
N64 ram editor setup (for runners)

Jul 3rd, 2021
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  1. N64 ram editor route for runners:
  3. play on NTSC 1.2
  4. start from a clean state (no files)
  6. create file 1 with name ラかaばラらかぬ (800FC550 80300F20)
  7. start file 1
  8. collect rupees and do heap manip for lightnode SRM
  9. drop rock with angle ACA0
  10. die, save, return to title
  13. create file 3 with name ラくQバラ0ボキ (8011BBA0 8000A460)
  14. create file 2 with any name
  15. load file 1
  16. do heap manip for lightnode SRM
  17. drop rock with angle BBA0
  18. die, save, return to title
  20. erase file 3
  21. create file 3 with name ラねゅ8ラ0ブキ (80213F08 8000A260)
  22. create file 2 with any name
  23. load file 1
  24. do heap manip for lightnode SRM
  25. drop rock with angle BBA0
  26. die, save, return to title
  29. erase file 3
  30. create file 3 with name ラ1 0ラか3さ (8001DF00 800F0314)
  31. create file 2 with any name
  32. load file 1
  33. die, save, return to title
  35. erase file 3
  36. create file 3 with name ラとLロラか2サ (801DB684 800F0264)
  37. create file 2 with any name
  38. load file 1
  39. setup angle EBFC
  40. -----
  41. start at 0x4000
  42. 1 backflip sideroll to 0x0568
  43. 1 sword spin shield cancel to 0xf89b
  44. 2 ess up to 0xf8bf
  45. 1 sword spin shield cancel to 0xebf2
  46. 1 ess up to 0xebfc
  47. -----
  48. grab a rock
  49. cross loading plane and shield drop rock with angle EBFC (don't walk forward while dropping)
  50. die, save, don't return to title
  53. set event_chk_inf[24] = 1000 0000 0000 1110 (800E)
  54. set event_chk_inf[25] = 1000 0111 1000 1000 (8788)
  55. grab a rock
  56. cross loading plane and shield drop rock with angle 87C2
  57. -----
  58. start at 0x0000
  59. 3 ess right to 0xeae8
  60. 1 sidehop sideroll left to 0x07c0
  61. 1 turn 180 to 0x87c2
  62. -----
  63. die, save, don't return to title
  65. note 1: event_chk_inf[19] will have a glitchy string from now on, but I'll refer to it by that name anyway.
  66. note 2: scrolling up past event_chk_inf[19] will crash.
  68. set event_chk_inf[25] = 1000 0111 1011 1000 (87B8)
  69. set event_chk_inf[23] = 1000 0111 1011 1000 (87B8)
  70. set event_chk_inf[22] = 1000 0000 0000 1110 (800E)
  71. enter house
  74. set event_chk_inf[20] = 1000 0000 0000 1110 (800E)
  75. set event_chk_inf[19] = 1000 0111 1100 1000 (87C8)
  76. set event_chk_inf[20] = 1000 0000 0000 1110 (800E)
  77. set event_chk_inf[19] = 1000 0111 1100 1010 (87CA)
  78. set event_chk_inf[20] = 1000 0111 1100 0000 (87C0)
  80. The ram editor is now fully functional.
  81. To write the value ZZZZ to address XXXXYYYY, put XXXX in event_chk_inf[21] and YYYY in event_chk_inf[19], then ZZZZZ in event_chk_inf[20].
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