

Apr 21st, 2016
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  1. [3:41AM] Bonetooth Stacks: and those retards are generally the reason I lose games
  2. [3:41AM] PaleEarnhardt: :(
  3. [3:41AM] Bonetooth Stacks: and then there's the other retards
  4. [3:41AM] Bonetooth Stacks: that think that fighting 4v5
  5. [3:41AM] Bonetooth Stacks: without your carry that is 17/5
  6. [3:41AM] Bonetooth Stacks: is a good idea
  7. [3:42AM] Bonetooth Stacks: or the ones that never gank a riven with ignite
  8. [3:42AM] Bonetooth Stacks: after being explicitly told
  9. [3:42AM] Bonetooth Stacks: that you're going to fall behind especially after 6 vs lulu top
  10. [3:42AM] Bonetooth Stacks: and still afk farm the jungle and only last hit kills
  11. [3:42AM] Bonetooth Stacks: 3/9 yasuo and adc sona
  12. [3:42AM] Bonetooth Stacks: boy do I wonder how I lost that last one when I was 8/3/5
  13. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: lol do u play blind bm
  14. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: I have been for a bit
  15. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: ya i see
  16. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: shits a fucking nightmate
  17. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: grim samurai
  18. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: n ghoztzero
  19. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: blind players
  20. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: what am I doing
  21. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: good players tho
  22. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: it's actually self harming
  23. [3:43AM] PaleEarnhardt: lol ya dont play blind
  24. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: blind pick is so god damn awful
  25. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: but I don't want to wait 20 minues to lose in 20 minutes
  26. [3:43AM] Bonetooth Stacks: because bot lane is 1/15 anyways
  27. [3:43AM] LP idnyy left the room.
  28. [3:44AM] PaleEarnhardt: ya thtas my prob with draft atm
  29. [3:44AM] PaleEarnhardt: low quality games
  30. [3:44AM] Bonetooth Stacks: so why bother with the joke clown fest of ranked
  31. [3:44AM] PaleEarnhardt: n tons o fpre-level 30's
  32. [3:44AM] PaleEarnhardt: p much every draft player plays blind now
  33. [3:44AM] Bonetooth Stacks: I spent 30 minutes in queue on the weekend
  34. [3:44AM] Bonetooth Stacks: for one game
  35. [3:44AM] Bonetooth Stacks: that was lost in 18 minutes
  36. [3:44AM] LP idnyy joined the room.
  37. [3:44AM] PaleEarnhardt: been there
  38. [3:44AM] Bonetooth Stacks: im not touching ranked anymore
  39. [3:44AM] Bonetooth Stacks: it isn't worth my time and effort
  40. [3:45AM] Bonetooth Stacks: if I wanted to waitt 30 minutes for a game I'd afk a bunch of them and get into low prio queue
  41. [3:45AM] Bonetooth Stacks: cause this is horse shit
  42. [3:45AM] Bonetooth Stacks: and if riot adds those jungle timers
  43. [3:45AM] Bonetooth Stacks: im actually quitting
  44. [3:45AM] PaleEarnhardt: lol u go so hard dude i love it
  45. [3:46AM] Bonetooth Stacks: everything I've spent months learning and perfecting over the years I've palyed this game
  46. [3:46AM] Bonetooth Stacks: has slowly been removed
  47. [3:46AM] Bonetooth Stacks: fuck this
  48. [3:46AM] Bonetooth Stacks left the room.
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