
No more free rides for preschoolers

May 12th, 2011
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  1. Reprinted from The San Jose Mercury News, Letters, May 12 2011.
  2. Used under presumption of fair use.
  3. All rights belong to the Mercury News/Bay Area News Group.
  4. Previous letter-writer's name has been removed/
  7. I agree with letter-writer P** A******, regarding the need for cuts to early education (Letters, May 10). Now, it's technically true that preschool introduces children to a rich learning enviroment during a vital period in their cognitive development, that low-income children who attend preschool have higher academic achievement, and that subsidized preschool pays for itself in increased future tax revenues (see http://www.preschoolcalifornia.org/making-the-case/reports_studies.html), but we simply must discontinue these programs to teach impressionable young children the importance of personal responsibility.
  8. The 3- to 5-year-old demographic have been parasites on society for far too long. We must make these pint-size little moochers understand that it's about choices. If low-income kids want the benefits of preschool, they should have thought of that before being born into poverty.
  10. Robyn Bennis
  11. Mountain View
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