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- if not fs.exists("json") then
-"pastebin get 4nRg9CHU json")
- end
- os.loadAPI("json")
- local configFolder = "stock_config"
- local defaultSourcePeripheral = "left"
- local monitorPeripheral = "top"
- -- Reads configuration files
- local function readConfigFiles(folder)
- local configs = {}
- if fs.exists(folder) and fs.isDir(folder) then
- for _, file in ipairs(fs.list(folder)) do
- local filePath = fs.combine(folder, file)
- if not fs.isDir(filePath) then
- local fileHandle =, "r")
- if fileHandle then
- local content = fileHandle.readAll()
- fileHandle.close()
- local parsed = json.decode(content)
- if parsed then
- table.insert(configs, parsed)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return configs
- end
- -- Checks the stock level of a product
- local function checkStockLevel(itemName, destinationPeripheral)
- local stockPeripheral = peripheral.wrap(destinationPeripheral)
- if not stockPeripheral then
- print("Error: Could not find destination peripheral.")
- return 0
- end
- local currentStock = 0
- for _, item in pairs(stockPeripheral.list()) do
- if == itemName then
- currentStock = currentStock + item.count
- end
- end
- return currentStock
- end
- -- Checks for missing items and calculates the largest possible batch
- local function checkMissingItems(config)
- local missingItems = {}
- local maxBatchCount = math.huge -- Start with an unlimited batch count and reduce as needed
- for _, ingredient in ipairs(config.ingredients) do
- local itemName =
- local requiredQuantity = ingredient.quantity or 1
- local availableQuantity = 0
- -- Determine the source for this specific ingredient
- local sourcePeripheral = peripheral.wrap(ingredient.source or config.destination or defaultSourcePeripheral)
- if not sourcePeripheral then
- print("Error: Could not find source peripheral for " .. itemName)
- table.insert(missingItems, { name = itemName, missing = requiredQuantity })
- maxBatchCount = 0 -- If a source is missing, no batches can be created
- else
- -- Accumulate the count of the item in the source inventory
- for slot, itemDetail in pairs(sourcePeripheral.list()) do
- if == itemName then
- availableQuantity = availableQuantity + itemDetail.count
- end
- end
- -- Calculate max possible batches for this ingredient
- local maxIngredientBatches = math.floor(availableQuantity / requiredQuantity)
- if maxIngredientBatches < maxBatchCount then
- maxBatchCount = maxIngredientBatches
- end
- -- Add to missing items if quantity is insufficient for at least one batch
- if availableQuantity < requiredQuantity then
- table.insert(missingItems, {
- name = itemName,
- missing = requiredQuantity - availableQuantity
- })
- end
- end
- end
- -- Return the missing items and the largest possible batch count
- return missingItems, maxBatchCount
- end
- -- Transfers ingredients to the processing input peripheral
- local function transferIngredients(ingredients, processingInput, batchCount)
- local inputPeripheral = peripheral.wrap(processingInput)
- if not inputPeripheral then
- print("Error: Could not find processing input peripheral.")
- return false
- end
- for _, ingredient in ipairs(ingredients) do
- local ingredientName =
- local quantity = (ingredient.quantity or 1) * batchCount
- local sourcePeripheral = peripheral.wrap(ingredient.source or defaultSourcePeripheral)
- if not sourcePeripheral then
- print("Error: Could not find source peripheral for " .. ingredientName)
- return false
- end
- local transferred = 0
- for slot, item in pairs(sourcePeripheral.list()) do
- if == ingredientName then
- local toTransfer = math.min(quantity - transferred, item.count)
- inputPeripheral.pullItems(peripheral.getName(sourcePeripheral), slot, toTransfer)
- transferred = transferred + toTransfer
- if transferred >= quantity then break end
- end
- end
- if transferred < quantity then
- print("Error: Not enough " .. ingredientName .. " available.")
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function waitForProduct(processingInput)
- local inputPeripheral = peripheral.wrap(processingInput)
- while #inputPeripheral.list() > 0 do
- os.sleep(1)
- end
- end
- -- Transfers finished products to the stock destination peripheral
- local function transferProduct(productName, processingOutput, destination)
- local outputPeripheral = peripheral.wrap(processingOutput)
- local destinationPeripheral = peripheral.wrap(destination)
- if not outputPeripheral or not destinationPeripheral then
- print("Error: Could not find processing output or destination peripheral.")
- return
- end
- for slot, item in pairs(outputPeripheral.list()) do
- if == productName then
- outputPeripheral.pushItems(peripheral.getName(destinationPeripheral), slot)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Displays missing items on the monitor
- local function displayMissingResources(missingItems)
- local monitor = peripheral.wrap(monitorPeripheral)
- if not monitor then
- print("Error: Monitor not found. Missing resources will not be displayed.")
- return
- end
- monitor.clear()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- monitor.write("Missing Resources:")
- local width, height = monitor.getSize()
- local line = 2
- for _, item in ipairs(missingItems) do
- local text = "- " .. .. ": " .. item.missing
- while #text > 0 do
- local chunk = text:sub(1, width) -- Split into chunks that fit the monitor width
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, line)
- monitor.write(chunk)
- text = text:sub(width + 1)
- line = line + 1
- if line > height then
- -- Pause and clear monitor when space is exhausted
- os.sleep(2)
- monitor.clear()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- monitor.write("Missing Resources (cont'd):")
- line = 2
- end
- end
- -- Add a blank line between items for readability
- if line < height then
- line = line + 1
- else
- os.sleep(2)
- monitor.clear()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- monitor.write("Missing Resources (cont'd):")
- line = 2
- end
- end
- end
- -- Displays status on the monitor
- local function displayStatus(config, currentStock, ingredientsReady, batchesAvailable)
- local monitor = peripheral.wrap(monitorPeripheral)
- if not monitor then
- print("Error: Monitor not found.")
- return
- end
- monitor.clear()
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 1)
- monitor.write("Stock Management:")
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- monitor.write("- Product: " .. config.product)
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 3)
- monitor.write("- Required Stock: " .. config.stock)
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 4)
- monitor.write("- Current Stock: " .. currentStock)
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 5)
- monitor.write("- Ingredients Ready: " .. (ingredientsReady and "Yes" or "No"))
- monitor.setCursorPos(1, 6)
- monitor.write("- Batches Available: " .. batchesAvailable)
- end
- -- Main logic
- local function main()
- local configFiles = readConfigFiles(configFolder)
- for _, config in ipairs(configFiles) do
- local productName = config.product
- local requiredStock = config.stock
- local destination = config.destination
- local processingInput = config.processing_input
- local processingOutput = config.processing_output or config.processing_input
- local ingredients = config.ingredients
- local batchSize = config.batch_size or 1
- local currentStock = checkStockLevel(productName, destination)
- if currentStock < requiredStock then
- local missingItems, maxBatchCount = checkMissingItems(config)
- if maxBatchCount > 0 then
- -- Transfer ingredients for the maximum number of batches possible
- local ingredientsReady = transferIngredients(ingredients, processingInput, maxBatchCount)
- displayStatus(config, currentStock, ingredientsReady, maxBatchCount)
- if ingredientsReady then
- waitForProduct(processingInput)
- transferProduct(productName, processingOutput, destination)
- else
- print("Could not transfer ingredients for " .. productName .. ".")
- end
- else
- displayMissingResources(missingItems)
- end
- end
- end
- print("Stock management cycle complete.")
- end
- while true do
- main()
- os.sleep(10)
- end
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