
Bot Config 1.9.2

May 4th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. ############## Bot Installation ################
  3. rm -rf eggdrop-1.9.2rc1;rm -rf eggdrop-develop;wget https://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/source/1.9/eggdrop-1.9.2.tar.gz;tar xvfz eggdrop-1.9.2.tar.gz;cd eggdrop-1.9.2;cd src;cd mod;wget http://www.kreativrauschen.de/daten/gseen.mod/gseen.mod.1.1.2.tar.gz;tar -zxvf gseen.mod.1.1.2.tar.gz;wget http://ftp.eggheads.org/pub/eggdrop/modules/1.8/getops.mod-1.0-pseudo.tar.gz;tar -zxvf getops.mod-1.0-pseudo.tar.gz;cd getops.mod/getops.tcl;sed -i 's/set go_botnum 3/set go_botnum 1/g' getops-3.0c.tcl;cd ..;cd ..;cd ..;cd ..;./misc/makedepend;./configure;make config;make;make install;make sslcert;cd ..;cd eggdrop;openssl genrsa -out eggdrop.key 4096;openssl req -new -key eggdrop.key -x509 -out eggdrop.crt -days 365;cd scripts;mkdir netbots;cd netbots;scp bot@[IPADRESS]:/home/login/eggdrop/scripts/netbots/netbots4.10.zip .;unzip netbots4.10.zip;scp bot@[IPADRESS]:/home/login/eggdrop/scripts/netbots/netset.tcl .;cd ..
  5. ########## Bot Conf #################
  6. ##### BASIC SETTINGS #####
  8. set username "hansolo"
  9. set admin "tuvok"
  10. set network "IRCnet"
  11. set timezone "CET"
  12. set offset "-1"
  13. set env(TZ) "$timezone$offset"
  16. ## Network settings overview
  17. #set vhost4 ""
  18. set vhost6 "2607:5300:60:4f58::248"
  19. set prefer-ipv6 1
  20. addlang "German"
  23. ##### LOG FILES #####
  25. set max-logs 20
  26. set max-logsize 0
  27. set quick-logs 0
  28. set raw-log 0
  29. logfile mco * "logs/eggdrop.log"
  30. #logfile jpk #lamest "logs/lamest.log"
  31. set log-time 1
  32. set timestamp-format {[%H:%M:%S]}
  33. set keep-all-logs 0
  34. set logfile-suffix ".%d%b%Y"
  35. set switch-logfiles-at 300
  36. set quiet-save 0
  38. ##### CONSOLE #####
  39. set console "mkcoblxs"
  42. ##### FILES AND DIRECTORIES #####
  43. set userfile "hansolo.user"
  44. #set pidfile "pid.hansolo"
  45. set help-path "help/"
  46. set text-path "text/"
  47. set motd "text/motd"
  48. set telnet-banner "text/banner"
  49. set userfile-perm 0600
  52. ##### BOTNET/DCC/TELNET #####
  53. set botnet-nick "HanSolo"
  54. listen 45777 all
  55. #listen +47323 all
  56. set remote-boots 2
  57. set share-unlinks 1
  58. set protect-telnet 0
  59. set dcc-sanitycheck 0
  60. set ident-timeout 5
  61. set require-p 1
  62. set open-telnets 0
  63. set stealth-telnets 0
  64. #set stealth-prompt "login: "
  65. set stealth-prompt "\n\nNickname.\n"
  66. set use-telnet-banner 0
  67. set connect-timeout 15
  68. set dcc-flood-thr 3
  69. set telnet-flood 5:60
  70. set paranoid-telnet-flood 1
  71. set resolve-timeout 7
  74. ##### SSL SETTINGS #####
  75. #   openssl genrsa -out eggdrop.key 4096
  76. set ssl-privatekey "eggdrop.key"
  77. #   openssl req -new -key eggdrop.key -x509 -out eggdrop.crt -days 365
  78. set ssl-certificate "eggdrop.crt"
  79. #set ssl-verify-depth 9
  80. set ssl-capath "/etc/ssl/"
  81. #set ssl-cafile ""
  82. set ssl-protocols "TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
  83. #   set ssl-ciphers "DEFAULT ADH"
  84. set ssl-ciphers "ALL"
  85. #set ssl-ciphers ""
  86. #set ssl-dhparam "dhparam.pem"
  87. #set ssl-cert-auth 0
  88. #set ssl-verify-dcc 0
  89. #set ssl-verify-bots 0
  90. #set ssl-verify-clients 0
  93. ##### MORE ADVANCED SETTINGS #####
  94. #set firewall "!sun-barr.ebay:3666"
  95. set nat-ip ""
  96. #set reserved-portrange 2010:2020
  97. set ignore-time 15
  98. set hourly-updates 00
  99. #set owner "tuvok"
  100. set notify-newusers "$owner"
  101. set default-flags "hp"
  102. set whois-fields "url birthday"
  103. #unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
  104. #unbind dcc n set *dcc:set
  105. set must-be-owner 1
  106. unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul
  107. set max-socks 100
  108. set allow-dk-cmds 1
  109. set dupwait-timeout 5
  110. set cidr-support 0
  111. set show-uname 1
  113. ##### MODULES #####
  114. set mod-path "modules/"
  117. #### PBKDF2 MODULE ####
  118. loadmodule pbkdf2
  120. # Cryptographic hash function used. openssl list -digest-algorithms
  121. set pbkdf2-method "SHA256"
  122. set pbkdf2-rounds 16000
  123. #set remove-pass 0
  125. #### BLOWFISH MODULE ####
  126. loadmodule blowfish
  127. set blowfish-use-mode cbc
  130. #### DNS MODULE ####
  131. #loadmodule dns
  132. #set dns-servers ""
  133. #set dns-cache 86400
  134. #set dns-negcache 600
  135. #set dns-maxsends 4
  136. #set dns-retrydelay 3
  138. #### CHANNELS MODULE ####
  139. loadmodule channels
  140. set chanfile "hansolo.chan"
  141. set force-expire 0
  142. set share-greet 0
  143. set use-info 1
  144. set allow-ps 0
  146. # The following settings are used as default values when you .+chan #chan or .tcl
  147. # channel add #chan. Look below for explanation of every option.
  149. set default-flood-chan 20:60
  150. set default-flood-deop 3:10
  151. set default-flood-kick 3:10
  152. set default-flood-join 5:60
  153. set default-flood-ctcp 3:60
  154. set default-flood-nick 5:60
  155. set default-aop-delay 5:30
  156. set default-idle-kick 0
  157. set default-chanmode "nt"
  158. set default-stopnethack-mode 2
  159. set default-revenge-mode 2
  160. set default-ban-type 3
  161. set default-ban-time 300
  162. set default-exempt-time 60
  163. set default-invite-time 60
  165. set default-chanset {
  166.         -autoop         -autovoice
  167.         -bitch          +cycle
  168.         +dontkickops    +dynamicbans
  169.         +dynamicexempts +dynamicinvites
  170.         -enforcebans    +greet
  171.         -inactive       -nodesynch
  172.         -protectfriends +protectops
  173.         +revenge        +revengebot
  174.         -secret         +seen
  175.         +shared         +statuslog
  176.         +userbans       +userexempts
  177.         +userinvites    -protecthalfops
  178.         -autohalfop     -static
  179. }
  181. channel add #all-in-one
  184. #### SERVER MODULE ####
  185. loadmodule server
  186. #set ssl-verify-server 0
  187. set net-type "IRCnet"
  188. set nick "HanSolo"
  189. set altnick "|HanSolo|"
  190. set realname "StarWars RuleZ"
  191. bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
  192. proc evnt:init_server {type} {
  193.   global botnick
  194.   putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
  195. #  putserv "PRIVMSG NickServ :identify <password>"
  196. }
  198. set default-port 6667
  199. server add irc.swipnet.se
  200. server add irc.psychz.net
  201. server add irc.belwue.de
  202. server add datapacket.hk.ircnet.net
  204. #set sasl 0
  205. #set sasl-mechanism 0
  206. #set sasl-username "llamabot"
  207. #set sasl-password "password"
  209. #   openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -out eggdrop-ecdsa.pem
  210. #set sasl-ecdsa-key "eggdrop-ecdsa.pem"
  211. #set sasl-continue 1
  212. #set sasl-timeout 15
  214. #set account-notify 0
  215. #set invite-notify 0
  216. #set message-tags 0
  217. #set cap-request "feature1 feature2 feature3"
  219. #### End of CAP features ####
  221. set msg-rate 2
  222. set keep-nick 1
  223. set quiet-reject 1
  224. set lowercase-ctcp 0
  225. set answer-ctcp 3
  226. set flood-msg 0:00
  227. set flood-ctcp 0:00
  228. set server-cycle-wait 30
  229. set server-timeout 30
  230. set check-stoned 1
  231. set serverror-quit 1
  232. set max-queue-msg 300
  233. set trigger-on-ignore 0
  234. set exclusive-binds 0
  235. set double-mode 1
  236. set double-server 1
  237. set double-help 1
  238. set optimize-kicks 1
  239. set stack-limit 4
  241. #set isupport-default "CASEMAPPING=rfc1459 CHANNELLEN=80 NICKLEN=9 CHANTYPES=#& PREFIX=(ov)@+ CHANMODES=b,k,l,imnpst MODES=3 MAXCHANNELS=10 TOPICLEN=250 KICKLEN=250 STATUSMSG=@+"
  243. ### SERVER MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type "Other") ###
  244. #set check-mode-r 0
  245. set nick-len 15
  248. #### CTCP MODULE ####
  249. loadmodule ctcp
  250. set ctcp-mode 0
  251. set ctcp-version "ZNC 1.8.2 - http://znc.in"
  253. # There are also several variables to help make your bot less noticeable.
  254. # They are: ctcp-version, ctcp-finger, and ctcp-userinfo. You can use set to set
  255. # them to values you'd like.
  258. #### IRC MODULE ####
  259. loadmodule irc
  260. set bounce-bans 0
  261. set bounce-exempts 0
  262. set bounce-invites 0
  263. set bounce-modes 0
  264. set use-exempts 1
  265. set use-invites 1
  266. set learn-users 0
  267. set wait-split 600
  268. set wait-info 180
  269. set mode-buf-length 200
  270. #unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
  271. #bind msg - myword *msg:hello
  272. unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
  273. unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
  275. set opchars "@"
  276. #set opchars "@&~"
  277. set no-chanrec-info 0
  279. ### IRC MODULE - IRCnet SPECIFIC FEATURES (net-type "IRCnet") ###
  281. # Attention: Use these settings *only* if you set 'net-type' to "IRCnet"!
  283. # At the moment, the current IRCnet IRCd version (2.10) doesn't support the
  284. # mixing of b, o and v modes with e and I modes. This might be changed in the
  285. # future, so use 1 at the moment for this setting.
  286. set prevent-mixing 1
  288. ### IRC MODULE - OTHER NETWORKS (net-type "Other") ###
  290. # Attention: Use these settings *only* if you set net-type to "Other"!
  291. #set kick-method 1
  292. #set include-lk 1
  294. # If your network doesn't use rfc 1459 compliant string matching routines,
  295. # set this to 0.
  296. #set rfc-compliant 1
  299. #### TWITCH MODULE ####
  301. # This module attempts to provide connectivity with the Twitch gaming platform.
  302. # While Twitch provides an IRC gateway to connect with it's streaming service,
  303. # it does not claim to (and certainly does not) follow the IRC RFC in any
  304. # meaningful way. The intent of this module is not to provide the full spectrum
  305. # of management functions typically associated with Eggdrop; please see the docs
  306. # for additional information. Only load this if you are connecting to Twitch!
  307. # Please see doc/TWITCH for Twitch-specific setup information, like how to
  308. # configure the required CAP settings in the IRC section above.
  309. #loadmodule twitch
  312. #### TRANSFER MODULE ####
  313. loadmodule transfer
  314. set max-dloads 3
  315. set dcc-block 0
  316. set copy-to-tmp 1
  317. set xfer-timeout 30
  319. set sharefail-unlink 1
  321. #### SHARE MODULE ####
  322. loadmodule share
  323. #set allow-resync 0
  324. #set resync-time 900
  325. #set private-global 0
  326. #set private-globals "mnot"
  327. #set private-user 0
  329. #set override-bots 0
  332. #### COMPRESS MODULE ####
  333. loadmodule compress
  334. set share-compressed 1
  335. set compress-level 9
  338. #### FILESYSTEM MODULE ####
  339. #loadmodule filesys
  340. #set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys"
  341. #set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming"
  342. #set upload-to-pwd 0
  343. #set filedb-path ""
  344. #set max-file-users 20
  345. #set max-filesize 1024
  348. #### NOTES MODULE ####
  349. loadmodule notes
  350. set notefile "def-hansolo.notes"
  351. set max-notes 50
  352. set note-life 60
  353. set allow-fwd 0
  354. set notify-users 0
  355. set notify-onjoin 1
  357. # This next line checks if eggdrop is being executed from the source directory
  358. if {[file exists aclocal.m4]} { die {You are attempting to run Eggdrop from the source directory. Please finish installing Eggdrop by running "make install" and run it from the install location.} }
  361. #### CONSOLE MODULE ####
  362. loadmodule console
  363. set console-autosave 1
  364. set force-channel 0
  365. set info-party 0
  367. #### WOOBIE MODULE ####
  368. #loadmodule woobie
  371. #### SEEN MODULE ####
  373. # This module provides very basic seen commands via msg, on channel or via dcc.
  374. # This module works only for users in the bot's userlist. If you are looking for
  375. # a better and more advanced seen module, try the gseen module by G'Quann. You
  376. # can find it at http://www.kreativrauschen.com/gseen.mod/.
  377. #loadmodule seen
  380. #### ASSOC MODULE ####
  381. loadmodule assoc
  384. #### UPTIME MODULE ####
  385. loadmodule uptime
  386. loadmodule getops
  388. #### IDENT MODULE ####
  389. # This module adds Eggdrop support for the externally-provided oident
  390. # service, or alterdef-hansololy the ability for Eggdrop to act as its own ident
  391. # daemon. Please read the docs at doc/settings/mod.ident for additional
  392. # information on correctly configuring this section. If you don't know
  393. # what ident or oident are, it is safe to leave this section commented.
  394. loadmodule ident
  396. # Set the ident method you wish to use. Each of these methods requires
  397. # some form of external configuration in order to function. See
  398. # doc/settings/mod.ident for additional information.
  399. # Options are:
  400. #   0 = oidentd
  401. #         Your bot will overwrite $HOME/.oidentd.conf right before opening the
  402. #         socket to the IRC server with the global reply.
  403. #         NOTE: requires the oidentd service to be running on the host machine
  404. #   1 = Builtin
  405. #         Your bot will automatically turn its builtin identd on and off when
  406. #         needed so it shouldn't conflict with other identds that do the same.
  407. #         NOTE: Eggdrop must be granted permissions on the host system to bind
  408. #         to port 113.
  409. set ident-method 0
  411. # Set the ident port to use for ident-method 1.
  412. #set ident-port 113
  414. ##### SCRIPTS #####
  416. source scripts/alltools.tcl
  417. source scripts/action.fix.tcl
  418. source scripts/dccwhois.tcl
  419. source scripts/netbots/netbots.tcl
  420. #source scripts/userinfo.tcl
  421. #loadhelp userinfo.help
  422. #source scripts/compat.tcl
  423. #source gseen.conf
  425. # A few IRC networks (EFnet and Undernet) have added some simple checks to
  426. # prevent drones from connecting to the IRC network. While these checks are
  427. # fairly trivial, they will prevent your Eggdrop from automatically
  428. # connecting. In an effort to work-around these, we have developed a couple of
  429. # TCL scripts to automate the process.
  431. if {[info exists net-type]} {
  432.   switch -- ${net-type} {
  433.     "EFnet" {
  434.       # EFnet
  435.       source scripts/quotepong.tcl
  436.     }
  437.     "0" {
  438.       # EFnet
  439.       source scripts/quotepong.tcl
  440.     }
  441.   }
  442. }
  445. ############# netbots4.10 ##########
  446. 1 chanlimit ist an
  447. # chanlimit.tcl settings
  448. set nb_component(chanlimit) 1
  449. set cl_chans ""
  450. set cl_echans ""
  451. set cl_limit 10
  452. set cl_grace 2
  453. set cl_timer 10
  454. set cl_server 0
  455. set cl_log 1
  456. set cl_priority ""
  458. 2. sentinel ist an
  459. # sentinel.tcl settings
  460. set nb_component(sentinel) 1
  461. set sl_bcflood 5:30
  462. set sl_bmflood 6:20
  463. set sl_ccflood 5:20
  464. set sl_txflood 8:30
  465. set sl_boflood 4:20
  466. set sl_jflood 3:20
  467. set sl_nkflood 6:20
  468. set sl_txlength 200
  469. set sl_nclength 1
  470. set sl_tsunami 10
  471. set sl_linecap 80:30
  472. set sl_locktimes {i:120 m:60}
  473. set sl_shortlock 0
  474. set sl_ban 1440
  475. set sl_boban 1440
  476. set sl_globalban 0
  477. set sl_wideban 1
  478. set sl_banmax 100
  479. set sl_igtime 240
  480. set sl_masktype 0
  481. set sl_bfmaxbans 19
  482. set sl_note "YourNick"
  483. set sl_cfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to flood, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)"
  484. set sl_bfnotice "Channel locked temporarily due to full ban list, sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)"
  485. set sl_lockcmds 2
  486. set sl_lockflags "o"
  487. set sl_bxsimul 0
  490. alles andere ist aus!
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