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- /* Layout by Mule of CD-ARIAx3 */
- /* + Profile Code by AlthIndor */
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- /* Details */
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- left: 413px;
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- /* Contact */
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- }
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- #id_comments h2 ~ p a::before {content: 'View All Comments';}
- /* Wish List */
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- height: 182px;
- padding-right: 12px;
- top: 323px;
- left: 257px;
- scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
- overflow-y: scroll;
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- transform: rotate(90deg);
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- border: 1px dashed plum;
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- border-color: rebeccapurple;
- }
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- margin: 0;
- bottom: 5px;
- left: 5px;
- }
- /* Visitors */
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- width: 170px;
- height: 87px;
- line-height: 1.3;
- top: 801px;
- left: 297px;
- scroll-snap-type: y proximity;
- overflow-y: scroll;
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- }
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- content: 'Visited ';
- white-space: pre;
- }
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- left: -13px;
- opacity: .001;
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- /* Username Animation */
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- to {transform: translateY(-20px);}
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- top: 145px;
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- /* Sparkles Animation */
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- 50% {opacity: 1;}
- 100% {transform: rotate(1turn) scale(1); opacity: 0;}
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- 100% {transform: rotate(-1turn) scale(1); opacity: 0;}
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- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(080) {top: 109px; left: 0743px; transform: rotate(-40deg) scale(.88); animation-delay: -2.0s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(081) {top: 097px; left: 1023px; transform: rotate(-43deg) scale(.65); animation-delay: -0.6s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(082) {top: 100px; left: 1000px; transform: rotate(-10deg) scale(.52); animation-delay: -1.8s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(083) {top: 003px; left: 0807px; transform: rotate(-30deg) scale(.71); animation-delay: -0.4s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(084) {top: 051px; left: 0234px; transform: rotate(-46deg) scale(.45); animation-delay: -2.4s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(085) {top: 204px; left: 1209px; transform: rotate(+28deg) scale(.12); animation-delay: -1.5s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(086) {top: 031px; left: 1361px; transform: rotate(+34deg) scale(.59); animation-delay: -0.2s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(087) {top: 085px; left: 0787px; transform: rotate(+11deg) scale(.42); animation-delay: -0.1s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(088) {top: 096px; left: 0967px; transform: rotate(-36deg) scale(.10); animation-delay: -0.8s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(089) {top: 149px; left: 0202px; transform: rotate(+39deg) scale(.27); animation-delay: -0.6s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(090) {top: 089px; left: 0403px; transform: rotate(-42deg) scale(.51); animation-delay: -2.4s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(091) {top: 107px; left: 0445px; transform: rotate(-34deg) scale(.11); animation-delay: -1.0s;}
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- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(093) {top: 127px; left: 0819px; transform: rotate(-21deg) scale(.94); animation-delay: -0.3s;}
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- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(096) {top: 000px; left: 0341px; transform: rotate(+07deg) scale(.82); animation-delay: -1.0s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(097) {top: 020px; left: 0839px; transform: rotate(+38deg) scale(.36); animation-delay: -1.6s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(098) {top: 056px; left: 0161px; transform: rotate(-25deg) scale(.61); animation-delay: -0.1s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(099) {top: 001px; left: 0160px; transform: rotate(+37deg) scale(.50); animation-delay: -1.8s;}
- .custom_panel b:nth-of-type(100) {top: 087px; left: 0739px; transform: rotate(+25deg) scale(.13); animation-delay: -0.7s;}
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- height: 0;
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- top: 30px;
- left: 50%;
- }
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