
Bot Commands: UrfLegacy

Jul 25th, 2014
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  1. All Users
  3. !urfood : Displays the current points a user holds (e.g. !karma if the stream currency is called karma)
  4. !vip : Displays VIP info with rank and subscription expiry date (Only for VIPs)
  5. !ticket x : Enters an open raffle with specified number of tickets (e.g. !ticket 4 to purchase 4 tickets)
  6. !bid x : Enters a bid during an open auction (e.g. !bid 400 to bid 400 points)
  7. !bets x y : When betting pools are open, it enters your bet of "x" points on option "y" (e.g. !bets 100 2).
  8. !btag x : Enters the users btag into the global database (e.g. !btag XxDeePxX#6634 )
  9. !raffle help : Command to show users status of current raffles
  10. !betting help : Command to show users status of current betting pool
  11. !bankheist x : Command to start a bank heist and gamble some of your points against the bot. Survive, and you will walk away rich!
  12. !joinarena x : Command to join an arena and wager some of your points in a fight against other viewers. Survive, and you walk away richer!
  13. !song : Command to show currently playing song (Only works if you are using the internal YouTube Player, iTunes or Spotify)
  14. !songlist : Shows the full list of songs being played in the internal youtube music player.
  15. !prevsong : Command to show last played song (Only works if you are using the internal YouTube Player)
  16. !nextsong : Command to show next song to be played (Only works if you are using the internal YouTube Player)
  17. !requestsong : Shows the current cost setup to request songs for different user classes.
  18. !requestsong youtubeID : Requests songs to be added to the stream playlist. *Note: Currency cost may apply!*
  19. !skipsong : Command to start a vote to skip the current song.
  20. !skipsong x : Pay the veto cost and skip the song by yourself! *Note: Veto powers are expensive!
  21. !cmdlist : Display active channel commands for the stream.
  24. Admin Commands
  26. !check user : Check the stream currency balance for a specified user (e.g. !check expertsonline)
  27. !top x : Display x users with the highest amount of stream currency (x between 1 - 14)
  28. !topranks x : Display x users with the highest stream ranks (x between 1 - 14)
  29. !tophours x : Display x users with the highest hours watched (x between 1 - 14)
  30. !add points users : Add a specified amount of points to user (e.g. !add 100 expertsonline , !add 5 all ) [MOD Level 2 Only]
  31. !remove points users : Remove a specified amount of points from user (e.g. !remove 100 expertsonline ) [MOD Level 2 Only]
  32. !updatetitle <title> : Updates the stream title. [MOD Level 2 Only]
  33. !updategame <game> : Updates the stream game. [MOD Level 2 Only]
  34. !volume : Check the current volume of the internal YouTube player
  35. !volume x : Set the volume of the internal YouTube player (x between 1 and 99)
  36. !startarena <mode> <amount> : Mode 1 is Kockout Arena where <amount> is the max wager, Mode 2 is Tournament Arena where <amount> is the entry cost into the tournament. (e.g. !startarena 1 100)
  37. Open Ticket Raffle : !traffle open <cost per ticket> <max tickets> (e.g. !traffle open 1 10)
  38. Close Ticket Raffle : !traffle close
  39. Draw Ticket Raffle : !traffle draw
  40. Open Keyword Raffle : !kraffle open keyword (e.g. !kraffle open !moist)
  41. Close Keyword Raffle : !kraffle close
  42. Draw Keyword Raffle : !kraffle draw
  43. Open Auction : !auction open <min bid> <item> (e.g. !auction open 10 100m)
  44. Close Auction : !auction close
  45. Start Betting : !betting start maxbets housecut betting_on option1 option2 (e.g. !betting start 100 0 This_is_a_test_bet yes no maybe )[Use _ for space in text]
  46. Close betting : !betting close
  47. Cancel bets : !betting cancel
  48. Select winner : !betting winoption x (where x is the option number that won. e.g. !betting winoption 2)
  49. Add Channel Command : !addcmd <cmd> <message> (e.g. !addcmd !testcmd this is a test message).
  50. Edit Channel Command : !editcmd <cmd> <message> (e.g. !editcmd !testcmd this is an edited test message)
  51. Delete Channel Command : !delcmd <cmd> (e.g. !delcmd !testcmd)
  53. Note: The bot now supports access level commands. To restrict a command to a specific user class, beginning the message with %<level>, e.g. !modonly %8 this is a mod only message
  54. Access levels are: 1. All Viewers, 2. All VIP, 3. All VIP + Mods, 4. VIP Silver + VIP Gold, 5. VIP Silver + VIP Gold + Mods, 6. VIP Gold, 7. VIP Gold + Mods, 8. Mod Only
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