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- protected void acctdropdown_SelectedIndexChanged() {
- if ( acctdropdown.SelectedValue != "" ) {
- string authenticatednetid = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
- CurrentPerson = JS_Person.LoadUsingNetid( authenticatednetid );
- HtmlGenericControl apptitle = (HtmlGenericControl)Page.FindControl( "apptitle" );
- //if (apptitle == null)
- //Page.FindControl("main-menu").Visible = false;
- Panel appcontent = (Panel)Page.FindControl( "appcontent" );
- appcontent.Style.Value = "margin:0";
- var accounthaspreviousnote = Budget_Web_Form_Final_vw.getdc.Budget_Web_Form_Final_vws.Where( b => b.Account == acctdropdown.SelectedValue & b.User == loggedinuser.Netid & b.Prev_Yr_Note != "" ).OrderBy( b => b.SO ).ThenBy( b => b.Sub_Account ).ThenBy( b => b.Object_Code ).ToList();
- HtmlGenericControl headerscriptcontrol = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- //fixedCols: 7,
- if ( accounthaspreviousnote.Count() != 0 )
- headerscriptcontrol.InnerHtml = @"<script type=""text/javascript"">$('table.freezeheader').fxdHdrCol({
- width: '100%',
- height: 600,
- colModal: [
- { width: 120, align: 'center' },
- { width: 150, align: 'center' },
- { width: 75, align: 'center' },
- { width: 70, align: 'center' },
- { width: 245, align: 'center' },
- { width: 245, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 200, align: 'center' },
- { width: 200, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 50, align: 'center' }
- ]
- })
- </script>";
- else
- //fixedCols: 7,
- headerscriptcontrol.InnerHtml = @"<script type=""text/javascript"">$('table.freezeheader').fxdHdrCol({
- width: '100%',
- height: 600,
- colModal: [
- { width: 120, align: 'center' },
- { width: 150, align: 'center' },
- { width: 75, align: 'center' },
- { width: 70, align: 'center' },
- { width: 245, align: 'center' },
- { width: 245, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 200, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 90, align: 'center' },
- { width: 50, align: 'center' }
- ]
- })
- </script>";
- headerscript.Controls.Add( headerscriptcontrol );
- var accountdata = Budget_Web_Form_Final_vw.getdc.Budget_Web_Form_Final_vws.Where( b => b.Account == acctdropdown.SelectedValue & b.User == loggedinuser.Netid ).OrderBy( b => b.SO ).ThenBy( b => b.Sub_Account ).ThenBy( b => b.Object_Code ).ToList();
- if ( accountdata.Count != 0 ) {
- // put account date in header above main table
- TableRow headerrow = new TableRow();
- TableCell headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
- headercell.Text = "Org:";
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.Text = accountdata[ 0 ].Org;
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- BudgetHeaderTable.Rows.Add( headerrow );
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headerrow = new TableRow();
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
- headercell.Text = "Org Desc:";
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.Text = accountdata[ 0 ].Org_Desc;
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- BudgetHeaderTable.Rows.Add( headerrow );
- headerrow = new TableRow();
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
- headercell.Text = "Account:";
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.Text = accountdata[ 0 ].Account;
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- BudgetHeaderTable.Rows.Add( headerrow );
- headerrow = new TableRow();
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
- headercell.Text = "Account Name:";
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- headercell = new TableCell();
- headercell.Text = accountdata[ 0 ].Account_Name;
- headerrow.Cells.Add( headercell );
- BudgetHeaderTable.Rows.Add( headerrow );
- TableRow objrow = new TableRow();
- objrow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
- objrow.CssClass = "budgettableheader";
- TableHeaderCell objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "Category Name";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "C.O.";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "Sub Account";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "Object Code";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "Object Name";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "Sub Object";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- //objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- //objdataheadercell.Text = "FY16 Current Forecast";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Actuals", SearchPage.PreviousYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} YTD", SearchPage.CurrentYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Full Year Budget", SearchPage.CurrentYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Full Year Forecast", SearchPage.CurrentYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Forecast Note", SearchPage.CurrentYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- if ( accounthaspreviousnote.Count() != 0 ) {
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Budget Note", SearchPage.CurrentYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- }
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Forecast - {1} Budget", SearchPage.CurrentYear, SearchPage.CurrentYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = System.String.Format( "{0} Forecast - {1} Actuals", SearchPage.CurrentYear, SearchPage.PreviousYear );
- objrow.Cells.Add(objdataheadercell);
- objdataheadercell = new TableHeaderCell();
- objdataheadercell.Text = "";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdataheadercell );
- BudgetTable.Rows.Add( objrow );
- string lastcat = "";
- string lastcatfullname = "";
- string lastCO = "";
- decimal? BQ1 = 0;
- decimal? BQ2 = 0;
- decimal? BQ3 = 0;
- decimal? BQ4 = 0;
- decimal? ObjectCurrentForecast = 0;
- decimal? ObjectBudgetVariance = 0;
- decimal? ObjectForecastMinusActual = 0;
- decimal? BQ1_all = 0;
- decimal? BQ2_all = 0;
- decimal? BQ3_all = 0;
- decimal? BQ4_all = 0;
- decimal? ObjectBudgetVariance_all = 0;
- decimal? ObjectForecastMinusActual_all = 0;
- decimal? ObjectCurrentForecast_all = 0;
- //UpdatePanel BQ1totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //UpdatePanel BQ2totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //UpdatePanel BQ3totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- UpdatePanel BQ4totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- UpdatePanel FYBudgettotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- UpdatePanel BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- UpdatePanel ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- TableCell objdatacell = new TableCell();
- foreach ( var accline in accountdata ) {
- string CategoryNameNoSpace = accline.Category_Name.Replace( " ", "" );
- objrow = new TableRow();
- objrow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody;
- objrow.Height = 70;
- objrow.ID = "ObjectRow_" + accline.RecID;
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- //AsyncPostBackTrigger BQ1trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
- //BQ1trigger.ControlID = "BQ1_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- //BQ1trigger.EventName = "TextChanged";
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.Triggers.Add(BQ1trigger);
- //AsyncPostBackTrigger BQ2trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
- //BQ2trigger.ControlID = "BQ2_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- //BQ2trigger.EventName = "TextChanged";
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.Triggers.Add(BQ2trigger);
- //AsyncPostBackTrigger BQ3trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
- //BQ3trigger.ControlID = "BQ3_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- //BQ3trigger.EventName = "TextChanged";
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.Triggers.Add(BQ3trigger);
- AsyncPostBackTrigger BQ4trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
- BQ4trigger.ControlID = "BQ4_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- BQ4trigger.EventName = "TextChanged";
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.Triggers.Add( BQ4trigger );
- if ( CategoryNameNoSpace != lastcat ) {
- if ( lastcat != "" ) {
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ1";
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ2";
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ3";
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ4";
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- FYBudgettotalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_FYBudget";
- FYBudgettotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BudgetVariance";
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_ForecastMinusActual";
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- TableRow totalrow = new TableRow();
- totalrow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody;
- totalrow.ID = "Category_total_TR_" + lastcat;
- totalrow.CssClass = "budgetcategorytotal";
- TableCell totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.Text = lastcatfullname + " Total";
- totalcell.CssClass = "categorytotalcelllabel";
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //totalcell = new TableCell();
- //totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_CurrentForecast";
- //HtmlGenericControl dummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
- //totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:C0}", ObjectCurrentForecast);
- //dummmydiv.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- //totalcell.Controls.Add(dummmydiv);
- //totalrow.Cells.Add(totalcell);
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ1";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ1.ToString();
- HtmlGenericControl totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ1_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ1 );
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ2";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ2.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ2_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ2 );
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ3";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ3.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ3_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ3 );
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- // BQ3totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ4";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ4.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ4_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ4 );
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( BQ4totalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BQ4totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- if ( accounthaspreviousnote.Count() != 0 ) {
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- }
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BudgetVariance";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BudgetVariance_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", ObjectBudgetVariance );
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_ForecastMinusActual";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_ForecastMinusActual_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", ObjectForecastMinusActual );
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BudgetTable.Rows.Add( totalrow );
- BQ1 = 0;
- BQ2 = 0;
- BQ3 = 0;
- BQ4 = 0;
- ObjectBudgetVariance = 0;
- ObjectForecastMinusActual = 0;
- ObjectCurrentForecast = 0;
- }
- objdatacell.Text = accline.Category_Name;
- lastcat = CategoryNameNoSpace;
- lastcatfullname = accline.Category_Name;
- } else {
- objdatacell.Text = "";
- }
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- if ( lastCO != accline.Consolidation_Object )
- objdatacell.Text = accline.Consolidation_Object;
- else
- objdatacell.Text = "";
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.ID = "subacct_" + accline.RecID;
- UpdatePanel textboxupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- textboxupdatepanel.ID = accline.RecID + "_subacct";
- textboxupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- DropDownList subacctInput = new DropDownList();
- WHERE (ACCT_CLOSED_FLG = 'N') AND (ACCT_NBR = '" + accline.Account + "')" +
- " AND (len([SUB_ACCT_CLOSED_FLG]) = 0 or [SUB_ACCT_CLOSED_FLG] = 'N')" +
- var KfsConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[ "Kfs" ].ConnectionString;
- using ( var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection( KfsConnectionString ) ) {
- sqlConnection.Open();
- using ( var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand( qry, sqlConnection ) ) {
- using ( var dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader() ) {
- if ( dr.HasRows ) {
- ListItem subacctdropdownitem = new ListItem();
- //subacctdropdownitem.Text = "";
- //subacctdropdownitem.Value = "";
- //subacctInput.Items.Add(subacctdropdownitem);
- while ( dr.Read() ) {
- subacctdropdownitem = new ListItem();
- subacctdropdownitem.Text = StringTools.NonNullValue( dr[ "SUB_ACCT_NBR" ].ToString () );
- subacctdropdownitem.Value = StringTools.NonNullValue( dr[ "SUB_ACCT_NBR" ].ToString() );
- subacctInput.Items.Add( subacctdropdownitem );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( subacctInput.Items.FindByValue( accline.Sub_Account ) == null )
- subacctInput.Items.Add( accline.Sub_Account );
- subacctInput.SelectedValue = accline.Sub_Account;
- if ( StringTools.NonNullValue( accline.ReadOnly ) == "Y" ) {
- //if (!CurrentPerson.IsInRole("Department - Financial Services"))
- subacctInput.Enabled = false;
- }
- subacctInput.ID = "subacct_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- subacctInput.Attributes.Add( "onfocus", "setinitalval(this)" );
- subacctInput.Attributes.Add( "onchange", "highlightifchanged(this)" );
- //subacctInput.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "highlightifchanged(this)");
- //subacctInput.Attributes.Add("onmouseup", "highlightifchanged(this)");
- subacctInput.AutoPostBack = true;
- subacctInput.SelectedIndexChanged += DDL_TextChanged;
- ScriptManager.GetCurrent( Page ).RegisterAsyncPostBackControl( subacctInput );
- textboxupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( subacctInput );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( textboxupdatepanel );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.Text = accline.Object_Code;
- objdatacell.ID = "objectcode_" + accline.RecID;
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.Text = accline.Object_Name;
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.ID = "subobject_" + accline.RecID;
- textboxupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- textboxupdatepanel.ID = accline.RecID + "_subobject";
- textboxupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- DropDownList subobjectInput = new DropDownList();
- FROM BudgetFom_Object_tbl
- WHERE (OBJ_CD = '" + accline.Object_Code + "')" +
- using ( var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection( KfsConnectionString ) ) {
- sqlConnection.Open();
- using ( var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand( qry, sqlConnection ) ) {
- using ( var dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader() ) {
- if ( dr.HasRows ) {
- ListItem subobjectdropdownitem = new ListItem();
- //subacctdropdownitem.Text = "";
- //subacctdropdownitem.Value = "";
- //subacctInput.Items.Add(subacctdropdownitem);
- while ( dr.Read() ) {
- subobjectdropdownitem = new ListItem();
- subobjectdropdownitem.Text = StringTools.NonNullValue( (string)dr[ "SUB_OBJ_CD" ].ToString() ) + "-" + StringTools.NonNullValue( (string)dr[ "SUB_OBJ_CD_SHORT_NAME" ].ToString() );
- subobjectdropdownitem.Value = StringTools.NonNullValue( (string)dr[ "SUB_OBJ_CD" ].ToString() );
- subobjectInput.Items.Add( subobjectdropdownitem );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( subobjectInput.Items.FindByValue( accline.Sub_Object ) == null )
- subobjectInput.Items.Add( accline.Sub_Object );
- subobjectInput.SelectedValue = accline.Sub_Object;
- if ( StringTools.NonNullValue( accline.ReadOnly ) == "Y" ) {
- //if (!CurrentPerson.IsInRole("Department - Financial Services"))
- subobjectInput.Enabled = false;
- }
- subobjectInput.ID = "subobject_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- subobjectInput.Attributes.Add( "onfocus", "setinitalval(this)" );
- subobjectInput.Attributes.Add( "onkeyup", "highlightifchanged(this)" );
- subobjectInput.Attributes.Add( "onmouseup", "highlightifchanged(this)" );
- subobjectInput.AutoPostBack = true;
- subobjectInput.SelectedIndexChanged += DDL_TextChanged;
- ScriptManager.GetCurrent( Page ).RegisterAsyncPostBackControl( subobjectInput );
- textboxupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( subobjectInput );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( textboxupdatepanel );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- //objdatacell = new TableCell();
- //HtmlGenericControl forecastcontent = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
- //HtmlGenericControl forecastdummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
- //objdatacell.ID = "ObjectCurrentForecastCell_" + accline.RecID;
- //forecastcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:F0}", accline.Current_Budget);
- //forecastdummmydiv.Controls.Add(forecastcontent);
- //objdatacell.Controls.Add(forecastdummmydiv);
- //if (accline.Current_Budget != null)
- //{
- // ObjectCurrentForecast = ObjectCurrentForecast + accline.Current_Budget;
- // if (CategoryNameNoSpace == "Expense")
- // ObjectCurrentForecast_all = ObjectCurrentForecast_all - accline.Current_Budget;
- // else
- // ObjectCurrentForecast_all = ObjectCurrentForecast_all + accline.Current_Budget;
- //}
- //objrow.Cells.Add(objdatacell);
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- HtmlGenericControl actualscontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- HtmlGenericControl actualsdummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- actualscontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:F0}", accline.PY_Actual );
- actualsdummmydiv.Controls.Add( actualscontent );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( actualsdummmydiv );
- objdatacell.ID = "BQ1_" + accline.RecID;
- if ( accline.PY_Actual != null ) {
- BQ1 = BQ1 + accline.PY_Actual;
- if ( CategoryNameNoSpace == "Expense" )
- BQ1_all = BQ1_all - accline.PY_Actual;
- else
- BQ1_all = BQ1_all + accline.PY_Actual;
- }
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- HtmlGenericControl budgetcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- HtmlGenericControl budgetdummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- budgetcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:F0}", accline.Actual );
- budgetdummmydiv.Controls.Add( budgetcontent );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( budgetdummmydiv );
- objdatacell.ID = "BQ2_" + accline.RecID;
- if ( accline.Actual != null ) {
- BQ2 = BQ2 + accline.Actual;
- if ( CategoryNameNoSpace == "Expense" )
- BQ2_all = BQ2_all - accline.Actual;
- else
- BQ2_all = BQ2_all + accline.Actual;
- }
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- HtmlGenericControl ytdcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- HtmlGenericControl ytddummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- ytdcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:F0}", accline.Current_Budget );
- ytddummmydiv.Controls.Add( ytdcontent );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( ytddummmydiv );
- objdatacell.ID = "BQ3_" + accline.RecID;
- if ( accline.Current_Budget != null ) {
- BQ3 = BQ3 + accline.Current_Budget;
- if ( CategoryNameNoSpace == "Expense" )
- BQ3_all = BQ3_all - accline.Current_Budget;
- else
- BQ3_all = BQ3_all + accline.Current_Budget;
- }
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.ID = "BQ4_" + accline.RecID;
- textboxupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- textboxupdatepanel.ID = accline.RecID + "_BQ4";
- textboxupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- TextBox BQ4Input = new TextBox();
- BQ4Input.Columns = 8;
- BQ4Input.Text = string.Format( "{0:F0}", accline.Forecast );
- BQ4Input.ID = "BQ4_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- BQ4Input.Attributes.Add( "onfocus", "setinitalval(this)" );
- BQ4Input.Attributes.Add( "onkeyup", "highlightifchanged(this)" );
- BQ4Input.Attributes.Add( "onchange", "if(!checkfordecimal(this)){return false;}" );
- BQ4Input.Attributes.Add( "onblur", "if(!checkfordecimalmsg(this,event)){return false;}" );
- BQ4Input.AutoPostBack = true;
- if ( StringTools.NonNullValue( accline.ReadOnly ) == "Y" ) {
- //if (!CurrentPerson.IsInRole("Department - Financial Services"))
- BQ4Input.Enabled = false;
- }
- BQ4Input.TextChanged += TextBox2_TextChanged;
- ScriptManager.GetCurrent( Page ).RegisterAsyncPostBackControl( BQ4Input );
- textboxupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( BQ4Input );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( textboxupdatepanel );
- if ( accline.Budget != null ) {
- BQ4 = BQ4 + accline.Budget;
- if ( CategoryNameNoSpace == "Expense" )
- BQ4_all = BQ4_all - accline.Budget;
- else
- BQ4_all = BQ4_all + accline.Budget;
- }
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.ID = "note_" + accline.RecID;
- textboxupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- textboxupdatepanel.ID = accline.RecID + "_note";
- textboxupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- TextBox noteInput = new TextBox();
- noteInput.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
- noteInput.Rows = 2;
- noteInput.Text = accline.Note;
- noteInput.ID = "note_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- noteInput.Attributes.Add( "onfocus", "setinitalval(this)" );
- noteInput.Attributes.Add( "onkeyup", "highlightifchanged(this)" );
- noteInput.AutoPostBack = true;
- noteInput.TextChanged += TextBox2_TextChanged;
- ScriptManager.GetCurrent( Page ).RegisterAsyncPostBackControl( noteInput );
- textboxupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( noteInput );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( textboxupdatepanel );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- if ( accounthaspreviousnote.Count() != 0 ) {
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- HtmlGenericControl prev_yr_div = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- prev_yr_div.InnerHtml = accline.Prev_Yr_Note;
- prev_yr_div.Style.Add( "max-width", "200px" );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( prev_yr_div );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- }
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.ID = "ObjectBudgetVarianceCell_" + accline.RecID;
- textboxupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- textboxupdatepanel.ID = accline.RecID + "_BudgetVariance";
- textboxupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- HtmlGenericControl BudgetVariance = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- BudgetVariance.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:F0}", accline.Forecast - accline.Current_Budget );
- BudgetVariance.ID = "BudgetVariance_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- textboxupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( BudgetVariance );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( textboxupdatepanel );
- //if (accline.CB_Budget_Variance != null)
- //{
- ObjectBudgetVariance = ObjectBudgetVariance + accline.Budget - accline.Current_Budget;
- ObjectBudgetVariance_all = ObjectBudgetVariance_all + accline.Budget - accline.Current_Budget;
- //}
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- objdatacell.ID = "ObjectForecastMinusActualCell_" + accline.RecID;
- textboxupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- textboxupdatepanel.ID = accline.RecID + "_ForecastMinusActual";
- textboxupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- HtmlGenericControl ForecastMinusActual = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- ForecastMinusActual.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:F0}", accline.Forecast - accline.PY_Actual );
- ForecastMinusActual.ID = "ForecastMinusActual_" + accline.RecID + "_" + CategoryNameNoSpace;
- textboxupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( ForecastMinusActual );
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( textboxupdatepanel );
- //if (accline.CB_Budget_Variance != null)
- //{
- ObjectForecastMinusActual = ObjectForecastMinusActual + accline.Forecast - accline.PY_Actual;
- ObjectForecastMinusActual_all = ObjectForecastMinusActual_all + accline.Budget - accline.PY_Actual;
- //}
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- objdatacell = new TableCell();
- LinkButton btnDeleteObjcode = new LinkButton();
- btnDeleteObjcode.Command += btnDeleteObjcode_Click;
- btnDeleteObjcode.CommandArgument = accline.RecID.ToString();
- btnDeleteObjcode.Text = "Delete";
- btnDeleteObjcode.OnClientClick = "if(!ConfirmDelete('" + accline.Object_Code + "','" + accline.Object_Name + "',event)){return false;}";
- objdatacell.Controls.Add( btnDeleteObjcode );
- objrow.Cells.Add( objdatacell );
- BudgetTable.Rows.Add( objrow );
- }
- if ( lastcat != "" ) // total for the last category name and account totals
- {
- // total for the last category name
- TableRow totalrow = new TableRow();
- totalrow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody;
- totalrow.ID = "Category_total_TR_" + lastcat;
- totalrow.CssClass = "budgetcategorytotal";
- TableCell totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.Text = lastcatfullname + " Total";
- totalcell.CssClass = "categorytotalcelllabel";
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //totalcell = new TableCell();
- //totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_CurrentForecast";
- //HtmlGenericControl dummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
- //totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:C0}", ObjectCurrentForecast);
- //dummmydiv.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- //totalcell.Controls.Add(dummmydiv);
- //totalrow.Cells.Add(totalcell);
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ1";
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- HtmlGenericControl totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ1";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ1.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ1_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ1 );
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ2";
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ2";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ2.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ2_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ2 );
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ3";
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ3";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ3.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ3_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ3 );
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BQ4";
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ4";
- //totalcell.Text = BQ4.ToString();
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BQ4_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ4 );
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( BQ4totalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- if ( accounthaspreviousnote.Count() != 0 ) {
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- }
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_BudgetVariance";
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BudgetVariance";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_BudgetVariance_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", ObjectBudgetVariance );
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.ID = lastcat + "_ForecastMinusActual";
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_ForecastMinusActual";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Category_total_" + lastcat + "_ForecastMinusActual_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", ObjectForecastMinusActual );
- ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BudgetTable.Rows.Add( totalrow );
- // total for the account totals
- totalrow = new TableRow();
- totalrow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableBody;
- totalrow.ID = "Account_total_TR";
- totalrow.CssClass = "budgetaccounttotal";
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.Text = "Operating Margin";
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //totalcell = new TableCell();
- //totalcell.ID = "Account_total_CurrentForecast";
- //dummmydiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
- //totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format("{0:C0}", ObjectCurrentForecast_all);
- //dummmydiv.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- //totalcell.Controls.Add(dummmydiv);
- //totalrow.Cells.Add(totalcell);
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.ID = "Account_BQ1";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Account_total_BQ1";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Account_total_BQ1_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ1_all );
- //BQ1totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.ID = "Account_BQ2";
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Account_total_BQ2";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Account_total_BQ2_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ2_all );
- //BQ2totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.ID = "Account_BQ3";
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Account_total_BQ3";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Account_total_BQ3_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ3_all );
- //BQ3totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add(totalcontent);
- totalcell.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BQ4totalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.ID = "Account_BQ4";
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Account_total_BQ4";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Account_total_BQ4_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", BQ4_all );
- BQ4totalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( BQ4totalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- if ( accounthaspreviousnote.Count() != 0 ) {
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- }
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.ID = "Account_BudgetVariance";
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalcell.ID = "Account_total_BudgetVariance";
- totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- totalcontent.ID = "Account_total_BudgetVariance_content";
- totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", ObjectBudgetVariance_all );
- BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- totalcell.Controls.Add( BudgetVariancetotalupdatepanel );
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- //ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel = new UpdatePanel();
- //ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.UpdateMode = UpdatePanelUpdateMode.Conditional;
- //ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.ID = "Account_ForecastMinusActual";
- //totalcell = new TableCell();
- //totalcell.ID = "Account_total_ForecastMinusActual";
- //totalcontent = new HtmlGenericControl( "div" );
- //totalcontent.ID = "Account_total_ForecastMinusActual_content";
- //totalcontent.InnerHtml = string.Format( "{0:C0}", ObjectForecastMinusActual_all );
- //ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel.ContentTemplateContainer.Controls.Add( totalcontent );
- //totalcell.Controls.Add( ForecastMinusActualtotalupdatepanel );
- //totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- totalcell = new TableCell();
- totalrow.Cells.Add( totalcell );
- BudgetTable.Rows.Add( totalrow );
- }
- } else //requested account not found; someone probably manually edited queryparam acct
- {
- accountheadercontainer.Visible = false;
- addobjectcodecontainer.Visible = false;
- btnFinish.Visible = false;
- BudgetTable.Visible = false;
- lblDebug.Text = "That's not a valid account for you.";
- }
- } else //requested account not found; someone probably manually edited queryparam acct
- {
- accountheadercontainer.Visible = false;
- addobjectcodecontainer.Visible = false;
- btnFinish.Visible = false;
- BudgetTable.Visible = false;
- lblDebug.Text = "That's not a valid account for you.";
- }
- //lblDebug.Text += acctdropdown.SelectedValue + "sent";
- }
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