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- #
- from math import cos, radians, sin
- from Tkinter import *
- ww = 1200
- hh = 600
- root = Tk()
- root.title("Tk Load_3D_Models")
- root.geometry("%dx%d+-10+0"%(ww,hh))
- canvas = Canvas(root, width=ww, height=hh)
- canvas.pack()
- rx = lambda v, angle : (v[0],(cos(radians(angle))*v[1]) + ((-sin(radians(angle)))*v[2]),
- (sin(radians(angle))*v[1]) + ((cos(radians(angle)))*v[2]))
- ry = lambda v, angle : (((cos(radians(angle)))*v[0]) + ((-sin(radians(angle)))*v[1]), v[2],
- ((sin(radians(angle)))*v[0]) + ((cos(radians(angle)))*v[1]))
- rz = lambda v, angle : (((cos(radians(angle)))*v[0]) + ((-sin(radians(angle)))*v[1]),
- ((sin(radians(angle)))*v[0]) + ((cos(radians(angle)))*v[1]), v[2])
- class shape:
- def __init__(self, file, canvas):
- self.location, self.scale = [0, 0, 0], 1
- self.rotation = [0, 0, 0]
- self.canvas = canvas
- self.EdgeThickness = 1
- self.color="#ffffff​"
- self.width = int(self.canvas["width"])
- self.height = int(self.canvas["height"])
- def load_model(file):
- from functools import reduce
- l=open(file, 'r').readlines()
- verts, lines =[], []
- for i in l:
- if (i[:1]=='v') and (i[:2]!='vn'):
- xv, yv, zv = (i[2:].split(' '))
- verts.append((float(xv), float(yv), float(zv)))
- elif (i[:1]=='f'):
- face = reduce(lambda x, y:x+y, map(lambda x:x.split(' '), i.split('//')))[-6:]
- lines.extend(((verts[int(face[0])-1], verts[int(face[2])-1]),
- (verts[int(face[2])-1], verts[int(face[4])-1]),
- (verts[int(face[4])-1], verts[int(face[0])-1])))
- return tuple(map(lambda line:
- (tuple(map(lambda n:n*self.scale, line[0])), tuple(map(lambda n:n*self.scale, line[1]))),
- lines))
- self.lines = load_model(file)
- def render(self):
- u=int(self.width/16)
- fl=0.15
- def xcor(x, y):
- try:
- if (x!=0): return (self.width/2)-(x/(y*fl))*(-1*u)
- else: return (self.width/2)+(x/(y*fl))*u
- except(ZeroDivisionError):return 0
- def ycor(z, y):
- try:
- if (z!=0): return (self.height/2)-(z/(y*fl))*u
- else: return (self.height/2)+(z/(y*fl))*(-1*u)
- except(ZeroDivisionError):return 0
- add = lambda x, y:tuple(map(lambda a, b:a+b, x, y))
- vr = list(map(lambda v:(add(self.location, rz(ry(rx(v[0], self.rotation[0]), self.rotation[1]), self.rotation[2])),
- add(self.location, rz(ry(rx(v[1], self.rotation[0]), self.rotation[1]), self.rotation[2]))),
- self.lines))
- for l in vr: self.canvas.create_line(xcor(l[0][0], l[0][1]), ycor(l[0][2], l[0][1]),
- xcor(l[1][0], l[1][1]), ycor(l[1][2], l[1][1]), fill=self.color, width=self.EdgeThickness)
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