
PMI® PgBOK® 3 Guide - Glossary (EN)

Sep 28th, 2015
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  1. Benefit :  An outcome of actions, behaviors, products, or services that provide utility to the sponsoring organization as well as to the program's intended beneficiaries.
  2. Benefits Management Plan :  The documented explanation defining the processes for creating, maximizing, and sustaining the benefits provided by a program.
  3. Benefits Sustainment :  Ongoing maintenance activities performed beyond the end of the program by receiving organizations to assure continued generation of the improvements and outcomes delivered by the program.
  4. Business Case :  A documented economic feasibility study used to establish validity of the benefits to be delivered by a program.
  5. Components :  Individual projects and non-project work activities grouped together to make up a program
  6. Constraint :  A limiting factor that affects the execution of a project, program, portfolio, or process.
  7. Enterprise Environmental Factors :  Conditions, not under the immediate control of the team, that influence, constrain, or direct the project, program, or portfolio.
  8. Executive Sponsor :  A senior executive in an agency, organization, or corporation responsible for the success of an authorized program activity.
  9. Governance Board :  A review and decision-making body responsible for approving and supporting recommendations made by the program(s) under its authority, and for monitoring and managing the progress of such program(s) in achieving the stated goals.
  10. Governance Management :  The program management function that provides a robust, repeatable, decisionmaking framework to control capital investments within an agency, organization, or corporation.
  11. Performance Domain :  A grouping of tasks and competencies, measurable against accepted standards that represent 100% of the knowledge elements and activities carried out by an individual to address a specific program management area of concentration.
  12. Performing Organization :  An enterprise whose personnel are the most directly involved in doing the work of the project or program.
  13. Phase-Gate Reviews :  A review at the end of a phase in which a decision is made to continue to the next phase, to continue with modification, or to end a project or program.
  14. Portfolio :  Projects, programs, subportfolios, and operations managed as a group to achieve strategic objectives.
  15. Portfolio Management :  The centralized management of one or more portfolios to achieve strategic objectives.
  16. Procurement Management Plan :  A component of the project or program management plan that describes how a team will acquire goods and services from outside of the performing organization.
  17. Program :  A group of related projects, subprograms, and program activities that are managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually.
  18. Program Activities :  Tasks and work performed within a program.
  19. Program Benefits Delivery :  Work performed during the execution of a program that produces the expected benefits as defined in the benefits realization plan.
  20. Program Charter :  A document defining the scope and purpose of a proposed program presented to governance to obtain approval, funding, and authorization.
  21. Program Closure :  Program activities necessary to transition program benefits to sustainment and to retire and disposition program resources.
  22. Program Communications Management :  Activities necessary for the timely and appropriate generation, collection, distribution, storage, retrieval, and ultimate disposition of program information.
  23. Program Definition :  A documented explanation of the boundaries, scope, objectives, and benefits that will be achieved through the conduct of a proposed program
  24. Program Financial Framework :  A high-level initial plan for coordinating available funding, determining constraints, and determining how funding is allocated.
  25. Program Financial Management :  Activities related to identifying the program's financial sources and resources, integrating the budgets of the program components, developing the overall budget for the program, and controlling costs through the life cycles of both the components and the program.
  26. Program Governance :  Systems and methods by which a program is monitored, managed, and supported by its sponsoring organization.
  27. Program Governance Plan :  A document that describes the systems and methods to be used to monitor, manage, and support a given program, and the responsibilities of specific individuals for ensuring the timely and effective use of those systems and methods.
  28. Program Initiation :  Program activities that define the program, secure financing, and prepare the program environment for the work that will be performed to deliver program benefits.
  29. Program Integration Management :  Program activities conducted to combine, unify, coordinate, and align multiple components and activities within the program.
  30. Program Life Cycle Management :  Managing all program activities related to program definition, program benefits delivery, and program closure.
  31. Program Management :  The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a program to meet the program requirements and to obtain benefits and control not available by managing projects individually.
  32. Program Management Information Systems :  Tools used to collect, integrate, and communicate information critical for the effective management of one or more organizational programs.
  33. Program Management Office :  A management structure that standardizes the program-related governance processes and facilitates the sharing of resources, methodologies, tools, and techniques.
  34. Program Management Plan :  The full set of documents required to manage a program.
  35. Program Manager :  The individual within an agency, organization, or corporation who maintains responsibility for the leadership, conduct, and performance of a program.
  36. Program Master Schedule :  An output of a schedule model that logically links components, milestones, and high-level activities necessary to deliver program benefits
  37. Program Performance Metrics :  The set of measures used to evaluate and improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and results of program processes.
  38. Program Procurement Management :  The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques necessary to acquire products and services to meet the needs of the overall program and the constituent projects/components.
  39. Program Quality Assurance :  Activities related to the periodic evaluation of overall program quality to provide confidence that the program will comply with relevant quality policies and standards.
  40. Program Quality Control :  A means of monitoring specific program deliverables and results to determine whether they fulfill applicable quality requirements.
  41. Program Quality Plan :  A component of the program management plan that describes how an organization's quality policies and standards will be implemented.
  42. Program Resource Management :  Program activities that ensure all required resources (people, equipment, material, etc.) are made available to project components as necessary to enable delivery of program benefits.
  43. Program Risk :  An uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on the program.
  44. Program Risk Management :  Actively identifying, monitoring, analyzing, accepting, mitigating, avoiding, or retiring program risk.
  45. Program Risk Register :  A document in which risks are recorded together with the results of risk analysis and risk response planning.
  46. Program Scope Management :  Activities that define, develop, monitor, control, and verify program scope.
  47. Program Sponsor :  An executive in an organization responsible for providing financial resources for a program.
  48. Program Stakeholder Engagement :  Capturing stakeholder needs and expectations, gaining and maintaining stakeholder support, and mitigating or channeling opposition.
  49. Program Stakeholders :  Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the program or whose interest may be positively or negatively affected by the program
  50. Program Strategy Alignment :  Activities associated with the integration and development of business strategies and organizational goals and objectives, and the degree to which operations and performance meet stated organizational goals and objectives.
  51. Program Team/Team Members :  Individuals participating directly in the activities of the program or its components.
  52. Project :  A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
  53. Project Management :  The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.
  54. Project Manager :  The person assigned by the performing organization to lead the team that is responsible for achieving the project objectives.
  55. Quality Management Plan :  A component of the project or program management plan that describes how an organization's quality policies will be implemented.
  56. Risk Management Plan :  A component of the project, program, or portfolio management plan that describes how risk management activities will be structured and performed.
  57. Roadmap :  A chronological representation of a program's intended direction, graphically depicting dependencies between major milestones and decision points, while communicating the linkage between the business strategy and the program work.
  58. Schedule Management Plan :  A component of the project or program management plan that establishes the activities for developing, monitoring, and controlling the project or program.
  59. Scope Management Plan :  A component of the project or program management plan that describes how the scope will be defined, developed, monitored, controlled, and verified.
  60. Sponsor :  A person or group who provides resources and support for the project, program, or portfolio, and is accountable for enabling success.
  61. Stakeholder :  An individual, group, or organization who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project, program, or portfolio.
  62. Subprogram :  A program managed as part of another program.
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