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- --CLIENT--
- local SLOT_COUNT = 16
- local CLIENT_PORT = 0
- local SERVER_PORT = 420
- local modem = peripheral.wrap("left")
- function split (inputstr, sep)
- if sep == nil then
- sep = "%s"
- end
- local t={}
- for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
- table.insert(t, str)
- end
- return t
- end
- function parseParams(data)
- coords = {}
- params = split(data, " ")
- coords[1] =[1], params[2], params[3])
- coords[2] =[4], params[5], params[6])
- coords[3] =[7], params[8], params[9])
- return (coords)
- end
- function getItemIndex(itemName)
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(item["name"] == itemName) then
- return slot
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function checkFuel()
- if(turtle.getFuelLevel() < 100) then
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.placeUp()
- --Chest is deployed
- turtle.suckUp()
- while(true) do
- bucketIndex = getItemIndex("minecraft:lava_bucket")
- if(bucketIndex == nil) then
- turtle.suckUp()
- turtle.dropUp()
- else
- turtle.refuel()
- turtle.dropUp()
- turtle.digUp()
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function getOrientation()
- loc1 =, false))
- if not turtle.forward() then
- for j=1,6 do
- if not turtle.forward() then
- turtle.dig()
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- loc2 =, false))
- heading = loc2 - loc1
- turtle.down()
- turtle.down()
- return ((heading.x + math.abs(heading.x) * 2) + (heading.z + math.abs(heading.z) * 3))
- end
- function turnToFaceHeading(heading, destinationHeading)
- if(heading > destinationHeading) then
- for t = 1, math.abs(destinationHeading - heading), 1 do
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- elseif(heading < destinationHeading) then
- for t = 1, math.abs(destinationHeading - heading), 1 do
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- end
- end
- function setHeadingZ(zDiff, heading)
- local destinationHeading = heading
- if(zDiff < 0) then
- destinationHeading = 2
- elseif(zDiff > 0) then
- destinationHeading = 4
- end
- turnToFaceHeading(heading, destinationHeading)
- return destinationHeading
- end
- function setHeadingX(xDiff, heading)
- local destinationHeading = heading
- if(xDiff < 0) then
- destinationHeading = 1
- elseif(xDiff > 0) then
- destinationHeading = 3
- end
- turnToFaceHeading(heading, destinationHeading)
- return destinationHeading
- end
- function digAndMove(n)
- for x = 1, n, 1 do
- while(turtle.detect()) do
- turtle.dig()
- end
- turtle.forward()
- checkFuel()
- end
- end
- function digAndMoveDown(n)
- for y = 1, n, 1 do
- while(turtle.detectDown()) do
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- turtle.down()
- checkFuel()
- end
- end
- function digAndMoveUp(n)
- for y = 1, n, 1 do
- while(turtle.detectUp()) do
- turtle.digUp()
- end
- turtle.up()
- checkFuel()
- end
- end
- function moveTo(coords, heading)
- local currX, currY, currZ = gps.locate()
- local xDiff, yDiff, zDiff = coords.x - currX, coords.y - currY, coords.z - currZ
- print(string.format("Distances from start: %d %d %d", xDiff, yDiff, zDiff))
- -- -x = 1
- -- -z = 2
- -- +x = 3
- -- +z = 4
- -- Move to X start
- heading = setHeadingX(xDiff, heading)
- digAndMove(math.abs(xDiff))
- -- Move to Z start
- heading = setHeadingZ(zDiff, heading)
- digAndMove(math.abs(zDiff))
- -- Move to Y start
- if(yDiff < 0) then
- digAndMoveDown(math.abs(yDiff))
- elseif(yDiff > 0) then
- digAndMoveUp(math.abs(yDiff))
- end
- return heading
- end
- event, side, senderChannel, replyChannel, msg, distance = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
- turtle.digUp()
- -- Parse out coordinates and options
- local args = split(msg, " ")
- local withStorage = args[#args]
- withStorage = withStorage == "1" and true or false
- data = parseParams(msg)
- checkFuel()
- local startCoords = data[1]
- local finalHeading = moveTo(startCoords, getOrientation())
- local EAST_HEADING = 3
- --Turn to face North
- turnToFaceHeading(finalHeading, EAST_HEADING)
- finalHeading = EAST_HEADING
- --Now in Starting Position--
- --------------------------------START MINING CODE-----------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "minecraft:diamond",
- "minecraft:emerald",
- "minecraft:coal",
- "minecraft:iron_ore",
- "minecraft:gold_ore",
- "thermalfoundation:ore",
- "ic2:resource",
- "enderstorage:ender_storage",
- "computercraft:turtle_expanded"
- }
- function isDrop(item)
- for i = 1, #KEEP_ITEMS, 1 do
- if(item["name"] == KEEP_ITEMS[i]) then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function dropItems()
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(isDrop(item)) then
- turtle.drop()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- "computercraft:turtle_expanded"
- function dropAllItems()
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(item["name"] ~= "enderstorage:ender_storage" and item["name"] ~= "computercraft:turtle_expanded") then
- print("Dropping - " .. item["name"])
- turtle.drop()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function storeAllItems()
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.placeUp()
- -- Chest is now deployed
- for slot = 1, SLOT_COUNT, 1 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail(slot)
- if(item ~= nil) then
- if(item["name"] ~= "minecraft:coal_block" and item["name"] ~= "minecraft:coal") then
- turtle.dropUp()
- end
- end
- end
- -- Items are now stored
- turtle.digUp()
- end
- function manageInventory(withStorage)
- if(withStorage) then
- dropItems()
- storeAllItems()
- else
- dropAllItems()
- end
- end
- function detectAndDig()
- while(turtle.detect()) do
- turtle.dig()
- end
- end
- function forward()
- detectAndDig()
- turtle.forward()
- end
- function leftTurn()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- detectAndDig()
- turtle.forward()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- function rightTurn()
- turtle.turnRight()
- detectAndDig()
- turtle.forward()
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- function dropTier(heading)
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.digDown()
- turtle.down()
- return flipDirection(heading)
- end
- function flipDirection(heading)
- return ((heading + 1) % 4) + 1
- end
- function turnAround(tier, heading)
- if(tier % 2 == 1) then
- if(heading == 2 or heading == 3) then
- rightTurn()
- elseif(heading == 1 or heading == 4) then
- leftTurn()
- end
- else
- if(heading == 2 or heading == 3) then
- leftTurn()
- elseif(heading == 1 or heading == 4) then
- rightTurn()
- end
- end
- return flipDirection(heading)
- end
- function startQuary(width, height, depth, heading)
- for tier = 1, height, 1 do
- for col = 1, width, 1 do
- for row = 1, depth - 1, 1 do
- if(not checkFuel()) then
- print("Turtle is out of fuel, Powering Down...")
- return
- end
- forward()
- end
- if(col ~= width) then
- heading = turnAround(tier, heading)
- end
- manageInventory(withStorage)
- end
- if(tier ~= height) then
- heading = dropTier(heading)
- end
- end
- return heading
- end
- local quary = data[2]
- finishedHeading = startQuary(quary.x, quary.y, quary.z, finalHeading)
- --------------------------------START RETURN TRIP CODE------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function returnTo(coords, heading)
- local currX, currY, currZ = gps.locate()
- local xDiff, yDiff, zDiff = coords.x - currX, coords.y - currY, coords.z - currZ
- -- Move to Y start
- while(currY ~= coords.y) do
- if(yDiff < 0) then
- digAndMoveDown(math.abs(yDiff))
- elseif(yDiff > 0) then
- digAndMoveUp(math.abs(yDiff))
- end
- currX, currY, currZ = gps.locate()
- xDiff, yDiff, zDiff = coords.x - currX, coords.y - currY, coords.z - currZ
- end
- -- Move to X start
- heading = setHeadingX(xDiff, heading)
- digAndMove(math.abs(xDiff))
- -- Move to Z start
- heading = setHeadingZ(zDiff, heading)
- digAndMove(math.abs(zDiff))
- return heading
- end
- endCoords = data[3]
- returnTo(endCoords, finishedHeading)
- manageInventory(withStorage)
- local timoutWait = 60
- for i = 1, timoutWait, 1 do
- os.sleep(1)
- print(string.format( "Waiting for brothers %d/%d", i, timoutWait))
- end
- modem.transmit(SERVER_PORT, CLIENT_PORT, "cum")
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