
PureBasic Color Import.prefs

Feb 9th, 2013
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  1. ; PureBasic IDE Exported Preferences
  2. ;
  3. [Sections]
  4. IncludeColors = 1
  5. ;
  6. ; Color settings
  7. ;
  8. [Colors]
  9. ASMKeywordColor = RGB(197, 141, 172)
  10. ASMKeywordColor_Used = 1
  11. BackgroundColor = RGB(63, 63, 63)
  12. BackgroundColor_Used = 1
  13. BasicKeywordColor = RGB(0, 128, 255)
  14. BasicKeywordColor_Used = 1
  15. CommentColor = RGB(113, 174, 133)
  16. CommentColor_Used = 1
  17. ConstantColor = RGB(217, 152, 222)
  18. ConstantColor_Used = 1
  19. LabelColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)
  20. LabelColor_Used = 1
  21. NormalTextColor = RGB(192, 173, 114)
  22. NormalTextColor_Used = 1
  23. NumberColor = RGB(235, 203, 156)
  24. NumberColor_Used = 1
  25. OperatorColor = RGB(255, 128, 128)
  26. OperatorColor_Used = 1
  27. PointerColor = RGB(243, 207, 112)
  28. PointerColor_Used = 1
  29. PureKeywordColor = RGB(179, 179, 255)
  30. PureKeywordColor_Used = 1
  31. SeparatorColor = RGB(255, 128, 128)
  32. SeparatorColor_Used = 1
  33. StringColor = RGB(153, 153, 153)
  34. StringColor_Used = 1
  35. StructureColor = RGB(255, 89, 255)
  36. StructureColor_Used = 1
  37. LineNumberColor = RGB(192, 192, 192)
  38. LineNumberColor_Used = 1
  39. LineNumberBackColor = RGB(45, 45, 45)
  40. LineNumberBackColor_Used = 1
  41. MarkerColor = RGB(0, 170, 170)
  42. MarkerColor_Used = 1
  43. CurrentLineColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
  44. CurrentLineColor_Used = 1
  45. SelectionColor = RGB(99, 99, 99)
  46. SelectionColor_Used = 1
  47. SelectionFrontColor = RGB(199, 199, 199)
  48. SelectionFrontColor_Used = 1
  49. CursorColor = RGB(154, 154, 154)
  50. CursorColor_Used = 1
  51. Debugger_LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 0)
  52. Debugger_LineColor_Used = 1
  53. Debugger_LineSymbolColor = RGB(192, 192, 192)
  54. Debugger_LineSymbolColor_Used = 1
  55. Debugger_ErrorColor = RGB(157, 0, 0)
  56. Debugger_ErrorColor_Used = 1
  57. Debugger_ErrorSymbolColor = RGB(255, 83, 83)
  58. Debugger_ErrorSymbolColor_Used = 1
  59. Debugger_BreakPointColor = RGB(64, 128, 128)
  60. Debugger_BreakPointColor_Used = 1
  61. Debugger_BreakpoinSymbolColor = RGB(0, 255, 255)
  62. Debugger_BreakpoinSymbolColor_Used = 1
  63. DisabledBackColor = RGB(63, 63, 63)
  64. DisabledBackColor_Used = 1
  65. GoodBraceColor = RGB(0, 128, 255)
  66. GoodBraceColor_Used = 1
  67. BadBraceColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
  68. BadBraceColor_Used = 1
  69. ProcedureBackColor = RGB(63, 63, 63)
  70. ProcedureBackColor_Used = 1
  71. CustomKeywordColor = RGB(0, 0, 102)
  72. CustomKeywordColor_Used = 1
  73. Debugger_WarningColor = RGB(128, 128, 0)
  74. Debugger_WarningColor_Used = 1
  75. Debugger_WarningSymbolColor = RGB(255, 208, 0)
  76. Debugger_WarningSymbolColor_Used = 1
  77. IndentColor = RGB(121, 121, 121)
  78. IndentColor_Used = 1
  79. ModuleColor = RGB(0, 168, 191)
  80. ModuleColor_Used = 1
  81. SelectionRepeatColor = RGB(176, 255, 167)
  82. SelectionRepeatColor_Used = 1
  83. PlainBackground = RGB(63, 63, 63)
  84. PlainBackground_Used = 1
  85. ToolsPanel_FrontColor = RGB(159, 159, 159)
  86. ToolsPanel_BackColor = RGB(63, 63, 63)
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