
Basic Basic paint

Jan 16th, 2012
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  1. 'Dont edit this at all!
  2. nomainwin
  3. [Top]
  4. menu #img, "Edit","Close Program",[close]
  5.     menu #img, "Paint Edit", "New Canvas",[New],"Save",[sav],"Open BMP",[bmp]
  6.         menu #img, "Colors", "Background Color",[Back],"New Colors",[Color]
  7.     open "Paint Program Made by: KAIN" for graphics_fs as #img
  8. print #img, "Down"
  9.     print #img, "when leftButtonMove [draw]"
  10.         print #img, "Flush"
  11. 'This block is vital to the program!
  12. [draw]
  13. print #img, "set ";MouseX;" ";MouseY;" "
  14. wait
  15. 'This block is vital to the program!
  16. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. [New]'Working
  18. close #img
  19. goto [Top]
  20. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  21. [bmp]'BROKE!
  22. prompt "What BMP do you want to load?";Load$
  23. prompt "What is your user name on this computer?";Un$
  24. loadbmp ";load$;" ,"C:\Users\";Un$;"\Pictures\BMP\";Load$;".bmp"
  25.     print #img, "drawbmp image 250 100"
  26. goto [draw]
  27. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  28. [Color]'Working
  29. prompt "What is the Pen color?";color$
  30.     print #img, "color ";color$
  31. Prompt "What is the Pen Size?"; size$
  32.         print #img, "size ";size$
  33. print #img, "flush"
  34. goto [draw]
  35. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  36. [sav]'BROKE!
  37. prompt "What is the name of the file?";File$
  38. prompt "What is your user name on this computer?";Uns$
  39.         print #img, "getbmp drawing 1 1 800 600"
  40.           bmpsave "drawing","C:\Users\";uns;"\Pictures\BMP\";File$;".bmp"
  41. goto [draw]
  42. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  43.  [close]'Working
  44.  confirm "Do you want to End?";bye$
  45.  If bye$ ="yes" Then
  46.    close #img
  47.      notice "have a nice day!"
  48.  end
  49.  else
  50.  goto [draw]
  51.  end if
  52.  '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  53.  [Back]'Working
  54.  prompt "What will the background color be?";Fill$
  55.     print #img, "fill ";Fill$
  56. goto [draw]
  57. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  58. 'Add more here!
  59. '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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