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- import numpy as np
- def bin2svg(tosvg):
- """
- :param tosvg: numpy array with binary entries, e.g. `np.array([[1, 0],
- [0, 1]])`
- :return: string describing an SVG path, e.g. 'M0,0h1v1h-1M1,1h1v1h-1'
- see also:
- """
- def bin2corners(tocorners):
- """
- :param tocorners: binary m×n matrix; areas of 1s to be interpreted as areas of squares with no internal corners
- :return: m+1 × n+1 matrix; 0 for no corner; 1, 2, 3, 4 for corner; 13, 24 for double corner
- """
- if type(tocorners) is not np.ndarray: # if input is plain array
- tocorners = np.array(tocorners) # convert to numpy array
- (high, wide) = tocorners.shape
- hpad = np.zeros((1, wide+2), np.int8)
- vpad = np.zeros((high, 1), np.int8)
- tocorners = np.vstack((
- hpad,
- np.hstack((vpad, tocorners, vpad)),
- hpad
- ))
- corners = np.zeros((high+1, wide+1), np.int8)
- for m in range(high+1):
- for n in range(wide+1):
- sub = tocorners[m:m+2, n:n+2]
- if np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[0, 0],
- [0, 1]])):
- corners[m, n] = 1
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[0, 0],
- [1, 0]])):
- corners[m, n] = 2
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[1, 0],
- [0, 0]])):
- corners[m, n] = 3
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[0, 1],
- [0, 0]])):
- corners[m, n] = 4
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[1, 1],
- [1, 0]])):
- corners[m, n] = 5
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[1, 0],
- [1, 1]])):
- corners[m, n] = 6
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[0, 1],
- [1, 1]])):
- corners[m, n] = 7
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[1, 1],
- [0, 1]])):
- corners[m, n] = 8
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[1, 0],
- [0, 1]])):
- corners[m, n] = 13
- elif np.array_equal(sub, np.array([[0, 1],
- [1, 0]])):
- corners[m, n] = 24
- return corners
- def cornerfinder(corners, look):
- """
- Searches corner matrix from last position for non zero entries.
- :param corners: current corner matrix
- :param look: position where to begin searching
- :return: {'pos': [m, n], 'val': k} where [m, n] is the first position found and k the entry at this position
- """
- (high, wide) = corners.shape
- found = 0
- while found == 0:
- found = corners[tuple(look)]
- if found == 0:
- if look[1] < wide-1:
- look[1] += 1
- elif look[1] == wide-1 and look[0] < high-1:
- look = [look[0]+1, 0]
- else:
- return 'reached end'
- else:
- return {'pos': look, 'val': found}
- def step(corners, cornerfound):
- """
- :param corners: current corner matrix
- :param cornerfound: last position and value found by `cornerfinder`
- :return: {'corners': corners, 'svgpath': svgpath} with `corners` sparser and `svgpath` extended
- """
- startpos = cornerfound['pos']
- pos = startpos[:]
- val = cornerfound['val']
- svgpath = 'M' + str(pos[1]) + ',' + str(pos[0])
- while True:
- if val in range(1, 9): # 1 <= val <= 8
- corners[tuple(pos)] = 0
- elif val == 13 and (oldval in [4, 7]): # 13 as 1 , leave 3
- val = 1
- corners[tuple(pos)] = 3
- elif val == 13 and (oldval in [2, 5]): # 13 as 3 , leave 1
- val = 3
- corners[tuple(pos)] = 1
- elif val == 24 and (oldval in [1, 6]): # 24 as 2 , leave 4
- val = 2
- corners[tuple(pos)] = 4
- elif val == 24 and (oldval in [3, 8]): # 24 as 4 , leave 2
- val = 4
- corners[tuple(pos)] = 2
- oldpos = pos[:]
- creeper = 0
- if val in [1, 6]:
- while creeper == 0:
- pos[1] += 1
- if pos == startpos:
- break
- creeper = corners[tuple(pos)]
- elif val in [2, 5]:
- while creeper == 0:
- pos[0] += 1
- if pos == startpos:
- break
- creeper = corners[tuple(pos)]
- elif val in [3, 8]:
- while creeper == 0:
- pos[1] -= 1
- if pos == startpos:
- break
- creeper = corners[tuple(pos)]
- elif val in [4, 7]:
- while creeper == 0:
- pos[0] -= 1
- if pos == startpos:
- break
- creeper = corners[tuple(pos)]
- oldval = val
- val = creeper
- if pos[0] == oldpos[0]:
- append_to_svgpath = 'h' + str(pos[1]-oldpos[1])
- else:
- append_to_svgpath = 'v' + str(pos[0]-oldpos[0])
- if pos == startpos:
- break
- svgpath += append_to_svgpath
- return {'corners': corners, 'svgpath': svgpath}
- corners = bin2corners(tosvg)
- startpos = [0, 0]
- svgpath = ''
- while True:
- cornerfound = cornerfinder(corners, startpos)
- if cornerfound == 'reached end':
- break
- startpos = cornerfound['pos']
- thisstep = step(corners, cornerfound)
- corners = thisstep['corners']
- svgpath += thisstep['svgpath']
- return svgpath
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