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- <title>Page #2: Tabula Rasa</title>
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- <h1 id="title">Page #2: Tabula Rasa</h1>
- <nav class="link-wrap first">
- <a class="linx" href="/">Index</a>
- <a class="linx" href="/ask">Ask</a>
- <a class="linx" href="" title="Tabula Rasa © Laighlin">Credit</a>
- <a class="linx" href="">Dash</a>
- </nav>
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- You can put some custom text here if you'd like. Or delete this section entirely if you don't want it. Be my guest!
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- <nav class="link-wrap second">
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 1</a>
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 2</a>
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 3</a>
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 4</a>
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 5</a>
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 6</a>
- <a class="big linx" href="/">Link 7</a>
- </nav>
- </main>
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- </html>
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