
RemoveDuplicatesArrayListTest Output

May 2nd, 2017
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  1. ...\java ...RemoveDuplicatesArrayListTest
  3. inputArrayList = [sphinx, of, black, quartz, judge, my, vow, two, driven, jocks, help, fax, my, big, quiz, five, quacking, zephyrs, jolt, my, wax, bed, the, five, boxing, wizards, jump, quickly, pack, my, box, with, five, dozen, liquor, jugs, the, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog, jinxed, wizards, pluck, ivy, from, the, big, quilt, crazy, fredrick, bought, many, very, exquisite, opal, jewels, we, promptly, judged, antique, ivory, buckles, for, the, next, prize, a, mad, boxer, shot, a, quick, gloved, jab, to, the, jaw, of, his, dizzy, opponent, jaded, zombies, acted, quaintly, but, kept, driving, their, oxen, forward, the, job, requires, extra, pluck, and, zeal, from, every, young, wage, earner]
  4. inputArrayList.size() = 108
  5. resultSet = [sphinx, of, black, quartz, judge, my, vow, two, driven, jocks, help, fax, big, quiz, five, quacking, zephyrs, jolt, wax, bed, the, boxing, wizards, jump, quickly, pack, box, with, dozen, liquor, jugs, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, lazy, dog, jinxed, pluck, ivy, from, quilt, crazy, fredrick, bought, many, very, exquisite, opal, jewels, we, promptly, judged, antique, ivory, buckles, for, next, prize, a, mad, boxer, shot, gloved, jab, to, jaw, his, dizzy, opponent, jaded, zombies, acted, quaintly, but, kept, driving, their, oxen, forward, job, requires, extra, and, zeal, every, young, wage, earner]
  6. resultSet.size() = 90
  7. outputArrayList = [sphinx, of, black, quartz, judge, my, vow, two, driven, jocks, help, fax, big, quiz, five, quacking, zephyrs, jolt, wax, bed, the, boxing, wizards, jump, quickly, pack, box, with, dozen, liquor, jugs, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, lazy, dog, jinxed, pluck, ivy, from, quilt, crazy, fredrick, bought, many, very, exquisite, opal, jewels, we, promptly, judged, antique, ivory, buckles, for, next, prize, a, mad, boxer, shot, gloved, jab, to, jaw, his, dizzy, opponent, jaded, zombies, acted, quaintly, but, kept, driving, their, oxen, forward, job, requires, extra, and, zeal, every, young, wage, earner]
  8. outputArrayList.size() = 90
  10. sphinx
  11. of
  12. black
  13. quartz
  14. judge
  15. my
  16. vow
  17. two
  18. driven
  19. jocks
  20. help
  21. fax
  22. my -- dup!
  23. big
  24. quiz
  25. five
  26. quacking
  27. zephyrs
  28. jolt
  29. my -- dup!
  30. wax
  31. bed
  32. the
  33. five -- dup!
  34. boxing
  35. wizards
  36. jump
  37. quickly
  38. pack
  39. my -- dup!
  40. box
  41. with
  42. five -- dup!
  43. dozen
  44. liquor
  45. jugs
  46. the -- dup!
  47. quick
  48. brown
  49. fox
  50. jumps
  51. over
  52. the -- dup!
  53. lazy
  54. dog
  55. jinxed
  56. wizards -- dup!
  57. pluck
  58. ivy
  59. from
  60. the -- dup!
  61. big -- dup!
  62. quilt
  63. crazy
  64. fredrick
  65. bought
  66. many
  67. very
  68. exquisite
  69. opal
  70. jewels
  71. we
  72. promptly
  73. judged
  74. antique
  75. ivory
  76. buckles
  77. for
  78. the -- dup!
  79. next
  80. prize
  81. a
  82. mad
  83. boxer
  84. shot
  85. a -- dup!
  86. quick -- dup!
  87. gloved
  88. jab
  89. to
  90. the -- dup!
  91. jaw
  92. of -- dup!
  93. his
  94. dizzy
  95. opponent
  96. jaded
  97. zombies
  98. acted
  99. quaintly
  100. but
  101. kept
  102. driving
  103. their
  104. oxen
  105. forward
  106. the -- dup!
  107. job
  108. requires
  109. extra
  110. pluck -- dup!
  111. and
  112. zeal
  113. from -- dup!
  114. every
  115. young
  116. wage
  118. Process finished with exit code 0
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