
KyriosRunebane AKA KyriosWolfblood Part 1 of 2

Dec 18th, 2019
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  1. KyriosWolfblood is now named KyriosRunebane
  3. Guest_3SP3ON: Good mornings, dwaddy
  4. KyriosWolfblood: /me cracks my neck "now the day just gets better and better"
  5. KyriosWolfblood: Wolfy when you get back, You and I may need to have a word.
  6. KyriosWolfblood: It concerns somebody that both you and 3SP3ON know.
  7. Guest_3SP3ON: hello
  8. Guest_3SP3ON: what?
  9. KyriosWolfblood: *********
  10. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: she's a liar i guess right?
  11. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i saw her today
  12. KyriosWolfblood: well considering her profile says she loves Wolfy here yet she was all over me a few hours ago
  13. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: yup she's a damn liar
  14. KyriosWolfblood: if you want I can even grab screenshots of the messages as proof
  15. KyriosWolfblood: if any of you have discord or kik I can send it on either
  16. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i dont need to see anything
  17. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i just dont want wolf or you get hurt and be lied from her
  18. KyriosWolfblood: well I just screenshot where she agreed that she was mine today at around 07:30 AM UTC
  19. KyriosWolfblood: oh trust me, she will be confronted. And when the truth starts flowing I will ensure she can not run
  20. Guest_3SP3ON: Why do you think coming in here and telling us, that? Are you hoping my daddy will leave her so you can have her yourself?
  21. Guest_3SP3ON: you are a dick
  22. Guest_3SP3ON: fucc off
  23. KyriosWolfblood: considering she was fucking me today
  24. Guest_3SP3ON: I hope she blocks your punk as
  25. Guest_3SP3ON: ass
  26. Guest_3SP3ON: my daddy too
  27. Guest_3SP3ON: you fucked my mommy and come in and start shit!!
  28. Guest_3SP3ON: DIE PHAGGOT
  29. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: can i add you?
  30. KyriosWolfblood: oh she won't
  31. KyriosWolfblood: trust me
  32. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i want to see that one coming
  33. KyriosWolfblood: you can add me
  34. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: ty
  35. KyriosWolfblood: I just think its funny that she tells me she loves me and that she wants to be with me
  36. KyriosWolfblood: starts riding my dick
  37. KyriosWolfblood: and when I don't reply because a member of my family IRL passed away
  38. KyriosWolfblood: shes jumps on the next closest cock
  39. Guest_3SP3ON: FUCC YOU KyriosWolfblood
  40. Guest_3SP3ON: DIE
  41. Guest_3SP3ON: GO AQAY
  42. Guest_3SP3ON: AWAY
  43. KyriosWolfblood: god she has brain washed the little one
  44. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: your mummy..haha let me laugh
  45. KyriosWolfblood: keep it up I will report you for everything
  46. Guest_3SP3ON: do it
  47. Guest_3SP3ON: you got a problem too,VelvetSkyLunarStar
  48. KyriosWolfblood: Velvet, Be a dear and report her too if you could
  49. Guest_3SP3ON: ?
  50. KyriosWolfblood: best way to make somebody learn manners is to have IMVU deal with them
  51. Guest_3SP3ON: grr
  52. Guest_3SP3ON: my daddy is gonna boot you
  53. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i have...and you know why?
  54. KyriosWolfblood: now onto phase two
  55. Guest_3SP3ON: you too
  56. Guest_3SP3ON: bye
  57. KyriosWolfblood: initiating tracking protocols
  58. Guest_3SP3ON: piece of shit
  59. KyriosWolfblood: RebelChick is about to freak out
  60. Guest_3SP3ON: phaggot piece of shit
  61. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i have a problem with ur daddy because just yesterday he wanted me to be his queen and today i saw her with her
  62. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: so yea
  63. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: keep it up
  64. Guest_3SP3ON: slut
  65. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: as mister Kyrios said
  66. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: him*
  67. KyriosWolfblood: /me grabs my head softly before muttering "no watcher, the child isn't worth it. Save it for Rebel"
  68. KyriosWolfblood: you know by calling Velvet that you are calling your mother that too right?
  69. Guest_3SP3ON: no I'm not
  70. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: why you dont shut your damn mouth up and let your daddy know that i want Β to talk to your daddy
  71. KyriosWolfblood: after all your mother did jump from me to Wolfy in like 3 hours
  72. Guest_3SP3ON: slut
  73. Guest_3SP3ON: phaggot
  74. Guest_3SP3ON: fuck you
  75. Guest_3SP3ON: you both can eat a bowl of dicks
  76. KyriosWolfblood: and as soon as she comes home
  77. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: btw invite me if you like i want to know more about it
  78. KyriosWolfblood: she will be back to me because she wants as many guys as possible
  79. Guest_3SP3ON: eat a bowl full of cum drenched dicks
  80. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: haha ur such a damn liar stupid girl as ur mother
  81. KyriosWolfblood: its even better
  82. KyriosWolfblood: tell me do you know how old your mother is?
  83. KyriosWolfblood: Because I have a feeling she lies about her age too
  84. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i think is better to eat this than to eat urs your father's and ur supposed to be mother's lies!
  85. Guest_3SP3ON: you're not worth my time anyumore
  86. Guest_3SP3ON: anymore
  87. KyriosWolfblood: its ok little one
  88. KyriosWolfblood: your owner has been contacted too
  89. KyriosWolfblood: warning them that you are just like your mother
  90. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: can i come to ur kindom i want to learn more about her
  91. KyriosWolfblood: and Velvet I will be going to rest soon
  92. KyriosWolfblood: will be best if you have discord to message me your discord so I can talk to you there
  93. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: /me nods i will see you later then
  94. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i dont
  95. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: :(KyriosWolfblood: Rebel crossed the wrong wolf.
  96. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  97. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  98. KyriosWolfblood: I take great pride in slaughtering those that lie and cheat
  99. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  100. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  101. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  102. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  103. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  104. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  105. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  106. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  107. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  108. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  109. KyriosWolfblood: aww look, its gonna keep spamming the chat. thats gonna be a good report too
  110. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  111. KyriosWolfblood: so Wolfy, When you return you and I need to speak
  112. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: when ur back invite me if you like
  113. Guest_3SP3ON: he's gonna block you faggot
  114. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  115. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  116. KyriosWolfblood: he blocks me and I make Rebel quit imvu
  117. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: im going to report her too
  118. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  119. KyriosWolfblood: after all she told me too much for the first date, if I wished it I could bring her to her knees and keep her there
  120. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: mgf
  121. KyriosWolfblood: /me kicks Hana across the room "Bye Felecia"
  122. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you can't kick me that hard
  123. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: faggot
  124. KyriosWolfblood: I just did
  125. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: npe
  126. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: well we're tired of u
  127. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Rips kyrioswolfblood in half
  128. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: thats why
  129. KyriosWolfblood: I think its funny
  130. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: faggot
  131. KyriosWolfblood: they call me that word
  132. KyriosWolfblood: yet they are two women that love each other
  133. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: GRRRRR
  134. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I'm not complimenting you
  135. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: douche bag
  136. KyriosWolfblood: trust me you are
  137. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: piece of shit
  138. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: did anyone need you here?
  139. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: DIE
  140. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i dint think i did
  141. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: You don't need to know who I am
  142. KyriosWolfblood: keep ripping me in half, Its been a while since I had a good spreading
  143. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: or why I am here
  144. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i dont give a fuck why u here
  145. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: and?
  146. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you don't matter
  147. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I do
  148. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: you're scum
  149. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: I MATTER, YOU DON'T
  150. GoddessSY1V3ONHana: Don't FORGET IT
  151. KyriosWolfblood: you hear that Velvet?
  152. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: yup KyriosWolfblood: must just be the wind
  153. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: ikr
  154. KyriosWolfblood: and just like that the wind disappears
  155. Guest_3SP3ON: I'm never gonna see you faggots again
  156. Guest_3SP3ON: as soon as I my dad gets back
  157. KyriosWolfblood: then leave
  158. Guest_3SP3ON: you're as good as dead
  159. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: then woke up your daddy to boot us
  160. KyriosWolfblood: because we are gonna stay for a while
  161. Guest_3SP3ON: you're going to be as good dead
  162. KyriosWolfblood: see I think your dad has the brains to want to know the truth
  163. Guest_3SP3ON: I think you're manipulating ass hole
  164. Guest_3SP3ON: and nobody should care what you think
  165. Guest_3SP3ON: In all honesty
  166. KyriosWolfblood: so I am manipulating
  167. Guest_3SP3ON: I hope you die
  168. KyriosWolfblood: for sleeping with your mother
  169. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: well i know him more than 5 years so yea i believe he will learn the truth
  170. KyriosWolfblood: on her choice
  171. Guest_3SP3ON: oh well, sometims it takes a while to see a piece of shit get disposed of
  172. Guest_3SP3ON: but you VelvetSkyLunarStar
  173. Guest_3SP3ON: bye
  174. KyriosWolfblood: wow the wind came back again huh?
  175. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: hahah im just laughing on u so shut your damn mouth
  176. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: yes
  177. Guest_3SP3ON: the dumb corpse won't shut up
  178. Guest_3SP3ON: and the bimbo either
  179. Guest_3SP3ON: pitty
  180. KyriosWolfblood: /me looks up ************ and gives her the chat log
  181. Guest_3SP3ON: I am uploading this log to paste bin
  182. Guest_3SP3ON: faggot
  183. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: just like her mother ^_^
  184. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: stupid and dumb asf
  185. KyriosWolfblood: no let her do that
  186. KyriosWolfblood: cause all I will do is give out ******'s address
  187. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: i want to see what her dad will do when he is back
  188. Guest_VelvetSkyLunarStar: and when he saw that ik the truth
  189. KyriosWolfblood: never make plans to sleep with somebody irl if you are gonna cheat on them
  190. KyriosWolfblood: imma just add him on Snapchat
  191. Guest_3SP3ON: you're evil!! >:C
  192. KyriosWolfblood: Actually
  193. KyriosWolfblood: I am Chaotic Lawful
  194. Guest_3SP3ON: giving out someones address is illegal
  195. Guest_3SP3ON: criminal and harrasment
  196. KyriosWolfblood: actually its not
  197. KyriosWolfblood: not where I live anyway
  198. Guest_3SP3ON: EVIL!!!
  199. KyriosWolfblood: well I am a Criminal
  200. KyriosWolfblood: so you were 50% right
  201. KyriosWolfblood: as for the harassment
  202. KyriosWolfblood: considering your mother messages me its not harassment
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