrackTrunk") && GetPVarType(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown")) {
- new vehicleid = GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"),
- Float: Pos[3];
- GetPosBehindVehicle(vehicleid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], 1.0);
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 1.0, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]) && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) {
- SetPVarInt(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown", GetPVarInt(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown")-1);
- UpdateVLPTextDraws(i, vehicleid, 1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown") <= 0) {
- new
- wslot,
- ownerid = GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "(( The trunk cracks, you begin to search for any items ))");
- PlayerPlaySound(i, 1145, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective;
- GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective);
- SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON,objective);
- ClearAnimationsEx(i, 1);
- SetPlayerSkin(i, GetPlayerSkin(i));
- SetPlayerSpecialAction(i, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId")) {
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "SELECT `pvWeapon0`, `pvWeapon1`, `pvWeapon2` FROM `vehicles` WHERE `id` = '%d' AND `sqlID` = '%d'", GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicleSQLId"), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayerSQLId"));
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, "CheckTrunkContents", "i", i);
- }
- else {
- new slot = GetPlayerVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickPlayer"), GetPVarInt(i, "LockPickVehicle"));
- wslot = FindGunInVehicleForPlayer(ownerid, slot, i);
- if(wslot != -1) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You found a %s.", GetWeaponNameEx(PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvWeapons][wslot]));
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, szMiscArray);
- GivePlayerValidWeapon(i, PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvWeapons][wslot]);
- PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvWeapons][wslot] = 0;
- g_mysql_SaveVehicle(ownerid, slot);
- GetPlayerIp(i, ip, sizeof(ip));
- GetPlayerIp(ownerid, ip2, sizeof(ip2));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[LOCK PICK] %s(%s) (IP:%s) successfully cracked the trunk of a %s(VID:%d Slot %d Weapon ID: %d) owned by %s(IP:%s)", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerSQLId(i), ip, GetVehicleName(vehicleid), vehicleid, slot, PlayerVehicleInfo[ownerid][slot][pvWeapons][wslot], GetPlayerNameEx(ownerid), ip2);
- Log("logs/playervehicle.log", szMiscArray);
- }
- else SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Warning{FFFFFF}: There was nothing inside the trunk.");
- }
- DestroyVLPTextDraws(i);
- if(--PlayerInfo[i][pCrowBar] <= 0) SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "(( The tools from the Tool Box look spoiled, you may need to get a new Tool Box ))");
- SetPVarInt(i, "TrunkAlreadyCracked", 1);
- DeletePVar(i, "AttemptingCrackTrunk");
- DeletePVar(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown");
- }
- if(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(i) != 368 && GetPVarInt(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown") <= 50) {
- DestroyVLPTextDraws(i);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Warning{FFFFFF}: You have moved from your current position therefore you have failed this lock pick.");
- DeletePVar(i, "AttemptingCrackTrunk");
- DeletePVar(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown");
- ClearAnimationsEx(i, 1);
- }
- }
- else {
- DestroyVLPTextDraws(i);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Warning{FFFFFF}: You have moved from your current position therefore you have failed this lock pick.");
- DeletePVar(i, "AttemptingCrackTrunk");
- DeletePVar(i, "CrackTrunkCountdown");
- ClearAnimationsEx(i, 1);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "TrackVehicleBurglary")) {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(GetPVarInt(i, "CallId"))) {
- SetPVarInt(i, "TrackVehicleBurglary", GetPVarInt(i, "TrackVehicleBurglary")-1);
- new Float: carPos[3];
- GetVehiclePos(Calls[GetPVarInt(i, "CallId")][CallVehicleId], carPos[0], carPos[1], carPos[2]);
- if(GetPVarFloat(i, "CarLastX") != carPos[0] || GetPVarFloat(i, "CarLastY") != carPos[1] || GetPVarFloat(i, "CarLastZ") != carPos[2])
- SetPVarFloat(i, "CarLastX", carPos[0]), SetPVarFloat(i, "CarLastY", carPos[1]), SetPVarFloat(i, "CarLastZ", carPos[2]), SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, carPos[0], carPos[1], carPos[2], 15.0);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "TrackVehicleBurglary") <= 0) {
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i);
- DeletePVar(i, "TrackVehicleBurglary");
- DeletePVar(i, "CallId");
- DeletePVar(i, "CarLastX");
- DeletePVar(i, "CarLastY");
- DeletePVar(i, "CarLastZ");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "(( The 2 minutes have been reached, you lost trace of this vehicle! ))");
- }
- }
- else {
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i);
- DeletePVar(i, "TrackVehicleBurglary");
- DeletePVar(i, "CallId");
- DeletePVar(i, "CarLastX");
- DeletePVar(i, "CarLastY");
- DeletePVar(i, "CarLastZ");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "The caller has disconnected!");
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "wheelclampcountdown")) {
- SetPVarInt(i, "wheelclampcountdown", GetPVarInt(i, "wheelclampcountdown")-1);
- new vehicleid = GetPVarInt(i, "wheelclampvehicle"),
- Float:CarPos[3],
- arrVehParams[7];
- GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, CarPos[0], CarPos[1], CarPos[2]);
- if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 5.0, CarPos[0], CarPos[1], CarPos[2]) || IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) {
- DeletePVar(i, "wheelclampvehicle");
- DeletePVar(i, "wheelclampcountdown");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_PURPLE, "(( You failed placing the Wheel Clamp in the vehicle's front tire. ))");
- }
- else if(GetPVarInt(i, "wheelclampcountdown") <= 0) {
- WheelClamp{vehicleid} = 1;
- arr_Engine{vehicleid} = 0;
- GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, arrVehParams[0], arrVehParams[1], arrVehParams[2], arrVehParams[3], arrVehParams[4], arrVehParams[5], arrVehParams[6]);
- if(arrVehParams[0] == VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON) SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF, arrVehParams[1], arrVehParams[2], arrVehParams[3], arrVehParams[4], arrVehParams[5], arrVehParams[6]);
- DeletePVar(i, "wheelclampvehicle");
- DeletePVar(i, "wheelclampcountdown");
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* %s has attached a Wheel Clamp on the %s's front tire.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetVehicleName(vehicleid), vehicleid);
- }
- }
- if(CommandSpamTimes[i] != 0)
- {
- CommandSpamTimes[i]--;
- }
- if(TextSpamTimes[i] != 0)
- {
- TextSpamTimes[i]--;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pRMuted] == 2) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pRMutedTime]--;
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pRMutedTime] <= 0) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pRMuted] = 0;
- }
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pVMuted] == 2) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pVMutedTime]--;
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pVMutedTime] <= 0) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pVMuted] = 0;
- }
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pRHMuteTime] > 0) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pRHMuteTime]--;
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "hFind"))
- {
- new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, pID = GetPVarInt(i, "hFind");
- if(IsPlayerConnected(pID))
- {
- if(PhoneOnline[pID] == 0 && PlayerInfo[pID][pPnumber] != 0|| PlayerInfo[pID][pBugged] == PlayerInfo[i][pMember])
- {
- if(GetPlayerInterior(pID) != 0) {
- DeletePVar(i, "hFind");
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "The signal is too weak to track (Interior).");
- }
- else {
- GetPlayerPos(pID, X, Y, Z);
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 4.0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD2, "Your tracker has lost its signal.");
- DeletePVar(i, "hFind");
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i);
- }
- }
- }
- if(PlayerDrunk[i] >= 5)
- {
- PlayerDrunkTime[i] += 1;
- if(PlayerDrunkTime[i] == 8)
- {
- PlayerDrunkTime[i] = 0;
- if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))
- {
- if(GetPlayerState(i) == 2)
- {
- new Float:angle;
- GetPlayerFacingAngle(i, angle);
- SetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), angle + random(10) - 5);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ApplyAnimation(i,"PED", "WALK_DRUNK",4.0,0,1,0,0,0);
- }
- }
- }
- if(PlayerStoned[i] >= 3)
- {
- PlayerStoned[i] += 1;
- SetPlayerDrunkLevel(i, 40000);
- if(PlayerStoned[i] == 50)
- {
- PlayerStoned[i] = 0;
- SetPlayerDrunkLevel(i, 0);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, " You are no longer stoned!");
- }
- }
- if(BoxWaitTime[i] > 0)
- {
- if(BoxWaitTime[i] >= BoxDelay)
- {
- BoxDelay = 0;
- BoxWaitTime[i] = 0;
- PlayerPlaySound(i, 1057, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~g~Match Started", 5000, 1);
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
- RoundStarted = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d", BoxDelay - BoxWaitTime[i]);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 1500, 6);
- BoxWaitTime[i] += 1;
- }
- }
- if(RoundStarted > 0)
- {
- if(PlayerBoxing[i] > 0)
- {
- new trigger = 0;
- new Lost = 0;
- new Float:angle;
- new Float:health;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- if(health < 12)
- {
- if(i == Boxer1) { Lost = 1; trigger = 1; }
- else if(i == Boxer2) { Lost = 2; trigger = 1; }
- }
- if(health < 28) { GetPlayerFacingAngle(i, angle); SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, angle + 85); }
- if(trigger)
- {
- new winner[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
- new loser[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
- new titel[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
- if(Lost == 1)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(Boxer1) && IsPlayerConnected(Boxer2))
- {
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(Boxer1,25.0,768.48, -73.66, 1000.57) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(Boxer2,25.0,768.48, -73.66, 1000.57))
- {
- SetPlayerPos(Boxer1, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57); SetPlayerPos(Boxer2, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57);
- SetPlayerInterior(Boxer1, 7); SetPlayerInterior(Boxer2, 7);
- GetPlayerName(Boxer1, loser, sizeof(loser));
- GetPlayerName(Boxer2, winner, sizeof(winner));
- SetPlayerWeapons(Boxer1);
- SetPlayerWeapons(Boxer2);
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pLoses] += 1; }
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pWins] += 1; }
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TBoxer))
- {
- if(TBoxer != Boxer2)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12)
- {
- TBoxer = Boxer2;
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s", titel);
- strmid(Titel[TitelName], szMiscArray, 0, strlen(szMiscArray), 255);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: %s has Won the fight against Champion %s and is now the new Boxing Champion.", titel, loser);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You would have been the Champion if you had the Boxer Job!");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: Boxing Champion %s has Won the fight against %s.", titel, loser);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- }
- }
- }//TBoxer
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Lost the Fight against %s.", winner);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~r~You lost", 3500, 1);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Won the Fight against %s.", loser);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~r~You won", 3500, 1);
- if(GetHealth(Boxer1, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the Fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 50.0);
- }
- if(GetHealth(Boxer2, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the Fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 50.0);
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1); GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1);
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pBoxSkill] += 1; }
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer1] = 0;
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer2] = 0;
- }
- SetPlayerPos(Boxer1, 765.8433,3.2924,1000.7186); SetPlayerPos(Boxer2, 765.8433,3.2924,1000.7186);
- SetPlayerInterior(Boxer1, 5); SetPlayerInterior(Boxer2, 5);
- GetPlayerName(Boxer1, loser, sizeof(loser));
- GetPlayerName(Boxer2, winner, sizeof(winner));
- SetPlayerWeapons(Boxer1);
- SetPlayerWeapons(Boxer2);
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pLoses] += 1; }
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pWins] += 1; }
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TBoxer))
- {
- if(TBoxer != Boxer2)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12)
- {
- TBoxer = Boxer2;
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s", titel);
- strmid(Titel[TitelName], szMiscArray, 0, strlen(szMiscArray), 255);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: %s has Won the fight against Champion %s and is now the new Boxing Champion.", titel, loser);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You would have been the Champion if you had the Boxer Job!");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: Boxing Champion %s has Won the fight against %s.", titel, loser);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- }
- }
- }//TBoxer
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Lost the Fight against %s.", winner);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~r~You lost", 3500, 1);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Won the Fight against %s.", loser);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~r~You won", 3500, 1);
- if(GetHealth(Boxer1, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the Fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 50.0);
- }
- if(GetHealth(Boxer2, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the Fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 50.0);
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1); GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1);
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pBoxSkill] += 1; }
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer1] = 0;
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer2] = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(Lost == 2)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(Boxer1) && IsPlayerConnected(Boxer2))
- {
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(Boxer1,25.0,768.48, -73.66, 1000.57) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(Boxer2,25.0, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57))
- {
- SetPlayerPos(Boxer1, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57); SetPlayerPos(Boxer2, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57);
- SetPlayerInterior(Boxer1, 7); SetPlayerInterior(Boxer2, 7);
- GetPlayerName(Boxer1, winner, sizeof(winner));
- GetPlayerName(Boxer2, loser, sizeof(loser));
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pLoses] += 1; }
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pWins] += 1; }
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TBoxer))
- {
- if(TBoxer != Boxer1)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12)
- {
- TBoxer = Boxer1;
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s", titel);
- strmid(Titel[TitelName], szMiscArray, 0, strlen(szMiscArray), 255);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: %s has Won the fight against Champion %s and is now the new Boxing Champion.", titel, loser);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You would have been the Champion if you had the Boxer Job!");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: Boxing Champion %s has Won the fight against %s.", titel, loser);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- }
- }
- }
- //TBoxer
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Lost the Fight against %s.", winner);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~r~You lost", 3500, 1);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Won the Fight against %s.", loser);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~g~You won", 3500, 1);
- if(GetHealth(Boxer1, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 50.0);
- }
- if(GetHealth(Boxer2, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 50.0);
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1); GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1);
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pBoxSkill] += 1; }
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer1] = 0;
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer2] = 0;
- }
- SetPlayerPos(Boxer1, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57);
- SetPlayerPos(Boxer2, 768.48, -73.66, 1000.57);
- SetPlayerInterior(Boxer1, 7); SetPlayerInterior(Boxer2, 7);
- GetPlayerName(Boxer1, winner, sizeof(winner));
- GetPlayerName(Boxer2, loser, sizeof(loser));
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer2][pLoses] += 1; }
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pWins] += 1; }
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TBoxer))
- {
- if(TBoxer != Boxer1)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12)
- {
- TBoxer = Boxer1;
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%s", titel);
- strmid(Titel[TitelName], szMiscArray, 0, strlen(szMiscArray), 255);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: %s has Won the fight against Champion %s and is now the new Boxing Champion.", titel, loser);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You would have been the Champion if you had the Boxer Job!");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- GetPlayerName(TBoxer, titel, sizeof(titel));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Boxing News: Boxing Champion %s has Won the fight against %s.", titel, loser);
- Titel[TitelWins] = PlayerInfo[TBoxer][pWins];
- Titel[TitelLoses] = PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pLoses];
- Misc_Save();
- }
- }
- }
- //TBoxer
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Lost the Fight against %s.", winner);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~r~You lost", 3500, 1);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* You have Won the Fight against %s.", loser);
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, szMiscArray);
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~g~You won", 3500, 1);
- if(GetHealth(Boxer1, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the Fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer1, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer1, 50.0);
- }
- if(GetHealth(Boxer2, health) < 20)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel exhausted from the Fight, go eat somewhere.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 30.0);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(Boxer2, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* You feel perfect, even after the Fight.");
- SetHealth(Boxer2, 50.0);
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(Boxer1, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1); GameTextForPlayer(Boxer2, "~g~Match Over", 5000, 1);
- if(PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob2] == 12 || PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pJob3] == 12) { PlayerInfo[Boxer1][pBoxSkill] += 1; }
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer1] = 0;
- PlayerBoxing[Boxer2] = 0;
- }
- }
- InRing = 0;
- RoundStarted = 0;
- trigger = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if(FindTime[i] >= 1)
- {
- if(FindTime[i] == FindTimePoints[i]) {
- FindTime[i] = 0;
- FindTimePoints[i] = 0;
- SetPlayerToTeamColor(FindingPlayer[i]);
- FindingPlayer[i] = -1;
- PlayerPlaySound(i, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Signal lost", 2500, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d", FindTimePoints[i] - FindTime[i]);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 1500, 6);
- FindTime[i] += 1;
- }
- }
- if(CalledCops[i] >= 1)
- {
- if(CopsCallTime[i] < 1) { CopsCallTime[i] = 0; HidePlayerBeaconForCops(i); CalledCops[i] = 0; }
- else
- {
- CopsCallTime[i]--;
- }
- }
- if(CalledMedics[i] >= 1)
- {
- if(MedicsCallTime[i] < 1) { MedicsCallTime[i] = 0; HidePlayerBeaconForMedics(i); CalledMedics[i] = 0; }
- else
- {
- MedicsCallTime[i]--;
- }
- }
- if(JustReported[i] > 0)
- {
- JustReported[i]--;
- }
- if(TaxiCallTime[i] > 0)
- {
- if(TaxiAccepted[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TaxiAccepted[i]))
- {
- new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(TaxiAccepted[i], X, Y, Z);
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 5);
- }
- }
- }
- if(EMSCallTime[i] > 0)
- {
- if(EMSAccepted[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(EMSAccepted[i]))
- {
- if(!GetPlayerInterior(EMSAccepted[i])) {
- new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(EMSAccepted[i], X, Y, Z);
- new zone[MAX_ZONE_NAME];
- Get3DZone(X, Y, Z, zone, sizeof(zone));
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Your patient is located in %s.", zone);
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 5);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(BusCallTime[i] > 0)
- {
- if(BusAccepted[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(BusAccepted[i]))
- {
- new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(BusAccepted[i], X, Y, Z);
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 5);
- }
- }
- }
- if(MedicCallTime[i] > 0)
- {
- // if(MedicCallTime[i] == 45) { MedicCallTime[i] = 0; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i); PlayerPlaySound(i, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~RedMarker gone", 2500, 1); }
- // else
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d", 45 - MedicCallTime[i]);
- new Float:X,Float:Y,Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(MedicAccepted[i], X, Y, Z);
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, X, Y, Z, 5);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 1500, 6);
- MedicCallTime[i] += 1;
- }
- }
- if(MechanicCallTime[i] > 0)
- {
- if(MechanicCallTime[i] == 30) { MechanicCallTime[i] = 0; DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i); PlayerPlaySound(i, 1056, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~RedMarker gone", 2500, 1); }
- else
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d", 30 - MechanicCallTime[i]);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 1500, 6);
- MechanicCallTime[i] += 1;
- }
- }
- if(PlayerCuffed[i] == 1)
- {
- if(PlayerCuffedTime[i] <= 0)
- {
- //Frozen[i] = 0;
- DeletePVar(i, "IsFrozen");
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
- PlayerCuffed[i] = 0;
- DeletePVar(i, "PlayerCuffed");
- PlayerCuffedTime[i] = 0;
- ClearAnimationsEx(i);
- new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
- SetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
- SetPlayerDrunkLevel(i, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0)
- {
- PlayerCuffedTime[i] -= 1;
- SetPlayerDrunkLevel(i, 10000);
- }
- }
- }
- if(PlayerCuffed[i] == 2)
- {
- if(PlayerCuffedTime[i] <= 0)
- {
- new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
- new copinrange;
- foreach(new j: Player)
- {
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(j, 15, X, Y, Z) && IsACop(j))
- {
- copinrange = 1;
- }
- }
- if(copinrange == 0)
- {
- //Frozen[i] = 0;
- DeletePVar(i, "IsFrozen");
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~No-one is looking, run!", 2500, 3);
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
- PlayerCuffed[i] = 3;
- //SetHealth(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "cuffhealth"));
- //SetArmour(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "cuffarmor"));
- //DeletePVar(i, "cuffhealth");
- //DeletePVar(i, "PlayerCuffed");
- PlayerCuffedTime[i] = 180;
- //SetPlayerSpecialAction(i, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE);
- //ClearAnimationsEx(i);
- }
- else
- {
- PlayerCuffedTime[i] = 60;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0)
- {
- PlayerCuffedTime[i] -= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(PlayerCuffed[i] == 3)
- {
- new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
- GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
- new copinrange;
- foreach(new j: Player)
- {
- if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(j, 4, X, Y, Z) && IsACop(j))
- {
- copinrange = 1;
- }
- }
- if(copinrange == 1) {
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
- PlayerCuffed[i] = 2;
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~They caught you again!", 2500, 3);
- }
- if(PlayerCuffedTime[i] <= 0)
- {
- if(copinrange == 0)
- {
- //Frozen[i] = 0;
- DeletePVar(i, "IsFrozen");
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~The cuffs broke!", 2500, 3);
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
- PlayerCuffed[i] = 0;
- SetHealth(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "cuffhealth"));
- SetArmour(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "cuffarmor"));
- DeletePVar(i, "cuffhealth");
- DeletePVar(i, "PlayerCuffed");
- PlayerCuffedTime[i] = 0;
- SetPlayerSpecialAction(i, SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE);
- ClearAnimationsEx(i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0)
- {
- if(copinrange == 0) PlayerCuffedTime[i] -= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- UpdateSpeedCamerasForPlayer(i);
- }
- if (GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingQueue") == 1)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingQueueTick", GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingQueueTick") + 1);
- new tick = GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingQueueTick");
- if (tick == 10)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingQueueTick", 1);
- foreach(new ii: Player)
- {
- if (GetPVarInt(ii, "_BoxingQueue") == 1 && i != ii)
- {
- new biz = InBusiness(i),
- biz2 = InBusiness(ii);
- if(biz == biz2)
- {
- if (Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][0] == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][0] = i;
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][1] = ii;
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingQueue");
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingQueueTick");
- DeletePVar(ii, "_BoxingQueue");
- DeletePVar(ii, "_BoxingQueueTick");
- SetPlayerPos(i, 2924.0735, -2293.3145, 8.0905);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, 136.0062);
- SetPlayerPos(ii, 2920.4709, -2296.9460, 8.0905);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(ii, 308.0462);
- new Float:health, Float:armour;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- GetArmour(i, armour);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "_BoxingCacheHP", health);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "_BoxingCacheArmour", armour);
- GetHealth(ii, health);
- GetArmour(ii, armour);
- SetPVarFloat(ii, "_BoxingCacheHP", health);
- SetPVarFloat(ii, "_BoxingCacheArmour", armour);
- SetHealth(i, 100.0);
- SetHealth(ii, 100.0);
- RemoveArmor(i);
- RemoveArmor(ii);
- ResetPlayerWeapons(i);
- ResetPlayerWeapons(ii);
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
- TogglePlayerControllable(ii, 0);
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFight", ii + 1);
- SetPVarInt(ii, "_BoxingFight", i + 1);
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown", 4);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You are now in a boxing match with %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(ii));
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You are now in a boxing match with %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(i));
- SendClientMessageEx(ii, COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- break;
- }
- else if (Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][0] == INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][0] = i;
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][1] = ii;
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingQueue");
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingQueueTick");
- DeletePVar(ii, "_BoxingQueue");
- DeletePVar(ii, "_BoxingQueueTick");
- SetPlayerPos(i, 2920.6958, -2257.4312, 8.0905);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, 310.5444);
- SetPlayerPos(ii, 2924.3989, -2253.8279, 8.0905);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(ii, 134.5329);
- new Float:health, Float:armour;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- GetArmour(i, armour);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "_BoxingCacheHP", health);
- SetPVarFloat(i, "_BoxingCacheArmour", armour);
- GetHealth(ii, health);
- GetArmour(ii, armour);
- SetPVarFloat(ii, "_BoxingCacheHP", health);
- SetPVarFloat(ii, "_BoxingCacheArmour", armour);
- ResetPlayerWeapons(i);
- ResetPlayerWeapons(ii);
- SetHealth(i, 100.0);
- SetHealth(ii, 100.0);
- RemoveArmor(i);
- RemoveArmor(ii);
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
- TogglePlayerControllable(ii, 0);
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFight", ii + 1);
- SetPVarInt(ii, "_BoxingFight", i + 1);
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown", 4);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You are now in a boxing match with %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(ii));
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You are now in a boxing match with %s.", GetPlayerNameEx(i));
- SendClientMessageEx(ii, COLOR_WHITE, szMiscArray);
- break;
- }
- {
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown") >= 1)
- {
- new countdown = GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown");
- new ii = GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFight") - 1;
- if (countdown == 4)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "3..");
- SendClientMessageEx(ii, COLOR_RED, "3..");
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown", 3);
- }
- else if (countdown == 3)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "2..");
- SendClientMessageEx(ii, COLOR_RED, "2..");
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown", 2);
- }
- else if (countdown == 2)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "1..");
- SendClientMessageEx(ii, COLOR_RED, "1..");
- SetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown", 1);
- }
- else if (countdown == 1)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Fight!");
- SendClientMessageEx(ii, COLOR_RED, "Fight!");
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingFightCountdown");
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, 1);
- TogglePlayerControllable(ii, 1);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightOver") != 0 && gettime() >= GetPVarInt(i, "_BoxingFightOver"))
- {
- if (GetPVarInt(i, "Injured") == 1)
- {
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- ClearAnimationsEx(i);
- new biz = InBusiness(i);
- if (Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][0] == i || Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][1] == i) // first arena
- {
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][0] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena1][1] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- else if (Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][0] == i || Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][1] == i) // second arena
- {
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][0] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- Businesses[biz][bGymBoxingArena2][1] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- }
- else SetPlayerPos(i, 2907.50, -2275.39, 7.25);
- SetHealth(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "_BoxingCacheHP"));
- SetArmour(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "_BoxingCacheArmour"));
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingCacheHP");
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingCacheArmour");
- DeletePVar(i, "_BoxingFightOver");
- SetPlayerWeapons(i);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "BackpackDisabled") > 0) SetPVarInt(i, "BackpackDisabled", GetPVarInt(i, "BackpackDisabled")-1);
- else DeletePVar(i, "BackpackDisabled");
- // ServerHeartBeatTwo (merged by Jingles)
- if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i)) {
- if(GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) SetPlayerArmedWeapon(i, 0);
- else if(!IsADriveByWeapon(GetPlayerWeapon(i)) && !IsADriveByWeapon(GetPVarInt(i, "LastWeapon"))) SetPlayerArmedWeapon(i,0);
- }
- if(GetPlayerSpecialAction(i) == SPECIAL_ACTION_USEJETPACK && JetPack[i] == 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 4)
- {
- if(GetPVarType(i, "Autoban")) return 1;
- SetPVarInt(i, "Autoban", 1);
- CreateBan(INVALID_PLAYER_ID, PlayerInfo[i][pId], i, PlayerInfo[i][pIP], "Jetpack Hacking", 180);
- TotalAutoBan++;
- }
- if(CellTime[i] > 0 && 0 <= Mobile[i] < sizeof Mobile)
- {
- if (CellTime[i] == 60)
- {
- CellTime[i] = 1;
- if(Mobile[Mobile[i]] == i)
- {
- CallCost[i] += 10;
- }
- }
- CellTime[i]++;
- if (Mobile[Mobile[i]] == INVALID_PLAYER_ID && CellTime[i] == 5)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(Mobile[i]))
- {
- new Float:rX, Float:rY, Float:rZ;
- GetPlayerPos(i, rX, rY, rZ);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "* %s's phone rings.", GetPlayerNameEx(Mobile[i]));
- RingTone[Mobile[i]] = 10;
- }
- }
- }
- if(CellTime[i] == 0 && CallCost[i] > 0)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "~w~The call cost~n~~r~$%d",CallCost[i]);
- GivePlayerCash(i, -CallCost[i]);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 5000, 1);
- CallCost[i] = 0;
- }
- if(TransportDriver[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- if(GetPlayerVehicleID(i) != GetPlayerVehicleID(TransportDriver[i]) || !TransportDuty[TransportDriver[i]])
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TransportDriver[i]))
- {
- TransportMoney[TransportDriver[i]] += TransportCost[i];
- TransportTime[TransportDriver[i]] = 0;
- TransportCost[TransportDriver[i]] = 0;
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "~w~Passenger left~n~~g~Earned $%d", TransportCost[i]);
- GameTextForPlayer(TransportDriver[i], szMiscArray, 5000, 1);
- TransportDriver[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
- }
- }
- else if(TransportTime[i] >= 16)
- {
- TransportTime[i] = 1;
- if(TransportDriver[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(TransportDriver[i]))
- {
- TransportCost[i] += TransportValue[TransportDriver[i]];
- TransportCost[TransportDriver[i]] = TransportCost[i];
- }
- }
- }
- TransportTime[i] += 1;
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "~r~%d ~w~: ~g~$%d",TransportTime[i],TransportCost[i]);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, szMiscArray, 15000, 6);
- if(TransportCost[i] > GetPlayerCash(i))
- {
- RemovePlayerFromVehicle(i);
- new Float:slx, Float:sly, Float:slz;
- GetPlayerPos(i, slx, sly, slz);
- SetPlayerPos(i, slx, sly, slz + 2);
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~You're flat out of cash!", 4000, 4);
- }
- }
- if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(i)) != 594 && GetPVarType(i, "rccam")) {
- DestroyVehicle(GetPVarInt(i, "rcveh"));
- KillTimer(GetPVarInt(i, "rccamtimer"));
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // Timer Name: SyncUp()
- // TickRate: 1 Minute.
- task SyncUp[60000]()
- {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- SyncMinTime(i);
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pDedicatedWarn] > 0)
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pDedicatedWarn]--;
- }
- DeliverVehicleTimer(i);
- RentVehicleTimer(i);
- SetPlayerScore(i, PlayerInfo[i][pLevel]);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "TempLevel") > 0) { SetPlayerScore(i, GetPVarInt(i, "TempLevel")); }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pProbationTime] > 0 && !PlayerInfo[i][pBeingSentenced])
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pProbationTime]--;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pBeingSentenced] > 1) {
- if(--PlayerInfo[i][pBeingSentenced] == 1)
- {
- TogglePlayerControllable(i, true);
- DeletePVar(i, "IsFrozen");
- //Frozen[i] = 0;
- SetPlayerPos(i, 1415.5137,-1702.2272,13.5395);
- SetPlayerFacingAngle(i, 240.0264);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "No Judge has attended your pending trial, you are free!");
- PlayerInfo[i][pBeingSentenced] = 0;
- }
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pGiftTime] > 0) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pGiftTime] -= 1;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pDefendTime] > 0) {
- PlayerInfo[i][pDefendTime] -= 1;
- }
- #if defined zombiemode
- if(GetPVarType(i, "pZombieBit"))
- {
- new Float:health;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- SetHealth(i, health - 10.0);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Lost 10 health due to virus.");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Seek a medic to cure you!");
- }
- #endif
- switch(GetPVarInt(i, "STD")) {
- case 1: {
- new Float: health;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- SetHealth(i, health - 5.0);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Lost 4 health due to STD.");
- }
- case 2: {
- new Float: health;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- SetHealth(i, health - 12.0);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Lost 8 health due to STD.");
- }
- case 3: {
- new Float: health;
- GetHealth(i, health);
- SetHealth(i, health - 20.0);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "* Lost 12 health due to STD.");
- }
- }
- if(GetPlayerCash(i) < 0) {
- if(!GetPVarType(i, "debtMsg")) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "You're now in debt; you must repay the debt of $%s. If not, you will be arrested...", number_format(GetPlayerCash(i)));
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, szMiscArray);
- SetPVarInt(i, "debtMsg", 1);
- }
- }
- else DeletePVar(i, "debtMsg");
- if(PlayerInfo[i][mPurchaseCount][1] && --PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][1] <= 0)
- {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "Your Job Boost has expired! Reset Info: Job: %s | Skill: %d (Level: %d)", GetJobName(PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0]), PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][1], GetJobLevel(i, PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0]));
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, szMiscArray);
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "[JOBBOOST - Expired] %s(%d) Job: %s (%d) Skill: %d (%d)", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerSQLId(i), GetJobName(PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0]), PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0], PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][1], GetJobLevel(i, PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0]));
- Log("logs/micro.log", szMiscArray);
- new skill;
- switch(PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0])
- {
- case 1: skill = pInfo:pDetSkill;
- case 2: skill = pInfo:pLawSkill;
- case 3: skill = pInfo:pSexSkill;
- case 4: skill = pInfo:pDrugsSkill;
- case 7: skill = pInfo:pMechSkill;
- case 9: skill = pInfo:pArmsSkill;
- case 12: skill = pInfo:pBoxSkill;
- case 20: skill = pInfo:pTruckSkill;
- }
- PlayerInfo[i][pInfo:skill] = PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][1];
- PlayerInfo[i][mPurchaseCount][1] = 0;
- PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][1] = 0;
- PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][0] = 0;
- PlayerInfo[i][mBoost][1] = 0;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][4] && --PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][4] <= 0)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Your Energy Bar has expired!");
- PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][4] = 0;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][mPurchaseCount][12] && --PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][12] <= 0)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREY, "Your Quick Bank Access has expired!");
- PlayerInfo[i][mPurchaseCount][12] = 0;
- PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][12] = 0;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pBuddyInvited] == 1 && --PlayerInfo[i][pTempVIP] <= 0)
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pTempVIP] = 0;
- PlayerInfo[i][pBuddyInvited] = 0;
- PlayerInfo[i][pDonateRank] = 0;
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Your temporary VIP subscription has expired.");
- SetPlayerToTeamColor(i);
- }
- /*if(PlayerInfo[i][pBuddyInvited] == 1 && PlayerInfo[i][pTempVIP] == 15 && !PlayerInfo[i][pShopNotice])
- {
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, MicroNotice[i], ShopMsg[4]);
- PlayerTextDrawShow(i, MicroNotice[i]);
- SetTimerEx("HidePlayerTextDraw", 10000, false, "ii", i, _:MicroNotice[i]);
- }*/
- }
- }
- // Player Task Name: AFKUpdate()
- // TickRate: 10 Secs.
- ptask AFKUpdate[10000](i)
- {
- if(Iter_Count(Player) > MAX_PLAYERS - 100)
- {
- if((playerTabbed[i] > 300 || playerAFK[i] > 300) && PlayerInfo[i][pShopTech] < 1 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 4)
- {
- Kick(i);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // Timer Name: SaveAccountsUpdate()
- // TickRate: 5 Minutes.
- task SaveAccountsUpdate[900000]()
- {
- foreach(new i: Player)
- {
- if(gPlayerLogged{i}) {
- SetPVarInt(i, "AccountSaving", 1);
- OnPlayerStatsUpdate(i);
- break; // We only need to save one person at a time.
- }
- }
- }
- ptask PlayerUpdate[1000](i) {
- if(gPlayerLogged{i})
- {
- if(IsSpawned[i] == 0 && PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] < 1337)
- {
- SpawnKick[i]++;
- if(SpawnKick[i] >= 120)
- {
- IsSpawned[i] = 1;
- SpawnKick[i] = 0;
- new string[128];
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "SERVER: You have been kicked for being AFK.");
- format(string, sizeof(string), " %s(%d) (ID: %d) (IP: %s) has been kicked for not being spawned over 2 minutes.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerSQLId(i), i, GetPlayerIpEx(i));
- Log("logs/spawnafk.log", string);
- SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", i);
- }
- }
- if(IsSpawned[i] > 0 && SpawnKick[i] > 0)
- {
- SpawnKick[i] = 0;
- }
- if(GetPlayerPing(i) > MAX_PING)
- {
- if(playerTabbed[i] == 0)
- {
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "BeingKicked") != 1)
- {
- new
- string[89 + MAX_PLAYER_NAME], ping;
- ping = GetPlayerPing(i);
- if(ping != 65535) // Invalid Ping
- {
- format(string, sizeof(string), "{AA3333}AdmWarning{FFFF00}: %s has just been kicked for %d ping (maximum: "#MAX_PING").", GetPlayerNameEx(i), ping);
- ABroadCast(COLOR_YELLOW, string, 2);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You have been kicked because your ping is higher than the maximum.");
- SetPVarInt(i, "BeingKicked", 1);
- SetTimerEx("KickEx", 1000, 0, "i", i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(rBigEarT[i] > 0) {
- rBigEarT[i]--;
- if(rBigEarT[i] == 0) {
- DeletePVar(i, "BigEar");
- DeletePVar(i, "BigEarPlayer");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "Big Ears has been turned off.");
- }
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pTriageTime] != 0)
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pTriageTime]--;
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pTicketTime] != 0)
- {
- PlayerInfo[i][pTicketTime]--;
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "InRangeBackup") > 0)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "InRangeBackup", GetPVarInt(i, "InRangeBackup")-1);
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "IsTackled"))
- {
- new copcount, string[128];
- foreach(new j: Player)
- {
- if(ProxDetectorS(4.0, i, j) && IsACop(j) && j != i)
- {
- copcount++;
- }
- }
- if(copcount == 0 || !ProxDetectorS(5.0, i, GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")))
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You're able to escape due to the cops leaving you unrestrained.");
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown") > 0)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")) && GetPVarInt(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "Tackling") == i)
- {
- format(string, sizeof(string), "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~r~%d", GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown"));
- GameTextForPlayer(i, string, 1100, 3);
- SetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown", GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown")-1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "TackledResisting") == 2 && copcount <= 2 && GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown") < 12) // resisting
- {
- new escapechance = random(100);
- switch(escapechance)
- {
- case 35,40,22,72,11..16, 62..64:
- {
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~g~ESCAPE!", 10000, 3);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You're able to push the officer off you and escape.");
- format(string, sizeof(string), "** %s pushes %s aside and is able to escape.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerNameEx(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")));
- TogglePlayerControllable(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), 0);
- ApplyAnimation(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "SWEET", "Sweet_injuredloop", 4.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
- SetTimerEx("CopGetUp", 2500, 0, "i", GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"));
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(GetPVarInt(i, "TackledResisting") == 2 && copcount <= 3 && GetPVarInt(i, "TackleCooldown") < 12) // resisting
- {
- new escapechance = random(100);
- switch(escapechance)
- {
- case 35,40,22,62:
- {
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~g~ESCAPE!", 10000, 3);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_GREEN, "You're able to push the officer off you and escape.");
- format(string, sizeof(string), "** %s pushes %s aside and is able to escape.", GetPlayerNameEx(i), GetPlayerNameEx(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")));
- TogglePlayerControllable(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), 0);
- ApplyAnimation(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "SWEET", "Sweet_injuredloop", 4.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
- SetTimerEx("CopGetUp", 2500, 0, "i", GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"));
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(ProxDetectorS(5.0, i, GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled")))
- {
- CopGetUp(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"));
- }
- SetPVarInt(GetPVarInt(i, "IsTackled"), "CopTackleCooldown", 30);
- ShowPlayerDialogEx(i, -1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Close", "Close", "Close", "Close");
- ClearTackle(i);
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "CopTackleCooldown") > 0)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "CopTackleCooldown", GetPVarInt(i, "CopTackleCooldown")-1);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "CantBeTackledCount") > 0)
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "CantBeTackledCount", GetPVarInt(i, "CantBeTackledCount")-1);
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pCash] != GetPlayerMoney(i))
- {
- ResetPlayerMoney(i);
- GivePlayerMoney(i, PlayerInfo[i][pCash]);
- }
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pGPS] > 0 && GetPVarType(i, "gpsonoff"))
- {
- new zone[28];
- GetPlayer3DZone(i, zone, MAX_ZONE_NAME);
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, GPS[i], zone);
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "Injured")) SetPlayerArmedWeapon(i, 0);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "IsFrozen")) TogglePlayerControllable(i, 0);
- if(PlayerCuffed[i] > 1) {
- SetHealth(i, 1000);
- SetArmour(i, GetPVarFloat(i, "cuffarmor"));
- }
- if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i) && TruckUsed[i] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID)
- {
- if(TruckUsed[i] == GetPlayerVehicleID(i) && GetPVarInt(i, "Gas_TrailerID") != 0)
- {
- if((0 <= TruckDeliveringTo[TruckUsed[i]] < MAX_BUSINESSES) && Businesses[TruckDeliveringTo[TruckUsed[i]]][bType] == BUSINESS_TYPE_GASSTATION)
- {
- if(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(i)) != GetPVarInt(i, "Gas_TrailerID"))
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "GasWarnings", GetPVarInt(i, "GasWarnings") + 1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "GasWarnings") > 10)
- {
- CancelTruckDelivery(i);
- DeletePVar(i, "GasWarnings");
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_REALRED, "You have failed your delivery as you lost your load!");
- }
- }
- } else {
- CancelTruckDelivery(i);
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_REALRED, "There was an issue with the delivery unknown bussiness specified.");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Timer Name: EMSUpdate()
- // TickRate: 5 secs.
- ptask EMSUpdate[5000](i) {
- if(GetPlayerVirtualWorld(i) < 6000) TextDrawHideForPlayer(i, g_tHouseLights);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "Injured"))
- {
- #if defined zombiemode
- if(zombieevent == 1 && GetPVarType(i, "pZombieBit"))
- {
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- ClearAnimationsEx(i);
- MakeZombie(i);
- }
- #endif
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSAttempt") != 0)
- {
- new Float:health;
- GetHealth(i,health);
- if(PlayerInfo[i][mCooldown][4])
- {
- if(!GetPVarType(i, "_energybar")) SetPVarInt(i, "_energybar", 60);
- if(GetPVarType(i, "_energybar") && GetPVarInt(i, "_energybar")) SetPVarInt(i, "_energybar", GetPVarInt(i, "_energybar")-1);
- else SetHealth(i, health-1);
- }
- else SetHealth(i, health-1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSAttempt") == -1)
- {
- // if(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(i) != 746) ClearAnimationsEx(i), PlayDeathAnimation(i);
- if(!GetPVarType(i, "StreamPrep") && !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 3.0, GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicX"), GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicY"), GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicZ")) && !GetPVarInt(i, "OnStretcher"))
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You fell unconscious, you were immediately sent to the hospital.");
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- SpawnPlayer(i);
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Injured~n~~w~/accept death or /service ems", 5000, 3);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSAttempt") == 1)
- {
- // if(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(i) != 746) ClearAnimationsEx(i), PlayDeathAnimation(i);
- if(!GetPVarType(i, "StreamPrep") && !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 3.0, GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicX"), GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicY"), GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicZ")) && !GetPVarInt(i, "OnStretcher"))
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You fell unconscious, you were immediately sent to the hospital.");
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- SpawnPlayer(i);
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Injured~n~~w~Waiting for EMS to Arrive...", 5000, 3);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSAttempt") == 2)
- {
- if(!GetPVarType(i, "StreamPrep") && !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, 3.0, GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicX"), GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicY"), GetPVarFloat(i,"MedicZ")) && !GetPVarInt(i, "OnStretcher"))
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "EMSWarns", GetPVarInt(i, "EMSWarns")+1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSWarns") == 2)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You fell unconscious, you were immediately sent to the hospital.");
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- SpawnPlayer(i);
- DeletePVar(i, "EMSWarns");
- }
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~g~Rescued~n~~w~Awaiting Treatment...", 5000, 3);
- }
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSAttempt") == 3)
- {
- if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))
- {
- new ambmodel = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
- if(IsAnAmbulance(ambmodel))
- {
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~g~Rescued~n~~w~Waiting for EMS to take to Hospital...", 5000, 3);
- }
- else
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You fell unconscious due to no life support, you were immediately sent to the hospital.");
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- SpawnPlayer(i);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- SetPVarInt(i, "EMSWarnst", GetPVarInt(i, "EMSWarnst")+1);
- if(GetPVarInt(i, "EMSWarnst") == 2)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You fell out of the vehicle, you were immediately sent to the hospital.");
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- SpawnPlayer(i);
- DeletePVar(i, "EMSWarnst");
- }
- }
- }
- GetHealth(i, health);
- if(health <= 5)
- {
- SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "You fell unconscious, you were immediately sent to the hospital.");
- KillEMSQueue(i);
- SpawnPlayer(i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Timer Name: PlayerMicroBeat()
- // TickRate: 500ms
- ptask PlayerMicroBeat[500](i) {
- static
- Float: fExpHealth,
- Float: fCurrentSpeed,
- Float: fVehicleHealth,
- iVehicle,
- //szSpeed[42],
- arrVehParams[7];
- if(_vhudVisible[i] == 1 && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))
- {
- HideVehicleHUDForPlayer(i);
- }
- switch(GetPlayerState(i))
- {
- {
- iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
- GetVehicleHealth(iVehicle, fVehicleHealth);
- fCurrentSpeed = player_get_speed(i);
- if(arr_Towing[i] != INVALID_VEHICLE_ID) {
- if(GetVehicleModel(arr_Towing[i]) && IsVehicleStreamedIn(arr_Towing[i], i)) AttachTrailerToVehicle(arr_Towing[i], iVehicle);
- else arr_Towing[i] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
- }
- if(fCurrentSpeed >= 40 && 60 <= fCurrentSpeed)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] <= 1 && !IsABoat(iVehicle)) switch(Seatbelt[i]) {
- case 0: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 40.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - (fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 3.0);
- default: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 40.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - ((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 6.0));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] <= 1 && !IsABoat(iVehicle)) switch(Seatbelt[i]) {
- case 0: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 50.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - (fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 3.0);
- default: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 50.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - ((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 6.0));
- }
- }
- fVehSpeed[i] = fCurrentSpeed;
- fVehHealth[i] = fVehicleHealth;
- if(fVehicleHealth < 350.0)
- {
- SetVehicleHealth(iVehicle, 251.0);
- GetVehicleParamsEx(iVehicle, arrVehParams[0], arrVehParams[1], arrVehParams[2], arrVehParams[3], arrVehParams[4], arrVehParams[5], arrVehParams[6]);
- if(arrVehParams[0] == VEHICLE_PARAMS_ON)
- {
- SetVehicleParamsEx(iVehicle,VEHICLE_PARAMS_OFF, arrVehParams[1], arrVehParams[2], arrVehParams[3], arrVehParams[4], arrVehParams[5], arrVehParams[6]);
- /*if(!PlayerInfo[i][pShopNotice])
- {
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, MicroNotice[i], ShopMsg[8]);
- PlayerTextDrawShow(i, MicroNotice[i]);
- SetTimerEx("HidePlayerTextDraw", 10000, false, "ii", i, _:MicroNotice[i]);
- }*/
- }
- GameTextForPlayer(i, "~r~Totalled!", 2500, 3);
- arr_Engine{iVehicle} = 0;
- }
- else if(PlayerInfo[i][pSpeedo] != 0) {
- UpdateVehicleHUDForPlayer(i, floatround(VehicleFuel[iVehicle]), floatround(fCurrentSpeed));
- }
- }
- {
- iVehicle = GetPlayerVehicleID(i);
- GetVehicleHealth(iVehicle,fExpHealth);
- fCurrentSpeed = player_get_speed(i);
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pSpeedo] != 0) {
- UpdateVehicleHUDForPlayer(i, floatround(VehicleFuel[iVehicle]), floatround(fCurrentSpeed));
- }
- if(fCurrentSpeed >= 40 && 60 <= fCurrentSpeed)
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] <= 1 && !IsABoat(iVehicle)) switch(Seatbelt[i]) {
- case 0: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 40.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - (fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 1.6);
- default: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 40.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - ((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 3.2));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(PlayerInfo[i][pAdmin] <= 1 && !IsABoat(iVehicle)) switch(Seatbelt[i]) {
- case 0: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 50.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - (fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 0.8);
- default: if((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed > 50.0) && (fVehHealth[i] - fExpHealth > 0)) GetHealth(i, fExpHealth), SetHealth(i, fExpHealth - ((fVehSpeed[i] - fCurrentSpeed) / 1.6));
- }
- }
- fVehSpeed[i] = fCurrentSpeed;
- fVehHealth[i] = fExpHealth;
- }
- }
- if(GetPVarType(i, "pDTest")) DrivingSchoolSpeedMeter(i, player_get_speed(i));
- }
- // Task Name: fpsCounterUpdate
- ptask fpsCounterUpdate[500](i)
- {
- if(Bit_State(arrPlayerBits[i], bitFPS)) {
- format(szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "%d", pFPS[i]);
- PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, pFPSCounter[i], szMiscArray);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // Timer Name: ShopItemQueue()
- // TickRate: 60 seconds
- ptask ShopItemQueue[60000](i)
- {
- szMiscArray[0] = 0;
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "SELECT * FROM `shop_orders` WHERE `user_id` = %d AND `status` = 0", GetPlayerSQLId(i));
- mysql_tquery(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, "ExecuteShopQueue", "ii", i, 0);
- if(ShopToggle == 1)
- {
- mysql_format(MainPipeline, szMiscArray, sizeof(szMiscArray), "SELECT * FROM `order_delivery_status` WHERE `player_id` = %d AND `status` = 0", GetPlayerSQLId(i));
- mysql_tquery(ShopPipeline, szMiscArray, "ExecuteShopQueue", "ii", i, 1);
- }
- }
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