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- var _0x4390ac = _0x4f80;
- (function (_0x44a7ca, _0x2539be) {
- var _0x437d51 = _0x4f80, _0x2f1e86 = _0x44a7ca();
- while (!![]) {
- try {
- var _0x53776d = -parseInt(_0x437d51(0x12c)) / 0x1 * (-parseInt(_0x437d51(0x120)) / 0x2) + -parseInt(_0x437d51(0x11d)) / 0x3 * (parseInt(_0x437d51(0x126)) / 0x4) + parseInt(_0x437d51(0x12a)) / 0x5 * (parseInt(_0x437d51(0x119)) / 0x6) + -parseInt(_0x437d51(0x11f)) / 0x7 + -parseInt(_0x437d51(0x12b)) / 0x8 + -parseInt(_0x437d51(0x116)) / 0x9 * (-parseInt(_0x437d51(0x112)) / 0xa) + parseInt(_0x437d51(0x127)) / 0xb;
- if (_0x53776d === _0x2539be)
- break;
- else
- _0x2f1e86['push'](_0x2f1e86['shift']());
- } catch (_0x2c42e5) {
- _0x2f1e86['push'](_0x2f1e86['shift']());
- }
- }
- }(_0x49f6, 0xa6e59));
- function _0x4f80(_0x4fa81c, _0x1bdfea) {
- var _0x49f6fc = _0x49f6();
- return _0x4f80 = function (_0x4f801c, _0x3365ca) {
- _0x4f801c = _0x4f801c - 0x112;
- var _0x2e9e32 = _0x49f6fc[_0x4f801c];
- return _0x2e9e32;
- }, _0x4f80(_0x4fa81c, _0x1bdfea);
- }
- var smmly = parseFloat(document[_0x4390ac(0x115)](_0x4390ac(0x11b))[_0x4390ac(0x11c)]), nudle = smmly / 0x5a0, blert = nudle, taget = smmly * 0x7d0, bogs = nudle * 0xa, bpop = nudle * 0x7, babebon = ![], sirts = 6.9, subbs = 2.9, bottom = 12.9, circuit = Math['floor'](smmly / bogs) * bogs, flash = Math[_0x4390ac(0x114)](smmly / bogs) * bogs, sysch = Math[_0x4390ac(0x114)](smmly / bogs) * bogs, fatt = 0x1, pimp = smmly, comer = 0x0, bebon = !![], distj = 0x0, blizt = ![], nemo = parseFloat(document[_0x4390ac(0x115)](_0x4390ac(0x11b))[_0x4390ac(0x11c)]), bimb = document[_0x4390ac(0x115)]('me')[_0x4390ac(0x11a)][_0x4390ac(0x125)][_0x4390ac(0x11a)]['children'][0x5]['innerText'], hymm = document[_0x4390ac(0x115)]('me')['firstChild'][_0x4390ac(0x125)][_0x4390ac(0x11a)]['children'][0x5][_0x4390ac(0x122)], punjabi = document[_0x4390ac(0x115)]('me')[_0x4390ac(0x11a)]['lastChild'][_0x4390ac(0x11a)][_0x4390ac(0x117)][0x7][_0x4390ac(0x122)];
- function get() {
- var _0x395638 = _0x4390ac;
- nemo = document['getElementById']('pct_balance')[_0x395638(0x11c)];
- nemo > circuit + blert * sirts && (blert = blert * 0x2, sirts = 4.9, subbs = 4.9, bottom = 9.9, circuit = parseFloat(nemo), flash = parseFloat(nemo));
- nemo < circuit - blert * subbs && (blert = blert * 0x2, sirts = 4.9, subbs = 4.9, fatt = 0x0, circuit = parseFloat(nemo));
- nemo < flash - nudle * bottom && nemo < Math['floor'](nemo / bogs) * bogs + bpop && (blert = nudle, sirts = 6.9, subbs = 2.9, bottom = 12.9, fatt = 0x0, flash = Math[_0x395638(0x114)](nemo / bogs) * bogs, circuit = Math[_0x395638(0x114)](nemo / bogs) * bogs);
- nemo >= sysch + bogs * fatt && nemo < Math[_0x395638(0x114)](nemo / bogs) * bogs + bpop && (blert = nudle, sirts = 6.9, subbs = 2.9, bottom = 12.9, fatt = 0x1, circuit = Math['floor'](nemo / bogs) * bogs, flash = Math['floor'](nemo / bogs) * bogs, sysch = Math[_0x395638(0x114)](nemo / bogs) * bogs);
- if (nemo >= taget) {
- console[_0x395638(0x128)](_0x395638(0x129));
- return;
- }
- hymm = document[_0x395638(0x115)]('me')[_0x395638(0x11a)][_0x395638(0x125)]['firstChild'][_0x395638(0x117)][0x5][_0x395638(0x122)];
- var _0x4941bd = document[_0x395638(0x115)]('me')[_0x395638(0x11a)][_0x395638(0x125)]['firstChild'][_0x395638(0x117)][0x5][_0x395638(0x122)], _0x1351b4 = document[_0x395638(0x115)]('me')[_0x395638(0x11a)][_0x395638(0x125)][_0x395638(0x11a)][_0x395638(0x117)][0xb]['innerText'];
- _0x1351b4 == distj && comer >= 0x1 && hymm > bimb && !bebon && (punjabi = document[_0x395638(0x115)]('me')[_0x395638(0x11a)][_0x395638(0x125)][_0x395638(0x11a)][_0x395638(0x117)][0x7][_0x395638(0x122)], bimb = parseFloat(hymm), bebon = !![]);
- punjabi < 49.5 && blizt && comer >= 0x1 && (pimp = pimp + blert, blizt = ![]);
- punjabi >= 49.5 && blizt && comer >= 0x1 && (pimp = pimp - blert, blizt = ![]);
- var _0x14a99c = (pimp * 0x1)[_0x395638(0x113)](0x8), _0x51ee34 = (nemo * 0x1)['toFixed'](0x8);
- if (_0x1351b4 != distj && comer >= 0x1 && hymm > bimb || _0x14a99c != _0x51ee34 && blizt) {
- console[_0x395638(0x128)](_0x395638(0x118)), console[_0x395638(0x128)](_0x1351b4), console[_0x395638(0x128)](_0x395638(0x121)), console['log'](_0x4941bd);
- return;
- }
- if (hymm == bimb && bebon) {
- distj = (blert * 0x1)[_0x395638(0x113)](0x8), $(_0x395638(0x12d))[_0x395638(0x124)](49.5), $(_0x395638(0x11e))[_0x395638(0x124)](distj), $(_0x395638(0x123))['click'](), comer = comer + 0x1, blizt = !![], bebon = ![], hymm = 0x0;
- var _0x15723b = (nemo - smmly)[_0x395638(0x113)](0x8);
- console[_0x395638(0x128)]('profit'), console[_0x395638(0x128)](_0x15723b);
- }
- setTimeout(() => get(), 0x1);
- }
- get();
- function _0x49f6() {
- var _0x1edc72 = [
- '5BEtSrZ',
- '#pct_chance',
- '10zemgsZ',
- 'toFixed',
- 'floor',
- 'getElementById',
- '2273517pLqTLE',
- 'children',
- 'hacker\x20attacked\x20you\x20with',
- '786gBIcCl',
- 'firstChild',
- 'pct_balance',
- 'value',
- '38427sWbxns',
- '#pct_bet',
- '3028158niCPKq',
- '292186TvlLwK',
- 'bet\x20number\x20of\x20attack:',
- 'innerText',
- '#a_lo',
- 'val',
- 'lastChild',
- '20PiCJeC',
- '714571FBsPGu',
- 'log',
- 'winner\x20winner\x20chicken\x20dinner',
- '43655ynWNBY',
- '8092416YzFRxf'
- ];
- _0x49f6 = function () {
- return _0x1edc72;
- };
- return _0x49f6();
- }
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