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- 1. Is Subsequence (leetcode)
- 2.Longest Palindromic Substring
- 3.power
- Write a function called power which accepts a base and an exponent. The function should return the power of the base to the exponent. This function should mimic the functionality of Math.pow() - do not worry about negative bases and exponents.
- // power(2,0) // 1
- // power(2,2) // 4
- // power(2,4) // 16
- function power(){
- }
- 4.capitalizeFirst
- Write a recursive function called capitalizeFirst. Given an array of strings, capitalize the first letter of each string in the array.
- function capitalizeFirst () {
- // code
- }
- // capitalizeFirst(['car','taco','banana']); // ['Car','Taco','Banana']
- 5. //nestedEvenSum
- Write a recursive function called nestedEvenSum. Return the sum of all even numbers in an object which may contain nested objects.
- function nestedEvenSum () {
- // add whatever parameters you deem necessary - good luck!
- }
- const obj1 = {
- outer: 2,
- obj: {
- inner: 2,
- otherObj: {
- superInner: 2,
- notANumber: true,
- alsoNotANumber: "yup"
- }
- }
- }
- const obj2 = {
- a: 2,
- b: {b: 2, bb: {b: 3, bb: {b: 2}}},
- c: {c: {c: 2}, cc: 'ball', ccc: 5},
- d: 1,
- e: {e: {e: 2}, ee: 'car'}
- };
- nestedEvenSum(obj1); // 6
- nestedEvenSum(obj2); // 10
- 6. Write a function called collectStrings which accepts an object and returns an array of all the values in the object that have a typeof string
- const obj = {
- stuff: "foo",
- data: {
- val: {
- thing: {
- info: "bar",
- moreInfo: {
- evenMoreInfo: {
- weMadeIt: "baz"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- collectStrings(obj) // ["foo", "bar", "baz"])
- 7. Spiral Matrix
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