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- --- LoadMercsOnMapChange
- --- This function loads all mercenaries of a player when enter world or map change.
- ---
- --- Parameter(s)
- --- event
- --- plr
- ---
- --- Return value
- --- None.
- ---
- function ARCMERCS.LoadMercsOnMapChange( event, plr )
- local p = tostring(plr:GetGUID())
- local result = WorldDBQuery("SELECT entry, display, angle, stance FROM arcmercs.mercenaries WHERE ownerGuid = '"..p.."' AND groupId = 1")
- if result then
- local rowcount = result:GetRowCount()
- local level = plr:GetLevel()
- local id = 0
- repeat
- rowcount = rowcount - 1
- local entry = result:GetColumn( 0 ):GetUShort()
- local display = result:GetColumn( 1 ):GetULong()
- local angle = result:GetColumn( 2 ):GetFloat()
- if entry ~= 0 then
- local merc = plr:CreateGuardian( entry, 0, angle, level ) -- duration = 0 for never despawn
- merc:SetModel( display )
- if stance ~= 0 then
- local q = WorldDBQuery("SELECT slot1, slot2, slot3 FROM arcmercs.weapons WHERE entry = "..entry.." AND display = "..merc:GetDisplay().." AND stance = "..stance.."")
- if q then
- merc:EquipWeapons( q:GetColumn( 0 ):GetULong(), q:GetColumn( 1 ):GetULong(), q:GetColumn( 2 ):GetULong() )
- end
- end
- merc:SetByteValue( 0x7A, 0, 1 ) -- set weapons at hand
- local m = tostring(merc:GetGUID())
- if entry == 43284 or entry == 43285 then
- id = id + 1
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE arcmercs.mercenaries SET mercGuid = '"..m.."' WHERE ownerGuid = '"..p.."' AND groupId = 1 AND id = '""'")
- merc:SetByteValue( 0x0006 + 0x0011, 1, 1 ) -- set class: warrior
- local guid = tostring(merc)
- if not ARCMERCS[guid].soldierStance then
- ARCMERCS[guid].soldierStance = 1
- end
- end
- end
- result:NextRow()
- until rowcount == 0
- print("[ArcMercs]: mercenaries of "..plr:GetName().." loaded. ") -- for debug
- end
- end
- RegisterServerHook( 4, ARCMERCS.LoadMercsOnMapChange );
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